Christof Sommitsch, Norbert Enzinger and Peter Mayr Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 11978-3-85125-490-7 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christopher Alois Wiednig, Norbert Enzinger and Coline Beal Considerations for Sound Parameter Studies in Electron Beam Welding of Thick Walled ComponentsCracking Phenomena in Welds IV87-99
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Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Surya Deo Yadav, Szilvia Kalácska, Mária Dománková, David Canelo Yubero, Roland Resel, István Groma, Coline Beal, Bernhard Sonderegger, Christof Sommitsch and Maria Cecilia Poletti Evolution of the substructure of a novel 12% Cr steel under creep conditions Materials Characterization 115, 23-31, 2016
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Surya Deo Yadav, Bernhard Sonderegger, Muhammad Stracey and Maria Cecilia Poletti Modelling the creep behaviour of tempered martensitic steel based on a hybrid approach Materials Science and Engineering A 662, 330-341, 2016
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Maria Cecilia Poletti, Lionel Germain, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Martina Dikovits and Stefan Mitsche Unified description of the softening behavior of beta-metastable and alpha+beta titanium alloys during hot deformation Materials Science and Engineering A 651, 280-290, 2016
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David Canelo-Yubero, Guillermo Requena, Federico Sket, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Fernando Warchomicka, John Daniels, Norbert Schell and Andreas Stark Load partition and microstructural evolution during in situ hot deformation of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn alloys Materials Science and Engineering A 657, 244-258, 2016
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Bernadette Gsellmann, Dilek Halici, Mihaela Albu, Coline Beal and Bernhard Sonderegger Combination of Microstructural Investigation and Simulation during the Heat Treatment of a Creep Resistant 11% Cr-Steel Materials Science Forum Thermec 2016, 625-630, 2016
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Pedro Effertz Fatigue life assessment of friction spot welded 7050-T76 aluminium alloy using Weibull distribution International Journal of Fatigue 87, 381–390, 2016
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Ernst Plesiutschnig, Patrick Johannes Fritzl, Norbert Enzinger and Christof Sommitsch Fracture analysis of a low pressure steam turbine blade Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis 5-6, 39-50, 2016
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Hairui Liu, Jurij Koruza, Philippe Veber, Daniel Rytz, Mario Maglione and Jürgen Rödel Orientation-dependent electromechanical properties of Mn-doped (Li,Na,K)(Nb,Ta)O3 single crystals Applied Physics Letters 109, 2016
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Yang Bin Ma, Nikola Novak, Jurij Koruza, Tongqing Yang, Karsten Albe and Bai Xiang Xu Enhanced electrocaloric cooling in ferroelectric single crystals by electric field reversal Physical Review B 94, 2016
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Florian Weyland, Matias Acosta, Jurij Koruza, Patrick Breckner, Jürgen Rödel and Nikola Novak Criticality Advanced Functional Materials 26, 7326-7333, 2016
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A.K. Belyaev, A.M. Polyanskiy, V.A. Polyanskiy, Christof Sommitsch and Yu. A. Yakovlev Multichannel diffusion vs TDS model on example of energy spectra of bound hydrogen in 34CrNiMo6 steel after a typical heat treatment International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 , 8627-8634, 2016
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Raziye Hayati, Mohammad Ali Bahrevar, Touradj Ebadzadeh, Virginia Rojas, Nikola Novak and Jurij Koruza Effects of Bi2O3 additive on sintering process and dielectric, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties of (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3 lead-free piezoceramics Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36, 3391-3400, 2016
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Robert Vollmer and Christof Sommitsch Evaluation and optimization of the bonding behavior between substrate and coating processed by laser cladding Physics Procedia , 2016
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Hairui Liu, Philippe Veber, Jurij Koruza, Daniel Rytz, Michael Josse, Jürgen Rödel and Mario Maglione Influence of Ta5+ content on the crystallographic structure and electrical properties of [001]PC-oriented (Li,Na,K)(Nb,Ta)O3 single crystals CrystEngComm 18, 2081-2088, 2016
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Yu Huan, Xiaohui Wang, Jurij Koruza, Ke Wang, Kyle G. Webber, Yanan Hao and Longtu Li Inverted electro-mechanical behaviour induced by the irreversible domain configuration transformation in (K,Na)NbO3-based ceramics Scientific Reports 6, 2016
