Roman Klymenko, Leticia Cerutti, Marcos B.A. Colombo, Elmar C. Fuchs, Jakob Woisetschläger, Wilfred F.L.M. Hoeben and Luewton L.F. AgostinhoEnhanced Groundwater Aeration with a Geometrically Constrained VortexPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Benjamin Mitterrutzner, Lars O. Nord, Mohammad A. Motamed and Wolfgang SanzDynamic modelling and simulation of the Graz Cycle for a renewable energy systemPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. R. Souza, P. Andreou, A. Haris, Günter Offner, M. Sopouch, F. Diwoky, M. Mohammad-Pour and S. Theodossiades Whistle, whine and modal implications from the electromechanical coupling of an electric powertrain, Automotive InnovationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sami Tasmany, Daniel Kaiser, Jakob Woisetschläger, Johannes Gürtler, Robert Kuschmierz and Jürgen CzarskeHeterodyne background-oriented schlieren for the measurement of thermoacoustic oscillations in flamesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Teja Donepudi, Maarten van de Griend, Luewton L. F. Agostinho, Esther J. de Kroon, Roman Klymenko, Rene Pecnik, Jakob Woisetschläger and Elmar C. FuchsNumerical analysis of vortex dynamics in hyperbolic funnels using computational fluid dynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. R. Souza, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades , A. Haris, L. Rodrigues, Günter Offner, M. Sopouch and F. DiwokyThe use of an artificial neuronal network for assessing tone perception in electric powertrain Noise, Vibration and HarshnessPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Aravind Ramachandran, Rajat Soni, Markus Roßmann, Marc Klawitter, Clemens Gößnitzer, Jakob Woisetschläger, Anton Tilz, Gerhard Pirker and Andreas WimmerHigh Speed Particle Image Velocimetry in a Large Engine PrechamberPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Roman Klymenko, Esther de Kroon, Luewton L.F. Agostinho, Elmar C. Fuchs, Jakob Woisetschläger and Wilfred F.L.M. HoebenCharacterization of a hyperbolic vortex plasma reactor for the removal of aqueous phase micropollutantsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Talie Zarei, Elmar C. Fuchs, Luewton L.F. Agostinho, Denis Gebauer, Jakob Woisetschläger and Herman L. OfferhausIntrinsic CO2 nanobubbles in alkaline aqueous solutionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Marian Staggl, Wolfgang Sanz and Thomas SternerDesign of a Relational Database for Turbine Center Frames With Application for Geometry OptimizationTurbomachinery - Multidisciplinary Design Approaches, Optimization, and Uncertainty Quantification; Radial Turbomachinery Aerodynamics; Unsteady Flows in TurbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz, Erhard Perz and Emil GöttlichCalculation of the Overspeed at Emergency Shutdown of a Transonic Test Turbine Facility Using a Web-Based Thermodynamic Simulation ToolCycle InnovationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Asim Hafizovic, Nicolas Krajnc, Filippo Merli, Marian Staggl, Francesco Mangini, Patrick Zeno Sterzinger, Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichThe Development of Turbulence Quantities in Different Intermediate Turbine Duct ConfigurationsTurbomachinery - Multidisciplinary Design Approaches, Optimization, and Uncertainty Quantification; Radial Turbomachinery Aerodynamics; Unsteady Flows in TurbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Krewinkel, Je-Chin Han, Lesley Wright and C.C. ShiauHeat Transfer Coefficients in a Three-Passage Ribbed Channel Using a Transient Liquid Crystal TechniqueProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Krewinkel, Martin Böhle and Christian LandfesterExperimentelle Untersuchung von Plattform-Kühlung in einer gekrümmten Leitschaufel-Kaskade18. Statusseminar AG-TurboPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Krewinkel, Roland Mailach and Martin VoigtThermo-fluiddynamisches Framework für die probabilistische Auslegung von Gasturbinen18. Statusseminar AG-TurboPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner, R. U. Pfau and B. PöchtragerBattery Module Simulation Based on Model Exchange FMU Cell Models and Its Application in Multi-physical System Simulation SoftwareVan Beurden, M., Budko, N.V., Ciuprina, G., Schilders, W., Bansal, H., Barbulescu, R. (eds) Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. SCEE 2022. Mathematics in Industry, vol 43. Springer, ChamPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick R. Jagerhofer, Tobias Glasenapp, Bastian Patzer and Emil GöttlichImpact of Turbine-Strut Clocking and Turbine Outlet Swirl on the Heat Transfer and Film Cooling in an Aggressive Turbine Center FrameHeat TransferPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick R. Jagerhofer, Tobias Glasenapp, Bastian Patzer and Emil GöttlichImpact of Blowing and Density Ratio on the Film Cooling and Heat Transfer in an Aggressive Turbine Center FrameHeat TransferPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Nicolas Krajnc, Asim Hafizovic, Lukas Wiesinger, Francesco Mangini, Patrick Zeno Sterzinger, Marios Patinios and Emil GöttlichExperimental and Numerical Comparison of Two Turbine Vane Frame DesignsTurbomachinery - Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Malte Schien, Pablo Lopez, Lukas Bratusek, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnRedistribution of Purged Cavity Air Inside a Turbine Exit Vane Frame due to the Interaction With the Main AirflowTurbomachinery - Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sami Tasmany, Daniel Kaiser, Jakob Woisetschläger, Johannes Gürtler, Robert Kuschmierz and Jürgen CzarskeBackground-Oriented Schlieren for the Detection of Thermoacoustic Oscillations in FlamesProceedings of the 21st International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics , LISBON | PORTUGAL ・JULY 8 – 11, 2024 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Gürtler, Sami Tasmany, Jakob Woisetschläger, Robert Kuschmierz and Jürgen CzarskeTomographic reconstruction of combustion flow fields from density measurements based on physics-informed neural networksProceedings of the 21st International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid MechanicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Günter Offner, D. Werner, N. Lorenz and C. SchweigerRefining gearbox multibody simulation enhancements for NVH and acoustic analysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
S. Richter, D. Ule, H.-G. Flesch, S. R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerGasfluss im Kolbenringpaket – ein transienter Lösungsansatz in EXCITE Piston & RingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Haslinger, K.-D. Bauer and Günter OffnerA frequency domain solution for automotive transmission systemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Kolmbauer, B. Liljegren-Sailer, Günter Offner and R. U. PfauUsing Functional Mock-Up Units for Multi-Physical System Simulation in Electric Vehicle DevelopmentPublikation in PURE anzeigen
N. Lorenz and Günter OffnerThermal Analysis of Hydrodynamic Lubricated Journal Bearings in Automotive and Industrial applicationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. R. Souza, Günter Offner, A. Soltoggio, S. Theodossiades and M. Mohammad-PourNeuronal Network aided design for NVH performance of electric powertrainsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
T. Kageyama, S. R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerA Comparison of Hydrogen and Gasoline Piston Ring SimulationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
K. D. Bauer, J. Haslinger, B. Zinkiewicz, J. Steiner, F. Diwoky, M. Sopouch, C. Schweiger, Günter Offner and T. ParikyanAnalysis of Dynamics and NVH of Electric Drive Unit Using Frequency- and Time-Domain SolutionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Filippo Merli, Nicolas Krajnc, Asim Hafizovic and Emil GöttlichPerformance Evaluation in a Fully Purged High-Pressure Turbine Stage Using Seed Gas Concentration Measurements †Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Filippo Merli, Nicolas Krajnc, Asim Hafizovic, Marios Patinios and Emil GöttlichAerodynamics and Sealing Performance of the Downstream Hub Rim Seal in a High-Pressure Turbine StagePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick René Jagerhofer, Tobias Glasenapp, Bastian Patzer and Emil GöttlichHeat Transfer and Film Cooling in an Aggressive Turbine Center FramePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Simon Pramstrahler, Andreas Peters, Mikel Lucas García De Albéniz, Peter Adrian Leitl, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnExperimental and Numerical Investigation of a Turbine Vane Frame with Splitters at Different Operating Points †Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Bruschewski, Carolin Wüstenhagen, Clemens Domnick, Robert Krewinkel, C.C. Shiau, Sven Grundmann and Je-Chin HanAssessment of the Flow Field and Heat Transfer in a Vane Cooling System Using Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry, Thermochromic Liquid Crystals, and Computational Fluid DynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
I-Lun Chen, Lesley Wright, Je-Chin Han and Robert KrewinkelHeat Transfer in a Rotating, Blade-Shaped, Two-Pass Cooling Channel with Various 45 Deg Rib Turbulators and a Tip Turning VanePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Roman Klymenko, Harmen Nanninga, Esther de Kroon, Luewton L.F. Agostinho, Elmar C. Fuchs, Jakob Woisetschläger and Wilfred F.L.M. HoebenPreparation of Free-Surface Hyperbolic Water VorticesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ena Badžek, Marios Patinios, Federica Farisco, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichThe Influence of Combustor Hot Streaks on the Aerodynamic Performance of a Turbine Center FramePublikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Walker, H. Questa, A. Raman, M. Ahmed, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerApplication of tribological artificial neural networks in machine elementsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Simon Pramstrahler, Andreas Peters, Mikel Lucas García De Albéniz, Peter Adrian Leitl, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnExperimental and Numerical Investigation of a Turbine Vane Frame with Splitters at Different Operating PointsProceedings of 15th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & ThermodynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Simon Pramstrahler, Christian Klemm, Andreas Peters, Marios Patinios, Mikel Lucas García De Albéniz, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnThe Influence of Different Total Pressure Profile Inlet Distributions on the Performance of a Turbine Vane Frame With Splitter VanesTurbomachinery - Deposition, Erosion, Fouling, and Icing; Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
F. Merli, N. Krajnc, A. Hafizovic and E. GöttlichPerformance Evaluation in a Fully Purged High-Pressure Turbine Stage Using Seed Gas Concentration MeasurementsEuropean Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETCPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick R. Jagerhofer, Tobias Glasenapp, Bastian Patzer and Emil GöttlichHeat Transfer and Film Cooling in an Aggressive Turbine Center FrameHeat Transfer - Combustors; Film CoolingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Asim Hafizovic, Filippo Merli, Nicolas Krajnc, Malte Schien, Andreas Peters, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichImpact of High-Pressure-Turbine Purge Flow on the Evolution of Turbulence in a Turbine Vane FrameTurbomachinery - Multidisciplinary Design Approaches, Optimization, and Uncertainty Quantification; Radial Turbomachinery Aerodynamics; Unsteady Flows in TurbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mattia Graiff, Marian Staggl, Christian Wakelam, Anna Lisa Laufer and Emil GöttlichSecondary Flow Patterns Through a Turbine Vane FrameTurbomachinery - Deposition, Erosion, Fouling, and Icing; Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Filippo Merli, Nicolas Krajnc, Asim Hafizovic, Malte Schien and Emil GöttlichUnsteady Investigation of Intermediate Turbine Ducts Under the Influence of Purge FlowsTurbomachinery - Deposition, Erosion, Fouling, and Icing; Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Krewinkel, Clemens Domnick, Gunter Eschmann, Joey Stimke and Wieland UffrechtExperimental and Computational Investigation of Friction and Heat Transfer in Additively Manufactured Cooling ChannelsProceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress, KyotoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Landfester, Robert Krewinkel, Clemens Domnick and Martin BöhleA New High-Speed Annular Sector Test Rig for Film Cooling Performance MeasurementsProceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress, KyotoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Domnick, Robert Krewinkel, Christian Landfester, Alexander Wiedermann and Martin BöhleDevelopment of a Modified RANS-Model for the Computational Investigation of Cooling and Heat Transfer on an EndwallProceedings of the International gas Turbine Congress, KyotoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Leitl, Christoph Feichtinger, A. Flanschger and Wolfgang SanzNumerical Study of Riblet Defects and their Impact on PerformanceConference Proceedings of AIAA Scitech Forum, National Harbour, MD, USAPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Malte Schien, Chris Wakelam, Mattia Graiff, Emil Göttlich and Andreas MarnOn the effect of purge air on the aerodynamic performance of a state of-the-art turbine-rear-frame guide vaneASME TURBO EXPO 2023 PROCEEDINGSPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Marian Staggl, Wolfgang Sanz, Peter Leitl, Maximillian Kurzthaler and Paul PieringerDerivation of Pressure Loss Models for Turbine Center Frames via an L1-Regularized RegressionProceedings of the 15th European Turbomachinery Conference ETC15, Budapest, Hungary. ETC2023-118Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marian Staggl, Wolfgang Sanz, Peter Leitl, Maximillian Kurzthaler and Paul PieringerPrediction of Flow Separations in Turbine Center Frames Using Support Vector Machines and Random ForestsTurbomachinery - Deposition, Erosion, Fouling, and Icing; Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
