The Doctoral School of Architecture imparts the methods and knowledge required to carry out independent architectural research at a high scientific level. Through research-based study, students gain in-depth knowledge in various architectural fields. The Doctoral School of Architecture offers doctoral students the opportunity to carry out individually-supervised scientific work in both basic and applied research on current architectural issues.

The writing of a dissertation constitutes the core of the doctoral program. The choice of dissertation topic is closely linked to the choice of the supervisor. This supervisor supports the doctoral student with writing the dissertation and with recommendations for relevant research colloqia, conferences or conventions, where results of the ongoing research can be presented to a broader public audience. Both in the preliminary stages of research and during the writing of the dissertation, doctoral students attend courses, selected from a catalogue of compulsory subjects based on the curriculum. The Doctoral School’s language of instruction is English. The period of study for the doctoral degree is most often six semesters and concludes with the conferring of the academic title of Dr.techn. For more information please contact the Dean’s Office.

Subject Catalogue | Instructional Classes

During the doctoral programme you need to complete instructional classes based on the curriculum.

Scientific Methods and Communication

* The research tutorial facilitates the professional exchange between doctoral students and supervisors in relation to the chosen dissertation topic.

Subject-Specific Basic Courses

Subject-Specific Basic Courses can be chosen from the courses of the Doctoral School of Architecture and from the master’s curriculum in architecture.

Up to 2 semester hours’ worth of soft-skill courses (presentation skills, rhetoric, etc.) can be selected from catalogues from different degree programmes.

Classes are held in English. Please decide which courses you will take at the beginning of your degree and enter your selection into the form Instructional Classes. Hand this form in at the Dean's Office.


Head of the Doctoral School of Architecture:
Univ.-Prof. B.Sc (Hons). CEng MCIBSE
Brian Cody

Dean of Studies:
Univ.-Prof. Mag.phil. Dr.phil.
Anselm Wagner

Dean’s Office:
Andrea Schmallegger

Student Representative:
Lukas Gschweitl, MArch BSc