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Thomas Spenger Nutzung des Elektronenstrahlprozesses zur Herstellung von Modelllegierungen Schweiss- & Prüftechnik 69, 39-43, 2016 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl and Maria Cecilia Poletti Influence of Al3(Sc,Zr) precipitates on deformability and friction stir welding behavior of an Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte 161, 330-333, 2016
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Johannes Tändl, Angelina Orthacker, Heinz Amenitsch, Gerald Kothleitner and Maria Cecilia Poletti Influence of the degree of scandium supersaturation on the precipitation kinetics of rapidly solidified Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloys Acta Materialia 117, 43-50, 2016
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Ernst Plesiutschnig, Coline Beal, Christof Sommitsch, Stefan Paul and Günter Zeiler Ferritic phase transformation to improve creep properties of martensitic high Cr steels Scripta Materialia 122, 98-101, 2016
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Norbert Enzinger, Peter Loidolt, Christopher Alois Wiednig, Markus Stütz and Christof Sommitsch Electron beam welding of thick-walled copper components Science and Technology of Welding and Joining , 127-132, 2016
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Robert Szlosarek, Thomas Karall, Norbert Enzinger, Clemens Hahne, Nils Meyer and André Berger Experimental and numerical investigations on the punching failure of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics MP Materials Testing 58, 617-621, 2016
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Sepideh Mostofi, Ehsan Bonyadi Rad, Helmar Wiltsche, Ulrike Fasching, Gabor Szakacs, Claudia Ramskogler, Sriveena Srinivasaiah, Muammer Ueçal, Regine Willumeit, Annelie-Martina Weinberg and Ute Schaefer Effects of Corroded and Non-Corroded Biodegradable Mg and Mg Alloys on Viability, Morphology and Differentiation of MC3T3-E1 Cells Elicited by Direct Cell/Material Interaction PLoS ONE 11, 2016
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Eva-Maria Steyskal, Christopher Alois Wiednig, Norbert Enzinger and Roland Würschum In situ characterization of hydrogen absorption in nanoporous palladium produced by dealloying Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 7, 1197-1201, 2016
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Armin Paar, Leonel Elizondo, Michael Brandner, Thomas Trickl, Bernhard Sonderegger, Coline Beal and Christof Sommitsch Application of thermo-calc TCFE7 to high-alloyed mottled cast iron Materials Science Forum 879, 1431-1436, 2016
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Petr Havlik, Jan Kouril, Rudolf Foret, Ivo Dlouhy, Norbert Enzinger and Christopher Alois Wiednig Evaluation of Weldability of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V and Aluminum Alloy 6061 Produced by Electron Beam Welding Materials Science Forum 879, 714-719, 2016
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Jukka Pakkanen, Rudolf Vallant and Mustafa Kicin Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of resistance spot welding for residual stress evaluation of DP1000 steel Welding in the World 60, 1-10, 2016
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Christopher Alois Wiednig, Ernst Plesiutschnig, Stefan Mitsche, Coline Beal, Norbert Enzinger and Claus Lochbichler Dissimilar Electron Beam Welds of Nickel Base Alloy A625 with a 9% Cr-Steel for High Temperature Applications Materials Science Forum 879, 2100-2106, 2016
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Gerald Rath, Franziska Fuchs and Norbert Enzinger Influence of Cross Section on the Parameters for Linear Friction Welding of High-Strength Chains Materials Science Forum 879, 508-513, 2016
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Robert Szlosarek, Thomas Karall, Clemens Hahne, André Berger and Norbert Enzinger Fracture angle search with Puck's 3D interfiber fracture criterion Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications 7, 319-339, 2016 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst-Hannes Cerjak, Ozan Caliskanoglu, Norbert Enzinger, Gunter Figner and Milan Pudar Versprödung von hochfestem Schweißgut beim Spannungsarmglühen Schweissen und Schneiden 68, 128-132, 2016 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christopher Alois Wiednig, Florian Stiefler and N Enzinger Influence of Surface Roughness in Electron Beam Welding IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 119, 12008, 2016
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Katharina Steineder, Daniel Krizan, Reinhold Schneider, Coline Beal and Christof Sommitsch The Effects of Intercritical Annealing Temperature and Initial Microstructure on the Stability of Retained Austenite in a 0.1C-6Mn Steel Materials Science Forum 879, 1847-1852, 2016
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Horst-Hannes Cerjak, Ozan Caliskanoglu, Norbert Enzinger, Gunter Figner and Milan Pudar Increasing of toughness of brittle type S690 HSS weld metal by application of reversible temper embrittlement (RTE) Welding in the World , 1-5, 2016
