Dean’s Office

As the administrative unit of the faculty, the Dean’s Office is the initial point of contact for all questions regarding study-related issues. The Dean’s Office supports and assists (international) students with course selection, (online) registration for individual courses and examinations, recognition of courses and achievements, degree progress and theses. It administrates scholarships and supplies information and advice on university law, study law and Curricula. Together with the Dean of Studies, the Dean’s Office plans, assigns and surveys courses and teaching assignments. It supports the development and introduction of Curricula. Together with the Dean, the Dean’s Office coordinates the faculty budget, personnel matters and internal committees.

Rechbauerstraße 12 /1.KG
8010 Graz

Andrea Schmallegger
Leiterin Dekanat
Personal, Budget, Lehre, Doctoral School
Tel. + 43 316 873 6100

Mag. Gudrun Tockner
Stellvertetende Leiterin
Studienpläne, Stundenpläne, Raumverwaltung, Stipendien
Tel. + 43 316 873 6103

Michaela Prazsky-Eichinger
Anerkennungen, SAP, Erasmus
Tel. + 43 316 873 6101

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