M. R. Souza, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades , Franz Diwoky, M. Sopouch, Günter Offner, A. Haris and J. GonzalezEffects of the electromagnetic excitation on the dynamics of an electric powertrainPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Panagiotis Andreou, Parivash Soleimanian, Mahdi Mohammad-Pour, Stephen R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerEffects of DLC and WC-C Coatings on Tribological Performance of Cam-Tappet Conjunction, Surface & Coatings TechnologyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Fabio Alberto Gutierrez Castro, Luis Miguel Garcia-Cuevas and Wolfgang SanzComparison of cryogenic and membrane oxygen production implemented in the Graz cyclePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matteo Dellacasagrande, Davide Lengani, Ettore Bertolini and Wolfgang SanzCorrelated Pressure-Velocity Instability in a Transonic High-Pressure Turbine BladePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Luewton L. F. Agostinho, Rene Pecnik, Jakob Woisetschläger, Esther de Kroon, Nicolae Siscanu, Maarten V van de Griend, Willibald Loiskandl and Elmar C. FuchsEnhanced Oxygen Volumetric Mass Transfer in a Geometrically Constrained VortexPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Malte Schien, Asim Hafizovic, Florian Plank, Filippo Merli, Jakob Woisetschläger and Emil GöttlichUnsteady Investigation of the Effect of Purge Air on the Flow Field Inside a Turbine Vane Frame Using Particle Image VelocimetryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Benjamin Mitterrutzner, Wolfgang Sanz and Lars O. NordA part-load analysis and control strategies for the Graz CyclePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick R. Jagerhofer, Marios Patinios, Tobias Glasenapp, Emil Göttlich and Federica FariscoThe Influence of Purge Flow Parameters on Heat Transfer and Film Cooling in Turbine Center FramesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Luewton Agostinho, Rene Pecnik, Jakob Woisetschläger, Esther de Kroon, Nicolae Şişcanu, Maarten van de Griend, Willibald Loiskandl and Elmar FuchsEnhanced Oxygen Volumetric Mass Transfer in a Geometrically Constrained VortexPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Masayuki Shiraishi, Shintaro Tsuchihashi, Peter Adrian Leitl, Andreas Flanschger, Stefan Schreck, Richard Benauer, Simon Pramstrahler and Andreas Marn発電用ガスタービン実験機の翼への最適 リブレット効果予測と,そのレーザー加工 によるリブレット性能評価Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Kolmbauer, Günter Offner, Ralf Uwe Pfau and Bernhard PöchtragerMultirate DAE-simulation and its application in system simulation software for the development of electric vehiclesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Walker, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades, S. R. Bewsher, Günter Offner, H. Bansal, M. Leighton, M. Braunstingl and H. G. FleschA Multi-Physics Transient Wear Model for Helical Gear PairsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Richard Benauer, Stefan Schreck, Peter Leitl, Ena Badžek, Marios Patinios and Federica FariscoA Numerical Study on the Effects of Circumferential Positions of Combustor Hot Streaks on a TCF ConfigurationProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and ExpositionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Klaus-Dieter Bauer, Josef Haslinger, Günter Offner and Tigran ParikyanApproaches for going beyond linear frequency domain powertrain simulationsProgress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2021249-255Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Simon Pramstrahler, Andreas Peters, Mikel Lucas García De Albéniz, Peter Adrian Leitl, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnThe Impact of Inlet Flow Angle on Turbine Vane Frame Aerodynamic PerformanceTurbomachinery - Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mattia Graiff, Marian Staggl, Emil Göttlich, Franz Heitmeir and Christian WakelamImpact of Inlet Conditions on TVF Exit Flow FieldTurbomachinery - Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Filippo Merli, Asim Hafizovic, Nicolas Krajnc, Malte Schien, Andreas Peters, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichAerodynamic Assessment of Turbine Center Frames and Turbine Vane Frames under the Influence of Purge FlowsProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and ExpositionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Nicolas Krajnc, Filippo Merli, Asim Hafizovic, Andreas Peters and Emil GöttlichNumerical Investigation of a Turbine Vane Frame for Co- and Counter-Rotating ConfigurationProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and ExpositionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Filippo Merli, Asim Hafizovic, Nicolas Krajnc, Malte Schien, Andreas Peters, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichThe Interaction of Main Stream Flow and Cavity Flows in Turbine Center Frames and Turbine Vane FramesProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition.Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matteo Dellacasagrande, Davide Lengani, Ettore Bertolini and Wolfgang SanzCorrelated Pressure-Velocity Instability in a Transonic High-Pressure Turbine BladeProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
K. D Bauer, J. Haslinger and Günter OffnerApplication of an iterative rheo-linear frequency domain solver to unbalance effects of transmission systemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
K. D Bauer, J. Haslinger and Günter OffnerA floating frame of reference formulation in frequency domainPublikation in PURE anzeigen
E. Ellen, Harry Questa, Jack Walker, M. Mohammad-Pour, Stephen Rickie Bewsher and Günter OffnerSimulating the Tribological Performance of New Water-Based and Mineral-Oil-Based Lubricants for a Journal Bearing Within an Electrified PowertrainPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner, R. U. Pfau and B. PöchtragerCoupling FMUs to electric circuits in multiphysical system simulation software for the development of electric vehiclesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner, R. U. Pfau and B. PöchtragerBattery module simulation based on model exchange FMU cell models and its application in multiphysical system simulation softwarePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jack Walker, M. Mohammad-Pour, Stephanos Theodossiades, Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Günter Offner, H. Bansal, Michael Leighton, M. Braunstingl and Heinz Georg FleschMulti-scale Lubricated Sliding Wear Modelling, Tribology InternationalPublikation in PURE anzeigen
H. Questa, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades, C. P. Garner, S. R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerTribodynamic modelling of high-speed rolling element bearings in a flexible multibody environmentPublikation in PURE anzeigen
K. D Bauer, J. Haslinger and Günter OffnerA linear frequency domain solver workflow for fast simulation of transmission systemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ena Badžek, Marios Patinios, Federica Farisco, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichThe Influence of Combustor Hot Streaks on the Aerodynamic Performance of a Turbine Center FramePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
P. Z. Sterzinger, F. Merli, A. Peters, S. Behre, F. Heitmeir and E. GöttlichImpact of turbine-strut clocking on the performance of a turbine center framePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Gürtler, Felix Greiffenhagen, Jakob Woisetschläger, Robert Kuschmierz and Jürgen CzarskeSeedingless measurement of density fluctuations and flow velocity using highspeed holographic interferometry in a swirl-stabilized flamePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar Christof Fuchs, Jakob Woisetschläger, Adam D. Wexler, René Pecnik and Giuseppe VitielloElectrically Induced Liquid–Liquid Phase Transition in a Floating Water Bridge Identified by Refractive Index VariationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick René Jagerhofer, Marios Patinios, Gerhard Erlacher, Tobias Glasenapp, Emil Göttlich and Federica FariscoA Sector-Cascade Test Rig for Measurements of Heat Transfer in Turbine Center FramesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Jagerhofer, Jakob Woisetschläger, Gerhard Erlacher and Emil GöttlichHeat transfer and film cooling measurements on aerodynamic geometries relevant for turbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sina Lohrasbi, Renè Hammer, Werner Essl, Georg Reiss, Stefan Defregger and Wolfgang SanzA modification to extended proper orthogonal decomposition-based correlation analysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ettore Bertolini, Paul Pieringer and Wolfgang SanzEffect of different subgrid-scale models and inflow turbulence conditions on the boundary layer transition in a transonic linear turbine cascadePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz and David ScheierUnsteady Simulation of a Transonic Turbine Stage with Focus on Turbulence PredictionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Federica Farisco, Luisa Castellanos, Jakob Woisetschläger and Wolfgang SanzNumerical Steady and Transient Evaluation of a Confined Swirl Stabilized BurnerPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sina Lohrasbi, Renè Hammer, Werner Essl, Georg Reiss, Stefan Defregger and Wolfgang SanzThermo-Hydraulic Characteristics of Micro-Scale Surface Roughness Topology of Additively Manufactured Surface Model: Modal Decomposition PerspectivePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz and David ScheierUnsteady Simulation of a Transonic Turbine Stage with Focus on Turbulence PredictionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, M. Reichelt, M. Windisch and S. SantnerA Multigrid Method for Elasto-hydrodynamic Contact Simulation of Radial Slider Bearings, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jack Walker, Jamal Umer, Mahdi Mohammad-Pour, Stephanos Theodossiades, Stephen R. Bewsher, Günter Offner, Hemant Bansal, Michael Leighton, Michael Braunstingl and Heinz-Georg FleschAsperity level characterization of abrasive wear using atomic force microscopyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
H. Questa, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades, C. P. Garner, S. R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerTribo-Dynamic Analysis of High-Speed Roller Bearings for Electrified Vehicle PowertrainsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mattia Graiff, Marian Staggl, Emil Göttlich and Christian WakelamDesign and Evaluation of a Flow Capturing Device for a High-Speed Wind TunnelTurbomachinery - Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Federica Farisco, Jakob Woisetschläger and Wolfgang SanzA Numerical Investigation of Flow Field and Acoustics in a Swirl Stabilized Methane Flame BurnerProceedings of the Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia (SoTiC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick R. Jagerhofer, Marios Patinios, Tobias Glasenapp, Emil Göttlich and Federica FariscoThe influence of purge flow parameters on heat transfer and film cooling in turbine center framesHeat Transfer - Combustors; Film CoolingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Marios Patinios, Filippo Merli, Asim Hafizovic and Emil GöttlichThe interaction of purge flows with secondary flow features in turbine center framesTurbomachinery - Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component InteractionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick R. Jagerhofer, Marios Patinios, Gerhard Erlacher, Tobias Glasenapp, Emil Göttlich and Federica FariscoA sector-cascade test rig for measurements of heat transfer in turbine center framesASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and ExpositionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Loris Simonassi, Manuel Zenz, Philipp Bruckner, Simon Pramstrahler, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnAerodynamic and Aeroelastic Experimental Investigation on the Propagation of Inlet Temperature Distortions in a Low Pressure Turbine StageProceeding of 14th European Conference of Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics, and Thermodynamics ETC14, April 12-16, 2021, virtualPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Adrian Leitl, Masayuki Shiraishi, Andreas Flanschger, Shintaro Tsuchihashi, Andreas Marn, Stefan Schreck, Go Ichinose, Yuichi Shibazaki, Richard Benauer and Simon PramstrahlerNumerical and Experimental Investigation of Lasered Riblets on Turbine Exit Guide Vanes and the Impact on the PerformanceAIAA SCITECH 2022 ForumPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Ettore Bertolini, Paul Pieringer and Wolfgang SanzEffect of Different Sub-Grid Scale Models and Inflow Conditions on the Boundary Layer Transition in a Transonic Linear Turbine CascadePublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner and B. PöchtragerMultirate DAE-simulation and its application in system simulation software for the development of HVAC systemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
H. Questa, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades, C. P. Garner, S. R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerTribodynamic Modelling of High-Speed Roller Bearings in a Flexible Multi-Body EnvironmentPublikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Walker, J. Umer, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades, R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerNanoscale Sliding Wear Characterisation using Atomic Force MicroscopyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
S. R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerAn Iterative Wear Approach Dependent on Temperature, Asperity Pressure and Worn Profiles for EHD Simulation of Powertrain ComponentsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
W. Heaps, H. Questa, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerSimulation of Air Foil Bearings for Use in Turbo Compressor ApplicationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner, R. U. Pfau and B. PöchtragerCombining CFL-like conditions and multirate DAE framework for applications in system simulation softwarePublikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Walker, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades, S. R. Bewsher, Günter Offner, M. Leighton, M. Braunstingl, H. Bansal and H. G. FleschTransient wear modelling of helical gear pair considering flexible system dynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Norbert Lorenz, Günter Offner and D. JaitnerFast Thermal Heat-Up Simulation of Hydrodynamic Lubricated Journal BearingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Haslinger, Günter Offner, M. Sopouch and B. ZinkiewiczModal Analysis of Planetary GearsetsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