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Daniel Kerschhofer, Dinesh Gundapaneni, Christof Sommitsch and Tarun Goswami Applicability of PEEK and its composites in total ankle replacement devices and wear rate predictions Biomedial Physics & Engineering Express Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 2(2016)065012, 2016
DOI: 10.1088/2057-1976/2/6/065012 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jaromir Moravec, Martina Dikovits, Iva Novakova and Ozan Caliskanoglu Comparison of Dilatometry Results Obtained by Two Different Devices when Generating CCT and In-Situ Diagrams Key Engineering Materials 669, 477-484, 2016
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Gerald Trummer, Christof Marte, Peter Dietmaier, Christof Sommitsch and Klaus Six Modeling surface rolling contact fatigue crack initiation taking severe plastic shear deformation into account Wear 352-353, 136 - 145, 2016
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Johannes Tändl, Angelina Orthacker, Heinz Amenitsch, Gerald Kothleitner and Maria Cecilia Poletti Influence of the degree of scandium supersaturation on the precipitation kinetics of rapidly solidi fi ed Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloys Acta Materialia , 43-50, 2016
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Christopher Alois Wiednig Elektronenstrahlschweißen einer artfremden Verbindung (A625/CB2) für Anwendungen im Kraftwerksbau Schweiss- & Prüftechnik 69, 8-13, 2016
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Leonhard Andreas Weingrill and Norbert Enzinger Numerische Simulation der Phasenumwandlungen bei Schienenschweißungen von perlitischem StahlSchweißen und Wärmebehandlung157 - 165 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rafael Paiotti Marcondes Guimaraes Influence of α-Phase Field Heat Treatment on the Tensile and Primary Creep Resistance of a Powder Metallurgical Processed Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2B-0.2C Titanium Aluminide AlloyAdvanced Powder Technology X Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rafael Paiotti Marcondes Guimaraes Preliminary studies on the aging kinetics of Ti-55531 alloy using high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffractionReP - USP
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Jochen Giedenbacher, Aziz Huskic, Stefan Wallner and Christof Sommitsch Processing and Material Properties of Hot Work Tool Steels Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting.Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rasoul Pouriamanesh, Kamran Dehghani, Andreas Hütter, Rudolf Vallant, Norbert Enzinger and Christof Sommitsch Effect of Friction Stir Welding on Microstructure and Properties of Micro-TiO_2 doped HSLA Steel41th CWS International conference Welding 201646-55 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Angelina Orthacker, Georg Haberfehlner, Johannes Tändl, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Bernhard Sonderegger and Gerald Kothleitner Analytical Electron Tomographic Invesigations Revealing Self Stabilization of Core-Shell Precipitates through Opposing Diffusion Processes6th ASEM-Workshop8 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christopher Alois Wiednig and Norbert Enzinger Toughness evaluation of EB weldsBeam Technologies & Laser Application97-106 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst-Hannes Cerjak, Norbert Enzinger, Ozan Caliskanoglu, Gunter Figner, Milan Pudar, Francisca Mendez Martin and Maria Domankova Effect of RTE treatment on toughness of HSS weld metalProceedings 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research213-216 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Stütz, Josef Wagner, Nikolaus Reheis, Elmar Raiser, Heinrich Kestler and Norbert Enzinger Rotary Friction Welding of Large Molybdenum TubesProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paar Armin, Michael Brandner, Thomas Trickl, Leonel Elizondo, Coline Beal and Christof Sommitsch From ICDP to (graphitized) HSS: Sophisiticated work roll grades for highest demands in rolling mills for flat products10th International Rolling Conference and the 7th European Rolling Conference Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, Kevin Anders, S. Dominic Janisch, Holger Kerstan, Frank Palm, Wolfgang Entelmann and Maria Cecilia Poletti Al-Mg-Sc Stringer: Von der Grundlagenuntersuchung zum Prototypen9. Ranshofner Leichtmetalltage22-36 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl and Maria Cecilia Poletti Characterization of electron beam and friction stir welds in a novel Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloyProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research313-316 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Sommitsch, Christopher Alois Wiednig, Thomas Spenger, Norbert Enzinger, Ferdinand Hofer and Sanja Simic Electron beam process for the production