Arash Shafiee Sabet, Josef Domitner, Kerem Öksüz, Manel Rodriguez Ripoll and Christof Sommitsch Effects of lubrication, temperature and surface topography in aluminum sheet forming Publikation in PURE anzeigen
G. Reinalter, Martin Stockinger, K. Mehrabi and N Enzinger HYBRID CAST AND WIRE ARC ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF AN ALUMINIUM COMPONENT FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRYMetal Additive Manufacturing Conference 2022193-204 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sebastian Fritsche, J. Draper, A. Toumpis, A. Galloway and S. T. Amancio-Filho Dissimilar joints of additive manufactured and wrought aluminium alloy produced by refill friction stir spot welding Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Domitner, Zahra Silvayeh, Jozef Predan, Peter Auer, Christof Sommitsch and Nenad Gubeljak Contribution of the adhesive to the load-bearing capacity of riv-bonded aluminum alloy joints Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sebastian Fritsche, Christian Hoflehner and Norbert Enzinger Physical upset butt welding simulation for high performance Q&T steels Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Emir Hodzic, Josef Domitner, Angela Thum, Arash Shafiee Sabet, Nino Müllner, Werner Fragner and Christof Sommitsch Influence of alloy composition and lubrication on the formability of 6xxx aluminum alloy sheets Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Domitner, Zahra Silvayeh, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Sabine Krisam, Klaus Achterhold, Erwin Povoden-Karadeniz, Christof Sommitsch and Peter Mayr Microstructure Characterization of Nickel Matrix Composite Reinforced with Tungsten Carbide Particles and Produced by Laser Cladding Advanced Engineering Materials 24, 2022
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Josef Domitner, Peter Auer, Jennifer Stippich, Zahra Silvayeh, Sabrina Jessernig, Lukas Peiser, Florian Hönsch and Christof Sommitsch Riv-Bonding of Aluminum Alloys with High-Strength Steels against the Favorable Joining Direction Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 31, 6970-6979, 2022
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Marta Orlowska, Florian Pixner, Andreas Hütter, Norbert Enzinger, Lech Olejnik and Małgorzata Lewandowska Manufacturing of coarse and ultrafine-grained aluminum matrix composites reinforced with Al2O3 nanoparticles via friction stir processing Journal of Manufacturing Processes 80, 359-373, 2022
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Mathias Silmbroth, Norbert Enzinger, Christian Schneider-Bröskamp, Aurel Arnoldt and Thomas Klein Characterisation of structural modifications on cold-formed AA2024 substrates by wire arc additive manufacturing Science and Technology of Welding and Joining , 2022
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Willian Sales de Carvalho and S. T. Amancio-Filho Ultrasonic joining of additively manufactured metal-polymer lightweight hybrid structuresANTEC 2022, Paper Society of Plastics Engineers Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Friedrich Krumphals and Maria Cecilia Poletti Topological aspects in the microstructural evolution of AA6082 during hot plastic deformation European Journal of Materials , 2022
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Mustafa Tümer, Josef Domitner and N Enzinger Electron beam and metal active gas welding of ultra-high-strength steel S1100MC: influence of heat input The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 119, 587-598, 2022
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Siegfried Arneitz, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, S. Rivoirard and Christof Sommitsch Additive manufacturing of an Fe–Cr–Co permanent magnet alloy with a novel approach of in-situ alloying European Journal of Materials 2, 475-497, 2022
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Josef Domitner, Vladimir Boskovic, Iris Baumgartner, Florian Grünbart, Christof Sommitsch and Mustafa Kicin Local Heat Treatment for Springback Reduction in Deep Drawing of Advanced High-Strength SteelNUMISHEET 2022539-548
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Marina Melo Gontijo, Christian Hoflehner, Sergiu Ilie, Jakob Six and Christof Sommitsch Analysis of transverse corner cracks from continuous casting process and comparison to laboratory experiments European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids 2, 222-233, 2022
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Felix Meixner, Mohammad Reza Ahmadi and Christof Sommitsch Cavity Nucleation and Growth in Nickel-Based Alloys during Creep Materials 15, 2022
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Marina Gontijo, Anab Chakraborty, Richard Webster, Sergiu Ilie, Jakob Six, Sophie Primig and Christof Sommitsch Thermomechanical and Microstructural Analysis of the Influence of B- and Ti-Content on the Hot Ductility Behavior of Microalloyed Steels Metals 12, 2022
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Brenda J. M. Freitas, S. T. Amancio-Filho, Guilherme Y. Koga and Claudemiro Bolfarini PRODUCTION OF BORON-MODIFIED STAINLESS-STEEL POWDERS FOR LASER POWDER BED FUSION Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Willian Sales de Carvalho and S. T. Amancio-Filho On the feasibility of joining additively-manufactured 316L stainless steel and poly-ether-ether-ketone by ultrasonic energy Additive Manufacturing 3, 2022
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Carlos Alberto Belei Feliciano, Pedro Effertz, B. Meier and S. T. Amancio-Filho Optimization of metal-polymer hybrid joints fully produced by Additive Manufacturing using Decision Tree Algorithm Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marián Pavlík, Miroslav Sahul , Martin Sahul, Veronika Trembošová, Matej Pašák , Erika Hodulova , Norbert Enzinger, Florian Pixner and Ladislav Kolařík Influence of Electron Beam Welding Parameters on the Properties of Dissimilar Copper–Stainless Steel Overlapped Joints Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance , 2022
