Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Steinmayr Christoph and Peter A. Leitl The Capability of Large Eddy Simulation to Predict Relaminarization
Christian Schitter, Franz Heitmeir, Florian Schönleitner, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas Marn Numerical Modeling for Analysing the Influence of the Rotor Disc to the Modal Characteristics of a Low Pressure Turbine Rotor Blading
Sabine Bauinger, Reinhard Willinger and Andreas Marn Impact of Different Shroud Configurations on Leakage Flow
Johannes Peterleithner, Stefan Zerobin and Jakob Woisetschläger Analysis of Combustion Noise uings locally Resolved Density Fluctuations and a Microphone Array
Johannes Peterleithner, Riccardo Basso, Franz Heitmeir, Jakob Woisetschläger, Raimund Schlüßler, Jürgen Czarske and Andreas Fischer Comparison of Flame Transfer Functions acquired by Chemiluminescence and Density Fluctuation Measurements
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Walter Meile and Günter Brenn Detecting Transition in Flat Plate Flow with Laser Interferometric Vibrometry
Rob Turnbull, Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Rahmin Rahmani, Homer Rahnejat and Günter Offner Elastodynamics of the Compression Ring for Evaluation of Ring-Liner Conformance
Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Rob Turnbull, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Homer Rahnejat and Günter Offner A 2D Hydrodynamic Solver of the Reynolds Equation for the Piston Ring-Liner Conjunction
Antonio Acri, Günter Offner, Thomas Resch, Eugene Nijman and R. Corradi Dynamic Substructuring for Sources Contributions Analysis in Internal Combustion Engines
Hannes Allmaier and Günter Offner Current Challenges and Frontiers for the EHD Simulation of Journal Bearings: A Review
Rob Turnbull, Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Rahmin Rahmani, Homer Rahnejat and Günter Offner Elastodynamics of Piston Compression Rings
Norbert Lorenz, Günter Offner and Oliver Knaus Thermal Analysis of Hydrodynamic Lubricated Journal Bearings in Internal Combustion Engines
Günter Offner and Markus Windisch Efficient geometric treatment of supply areas in elasto-hydrodynamic radial slider bearing simulations
Antonio Acri, Philipp Zsifkovits, Eugene Nijman, Günter Offner and R. Corradi Surface Noise Contributions Analysis in Wave Based Method framework for exterior radiation noise problems
Wolfgang Sanz, Martin Braun, Herbert Jericha and Max F. Platzer Adapting the Zero-Emission Graz Cycle for Hydrogen Combustion and Investigation of its Part Load Behaviour
Sabine Bauinger, Pascal Bader, Emil Göttlich, Wolfgang Sanz and Franz Heitmeir Comparison of Measured and Computational Turbulence Data in a Two-Stage Two-Spool Turbine Test Rig
Pascal Bader and Wolfgang Sanz Measurement and Simulation of Flat-Plate Boundary Layers in Accelerated Flow
Federica Farisco, Lukasz Panek and Jim Kok Thermo-acoustic cross-talk between cans in a can-annular combustor