Bachelor's Thesis

Bachelor projects are available all year (not only in summer semester) !!!

Machine Dynamics - Acoustics
Ask at the institute for current projects.

Experimental Turbine Flow Investigations

Computational Fluid Dynamics

  • Untersuchung verschiedener High-Resolution-Verfahren anhand der eindimensionalen Lavaldüsenströmung (contact W. Sanz)
  • Strömungssimulation mit OpenFOAM (contact W. Sanz)

Also ask at the institute for further current projects.

Thermodynamics and Renewable Energy (please contact W. Sanz for details)

  • Exergy analysis of a NET Cycle power plant for CO2 capture
  • Thermodynamic simulation of a cryogenic air separation unit
  • (Thermodynamic Analysis of a hybrid fuel cell - Graz Cycle power plant)
  • Transient simulation of the emergency shutdown of our turbine test rig and comparison with measurement data
  • Adaptation of the NET power cycle for hydrogen/oxygen combustion
  • Thermodynamic Simulation of a Modern Combined Cycle Power Plant of Highest Efficiency

Also ask at the institute for further current projects.

Ask at the institute for current projects.

Metrology in Turbomachinery - Laser Optical Metrology
Ask at the institute for current projects.


Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics

Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 25/A
A-8010 Graz

Tel: +43 (0)316 873 - 7226
Fax: +43 (0)316 873 - 107226