of model alloysBeam Technologies & Laser Application75-81 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Brillinger, Franz Haas, Norbert Enzinger and Stefan Pfanner Basic Characterisation of 17-4PH structure manufactured by Selective Laser MeltingIndustrial perspectives in Additive Technologies157-162 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Stockinger, Christopher Alois Wiednig, Norbert Enzinger, Christof Sommitsch, Daniel Huber and Martin Stockinger Additive Manufacturing via Cold Metal TransferMetal Additive Manufacturing Conference117-125 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Coline Beal, Ozan Caliskanoglu, Christof Sommitsch, Sergiu Ilie, Jakob Six and Mária Dománková Influence of Thermal History on the Hot Ductility of Ti-Nb Microalloyed SteelsMaterials Science Forum199 - 204 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zahra Silvayeh, Rudolf Vallant, Christof Sommitsch, Bruno Götzinger and Werner Karner Experimental investigations on single-sided CMT welding of hybrid aluminum-steel blanksProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research32 - 35 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Leonhard Andreas Weingrill, Mohammad Bagher Nasiri and Norbert Enzinger Numerical simulation of Pearlite formation during welding of railsProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research and 9th International Welding Symposium of Japan Welding Society599-602 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Machhammer and Christof Sommitsch The interaction between short-term heat-treatment and the formability of an Al-Mg-Si alloy regarding deep drawing processesIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 159 (2016) 012001 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ozan Caliskanoglu Hot ductility investigations of continuously cast steels Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Hoflehner Optimierung der Scherfestigkeit beim Widerstandsschweißen von Hartmetallzähnen an Stahltragkörpern Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Maximilian Stummer, Philipp Stögmüller and Norbert Enzinger Improving the Wetting Behaviour of Steel Substrates by Use of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Leonhard Andreas Weingrill and Norbert Enzinger Numerische Simulation der Phasenumwandlungen bei Schienenschweißungen von perlitischem Stahl Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Marta MOHEDANO, Chamini Lakshi Mendis, Beatriz MINGO, Carsten BLAWERT, Domonkos Tolnai, Haroldo Cavalcanti Pinto, Karl Ulrich Kainer and Norbert Hort Corrosion behavior of ZK40 alloys modified with Gd, Nd, Y or CaO using potentiodynamic polarization curves and SKPFM Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Canelo Yubero, Guillermo Requena and Maria Cecilia Poletti Load partition and microstructural evolution during hot tensile tests of unreinforced and TiC particle reinforced in Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn
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Markus Stütz, Josef Wagner, Nikolaus Reheis, Heinrich Kestler, Elmar Raiser and Norbert Enzinger Rotary Friction Welding of Large Molybdenum Tubes Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Stütz, Diogo Oliveira, Matthias Rüttinger, Nikolaus Reheis, Heinrich Kestler and Norbert Enzinger Electron Beam Welding of TZM Sheets Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Stütz, Diogo Oliveira, Matthias Rüttinger, Nikolaus Reheis, Heinrich Kestler and Norbert Enzinger Electron Beam Welding of TZM Sheets Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Decker, Wolfgang Schützenhöfer, Bernhard Plank, Ernst Plesiutschnig and Christof Sommitsch Validierung Computertomografie-Reinheitsgradmessung mittels automatisierter Lichtmikroskopie Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernadette Gsellmann, Dilek Halici, Mihaela Albu, Coline Beal and Bernhard Sonderegger Combination of microstructural investigation and simulation during the heat treatment of a creep resistant 11% Cr-steel Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dilek Halici, Daniel Huber and Maria Cecilia Poletti Damage modelling in a gamma-TiAl alloy during hot deformation Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jules Franz Thierry Simonet Fotso, Dilek Halici, David Canelo Yubero and Maria Cecilia Poletti Modeling the evolution of the microstructure high stacking fault energy metals during hot deformation Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Schneider, Norbert Enzinger, Rudolf Vallant, Wolfgang Ernst, Herbert Staufer and Ronald Schnitzer Influence of different welding processes on the mechanical properties of structural steel S960 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maximilian Stummer, Philipp Stögmüller and Norbert Enzinger Systematic investigation of the temperature field in Atmospheric Plasma Processing (APP)