K.-D. Bauer, J. Haslinger, Günter Offner and T. ParikyanApproaches for going beyond linear frequency domain powertrain simulationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner and B. PöchtragerTopological index analysis and its application to multi-physical systems in transient system simulationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Felix Greiffenhagen, Jakob Woisetschläger, Johannes Gürtler and Jürgen CzarskeQuantitative measurement of density fluctuations with a full‑field laser interferometric vibrometerPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Kevin Wimmer and Wolfgang SanzOptimization and comparison of the two promising oxy-combustion cycles NET Power cycle and Graz CyclePublikation in PURE anzeigen
A.D. Wexler, Jakob Woisetschläger, Ursula Reiter, Gert Reiter, Michael Fuchsjäger, Elmar C. Fuchs and Lothar BreckerNuclear Magnetic Relaxation Mapping of Spin Relaxation in Electrically Stressed GlycerolPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sina Lohrasbi, Renè Hammer, Werner Essl, Georg Reiss, Stefan Defregger and Wolfgang SanzA Comprehensive Review on the Core Thermal Management Improvement Concepts in Power ElectronicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Simunek, Martin Leitner, Martin Rieger, Reinhard Pippan, Hans Peter Gänser and Franz Josef WeberFatigue crack growth in railway axle specimens – Transferability and model validationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ettore Bertolini, Paul Pieringer and Wolfgang SanzLarge Eddy Simulation of a Transonic Linear Cascade With Synthetic Inlet TurbulenceTurbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick René Jagerhofer, Andreas Peters, Emil Göttlich, Wolfgang Sanz and Federica FariscoInfluence of Purge Temperature Variation on the Performance of Turbine Center FramesTurbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Zenz, Loris Simonassi, Philipp Bruckner, Simon Pramstrahler, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnNoise Attenuation Potential Using Helmholtz Absorbers Integrated in Low Pressure Turbine Exit Guide Vanes and Turbine Exit Casing End WallsProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2020 September 11-25, 2020, virtualPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Loris Simonassi, Manuel Zenz, Philipp Bruckner, Simon Pramstrahler, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnExperimental Study of the Effect of Clocking on the Propagation of Inflow Pressure Distortions in a Low Pressure Turbine StageProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2020 September 11-25, 2020, virtualPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Stephen R. Bewsher, M. Windisch and Günter OffnerOptimization of Piston Cylinder Liner Conjunction Micro-Geometry for Enhanced Tribo-Dynamic PerformancePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Harry Questa, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Stephanos Theodossiades, C. P. Garner, Stephen R. Bewsher and Günter OffnerTribodynamic modelling of high-speed rolling element bearings using experimentally obtained boundary conditionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
P. Andreou, S. R. Bewsher, M. Mohammad-Pour and Günter OffnerAn Investigation into the Use of Diamond Like Coatings for Reduced Boundary Friction within Valvetrain ComponentsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Kolmbauer, Günter Offner, Ralf Uwe Pfau and B. PöchtragerMultirate DAE-simulation and its application in system simulation software for the development of electric vehiclesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz and Elias Hashemian NikDynamische Simulation zur Flexibilisierung der Energieerzeugung durch Integration eines Wärmespeichers in ein FernwärmenetzPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz and Philipp Mandl100 % erneuerbare Energie für Österreich – Ist das möglich?Publikation in PURE anzeigen
S. R. Bewsher, M. Mohammadpour, H. Rahnejat, Günter Offner and O. KnausAn Investigation into the Oil Transport and Starvation of Piston-Ring PackPublikation in PURE anzeigen
S. R. Bewsher, M. Leighton, M. Mohammadpour, H. Rahnejat, Günter Offner and O. KnausBoundary Friction Characterisation of a Used Cylinder Liner Subjet to Fired Engine Conditions and Surface DepositionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Loris Simonassi, Manuel Zenz, Stefan Zerobin, Thorsten Selic, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnOn the Influence of an Acoustically Optimized Turbine Exit Casing Onto the Unsteady Flow Field Downstream of a Low Pressure Turbine RotorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Wagner, Thomas Brinz and Johannes KhinastUsing online content uniformity measurements for rapid automated process development exemplified via an X-ray systemPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar C. Fuchs, Gerrit Oudakker, Martin Justinek, Nigel Dyer, Jakob Woisetschläger, Kevin Godines, Matthias Mäder and Friedemann T. FreundSolar Eclipses and the Surface Properties of WaterPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Eugene Nijman, Edoardo Conrado and Günter OffnerExperimental structure-borne energy flow contribution analysis for vibro-acoustic source rankingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Felix Greiffenhagen, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger, Andreas Fischer, Johannes Gürtler and Jürgen CzarskeDiscussion of laser interferometric vibrometry for the determination of heat release fluctuations in an unconfined swirl-stabilized flamePublikation in PURE anzeigen
S. R. Bewsher, M. Leighton, M. Mohammadpour, H. Rahnejat, Günter Offner and O. KnausAtomic Force Microscope Measurements of a Used Cylinder Liner for Prediction of Boundary FrictionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar C. Fuchs, Doekle Yntema and Jakob WoisetschlägerRaman spectroscopy and shadowgraph visualization of excess protons in high-voltage electrolysis of pure waterPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Hui Tang, GeonHwan Cho, Marios Patinios, James Scobie, Carl M. Sangan, J. Michael Owen and Gary D. LockEffect of Ingress on Flow and Heat Transfer Upstream and Downstream of a Rotating Turbine DiscPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Adam D Wexler, Elmar C. Fuchs, Jakob Woisetschläger and Giuseppe VitielloElectrically induced liquid–liquid phase transition in water at room temperaturePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Rieger, Christian Moser, Peter Brunnhofer, David Simunek, Franz Josef Weber, Andreas Deisl, Hans Peter Gänser, Reinhard Pippan and Norbert EnzingerFatigue crack growth in full-scale railway axles – Influence of secondary stresses and load sequence effectsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ann-Kristin Baum, M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner and Bernhard PöchtragerTopological solvability analysis and its application to liquid flow networks coupled to Functional Mock-up UnitsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Eugene Nijman, Christoph Schweiger, Thomas Resch, Günter Offner, Tobias Maerkle and Benjamin EichingerInfluence of Cyclic Cylinder Pressure Variability in the Numerical Transfer Path Analysis of Multi-Body EnginePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Loris Simonassi, Manuel Zenz, Franz Heitmeir, Andreas Marn, Peter Leitl and Richard BenauerNUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE AERODYNAMIC AND AEROELASTIC PERFORMANCE OF A LOW PRESSURE TURBINEProceedings of 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC13, April 8-12, 2018; Lausanne, SwitzerlandPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Loris Simonassi, Manuel Zenz, Philipp Bruckner, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnAEROELASTIC AND AERODYNAMIC INVESTIGATION ON A LOW PRESSURE TURBINE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF CIRCUMFERENTIAL INLET DISTORTIONProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2019 June 17-21, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona USAPublikation in PURE anzeigen
P. Z. Sterzinger, S. Zerobin, F. Merli, L. Wiesinger, A. Peters, G. Maini, M. Dellacasagrande, F. Heitmeir and E. GöttlichImpact of varying high- and low-pressure turbine purge flows on a turbine center frame and low-pressure turbine systemTurbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
P. Z. Sterzinger, S. Zerobin, F. Merli, L. Wiesinger, M. Dellacasagrande, A. Peters, G. Maini, F. Heitmeir and E. GöttlichUnsteady flow interactions between a high- And low-pressure turbineTurbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Dellacasagrande, P. Z. Sterzinger, S. Zerobin, F. Merli, L. Wiesinger, A. Peters, G. Maini, F. Heitmeir and E. GöttlichUnsteady flow interactions between a high- and low-pressure turbineTurbomachineryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Zenz, Asim Hafizovic, Loris Simonassi, Peter A. Leitl, R Benauer, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnAerodynamical and Aeroelastic Investigations of a Riblet Design Applied on the Surface of Turbine Exit Guide Vanes of a Low Pressure TurbineProceeding of 13th European Conference of Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics, and ThermodynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Zenz, Asim Hafizovic, Loris Simonassi, Peter A. Leitl, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnAeroacoustical and Aerodynamical Investigations of Riblets Applied on Low Pressure Turbine Exit Guide Vanes for two Different Operating PointsProceeding of ASME Turbo Expo 2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
P. Schiffmann, Günter Offner and G. HaaseParallelization of non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for non-linear structural dynamics problemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ettore Bertolini, Paul Pieringer and Wolfgang SanzPrediction of separated flow transition using les and transitional RANS modelPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Federica Farisco, Philipp Notsch, René Josef Prieler, Felix Greiffenhagen, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir and Christoph HochenauerNumerical Investigation of a Swirl Stabilized Methane Fired Burner and Validation With Experimental DataPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Zenz, A. Hafizovic, L. Simonassi, P. Leitl, R. Benauer, F. Heitmeir and A. MarnAerodynamical and aeroelastic investigations of a riblet design appllied on the surface of turbine exit guide vanes of a low pressure turbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
H. Questa, M. Mohammad-Pour, S. Theodossiades, S. Bewsher and Günter OffnerTribo-dynamic Analysis of Roller Bearings for Electric and Hybrid-Electric Automotive PowertrainsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
B. Pöchtrager, M. Kolmbauer and Günter OffnerMultirate DAE-simulation and its application in system simulation software,Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Binder, M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner and A.-K. BaumTopological index analysis and its application to fluid networks in system simulation softwarePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, N. Nerpel and S. BukovnikMixed Lubrication Contact Simulation for ICEs Considering Coupled 3D CFD Oil SupplyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
A.-K. Baum, M. Kolmbauer and Günter OffnerTopological Analysis of FMUs in Liquid Flow NetworksPublikation in PURE anzeigen
A.-K. Baum, M. Kolmbauer, Günter Offner and B. PöchtragerTopological solvability and DAE-index conditions for types of blackbox models coupled to liquid flow networks via boundary conditionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin RiegerErgebnisse von Eigenspannungsmessungen mittels Rissspitzen-DMS an 1:1 RadsatzwellenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jakob Woisetschläger, Hermann Lang and Emil GöttlichStereo PIV applied to a transonic turbineParticle Image Velocimetry449-453 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Wolfgang Sanz, Martin Braun, Herbert Jericha and Max F. PlatzerAdapting the zero-emission Graz Cycle for hydrogen combustion and investigation of its part load behaviorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Manuel Pschernig, Wolfgang Sanz, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Günter Brenn and Walter MeileExperimental Investigation of Boundary Layer Relaminarization in Accelerated FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Federica Farisco, Lukasz Panek and Jim KokNumerical Simulation of Sound Propagation through the Can-Annular Combustor ExitPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Christian Aldrian, Andreas Peters, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichAerodynamic performance of turbine center frames with purge flows-part IIPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Andreas Peters, Sabine Bauinger, Ashwini Bhadravati Ramesh, Michael Steiner, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichAerodynamic performance of turbine center frames with purge flows-part IPublikation in PURE anzeigen
