9th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference: Platform for international exchange and scientific progress

Dr. Nick Ramsay speaking in front of audience
Experts such as Nick Ramsey (Utrecht-BCI Lab) gave keynote speeches. © CSBME - TU Graz

The 9th Graz Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Conference took place from September 9th to 12th, 2024, at TU Graz, providing an excellent platform for international exchange and scientific advancement in the field of brain-computer interfaces. Researchers from over 22 countries gathered to present their latest findings and strengthen collaboration in this rapidly evolving area.

This year’s conference theme, "Join Forces – Increase Performance", reflected the current state of BCI research, where invasive and non-invasive approaches are increasingly converging. The definition of BCIs was also critically examined. Keynote speeches by renowned experts such as Andrea Kübler, Jennifer Collinger, Camille Jeunet, Nick Ramsey, and Henri Lorach highlighted some of the latest advancements in the field.

With nearly 100 peer-reviewed papers, the conference offered a diverse and comprehensive program, enriched by workshops and poster sessions. One of the highlights was the student prize awarded to the best paper and the best presentation. Furthermore, participants were also asked to identify a fake research poster.

Thank you  for the numerous participation and we are looking forward to the 10th Graz BCI Conference!

BCI conference at TU Graz: Mariska Vansteensel and Gernot Müller-Putz in front of audience
Mariska Vansteensel (BCI Society) and Gernot Müller-Putz (conference chair) © CSBME - TU Graz
Gernot Müller-Putz in front of audience
Gernot Müller-Putz welcomes all conference participants © CSBME - TU Graz
Dr. Nick Ramsey speaking in front auf audience
Dr. Nick Ramsay talks about implantable BCI systems for use in real life. © CSBME - TU Graz
Dr. Nick Ramsey speaking in front auf audience
© CSBME - TU Graz
people networking at 9th Graz BCI conference
© CSBME - TU Graz
conference participants in the lecture hall
© Wriessnegger/INE - TU Graz
exhibition at the conference
© Wriessnegger/INE - TU Graz
poster presentation at the conference
© Wriessnegger/INE - TU Graz
exhibition at the conference
© Wriessnegger/INE - TU Graz
conference participants in the lecture hall
© Wriessnegger/INE - TU Graz
speaker in the lecture hall
© Wriessnegger/INE - TU Graz
conference chair welcoming all participants
© Wriessnegger/INE - TU Graz

Lisa Windisch
CSBME - Marketing, PR, Fakultätskommunikation
Graz University of Technology

Email: marketing.csbme@tugraz.at
Phone: ++ 43 873 4055