My name is Veljka and I'm studying Computer Science. I finished high school in Bosnia and Herzegovina and then started studying at the Graz University of Technology, so I know some of the struggle. As a peer tutor I can help you with organizational issues or questions about your studies like "How can I register for courses?", "Where do I find out where my courses take place?", "Where can I find my exam dates?", "Where do I get learning material from?", and so on. I would also like to help you get to know other students. Therefore, I created a WhatsApp group for you to get in touch with me and also other students. Use the group to ask questions and find people who do the same courses as you. To connect with others, you can also join the campus tour that I will organize at the beginning of the semester.
Rooms for independent work with notebook connectors:
Mensa/Cafeteria in Graz:
Peer Advisor
Veljka Kocic
Academic Advisors
Christian Gütl (CS studies)
Office hours: by appointment
or discord
or E-Mail
Gerhard Sommer (BME studies)
Office hours: by appointment
or E-Mail
Dean's Office
Inffeldgasse 10/II, 8010 Graz
Orientation documents: regular / intensive
Academic Advising spring 2025 CS, SEM, ICE
TUGRAZonline (Online management of TU Graz)
TU4U (Intranet of the TU Graz)
TeachCenter (Course documents and course information)
ESN Erasmus Student Network Graz
Handbook "Studying at TU Graz" (a FAQ with questions such as „What types of courses are there at TU Graz?“, „What are courses with continual assessment?“, „How should I behave in class?“, …)