J.A. Scobie, F.P. Hualca, M. Patinios, C.M. Sangan, J.M. Owen and G.D. LockRe-ingestion of upstream egress in a 1.5-stage gas turbine rigPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Eugene Nijman, Michael Klanner, Günter Offner and Roberto CorradiOn the influence of cyclic variability on surface noise contribution analysis of internal combustion enginesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Andreas Peters, Andreas Marn, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichImpact of Purge Flows on the Unsteady HPT Stator-Rotor InteractionProceedings of GPPS Forum 18Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Gürtler, Felix Greiffenhagen, Andrés Eduardo Ramos Ruiz, Robert Kuschmierz, Jakob Woisetschläger and Jürgen CzarskeSimultaneous measurements of velocity and density of transient flows using high-speed camera techniqueProceedings SPIE Volume 10677, Unconventional Optical ImagingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Loris Simonassi, Manuel Zenz, Stefan Zerobin, Thorsten Selic, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnOn the Influence of an Acoustically Optimized Turbine Exit Casing onto the Unsteady Flow Field Downstream of a Low Pressure Turbine RotorASME Turbo Expo 2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Patinios, I.L. Ong, J.A. Scobie, G.D. Lock and C.M. SanganInfluence of leakage flows on hot gas ingressProceedings of the ASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas MarnOn the Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Modern State-of-the-Art and Future Aero Engine ArchitecturesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Felix Greiffenhagen, Jakob Woisetschläger, Johannes Gürtler, Robert Kuschmierz and Jürgen CzarskeComparison of flame transfer functions measured with locally resolved full-field-vibrometry and OH*-chemiluminescencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Felix Greiffenhagen, Jakob Woisetschläger, Johannes Gürtler, Robert Kuschmierz and Jürgen CzarskeCamera Based Full-Field Laser Interferometric Vibrometry for Combustion DiagnosticsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz, Stefan Zerobin, Manfred Egger, Paul Pieringer, Emil Göttlich and Franz HeitmeirSteady CFD Simulation of a High Pressure Turbine Rotor with Hub and Shroud Purge FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ettore Bertolini, Paul Pieringer, Jakob Woisetschläger and Wolfgang SanzPrediction of Transition in a Turbine Cascade Using LESPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Laura Zifferer, Christian Scheinecker, Gottfried Brandstetter, Peter Pechtl and Wolfgang SanzConversion of a steelworks off-gas fired steam generator from constant pressure to modified sliding pressure modePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Zenz, Loris Simonassi, Thorsten Selic, Florian Schönleitner, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnAcoustic, Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Comparison of Different Low Pressure Turbine Exit Guide Vane DesignsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Loris Simonassi, Manuel Zenz, Stefan Zerobin, Thorsten Selic, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnOn the Modal Analysis of Fast Response Aerodynamic Pressure Probe DataPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Walter Meile, Günter Brenn, Pascal Bader, Manuel Pschernig, Wolfgang Sanz, Jakob Woisetschläger and Franz HeitmeirBoundary Layer Relaminarization in Accelerated Flow: an Experimental InvestigationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner and P. SchiffmannApplications of Reinforcement Learning to Step Size Control in Multi Body SimulationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, S. R. Bewsher, M. Leighton, M. Mohammadpour and O. KnausSurface Characterization of a Real World Cylinder Liner Subject to Deposition from CombustionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, J. Walker, S. R. Bewsher, M. Mohammadpour, C. Schweiger and M. SopouchExperimental Design for Characterization of Force Transmissibility through Bearings in Electric Machines and TransmissionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz and Pascal BaderOn Boundary Layer Relaminarization in an Highly Accelerated High Pressure Turbine Stator FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Ellermann, Franz Heitmeir and Horst EckerProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, Graz, February 15th to 17th, 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Steinmayr Christoph and Peter A. LeitlThe Capability of Large Eddy Simulation to Predict RelaminarizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Thorsten Selic, Manuel Zenz, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnOn the influence of a five-hole-probe on the vibration characteristics of a low pressure turbine rotor while performing aerodynamic measurementsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Bauinger, Emil Goettlich, Franz Heitmeir and Franz MalzacherInfluence of backward-and forward-facing steps on the flow through a turning mid turbine framePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Florian Schönleitner, Mathias Mayr and Franz HeitmeirComparison of numerical forced response predictions with experimental results obtained in a subsonic test turbine facilityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Bauinger, Stephan Behre, Davide Lengani, Yavuz Guendogdu, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichOn Turbulence Measurements and Analyses in a Two-Stage Two-Spool Turbine RigPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Eugene Nijman, A. Acri and Günter OffnerInfluences of system uncertainties on the numerical transfer path analysis of engine systemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Rosario Spataro and Emil GöttlichFlow Evolution Through a Turning Midturbine Frame with Embedded DesignPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Federica Farisco, Lukasz Panek and Jim KokThermo-acoustic cross-talk between cans in a can-annular combustorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Sabine Bauinger, Andreas Marn, Andreas Peters, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichThe Unsteady Flow Field of a Purged High Pressure Turbine based on Mode DetectionProceedings of the ASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Christian Aldrian, Andreas Peters, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichImpact of Individual High-Pressure Turbine Rotor Purge Flows on Turbine Center Frame AerodynamicsProceedings of the ASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Andreas Peters, Sabine Bauinger, Ashwini Bhadravati Ramesh, Michael Steiner, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichThe Behavior of Turbine Center Frames under the Presence of Purge FlowsProceedings of the ASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Zenz, Florian Schönleitner, Loris Simonassi, Sabine Bauinger, Dominik Broszat, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnExperimental Determination of the Effectiveness of a Sound Absorbing Turbine Exit CasingProceedings of 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and ThermodynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Homer Rahnejat, Martin Sopouch, Rahmin Rahmani, G. Sivayogan and Mahdi MohammadpourLubricated tooth contact analysis of hypoid gears6th World Tribology Congress (WTC), BeijingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Rahmin Rahmani and Homer RahnejatInfluence of boundary conditions on starvation of piston ring conjunctions6th World Tribology Congress (WTC), BeijingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Rob Turnbull, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Rahmin Rahmani and Homer RahnejatCoupled Elastodynamics of Piston Compression Ring Subject to Sweep ExcitationInstitution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)231(3): 469–479Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Rob Turnbull, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Rahmin Rahmani and Homer RahnejatEffect of Cylinder De-Activation on the Tribological Performance of Compression Ring ConjunctionInstitution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)231(8): 997–1006Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Bauinger, Stefan Zerobin, Andreas Marn, Emil Göttlich and Franz HeitmeirInfluence of Operational Geometry Changes on Turbine AcousticsProceedungs of the ASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Felix Greiffenhagen, Johannes Peterleithner and Jakob WoisetschlägerPrediction of Combustion Noise from a Swirl-Stabilized Flame using Laser-Interferometric-Vibrometry validated by Acoustic MeasurementsProceedings ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Gürtler, Felix Greiffenhagen, Jakob Woisetschläger, Daniel Haufe and Jürgen CzarskeNon-invasive seedingless measurements of the flame transfer function using high-speed camera-based laser vibrometryProc. SPIE 10329, Optical Measurements Systems for Industrial InspectionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Michael Steiner, Sabine Bauinger, Andreas Marn, Emil Göttlich and Franz HeitmeirInfluence of measurement grid resolution on duct loss evaluation12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and ThermodynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Günter Offner, Ann-Kristin Baum and M. KolmbauerTopological solvability and DAE-index conditions for mass flow controlled pumps in liquid flow networksPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Mahdi Mohammadpour and Homer RahnejatA Multi-Physics, Multi-Scale Investigation of the Piston Ring PackPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, J. Haslinger, Martin Sopouch and Bianca ZinkiewiczLinearized Modal Analysis of Vehicle PowertrainsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Antonio Acri and Eugene NijmanInfluences of system uncertainties on the numerical transfer path analysis of engine systemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Sasa Bukovnik, Andreas Diemath and L. SmolikTurbocharger dynamic analysis: Advanced design simulation in time domain using CFD predicted thermal bearing boundary conditionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader and Wolfgang SanzMeasurement and Simulation of a Turbulent Boundary Layer Exposed to Acceleration Along a Flat PlatePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Paul Pieringer and Wolfgang SanzOn the Capability of the gamma-Re_theta Transition Model to Predict RelaminarizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Rieger and Peter BrunnhoferIntegrated bogie brake type IBB10 with side hand brake, PVT 329.721PPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Christian Faustmann and Thorsten SelicProgress in Experimental Research of Turbine AeroacousticsRecent Progress in Some Aircraft Technologies3-34Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Günter Offner, Eugene Nijman and Jan RejlekSubstructuring of multibody systems for numerical transfer path analysis in internal combustion enginesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner, N.V. Stadlmair, Jakob Woisetschläger and T. SattelmayerAnalysis of Measured Flame Transfer Functions With Locally Resolved Density Fluctuation and OH-Chemiluminescence DataPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar C. Fuchs, Martina Sammer, Adam D. Wexler, P Kunkte and Jakob WoisetschlägerA floating water bridge produces water with excess chargePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Adam D Wexler, Sandra Drusova, Jakob Woisetschläger and Elmar C. FuchsNon-equilibrium thermodynamics and collective vibrational modes of liquid water in an inhomogeneous electrci fieldPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Adam D. Wexler, S Drusova, Elmar C. Fuchs, Jakob Woisetschläger, Gert Reiter, M. Fuchsjäger and Ursula ReiterMagnetic resonance imaging of flow and mass transfer in electrohydrodynamic liquid bridgesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Steinmayr Christoph and Peter A. LeitlComparison of RANS and Embedded LES Calculations with Measurements of Transitional Flow Along a Flat PlatePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Gürtler, Felix Greiffenhagen, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger, Daniel Haufe, Jürgen Czarske and Andreas FischerSeedinglose Messung der Wärmefreisetzungsrate und Geschwindigkeit in drall-stabilisierten FlammenFachtagung “Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik”Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Florian Schönleitner, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger and Franz HeitmeirIntroduction of a Project-Based-Course in Turbine Stage Design for Undergraduate Students at Graz University of TechnologyProceedings of the ASME Turbo ExpoGT2016-56071Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Walter Meile and Günter BrennDetecting Transition in Flat Plate Flow with Laser Interferometric Vibrometry (LIV)Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Manuel Pschernig, Wolfgang Sanz, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Walter Meile and Günter BrennFlat-plate boundary layers in accelerated flowProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Pascal Bader, Christian Faustmann, Andreas Marn, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichNumerical and Experimental Results of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame with Embedded Design in terms of Acoustic Mode Analysis22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Zerobin, Pascal Bader, Christian Faustmann, Andreas Marn, Emil Göttlich and Franz HeitmeirAcoustic Mode Analysis: Numerical and Experimental Results of a Turning Mid Turbine FrameProceedings of the ASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel ZenzUntersuchung des Einflusses einer Cut-On Auslegung auf die Schallabstrahlung und Aerodynamik von modernen FlugtriebwerkenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Steinmayr Christoph and Peter A. LeitlThe Capability of Large Eddy Simulation to Predict RelaminarizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Schitter, Franz Heitmeir, Florian Schönleitner, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnNumerical Modeling for Analysing the Influence of the Rotor Disc to the Modal Characteristics of a Low Pressure Turbine Rotor BladingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Bauinger, Reinhard Willinger and Andreas MarnImpact of Different Shroud Configurations on Leakage FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner, Stefan Zerobin and Jakob WoisetschlägerAnalysis of Combustion Noise uings locally Resolved Density Fluctuations and a Microphone ArrayPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner, Riccardo Basso, Franz Heitmeir, Jakob Woisetschläger, Raimund Schlüßler, Jürgen Czarske and Andreas FischerComparison of Flame Transfer Functions acquired by Chemiluminescence and Density Fluctuation MeasurementsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger, Franz Heitmeir, Walter Meile and Günter BrennDetecting Transition in Flat Plate Flow with Laser Interferometric VibrometryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rob Turnbull, Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Rahmin Rahmani, Homer Rahnejat and Günter OffnerElastodynamics of the Compression Ring for Evaluation of Ring-Liner ConformancePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Rob Turnbull, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Homer Rahnejat and Günter OffnerA 2D Hydrodynamic Solver of the Reynolds Equation for the Piston Ring-Liner ConjunctionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Günter Offner, Thomas Resch, Eugene Nijman and R. CorradiDynamic Substructuring for Sources Contributions Analysis in Internal Combustion EnginesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Hannes Allmaier and Günter OffnerCurrent Challenges and Frontiers for the EHD Simulation of Journal Bearings: A ReviewPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rob Turnbull, Stephen Rickie Bewsher, Mahdi Mohammadpour, Rahmin Rahmani, Homer Rahnejat and Günter OffnerElastodynamics of Piston Compression RingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Norbert Lorenz, Günter Offner and Oliver KnausThermal Analysis of Hydrodynamic Lubricated Journal Bearings in