The aim of the cybersecurity scholarships is to support excellent international students who have completed their Bachelor's degree at another university and come to TU Graz to specialise in cybersecurity. A full scholarship means that the student receives € 4,000 per semester over a period of two years upon proof of success.
April 28 - 30, 2025
Speaker: Will Grimond, Liuhuaying Yang, Fariba Karimi
Target group: Master and PhD students
Organizer: Fariba Karimi (Institute of Human-Centred Computing)
Language: English
Day 1: Data visualization (morning lectures + practicals afternoon) Liuhuaying Yang (Complexity Science Hub)
Day 2: Data journalism (morning lectures + practicals afternoon) Will Grimond (RADAR, CSH)
Day 3: Scientific writing + communications (lectures + practicals) Fariba Karimi (TU Graz) and Will Grimond
In the Gründungsgarage Accelerator Programme, you or your team will work for one volume (semester) on the further development of your business idea and will be supported by our interdisciplinary network.
50,000 EUR consultancy value per start-up project
300+ hours of coaching, workshops and mentoring
Support through our interdisciplinary non-profit initiative, which has been established at the University of Graz and TU Graz since 2013
2 semester hours / 2 ECTS for students
Seize the opportunity of receiving a grant for developing a joint course with an international partner. We are looking for teaching collaborations that foster learning in an international classroom using didactic concepts that incorporate digital technologies.
Funding: 3 x 15.000 Euro
Target group: TU Graz lecturers: Priority is given to junior lecturers (i.e. university assistants, and assistant professors). A professor/senior lecturer can act as coach in the project team.
Further information:
Deadline: July 14, 2025
The Austrian, German and Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering invite you to submit abstracts (for oral or poster presentation) for the BMT2025. In addition to submitting an abstract, the author has the option to submit a full conference paper to the same content.
Further information:
Deadline: 31. March 2025
The Forum Technik und Gesellschaft awards an annual prize for dissertations and master's theses at Graz University of Technology with particular social relevance.
Submissions possible from 16 January to 15 March 2025
The OCG awards the OCG Incentive Award annually to promote informatics and business informatics. The prize is awarded for outstanding master theses in the field of computer science, business informatics and their applications. The prize is endowed with 2,000 euros.
Deadline: 14. März 2025