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Vladimir Boskovic and Christof Sommitsch Current developments of tooling technology in the area of hot stamping Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yassar Ghanimi and Norbert Enzinger Electron Beam Welding of the softmartensitic steel 1.4317 (CA6NM) Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Petr Havlic, Jan Kouril, Rudolf Foret, Norbert Enzinger and Christopher Alois Wiednig Evaluation of weldability of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V and aluminum alloy 6061 dissimilar welds produced by electron beam welding Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ronald Schnitzer, Phillip Haslberger, Daniel Schwarz, Wolfgang Ernst and Norbert Enzinger Development of the strongest welding consumables Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Leonhard Andreas Weingrill, Jörg Krutzler and Norbert Enzinger Temperature field evolution during flash-butt welding of railway rails Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Leonhard Andreas Weingrill, Jörg Krutzler and Norbert Enzinger Temperature field evolution during flash-butt welding of railway rails Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christopher Alois Wiednig, Ernst Plesiutschnig, Stefan Mitsche, Coline Beal, Norbert Enzinger and Claus Lochbichler Dissimilar electron beam welds of nickel base alloy A625 with a 9% Cr-steel for high temperature applications Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst-Hannes Cerjak, Ozan Caliskanoglu, Norbert Enzinger, Gunter Figner and Milan Pudar Embrittlement of highstrength weld metal due to residual stress heat treatment Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Schneider, Wolfgang Ernst, Ronald Schnitzer, Herbert Staufer, Rudolf Vallant and Norbert Enzinger Weldability of S960MC: A comparison of different welding processes Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Johannes Spachinger, Wolfgang Ernst and Norbert Enzinger Influence of Ti on the toughness of the FGHAZ and the CGHAZ of high-strength microalloyed S700MC steels Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, Shoichi Nambu, Angelina Orthacker, Gerald Kothleitner, Junya Inoue, Toshihiko Koseki and Maria Cecilia Poletti In-situ study of the recrystallization behavior of an age hardening Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, Shoichi Nambu, Angelina Orthacker, Gerald Kothleitner, Junya Inoue, Toshihiko Koseki and Maria Cecilia Poletti Precipitation and recrystallization in a rapidly solidified Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Mitsche, Ernst Plesiutschnig and Christof Sommitsch In Situ Phase Investigations of X20Cr13 High Cr Steel Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Stütz, Adrian Aumayr, Maximilian Stummer, Christian Markus Voglreiter and Norbert Enzinger Characterization of Electron Beam Welded Copper Using Plasma Spraying for Filler Metal Application
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Eva-Maria Steyskal, Christopher Alois Wiednig, Norbert Enzinger and Roland Würschum In-situ Characterization of Hydrogen Absorption in Nanoporous Palladium by Dilatometry and Resistometry Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paar Armin, Reinhold Schneider, Han, Thomas Trickl, Michael Brandner, Leonel Elizondo, Coline Beal and Christof Sommitsch Vergleichende Charakterisierung mechanischer Kennwerte von Walzenwerkstoffen Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maximilian Stummer, Markus Stütz and Norbert Enzinger EBW of thick walled copper components using plasma spraying for filler metal application Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl and Maria Cecilia Poletti Characterization of electron beam and friction stir welds in a novel Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl Untersuchung der Ausscheidungs- und Entfestigungskinetik an schnellerstarrten Al-Mg-Sc-Zr Legierungen unter Verwendung von in-situ Methoden Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, Kevin Anders, S. Dominic Janisch, Holger Kerstan, Frank Palm, Wolfgang Entelmann, Rudolf Gradinger, Maria Cecilia Poletti and Christof Sommitsch Al-Mg-Sc Stringer: Von der Grundlagenuntersuchung zum Prototypen Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mihaela Albu, Jiehua Li, Anirban Pal, Ernst Plesiutschnig, R. C. Picu, P. Schumacher, B. Panzirsch, Gerald Kothleitner and Ferdinand Hofer Analytical Sub-Angstrom Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Alloys and Steels Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Sommitsch, Coline Beal, Christian Schlacher, Tanja Pelzmann and Corinna Sabitzer Microstructure and creep behaviour of similar martensitic 9% chromium steel electron beam welds Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Hoflehner and Norbert Enzinger Optimierung der Scherfestigkeit beim Widerstandsschweißen von Hartmetallzähnen auf Stahltragkörpern Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Further Information
Institute of Materials Science and Welding
Graz University of Technology
Kopernikusgasse 24/I
8010 Graz - Austria phone: +43 316 873 7181
fax: +43 316 873 7187