Internal Combustion EnginesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner and Markus WindischEfficient geometric treatment of supply areas in elasto-hydrodynamic radial slider bearing simulationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Philipp Zsifkovits, Eugene Nijman, Günter Offner and R. CorradiSurface Noise Contributions Analysis in Wave Based Method framework for exterior radiation noise problemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz, Martin Braun, Herbert Jericha and Max F. PlatzerAdapting the Zero-Emission Graz Cycle for Hydrogen Combustion and Investigation of its Part Load BehaviourPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Bauinger, Pascal Bader, Emil Göttlich, Wolfgang Sanz and Franz HeitmeirComparison of Measured and Computational Turbulence Data in a Two-Stage Two-Spool Turbine Test RigPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader and Wolfgang SanzMeasurement and Simulation of Flat-Plate Boundary Layers in Accelerated FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Federica Farisco, Lukasz Panek and Jim KokThermo-acoustic cross-talk between cans in a can-annular combustorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Emanuel Sander, Hannes Allmaier, Hans-Herwig Priebsch, Franz Markus Reich, Mario Witt and Athanassios SkiadasEdge loading and running-in wear in dynamically loaded journal bearingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner and Jakob WoisetschlägerLaser vibrometry for combustion diagnostics in thermoacoustic researchPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martina Sammer, Adam D Wexler, Philipp Kuntke, Helmar Wiltsche, Natalia Stanulewicz, Ernst Lankmayr, Jakob Woisetschläger and Elmar C FuchsProton production, neutralisation and reduction in a floating water bridgePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Dominik Broszat, Thorsten Selic, Florian Schönleitner and Franz HeitmeirComparison of the Aerodynamics of Acoustically Designed EGVs and a State-of-the-Art EGVPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Rosario Spataro, Berardo Paradiso and Emil GöttlichUnsteady Flow Evolution Through a Turning Midturbine Frame Part 1: Time-Resolved FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ernst Plesiutschnig, Rudolf Vallant, Gernot Stöfan, Christof Sommitsch, Mathias Mayr, Andreas Marn and Franz HeitmeirCracks on the Roots of Turbine Blades of the Low-Pressure Turbine in a Steam Power PlantPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Norbert Lorenz, Günter Offner and Oliver KnausFast Thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic Modelling Approach for Mixed Lubricated Journal Bearings in ICEsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Rosario Spataro, Johannes Peterleithner and Emil GöttlichUnsteady Flow Evolution Through a Turning Midturbine Frame Part 2: Spectral AnalysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner and Oliver KnausA Generic Friction Model for Radial Slider Bearing Simulation Considering Elastic and Plastic DeformationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Faustmann, Stefan Zerobin, Rosario Spataro, Andreas Marn, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichOn the Acoustics of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame with Embedded Design in a Two-Stage Test-TurbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner and Oliver KnausA Generic Friction Model for Radial Slider Bearing Simulation, Tribologie und SchmierungstechnikPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Broszat, Andreas Marn, Martin Hoeger, Thorsten Selic, Florian Schönleitner and Franz HeitmeirAcoustic Comparison of Different Turbine Exit Guide Vane Designs- Part 1: Design Philosophy and Numerical Predictions21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacosutic Conference1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Günter Offner, Eugene Nijman and Jan RejlekNumerical transfer path analysis for structure-borne and air-borne noise problems in internal combustion enginesProceedings of ICEDyn 20151-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mehmet Bugra Akin, Wolfgang Sanz and Paul PieringerOptimization of a Low Pressure Turbine Stage by Hub Endwall Contouring of the Turning Mid Turbine Frame Using An Adjoint MethodInternational Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz and Rosario SpataroUnsteady CFD simulation of a turning mid turbine frame with embedded design11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 20151-13Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader and Wolfgang SanzSteady and unsteady CFD calculation of the laminar-to-turbulent transition in a turning mid turbine frame with embedded designASME Turbo Expo1-9Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Günter Offner, Eugene Nijman and Jan RejlekApplication of a Numerical Transfer Path Analysis Method for Noise Source Identification in Internal Combustion EnginesProceedings of ICEDyn 20151-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Preininger, Marina Kofler and Ralf KolleckInvestigation and evaluation of the cold formability of the high-manganese TWIP steel X40MnCrAl19-2IDDRG 2015: Forming with Intelligence, Flexibility and Lightweight440-448Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Haslinger, Günter Offner, Martin Sopouch and Bianca ZinkiewiczModal Analysis of Vehicle Power TrainsProceedings of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics53-54Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gundolf Haase, Dirk Martin and Günter OffnerTowards Interpolation on Heterogeneous HPC SystemsLarge-Scale Scientific Computing182-190Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Lukas Maria Traußnig, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnModal characterization, strain gauge setup and 1-way FSI of a low pressure turbine rotor bladingASME Turbo Expo1-13Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arianna Mastrodonato and Oliver BormImpact of the Air to Fuel Jet Momentum Ratio on the NOx Emissions of a
Hydrogen Combustion ChamberProceedings of the 7th European Combustion Meeting1-6Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Thorsten Selic, Florian Schönleitner, Stefan Zerobin, Dominik Broszat, Martin Hoeger and Franz HeitmeirAcoustic Comparison of Different Turbine Exit Guide Vane Designs- Part2: Experimental Analysis21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 20151-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Rainer, Gundolf Haase, Branislav Basara and Günter OffnerShape Optimization by an Adjoint Solver based on a near-wall Turbulence Model2015-01-13581-15Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Bauinger, Stephan Behre, Davide Lengani, Yavuz Gündogdu, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichOn Turbulence Measurements and Analyses in a Two-Stage Two-Spool Turbine RigASME Turbo Expo 201542698-1-42698-13Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thorsten Selic, Andreas Marn, Florian Schönleitner, Dominik Broszat, Martin Hoeger and Franz HeitmeirComparison of an Acoustically Optimized and an Aerodynamically Optimized Exit Guide Vane11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics1-13Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Norbert Lorenz, Matthias Meuter and Oliver KnausA Thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic Modelling Approach for Mixed Lubricated Journal Bearings in Internal Combustion Engines11th VDI Fachtagung Gleit- und Wälzlagerungen149-160Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner, Andreas Marn and Jakob WoisetschlägerInterferometric investigation of the thermoacoustics in a swirl stabilized methane flameProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo42743-42743Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mark Turner, A. Nemnem, Anthony Gannon, Garth V. Hobson and Wolfgang SanzMeasured Heat Transfer in a Transonic Fan Rig at Casing with Implications on PerformanceASME Turbo Expo0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Zsifkovits, Achim Hepberger and Günter OffnerNumerical integration methods for the solution of Helmholtz equations with the Wave Based TechniqueProceedings of Euronoise 2015515-520Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm and Kurt EckerstorferNumerische Untersuchung einer schadstoffarmen
Wasserstoffbrennkammer für KleingasturbinenVerbrennung und Feuerung415-423Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pouya Ghaffari, Reinhard Willinger, Sabine Bauinger and Andreas MarnImpact of Passive Tip-Injection on Tip-Leakage Flow in Axial Low Pressure Turbine StageASME Turbo Expo 201542226-1-42226-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anthony Gannon, Garth V. Hobson, Mark Turner and Wolfgang SanzPerformance of a Splittered Transonic Rotor with Several Tip ClearancesASME Turbo Expo0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner and Jakob WoisetschlägerUntersuchung thermoakustischer Oszillationen mittels LaservibrometerLasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik1.1-1.8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Norbert Lorenz, Günter Offner, Martin Sopouch and Otmar ErtlDynamic Modeling Approach for a Continuous Moving BeltProceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015320-333Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Faustmann, Stefan Zerobin, Rosario Spataro, Andreas Marn, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichOn the Acoustics of a Turning Mid Turning Frame with Embedded Design in a Two-Stage Test-TurbineEuropean Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and ThermodynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner, Matthias Meuter and Oliver KnausA generic friction modelling approach for mixed lubricated journal bearings in internal combustion engines11th VDI Fachtagung Gleit- und Wälzlagerungen161-172Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Acri, Günter Offner, Eugene Nijman and R. CorradiNumerical transfer path analysis for the assessment of air-borne noise in internal combustion enginesProceedings of ICoEV 2015 International Conference on Engineering Vibrations384-393Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Meuter, Günter Offner and Gundolf HaaseLubricated Non-Conformal Contact Model Used in Multi-Body Simulation of a Cam Follower ContactTribologie in Industrie und Forschung – Werkstoffe, Schmierstoffe und Technologie87-99Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Faustmann, Stefan Zerobin, Sabine Bauinger, Andreas Marn, Franz Heitmeir and Emil GöttlichTurbine Noise Reduction: Axial Spacing and Embedded DesignProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo43565-1-43565-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Lukas Maria Traußnig, Andreas Marn and Franz HeitmeirDetection of blade mistuning in a low pressure turbine rotor resulting from manufacturing tolerances and differences in blade mountingSIRM1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mehmet Bugra Akin and Wolfgang SanzA Quasi First Order Optimization Method and Its Demonstration on the Optimization of a U-BendASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Pascal Bader and Wolfgang SanzOn the setup of a test bench for predicting laminar-to-turbulent transition on a flat platePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz and Rosario SpataroUnsteady CFD simulation of a turning mid turbine frame with embedded designPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Meuter, Günter Offner and Gundolf HaaseAn Elasto-hydrodynamic Lubrication Contact Model for Valve Train SimulationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thorsten Selic, Andreas Marn, Florian Schönleitner, Dominik Broszat, Martin Hoeger and Franz HeitmeirComparison of an Acoustically Optimized and an Aerodynamically Optimized Exit Guide VanePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Thorsten Selic, Lukas Maria Traußnig, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnExperimental Blade Vibration Measurements on Rotating Turbomachinery BladesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader and Wolfgang SanzOn the setup of a test bench for predicting laminar-to-turbulent transition on a flat platePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Meuter, Günter Offner and Gundolf HaaseMulti-body Engine Simulation including Non-Conformal Lubricated ConjunctionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Arianna Mastrodonato and Oliver BormImpact of the Air to Fuel Jet Momentum Ratio on the NOx Emissions of a Hydrogen Combustion ChamberPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger, NV Stadlmair and Thomas SattelmayerAnalysis of measured flame transfer functions with locally resolved density fluctuations and OH-chemiluminescence dataPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabio Cozzi, Emil Göttlich, Luca Angelucci, Vincenzo Dossena and Alberto GuardoneDevelopment of a Background-Oriented Schlieren Technique with Telecentric Lenses for Supersonic FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Lukas Maria Traußnig, Andreas Marn and Franz HeitmeirDetection of blade mistuning in a low pressure turbine rotor resulting from manufacturing tolerances and differences in blade mountingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Meuter, Günter Offner and Gundolf HaaseFlexible multi-body simulation including non-conformal contact simulation based on elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication theoryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader and Wolfgang SanzSteady and Unsteady CFD calculation of the laminar-to-turbulent transition in a turning mid turbine frame with embedded designPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Federica Farisco, Lukasz Panek, Jim Kok, Jared Pent and Rajesh RajaramTHERMO-ACOUSTIC COUPLING IN CAN-ANNULAR COMBUSTORS - A NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Lukas Maria Traußnig, Franz Heitmeir and Andreas MarnModal characterization, strain gauge setup and 1-way FSI of a low pressure turbine rotor bladingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Nikolaus Euler-Rolle, Stefan Jakubek and Günter OffnerModel order reduction by projection applied to the universal Reynold’s equationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Haslinger, Günter Offner and M. SopouchNon-Smooth Dynamics of Coil Contact in Valve SpringsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Emil Göttlich, Davide Lengani, Christian Faustmann and Franz HeitmeirDevelopment of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame With Embedded Design - Part I: Design and Steady MeasurementsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Stefan Kindermann, Thorsten Selic, Andreas Marn and Franz HeitmeirMeasurement and Decomposition of Periodic Flow Structures of a Test TurbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
