Welcome to TU Graz! 

Helpful Information for International Students

© International Office TU Graz

Academic Advising for incoming students

We offer a special academic advising unit for incoming students, given by Christian Gütl (CS, SEM, ICE) and Gerhard Sommer (BME). They will explain how things work in our department, and offer to discuss your personal learning agreement in order to achieve all scheduled ECTS credits.

Dates summer semester 2025

  • Computer Science, Software Engineering & Management, Information & Computer Engineering (Christian Gütl): February 28th, 2025 | 9 - 11 am | Room 054 Data Hourse Sandgasse 36, Ground floor
  • Biomedical Engineering (Gerhard Sommer): February 24th, 2025 | 2 pm | BMT01046 (Seminarraum), Stremayrgasse 16, 1st floor


My name is Veljka and I'm studying Computer Science. I finished high school in Bosnia and Herzegovina and then started studying at the Graz University of Technology, so I know some of the struggle. As a peer tutor I can help you with organizational issues or questions about your studies like "How can I register for courses?", "Where do I find out where my courses take place?", "Where can I find my exam dates?", "Where do I get learning material from?", and so on. I would also like to help you get to know other students. Therefore, I created a WhatsApp group for you to get in touch with me and also other students. Use the group to ask questions and find people who do the same courses as you. To connect with others, you can also join the campus tour that I will organize at the beginning of the semester.

How to study at TU Graz?

  • Students organize their learning and manage the scheduling of the exams themselves (several dates available). Plan your actives realistically! In particular assignments and exercises can be time consuming!
  • Course registration and exam registration are two different things. So remember to register for the exam for the classes you are attending to, otherwise you will not get the ECTS Credit.
  • In some courses there is a limited number of places (especially for master courses) and exercises start in the first week of the semester, so register early for your courses!
  • Check with peers about information about exams or courses (sometimes there are old exams for preparation available) you can also go to egiraffe.at or pbs.htu.tugraz.at see if you can find old exams for your lectures there (you have to register with your tugonline credentials)
  • Attend Introductory Lectures! Overview of skills and how course is organized, also the exams. The grading system is always announced in the first unit. You will also get information about the exercises, whether they’re done in groups or alone, or how many exercises you have to submit throughout the semester. Don't be shy to talk to the course coordinator in case you have special questions!
  • Attend at least one full lecture: Get a better idea if selected course is in line with your interests and the pre-knowledge skills.
  • Attendance (physical presence) is not obligatory for most lectures
  • Attend special program for international students:
    • Orientation days from the International Office
    • Academic advising hours
    • Peer advising over the whole semester
© Lunghammer, TU Graz

Does the University offer study places?

Rooms for independent work with notebook connectors:

  • Inffeldgasse 10, second and third floors, „Studienzentrum“ (study centre)
  • Many students learn or do their exercises there.
  • Open Monday to Friday, 8 am - 9:30 pm, except for maintenance
  • You could submit an application in the TUGRAZonline system, then you can use your student ID to go to the study centre also on weekends or after 9:30: In the TUGRAZonline system online.tugraz.at: „My Object Rights“ - „Request new authorization“ -  Apply“ (select „Primion_Inffeldgasse10_Selbstverbucher, NU-ST-A
© Lunghammer, TU Graz

Where can I go for cheap lunch?

Mensa/Cafeteria in Graz: https://www.mensen.at/

  • Reduction with student ID-card with Mensastempel (M): https://htugraz.at/service/sozialleistungen/mensastempel/         
  • Among other places, you will receive a reduction with the student ID-card at the following locations
    • Campus Neue Technik: TU Graz Rooftop (Stremayrgasse 16, 8010 Graz)
    • Campus Inffeldgasse: TU Graz Mensa & M-Cafe Inffeldgasse (Inffeldgasse 10, 8010 Graz)
© Lunghammer, TU Graz

Where can I get help if I have problems or questions about courses?

  • Peer Advising for Incoming Students: Support for incoming students. Study program and organizational Networking: there are weekly catch ups with your peer advisor. If you have specific question about courses you can contact the peer advisor. (e.g. I would like to attend a course that is already full, which course can I take instead?) Find information where and when to meet:
  • Academic Advising: Takes place at the beginning of the semester. You get some information about the Faculty and the study programs as well as helpful information for studying. Find information (presentation slides) of the latest advising sessions:
  • Question hour with your academic advisor and the peer advisor. Contact them for individual appointments: find contact information. Current information (location, date) about the meetings can be found here.   
  • HTU and student representative: Students‘ interests are represented by the Austrian Students’ Union at TU Graz (HTU): htu.tugraz.at. The students’ union, the HTU Graz provides more general advice on studying and especially also on welfare issues (scholarships, insurance, accommodation etc.) and students’ rights. Every degree course there is a students’ representative committee. If you have study-specific problems or questions you can contact your student representative:
    • E-Mail:            iso@htu.tugraz.at
    • Web:               https://bits.htu.tugraz.at/
    • Office:             Inffeldgasse 10, 2nd floor
© International Office TU Graz

1 Student Representation: Students‘ interests are represented by the Austrian Students’ Union at
TU Graz (HTU). The students’ union, the HTU Graz provides more general advice on studying and
especially also on welfare issues (scholarships, insurance, accommodation etc.) and students’ rights.
Every degree course there is a students’ representative committee. If you have study-specific
problems or questions you can contact your student representatives.

Contact us

Peer Advisor
Veljka Kocic

Academic Advisors
Christian Gütl (CS studies)
Office hours: by appointment
or discord

or E-Mail

Gerhard Sommer (BME studies)
Office hours: by appointment
or E-Mail

Dean's Office
Inffeldgasse 10/II, 8010 Graz

Useful resources

Orientation documents: regular / intensive

Academic Advising spring 2025 CS, SEM, ICE

TU Graz Website

TUGRAZonline (Online management of TU Graz)

TU4U (Intranet of the TU Graz)

TeachCenter (Course documents and course information)

TU Graz library

Course records

Event calendar TU Graz

ESN Erasmus Student Network Graz

Handbook "Studying at TU Graz" (a FAQ with questions such as „What types of courses are there at TU Graz?“, „What are courses with continual assessment?“, „How should I behave in class?“, …)

Information for New Students

Finding your first accomodation in Graz