© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

The four-semester Master's Degree programme in Architecture, consisting of 120 ECTS credits, builds on knowledge acquired in the six-semester Bachelor's program. Alongside the central task of designing, the Master's program includes possibilities for specialization on various topics, accompanied by specialized elective courses. The specializations conclude at the end of one semester, so that parts of the degree can be carried out at other universities (in Austria or abroad.) The study culminates with a master thesis in the fourth semester. Graduates are awarded the degree "Diplom-Ingenieurin" or "Diplom-Ingenieur", which corresponds internationally to a "Master of Science" (MSc). This title allows for the beginning of technical doctoral studies.

In cooperation with the Politecnico di Milano, the Faculty of Architecture at TU Graz is pleased to offer the opportunity to five master students per year to participate in the Double Degree Master Programme and carry out part of their studies at the Politecnico di Milano.

Course Registration for Civil Engineering Students

Students can register for lectures from the bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes themselves. To register for all other types of courses, please contact the Dean’s Office for Architecture.