C. Heschl, K. Inthavong, Wolfgang Sanz and J. TuNon-linear Eddy Viscosity Modelling and Experimental Study of Jet Spreading RatesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maximilian Schrittwieser, Andreas Marn, Ernst Farnleitner and Gebhard KastnerNumerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Flow of Stator Duct ModelsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Emil Göttlich, Davide Lengani, Christian Faustmann and Franz HeitmeirDevelopment of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame With Embedded Design - Part II: Unsteady MeasurementsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Adam D Wexler, M.L. Sáenz, O. Schreer, Jakob Woisetschläger and E C FuchsThe Preparation of Electrohydrodynamic Bridges from Polar Dielectric LiquidsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha and Emil GöttlichVerbesserte Nutzung der Windkraft durch Anordnung neuartiger Windturbinen auf Bergen und GewässernInnehalten und Ausblick: Effektivität und Effizienz für die Energiewende354-355Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Rosario Spataro and Emil GöttlichFlow evolution through a Turning Mid Turbine Frame with embedded designTurbomachinery1-13Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Faustmann and Emil GöttlichAerodynamics and Acoustics of Turning Mid Turbine Frames in a Two-Shaft Test TurbineProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo25568-1-25568-16Publikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Rainer, Gundolf Haase, B. Basara and Günter OffnerSteady Shape Optimization by a Continuous Adjoint Solver using Turbulence Models in the Adjoint EquationsProceedings of the 1st Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization2513-2524Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Dominik Broszat, Thorsten Selic, Florian Schönleitner and Franz HeitmeirComparison of the Aerodynamics of Acoustically Designed EGVs and a State-of-the-Art EGVASME Turbo Expo1-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver BormEvaluation of Gaseous Emissions From Hydrogen Combustion Aircraft EnginesASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition1-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mirko Spitalny, Ulf Tapken, Christian Faustmann and Lars EnghardtRadial mode decomposition of sound fields in flow ducts under consideration of a rigid body like swirlInternational Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz and Herbert JerichaRenewable Power via Energy Ship and Graz CycleInternational Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery000-000Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Steiner, Emil Göttlich, Rosario Spataro and Franz HeitmeirExperimental investigation of a vortex-generator-controlled intermediate turbine duct under the influence of rotating wakes32nd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference1-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thorsten Selic, Davide Lengani, Dominik Broszat, Florian Schönleitner and Andreas MarnComparison of a State of the Art and a High Stage Loading RotorProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mehmet Bugra Akin, Wolfgang Sanz and Paul PieringerEndwall Contour Optimization of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame Using an Adjoint MethodASME Turbo Expo26038-1-26038-Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter Offner and O. KnausA Generic Friction Model for Radial Slider Bearing SimulationÖTG-Symposium0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Faustmann, Stefan Zerobin, Andreas Marn, Mirko Spitalny, Dominik Broszat and Emil GöttlichNoise generation and propagation for different turning mid turbine frame setups in a two shaft test turbine20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 20141888811-1-1888811-16Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Heidemarie Malli, Kurt Felix Eckerstorfer, Oliver Borm and Peter Adrian LeitlExperimental and Numerical Investigation of a Hydrogen Combustion Chamber Under Various Inlet ConditionsProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition1-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner, Florian Salcher and Jakob WoisetschlägerFrequency resolved interferometric detection of local density fluctuations in flamesProceedings 17th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics04.7_1_53-04.7_1_53Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thorsten Selic and Andreas MarnOn the Influence of Rotor Design on an Acoustically 3d-Designed Turbine Exit Guide VaneAIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference1-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Faustmann, Sabine Bauinger, Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichThe effect of airfoil clocking on noise generation and propagation in a two shaft test turbine20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 20141887191-1-1887191-13Publikation in PURE anzeigen
N. Lorenz, Günter Offner and O. KnausFast Thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic Modelling Approach for Mixed Lubricated Journal Bearings in ICEsLeeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology21.1-105Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Helge Koch, Thorsten Selic, Martin Höger and Andreas MarnComparison of the experimental results between a 2D EGV cascade test and a rig test under engine representative conditionsASME Turbo Expo1-15Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mehmet Bugra Akin and Wolfgang SanzNumerical Investigation of a Two-Stage Counter-Rotating Turbine With Transition Modelling and Prediction Improvement With Time-Accurate CalculationsInternational ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mehmet Bugra Akin and Wolfgang SanzThe Influence of Transition on CFD Calculations of a Two-Stag Counter-Rotating TurbineASME Turbo Expo26044-1-26044-14Publikation in PURE anzeigen
D. Martin, G. Haase and Günter OffnerInterpolation with Radial Basis Functions on GPGPUs using CUDAInterpolation with Radial Basis Functions on GPGPUs using CUDA0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal BaderSteady And Unsteady CFD Simulation Of A Two-Stage Turbine With A Turning Mid Turbine FramePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan ZerobinAkustische Untersuchung von Turbinenübergangskanälen bei drei verschiedenen BetriebspunktenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Pascal Bader, Wolfgang Sanz, Rosario Spataro and Emil GöttlichFlow Evolution Through A Turning Mid Turbine Frame With Embedded DesignPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Justl, Lukas Maria Traußnig, Florian Schönleitner, Andreas Marn and Franz HeitmeirNumerical investigation regarding contact modeling for evaluating the modal characteristics of a low pressure turbine rotorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Faustmann, Stefan Zerobin and Franz HeitmeirExperimental Investigation of the Noise Generation and Propagation for a Turning Mid Turbine FramePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thorsten Selic and Andreas MarnOn the Influence of Rotor Design on an Acoustically 3d-Designed Turbine Exit Guide VanePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Lukas Maria Traußnig, Markus Justl and Andreas MarnEvaluation of the modal characteristics of a low pressure turbine rotor. A comparison between different experimental and numerical methods.Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Schönleitner, Helge Koch, Thorsten Selic, Martin Höger and Andreas MarnComparison of the experimental results between a 2D EGV cascade test and a rig test under engine representative conditionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Bauinger, Christian Faustmann and Franz HeitmeirInvestigation on Noise Generation and Propagation for Different Vane-Vane Positions in a Two-Stage Two-Spool Test TurbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Dominik Broszat, Thorsten Selic, Florian Schönleitner and Franz HeitmeirComparison of the Aerodynamics of Acoustically Designed EGVs and a State-of-the-Art EGVPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Franco Pichler, Thorsten Selic and Florian SchönleitnerBlade-Disc Connection Parameter VariationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thorsten Selic, Davide Lengani, Dominik Broszat, Florian Schönleitner and Andreas MarnComparison of a State of the Art and a High Stage Loading RotorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jakob WoisetschlägerAuf der Suche nach effizienten Triebwerken - Forschung in der SteiermarkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Fischer, Jörg König, Jürgen Czarske, Johannes Peterleithner, Jakob Woisetschläger and Thomas LeitgebAnalysis of flow and density oscillations in a swirl-stabilized flame employing highly resolving optical measurement techniquesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
E C Fuchs, Adam D Wexler, A.H. Paulitsch-Fuchs, L L F Agostinho, Doekle Yntema and Jakob WoisetschlägerThe Armstrong experiment revisitedPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Leitgeb, Thierry Schuller, Daniel Durox, Fabrice Giuliani, Stefan Köberl and Jakob WoisetschlägerInterferometric determination of heat release rate in a pulsated flamePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Heschl, Kiao Inthavong, Wolfgang Sanz and Jiyuan TuEvaluation and Improvements of RANS turbulence models for Linear Diffuser FlowsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner, Andreas Marn, Thomas Leitgeb and Jakob WoisetschlägerFrequency resolved density fluctuations measurements of combustion oscillations in a model combustor49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibt1589261-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jaana Rajamaeki, Fabrice Giuliani, Johannes Fritzer and Franz HeitmeirAbout low emission combustion with replacement fuels (Paper review)International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Adam D Wexler, S Drusova, Elmar Christof Fuchs and Jakob WoisetschlägerDevelopment of an electrical method for including mesoscale state transitions in polar liquidsMesostructures and Dynamics in liquids and Solutions - Faraday Discussion 1670-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Faustmann, Andreas Lang and Fabrice GiulianiMeasurement of the aerodynamics in the primary zone of a low-NOx combustor at atmospheric and isothermal conditionsTransonic and Supersonic Flow in Cascades and Turbomachines151-161Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Emil Göttlich, Davide Lengani, Christian Faustmann and Franz HeitmeirDEVELOPEMENT OF A TURNING MID TURBINE FRAME WITH EMBEDDED DESIGN Part II: UNSTEADY MEASUREMENTSASME Turbo Expo1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Emil Göttlich, Davide Lengani, Christian Faustmann and Franz HeitmeirDEVELOPEMENT OF A TURNING MID TURBINE FRAME WITH EMBEDDED DESIGN Part I: DESIGN AND STEADY MEASUREMENTSASME Turbo Expo1-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Broszat, Thorsten Selic and Andreas MarnVerification of the Inverse Cut-Off Effect in a Turbomachinery Stage; Part 2-Comparison to Experimental Results19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2013, 34th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Emil Göttlich, Cornelia Santner and Franz HeitmeirA numerical comparison on the aerodynamic performances of a two-stage two-spool turbine facility predicted by steady and unsteady simulations10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics827-839Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Günter OffnerStructural Dynamics considering Mixed Lubricated Contacts applied for Internal Combustion EnginesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine BauingerEinfluss unterschiedlicher Turbinenübergangskanäle auf die Schallemissionen in einem zweistufigen TurbinenprüfstandPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Thorsten Selic and Dominik BroszatPreliminary Results and Ongoing ResearchPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Peterleithner, Andreas Marn, Thomas Leitgeb and Jakob WoisetschlägerFrequency resolved density fluctuations measurements of combustion oscillations in a model combustorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
