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Presentation: "Frey erforschen"

Konrad Frey: Sanatorium Fürstenstandwarte Plabutsch bei Graz, 1974, Fotocollage © Archiv der TU Graz


Wednesday, April 3, 2019 | 6:00pm
Haus der Architektur (HDA) | Mariahilferstraße 2

As a pioneer of solar research, the architect Konrad Frey (b. 1934) developed various prototypes of solar houses in a series of experiments and in 1972 designed the first solar house in Austria. His enjoyment of risky experiments, inventing prototypes, and perfecting ideas never led to self-serving gestures, but always followed a functional logic and economy of means.

The FWF-research project "The Solar Houses of Konrad Frey: Environmental Research and Solar Knowledge in the Field of Solar Energy," conducted by Anselm Wagner at the Institute of Architectural Theory, Art History and Cultural Studies (TU Graz) in cooperation with the Department of Building Physics and Building Ecology (TU Wien), first examined Frey's contribution to the global discourse of solar architecture using an interdisciplinary approach. The fonds of the architect, donated to the archive of TU Graz in 2015, served as the basis of the research. One of the results - an online catalog of all projects, research and completed buildings by Konrad Frey - will now be presented to the public. In addition, employees of the research project will provide insights into new findings in the oeuvre of one of the most innovative Austrian architects of the late 20th century.

Opening Words:
Markus Bogensberger
Anselm Wagner

Ingrid Böck (akk): Well-Tempered Environment
Matthias Schuß (Department of Building Physics and Building Ecology, TU Wien)
Solartechnik: Monitoring and Simulation
Sophia Walk (akk): Den Wohnalltag entwerfen
Emilian Hinteregger (akk): Frey fotografieren 
Anselm Wagner (akk): The digital catalog of works by Konrad Frey

Response: Konrad Frey

Link to institute website