The competition Seestadt Aspern 2030 was held as a joint venture involving ARE — Austrian Real Estate GmbH, the Institute of Buildings and Energy at TU Graz, and the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Seestadt Aspern is one of Europe’s largest urban development areas in Vienna’s 22nd district, in which high-quality living and working spaces are being created. A multistage development process afforded the students the opportunity to design two building plots as part of their courses. Two concrete and tangible building projects are involved: Site J6, located in the southeastern part of Seestadt, and the centrally located Site F7. Depending on the course attended, the competition entries were to address “Renewable Aesthetics” or environmental certifications in an attempt to meet the required criteria. In doing so, a building ensemble of mixed uses was to be designed. The main emphasis of the courses in the summer semester centered on “Outdoor Comfort and Microclimate.”