A D Wexler, S Drusova, E C Fuchs and Jakob WoisetschlägerDevelopment of an electrical method for including mesoscale state transitions in polar liquidsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Emil Göttlich, Davide Lengani, Christian Faustmann and Franz HeitmeirDevelopement of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame with Embedded Design Part II: Unsteady MeasurementsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Emil Göttlich, Davide Lengani, Christian Faustmann and Franz HeitmeirDevelopment of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame with Embedded Design Part I: Design and Steady MeasurementsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Broszat, Thorsten Selic and Andreas MarnVerification of the Inverse Cut-Off Effect in a Turbomachinery Stage Part 2-Comparison to Experimental ResultsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Thorsten Selic and Martin HoegerPreliminary Results and Ongoing ResearchPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm, Oliver Schennach and Andreas MarnEinsatz eines Modell-Strahltriebwerks zur StudentenausbildungPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Berardo Paradiso and Andreas MarnA Method for the Determination of Turbulence Intensity by Means of a Fast Response Pressure Probe and its Application in a LP TurbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Fritzer, Fabrice Giuliani, Alain Strzelecki and Virginel BodocValidation of an infrared extinction method for fuel vapor concentration measurements towards the systematic comparison between alternative and conventional fuels for aviationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar Christof Fuchs, A. Cherukupally, A.H. Paulitsch-Fuchs, L.L.F. Agostinho, Jakob Woisetschläger, A.D. Wexler and F.T. FreundInvestigation of the mid-infrared emission of an floating water bridgePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Andreas Lang, Klaus Johannes Gradl, Peter Siebenhofer and Johannes FritzerAir flow modulation for refined control of the combustion dynamics using a novel actuatorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Santner, Emil Göttlich, Andreas Marn, Josef Hubinka and Berardo ParadisoThe Application of Low-Profile Vortex Generators in an Intermediate Turbine DiffuserPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn, Emil Göttlich, Franz Malzacher and Hermann-Peter PirkerThe Effect of Rotor Tip Clearance Size onto the Separated Flow through a Super-Aggressive S-Shaped Intermediate Turbine Duct Downstream of a Transonic Turbine StagePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Berardo Paradiso, Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichIdentification of Spinning Mode in the Unsteady Flow Field of a Low Pressure TurbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jakob Woisetschläger, A.D. Wexler, Gert Holler, M. Eisenhut, Karl Gatterer and E. C. FuchsHorizontal bridges in polar dielectric liquidsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Cornelia Santner, Rosario Spataro and Emil GöttlichAnalysis Tools for the Unsteady Interactions in a Counter-Rotating Two-Spool Turbine RigPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Cornelia Santner and Emil GöttlichEvaluation and Analysis of the Stochastic Unsteadiness in the Last Stage of a Counter-Rotating Two-Spool Turbine RiG15th Event of International Conference Series on Fluid Flow Technologies858-865Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernd Schlegl, Christian Scheinecker, Andreas Marn, Fritz Neumayer, Mario Himmelreich and Franz HeitmeirDevelopment of a Full Parameterized FE-Modeling Tool for Efficient Vibration Investigations on End Windings of Turbo- and Hydro-Generators2012 XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines2961-2968Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernd Schlegl, Florian Schönleitner, Andreas Marn, Fritz Neumayer and Franz HeitmeirAnalytical Determination of the Orthotropic Material Behaviour of Stator Bars in the Range of the Windings and Determination of the Material Characteristics of the Orthotropic Composite Space Brackets via Experimental Modal Analysis and FE-CalculationInternational Conference on Electrical Machines1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Fischer, J. König, L. Büttner, Thomas Leitgeb and Jakob WoisetschlägerDetektion von Flammeninstabilitäten mittels Mehrpunktmessung von StrömungsgeschwindigkeitensspektrenLasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fritz Zaversky, Stefan Bergmann and Wolfgang SanzDetailed Modeling of Parabolic Trough Collectors for the Part Load Simulation of Solar Thermal Power PlantsASME Paper GT2012-680321-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Cornelia Santner, Davide Lengani and Emil GöttlichOn the Flow Evolution Through a LP Turbine with Wide Chord Vanes in an S-Shaped ChannelASME Turbo Expo1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Werner Hermeling, Gerald Zotter and Wolfgang SanzCRYO-P - Energiespeicher - Der neuartige Speicher für volatile EnergiequellenAlternativen für die Energiezukunft Europas2(1)-(6)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernd Schlegl, Florian Schönleitner, Andreas Marn, Fritz Neumayer and Franz HeitmeirAnalytical Determination of the Orthotropic Material Behaviour of Stator Bars in the Range of the WindingsIET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thorsten Selic, Davide Lengani, Andreas Marn and Franz HeitmeirAerodynamic Effects of an Unshrouded Low Pressure Turbine on a Low Aspect Ratio Exit Guide VaneProceedings of the ASME Turrbo Expo1-13Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha, Emil Göttlich and Wolfgang SanzNovel Wind Turbine for Catabatic WindsASME Paper GT2012-692631-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha, Emil Göttlich, Thorsten Selic and Wolfgang SanzNovel Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine With Articulate BladingASME Paper GT2012-689691-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Johannes Fritzer, Alain Strzelecki and Virginel BodocVerdampfung von Bio- und Alternativkraftstoffen für die LuftfahrtSymposium EnergieinnovationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Broszat, Thorsten Selic and Andreas MarnVerification of the Inverse Cut-Off Effect in a Turbomachinery Stage Part 1-Numerical ResultsAIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference1-9Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm and Hans-Peter KauUnsteady Aerodynamics of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage: Validation of Two Different CFD SolversTurbo : Poweer for Land, Sea and Air1-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maximilian Schrittwieser, Andreas Marn, Ernst Farnleitner and Gebhard KastnerNumerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Flow of Stator Duct Models2012 XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines385-390Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerald Zotter, Werner Hermeling and Wolfgang SanzTHERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF A NOVEL CRYOGENIC RANKINE CYCLE FOR WIND ENERGY STORAGEReliable Gas Turbines Operating in Extreme Environments: GT2012-6818041-50Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Gabriele D'Ippolito and Vincenzo DossenaThe influence of Blade Sweep Technique in linear cascade configurationProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2011731-740Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Thorsten Selic, Rosario Spataro, Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichAnalysis of the Unsteady Flow Field in Turbines by Means of Modal DecompositionProceedings of the ASME Turrbo Expo1-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Cornelia Santner, Rosario Spataro, Berardo Paradiso and Emil GöttlichExperimental Investigation of the Unsteady Flow Field Downstream of a Counter-Rotating Two-Spool Turbine RigASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Jakob Woisetschläger and Thomas LeitgebDesign and validation of a burner with variable geometry for extended combustion rangeProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexandre DodierFlow Simulation of a Centrifugal Pump with Finite Volume Methods and Smoothed Particle HydrodynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Elisabeth CollinsInnovative Numerical Calculation of Transitional Flow with Turbomachinery ApplicationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin WeinzerlNumerische Berechnung der Wickelkopfschwingungen eines HydrogeneratorsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian FaustmannExperimentelle Untersuchungen der Zünd- und Strömungseigenschaften eines Brennkammertestsektors im Rahmen des NEWAC-ProjektesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan ZerobinErmittlung von Biege- und Torsionseigenfrequenzen einer Niederdruckturbine bei Variation der LagersteifigkeitenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal BaderKonstruktive und simulatorische Untersuchungen verschiedener Aufladekonzepte eines SerienmotorradmotorsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver BormInstationäre numerische Untersuchung der aerodynamischen Rotor-Stator-Interaktion in einem RadialverdichterPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Andreas Fischer, J König, L Büttner, Jürgen Czarske, Thomas Leitgeb and Jakob WoisetschlägerDetektion von Flammeninstabilitäten mittels Mehrpunktmessung von StrömungsgeschwindigkeitsspektrenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernd Schlegl, Florian Schönleitner, Andreas Marn, Fritz Neumayer and Franz HeitmeirAnalytical Determination of the Orthotropic Material Behaviour of Stator Bars in the Range of the Windings and Determination of thee Material Characteristics of the Orthotropic Composite Space Brackes via Experimental Modal Analysis and FE-CalculationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maximilian Schrittwieser, Andreas Marn, E. Farnleitner and G. KastnerNumerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Flow of Stator Duct ModelsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, Cornelia Santner, Davide Lengani and Emil GöttlichOn the Flow Evolution through a LP Turbine with Wide Chord Vanes in an S-Shaped ChannelPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Cornelia Santner, Rosario Spataro, Berardo Paradiso and Emil GöttlichExperimental Investigation of the Unsteady Flow Field Downstream of a Counter-Rotating Two-Spool Turbine RigPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thorsten Selic, Davide Lengani, Andreas Marn and Franz HeitmeirAerodynamic Effects of an unshrouded Low Pressure Turbine on a low Aspect Ratio Exit Guide VanePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernd Schlegl, Christian Scheinecker, Andreas Marn, Fritz Neumayer, Mario Himmelreich and Franz HeitmeirDevelopment of a Full Parameterized FE-Modeling Tool for Efficient Vibration Investigations on End Windings of Turbo- and Hydro-GeneratorsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Johannes Fritzer, A. Strzelecki and V. BodocVerdampfung von Bio- und Alternativkraftstoffen für die LuftfahrtPublikation in PURE anzeigen
W. Hermeling, Gerald Zotter and Wolfgang SanzCRYO-P - Energiespeicher - Der neuartige Speicher für volatile EnergiequellenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Cornelia Santner and Emil GöttlichEvaluation and Analysis of the Stochastic Unsteadiness in the Last Stage of a Counter-Rotating Two-Spool Turbine RigPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernd Schlegl, Florian Schönleitner, Andreas Marn, Fritz Neumayer and Franz HeitmeirAnalytical Determination of the Orthotropic Material Behaviour of Stator Bars in the Range of the WindingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Thorsten Selic, Rosario Spataro, Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichAnalysis of the Unsteady Flow Field in Turbines by Means of Modal DecompositionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Broszat, Thorsten Selic and Andreas MarnVerification of the Inverse Cut-Off Effect in a Turbomachinery Stage Part 1-Numerical ResultsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fritz Zaversky, S. Bergmann and Wolfgang SanzDetailed Modeling of Parabolic Trough Collectors for the Part Load Simulation of Solar Thermal Power PlantsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha, Emil Göttlich and Wolfgang SanzNovel Wind Turbine for Catabatic WindsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rosario Spataro, G D'Ippolito and V. DossenaThe Influence of Blade Sweep Technique in Linear Cascade ConfigurationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha, Emil Göttlich, Thorsten Selic and Wolfgang SanzNovel Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine with Articulate BladingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Köberl, Thomas Leitgeb, Andreas Lang and Jakob WoisetschlägerDatenaufzeichnung und Auswerteroutinen für Dual LaservibrometriePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichSchallmessung am Prüfstand für Hydraulische StrömungsmaschinenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Leitgeb, Roman Proebster and Fabrice GiulianiNEWAC Deliverable D2.3.2D - Experimental Analysis of a Burner Concept with Variable GeometryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichResults of Acoustic Measurements at Different Saw MillsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Elmar Christof Fuchs, L.L.F. Agostinho, A. Wexler, R.M. Wagterveld, J. Tuinstra and Jakob WoisetschlägerThe behaviour of a floating water bridge under reduced gravity conditionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M Sammer, C. Kamp, D. Yntema, M. Horner, A. Fuchs, Gert Holler, Jakob Woisetschläger and Ernst LankmayrThe Bioscope System - Testing and Validating a Novel Sensor for Aqueous SolutionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar C. Fuchs, Brigitte Bitschnau, Silva Di Fonzo, Alessandro Gessini, Jakob Woisetschläger and Filippo BencivengaInelastic UV Scattering in a Floating Water BridgePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar C. Fuchs, Adam D. Wexler, Luewton L. F. Agostinho, Michael Ramek and Jakob WoisetschlägerMethanol, Ethanol and Propanol in EHD liquid bridgingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Andreas Lang, Klaus Johannes Gradl and Peter SiebenhoferAir flow modulation for refined control of the combustion dynamics using a novel actuatorASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Fritzer, Alain Strzelecki, Fabrice Giuliani and Virginel BodocValidation of an Infrared Extinction Method for fuel vapor concentration measurements towards the systematic comparison between alternative and conventional fuels for aviationProceedings of Turbo Expo 2011: Power for Land, Sea and AirPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm, Balint Balassa and Hans-Peter KauCOMPARISON OF DIFFERENT NUMERICAL APPROACHES AT THE CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR RADIVERInternational Symposium on Air Breathing Engines1-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Adam D Wexler, Elmar Christof Fuchs and Jakob WoisetschlägerElectrically driven liquid bridges - a novel non-equilibrium laboratory for polar liquids8th Liquid Matter Conference 20110-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Berardo Paradiso, Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichIdentification of Spinning Mode in the Unsteady Flow Field of LP TurbineASME Turbo Expo1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jingxuan Li, Daniel Durox, Franck Richecoeur, Thomas Leitgeb, Fabrice Giuliani and Thierry SchullerDetermination of line-of-sight integrated heat release rate fluctuations in pulsated flames by laser interferometric vibrometryProceedings of the Seventh Mediterranean Combustion SymposiumPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Elisabeth Collins, Roland Burgstaller and Wolfgang SanzApplication of the gamma-Re_theta transition model to transitional flowInternational Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows1-1Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Hubinka, Berardo Paradiso, Cornelia Santner, Hermann-Peter Pirker and Emil GöttlichDesign and operation of a two spool high pressure test turbine facilityProceedings of the 9th European Turbomachinery Conference1531-1540Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Berardo Paradiso, Cornelia Santner, Josef Hubinka, Emil Göttlich and Martin HoegerTurning mid turbine frame behaviour for different HP turbine outflow conditionsASME Turbo ExpoPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz, Carl-W. Hustad and Herbert JerichaFirst Generation Graz Cycle Power Plant for Near-Term DeploymentConference CD1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm, Aleksandar Jemcov and Hans-Peter KauDensity Based Navier