FWF Project - ELISHA - Electric current effects on the Self-Healing of Al alloys


Like some other metals, aluminium shows the potential for self-healing its damage after or during service. However, this property is not currently used, unlike high-performance concrete and plastics. Products with self-healing of the damage could make aluminium production much more sustainable. In this project, we explore the self-healing characteristics of aluminium alloys using the movement of atoms (diffusion). Diffusion is the mechanism to repair damage (tiny pores) during or after service with the help of external treatments. The main goal is to identify the specific conditions for diffusion to move the atoms in the right direction faster than the damage progresses. To achieve our goals, firstly, we identify the diffusion of selected chemical elements in aluminium to retard or heal its damage. Calculations of the movement of the atoms at different conditions support this selection. Second, we produce our materials using a mixture of aluminium and other metallic powders. The powder melts when subjected to the heat of a laser source and solidifies at high velocities. This method produces an unstable blend of elements that promotes diffusion. Then, we analyze the damage and self-healing of our materials exposed to high temperatures, electrical currents, and mechanical loads and compare their performance with those of conventional materials. Using multiscale microscopes, we characterize the self-healing potential after damage and observe the material at different scales. Finally, we explain the phenomena using mathematical models and physical concepts under different service and post-treatment conditions.