Stokes Solver for Transonic Flows6th OpenFOAM Workshop1-30Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fredrik Wallin, Sofia Ore, Cornelia Santner and Emil GöttlichAERO-DESIGN AND VALIDATION OF A TURNING MID TURBINE FRAMEProceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Air Breathing EnginesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Santner, Berardo Paradiso, Franz Malzacher, Martin Hoeger, Josef Hubinka and Emil GöttlichEvolution of the flow through a turning mid turbine frame applied between a transonic HP turbine stage and a counter-rotating LP turbineProceedings of the 9th European Turbomachinery Conference683-695Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz, Peter A. Leitl and Franz HeitmeirDesign and CFD Simulation of a Booster Compressor with VoluteConference Proceedings29-40Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Santner, Emil Göttlich, Fredrik Wallin and Martin HoegerExperimental investigation of turning mid turbine frame designsProceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Air Breathing EnginesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alain Strzelecki, Johannes Fritzer, Fabrice Giuliani, Virginel Bodoc and Pierre GajanValidation d'une méthode par absorption infrarouge pour la mesure de concentration de vapeur dans un brouillard14ème Congrès Français de Visualisation et de Traitement d’Images en Mécanique des FluidesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Broszat, Ulf Tapken, Lars Enghardt, Davide Lengani and Andreas MarnValidation of an Integrated Acoustic Absorber in a Turbine Exit Guide VaneAIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference1-7Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Berardo Paradiso and Andreas MarnA Method for the Determination of Turbulence Intensity b Means of a Fast Response Pressure Probe and its Application in a LP TurbineProceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows1-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan KöberlDevelopment and Application of Interferometric Measurement Techniques for Multi-Flame Gas Turbine CombustionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael SteinerAufbau und Inbetriebnahme einer Ringgitterkaskade mit Nachlaufgenerator zur aerodynamischen Untersuchung von Turbinen-Zwischen-Diffusoren unter Einfluss von WirbelgeneratorenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Oliver Borm, A. Jemcov and H.-P. KauDensity Baded Navier Stokes Solver for Transonic FlowsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Berardo Paradiso and Andreas MarnA Method for the Determination of Turbulence Intensity b Means of a Fast Response Pressure Probe and its Application in a LP TurbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm, B. Balassa and H.-P. KauComparison of Different Numerical Approaches at the Centrifugal Compressor RadiverPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Santner, Emil Göttlich, F. Wallin and Martin HoegerExperimental Investigation of Turning Mid Turbine Frame DesignsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Strzelecki, Johannes Fritzer, Fabrice Giuliani, V. Bodoc and P. GajanValidation D'une Methode par Absorption Infrarouge pour la Mesure de Concentration de Vapeur Dans un BrouillardPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Broszat, Ulf Tapken, Lars Enghardt, Davide Lengani and Andreas MarnValidation of an Integrated Acoustic Absorber in a Turbine Exit Guide VanePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Hubinka, Berardo Paradiso, Cornelia Santner, Hermann-Peter Pirker and Emil GöttlichDesign and Operation of a Two Spool High Pressur Test Turbine FacilityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
F. Wallin, Sophia Ore, Cornelia Santner and Emil GöttlichAero-Design and Validation of a Turning Mid Turbine FramePublikation in PURE anzeigen
A.D. Wexler, G. Holler, E. C. Fuchs and Jakob WoisetschlägerElectrically driven liquid bridges - a novel non equilibrium laboratory for polar liquidsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Fritzer, A. Strzelecki, Fabrice Giuliani and V. BodocValidation of an Infrared Extinction Method for Fuel Vapor Concentration Measurements towards the Systematic Comparison between Alternative and Conventional Fuels for AviationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Berardo Paradiso, Cornelia Santner, Josef Hubinka, Emil Göttlich and Martin HoegerTurning Mid Turbine Frame Behaviour for Different HP Turbine Outflow ConditionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Andreas Lang, Klaus Johannes Gradl and Peter SiebenhoferAir Flow Modulation for Refined Control of the Combustion Dynamics using a Novel ActuatorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Lengani, Berardo Paradiso, Andreas Marn and Emil GöttlichIdentification of Spinning Mode in the Unsteady Flow Field of LP TurbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Elisabeth Collins (Kelterer), Roland Burgstaller and Wolfgang SanzApplication of the gamma-Re_theta transition model to transitional flowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Li, Daniel Durox, Franck Richecoeur, Thomas Leitgeb, Fabrice Giuliani and Thierry SchullerDetermination of line-of-sight integrated heat release rate fluctuations in pulsated flames by laser interferometric vibrometryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Santner, Berardo Paradiso, Franz Malzacher, Martin Hoeger, Josef Hubinka and Emil GöttlichEvolution of the Flow through a Turning Mid Turbine Frame applied between a Transonic HP Turbine Stage and a Counter-Rotating LP TurbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Köberl, Fabrice Giuliani and Jakob WoisetschlägerDual Laser Vibrometer Measurements in a Methane-Jet Diffusion BurnerPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Fabrice Giuliani, Thomas Leitgeb, Andreas Lang and Jakob WoisetschlägerMapping the density fluctuations in a pulsed air-methane flame using laser vibrometryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Köberl, Fabrizio Fontaneto, Fabrice Giuliani and Jakob WoisetschlägerFrequency-resolved interferometric measurement of local density fluctuations for turbulent combustion analysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Schennach, Jakob Woisetschläger, Berardo Paradiso, G. Persico and P. GaetaniThree dimensional clocking effects in a one and a half stage transonic turbinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jakob Woisetschläger, Karl Gatterer and Elmar Christof FuchsExperiments in a Floating Water BridgePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar Christof Fuchs, L.L.F. Agostinho, M. Eisenhut and Jakob WoisetschlägerMass and charge transfer within a floating water bridgeProc. SPIE1-15Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha, Viktor Hacker, Wolfgang Sanz and Gerald ZotterThermal Steam Power Plant fired by Hydrogen and Oxygen in stoichiometric Ratio, using Fuel Cells and Gas Turbine Cycle ComponentsASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air513-520Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz, M. Mayr and Herbert JerichaThermodynamic and Economic Evaluation of an IGCC Plant Based on the Graz Cycle for CO2 CaptureASME Turbo Expo 20100-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
C. Heschl, Wolfgang Sanz, D. Müller and I. LindemeirEin Beitrag zur numerischen Berechnung von Raumluftströmungen4. Tagungsband des Forschungsforums der österreichischen Fachhochschulen0-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Andreas Lang, Mohammad Irannezhad and Anders LundblahdPulse detonation as an option for future innovative gas turbine combustion technologies: a concept assessment27th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences - ICASPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Fritzer, Fabrice Giuliani, Thomas Leitgeb, Andreas Lang and Christoph Andreas HennigConcept for a versatile spray test rig for comparison of evaporation between kerosene and replacement fuels for aviationProceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
C. Heschl, Wolfgang Sanz, D. Müller and P. KlanatskyImplementierung von v2f-Turbulenzmodellen in einem CFD CodeTagungsband des 4. Forschungsforums der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm, Balint Balassa, Sebastian Barthmes, Julius Fellerhoff, Andreas Kührmann and Hans-Peter KauDemonstration of an Aerodynamic Design Process for Turbomachines using Open Source ToolsASME Turbo Expo1-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Köberl, Martin Heimel, Fabrice Giuliani, Jakob Woisetschläger and Fabrizio FontanetoMeasurement of local density fluctuations for combustion diagnostics of different flames using dual laser vibrometryAIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & ExhibitPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar Christof Fuchs, L L F Agostinho, Adam D Wexler, R M Wagterveld, J Tuinstra and Jakob WoisetschlägerThe behaviour of a floating water bridge under reduced gravity condistions5th Ann. Conf. on the physics, Biology and Chemistry of Water0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Lang, Renaud Lecourt and Fabrice GiulianiStatistical evaluation of ignition phenomena in turbojet enginesProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and AirPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Elisabeth Kelterer, Rene Pecnik and Wolfgang SanzCOMPUTATION OF LAMINAR-TURBULENT TRANSITION IN TURBOMACHINERY USING THE CORRELATION BASED GAMMA-RE_THETA TRANSITION MODELASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea and Air GT2010 June 14-18, 2010, Glasgow, Scotland, GT2010-22207x-yPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Thomas Leitgeb, Daniel Durox and Thierry SchullerAnalyse des variations de densité dans une flamme de référence en présence de couplage thermoacoustiqueRecueil des actes du CFTL 20101-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha, Viktor Hacker and Wolfgang SanzSpitzenlast durch CO2-freies Kraftwerkssystem mit Gasturbinen gefeuert mit stöchiometrischem H2 + O2 erhalten aus elektrischer WasserspaltungStationäre Gasturbinen : vielseitiger Einsatz in fortschrittlichen Anwendungen187-198Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm, Fethi Tekin and Hans-Peter KauImplementation of a Domain Scaling Approach for Turbomachinery Computations in OpenFOAM5th OpenFOAM Workshop1-22Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Adam D Wexler, Elmar C Fuchs, J Bruning and Jakob WoisetschlägerThe floating water bridge in oscillating electric fields5th Ann. Conf. on the physics, Biology and Chemistry of Water0-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Santner, Emil Göttlich, Andreas Marn, Josef Hubinka and Berardo ParadisoThe Application of Low-Profile Vortex Generators in an Intermediate Turbine DiffuserASME Turbo Expo1-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Christoph Andreas Hennig, Johannes Fritzer and Thomas LeitgebEvaluation of active control strategies regarding airblast atomisationProceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice GiulianiAdvanced Gas Turbine Combustion Management - Towards Real-Time Monitored Combustors with extended Operation RangePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Andreas Lang, Tomas Grönstedt and Mohammad IrannezhadFinal Assessments for Innovative CombustionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
C. Heschl, Wolfgang Sanz, D. Müller and I. LindemeirEin Beitrag zur numerischen Berechnung von RaumluftströmungenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar Christof Fuchs, L L F Agostinho, Adam D Wexler, R.M. Wagterveld, J. Tuinstra and Jakob WoisetschlägerThe behaviour of a floating water bridge under reduced gravity conditionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
C. Heschl, Wolfgang Sanz, D. Müller and P. KlanatskyImplementierung von v2f-Turbulenzmodellen in einem CFD CodePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Santner, Emil Göttlich, Andreas Marn, Josef Hubinka and Berardo ParadisoThe Application of Low-Profile Vortex Generators in an Intermediate Turbine DiffusorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Santner, Emil Göttlich, Andreas Marn, Josef Hubinka and Berardo ParadisoThe Application of Low-Profile Vortex Generators in an Intermediate Turbine DiffuserPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Köberl, Martin Heimel, Fabrice Giuliani, Jakob Woisetschläger and Fabrizio FontanetoMeasurements of local density fluctuations for combustion diagnostics of different flames using dual laser vibrometryPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Sanz, M. Mayr and Herbert JerichaThermodynamic and Economic Evaluation of an IGCC Plant Based on the Graz Cycle for CO2 CapturePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm, B. Balassa, S. Barthmes, J. Fellerhoff, A. Kührmann and H.-P. KauDemonstration of an Aerodynamic Design Process for Turbomachines using Open Source ToolsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Adam D Wexler, Elmar Christof Fuchs, J Bruning and Jakob WoisetschlägerThe floating water bridge in oscillating electric fieldsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabrice Giuliani, Christoph Andreas Hennig, Johannes Fritzer and Thomas LeitgebEvaluation of active control strategies regarding airblast atomisationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Heschl, Wolfgang Sanz and I. LindmeierDemands on Turbulence Modelling for Ventilated Room AirflowsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Elmar Christof Fuchs, Mathias Eisenhut, Luewton L. F. Aghostinho and Jakob WoisetschlägerMass and Charge Transfer within a Floating Water BridgePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Fritzer, Fabrice Giuliani, Thomas Leitgeb, Andreas Lang and Christoph Andreas HennigConcept for a versatile spray test rig for comparison of evaporation between kerosene and replacement fuels for aviationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Borm, F. Tekin and H.-P. KauImplementation of a Domain Scaling Approach for Turbomachinery Computations in OpenFOAMPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha, Viktor Hacker and Wolfgang SanzSpitzenlast durch CO2-freies Kraftwerkssystem mit Gasturbinen gefeuert mit stöchiometrischem H2 + O2 erhalten aus elektrischer WasserspaltungPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Herbert Jericha, Viktor Hacker, Wolfgang Sanz and Gerald ZotterThermal Steam Power Plant Fired by Hydrogen and Oxygen in Stoichiometric Ratio, using Fuel Cells and Gas Turbine Cycle ComponentsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
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