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Rafael Paiotti Marcondes Guimaraes, B. Rauchdobler, Florian Pixner and S. T. Amancio-Filho Wire-based electron beam additive manufacturing of NiTi shape memory alloy: influence of heat treatment on the functional behaviour Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hugo Mora-Sanchez, Florian Pixner, Ricardo Buzolin, Marta Mohedano, Raúl Arrabal, Fernando Warchomicka and Endzhe Matykina Combination of Electron Beam Surface Structuring and Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation for Advanced Surface Modification of Ti6Al4V Alloy Coatings 12, 2022
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Arash Shafiee Sabet, Josef Domitner, Emir Hodzic, Kerem Öksüz, Manel Rodriguez Ripoll, Christof Sommitsch and Christian Juricek Improving deep drawing simulations based on tribological investigationsXL. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Eva Graf, Rafael Paiotti Marcondes Guimaraes, Siegfried Arneitz and S. T. Amancio-Filho Laser powder bed fusion of in situ alloyed Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alen S. Joseph, Pulkit Gupta, Nilesh Kumar, Maria C. Poletti and Surya D. Yadav An advanced dislocation density-based approach to model the tensile flow behaviour of a 64.7Ni–31.96Cu alloy Philosophical Magazine 102, 1481-1504, 2022
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Hamed Davoodi Jooneghani, Klaus Six, Saham Sadat Sharifi, M. C. Poletti and Gerald Trummer REPRESENTATION OF MICROSTRUCTURE FOR FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH IN DEM SIMULATIONS Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gean Henrique Marcatto de Oliveira, S. T. Amancio-Filho and L.B. Canto INJECTION OVERMOLDED POLYMER-METAL HYBRID STRUCTURES Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Evelyn Sobotka, Johannes Kreyca, Maria Cecilia Poletti and Erwin Povoden-Karadeniz Analysis and Modeling of Stress–Strain Curves in Microalloyed Steels Based on a Dislocation Density Evolution Model Materials 15, 2022
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Siegfried Arneitz, Saham Sadat Sharifi, T. Palcevski, Peter Auer, Josef Domitner, M. C. Poletti, S. T. Amancio-Filho, Christof Sommitsch and Ricardo Henrique Buzolin High entropy alloys produced by laser powder bed fusion assisted by in-situ alloying Publikation in PURE anzeigen
René Wang, Dinesh Ram, Bernhard Stauder, Ricardo Fernández Gutiérrez, Elisabetta Gariboldi and Maria Cecilia Poletti Stress Relaxation during Artificial Aging of an AlSi7Cu0.5Mg Cast Alloy Crystals 12, 2022
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Sebastian Fritsche, Jonathan Draper, Athanasios Toumpis, Alexander Galloway and S. T. Amancio-Filho Refill friction stir spot welding of AlSi10Mg alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion to wrought AA7075-T6 alloy Manufacturing Letters 34, 78-81, 2022
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Hannes Oberlercher, R. Heim, M. Laux, A. Berndt, S. T. Amancio-Filho and F. Riemelmoser The effect of an in-situ consolidation process on the microstructure of additive manufactured continuos carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6 material Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mustafa Tümer, Rudolf Vallant, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka and Norbert Enzinger Undermatched Welding of Ultra-High-Strength Steel S1100 with Metal-Cored Wire Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 31, 7068-7079, 2022
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Joao Sartori Moreno, Fabio Faria Conde, Celso Alves Correa, Luiz Henrique Barbosa, Erenilton Pereira da Silva, Julian Avila, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin and Haroldo Cavalcanti Pinto Pulsed FCAW of Martensitic Stainless Clads onto Mild Steel Materials 15, 2022
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S. T. Amancio-Filho Disruptive metal-composite hybrid structures for aerospace and space applications: Combining joining and additive manufacturing
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Matthias Moschinger, Florian Mittermayr and Norbert Enzinger Influence of Beam Figure on Porosity of Electron Beam Welded Thin-Walled Aluminum Plates Materials 15, 2022
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Claudia Hackl, Martin Ebner, Raman Ganguly, Ortrun Gröblinger, Daniel Handle-Pfeiffer, Michael Kopp, Alexander Schmölz, Sandra Schön and Charlotte Zwiauer Attraktive Lösungen für Open Educational Resources aus dem österreichischen Hochschulraum – ein Werkstattbericht von Open Education Austria Advanced Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare 75, 2022
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Andreas Drexler, Florian Konert, Oded Sobol, Michael Rhode, Josef Domitner, Christof Sommitsch and Thomas Böllinghaus Enhanced gaseous hydrogen solubility in ferritic and martensitic steels at low temperatures International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47, 39639-39653, 2022
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Hamdi Ahmed Elsayed Ahmed, Andreas Drexler, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Ines Traxler, Josef Domitner, Matthew Galler, Rudolf Vallant and Christof Sommitsch Resistance of Quench and Partitioned Steels Against Hydrogen Embrittlement Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance , 2022
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Efthymia Vakalopoulou, Thomas Rath, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Francesco Carraro, Paolo Falcaro, Heinz Amenitsch and Gregor Trimmel Honeycomb-structured copper indium sulfide thin films obtained via a nanosphere colloidal lithography method Materials Advances 3, 2884-2895, 2022
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Christof Sommitsch, Bernhard Sonderegger, Mohammad Reza Ahmadi, Florian Riedlsperger, Felix Meixner, Josef Mergl and Bernhard Krenmayr Microstructurally Based Modeling of Creep Deformation and Damage in Martensitic SteelsCreep Deformation
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Benjamin Meier, Fernando Warchomicka, Jelena Petrusa, Paul Angerer, Jaroslaw Wosik, Reinhard Kaindl, Vojislav Petrovic, Wolfgang Waldhauser and Christof Sommitsch Influence of powder production process and properties on material properties of Ti6Al4V manufactured by L-PBF International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 123, 1577-1588, 2022
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Rafael Paiotti Marcondes Guimaraes, Lisa Minkowitz, Siegfried Arneitz, Christof Sommitsch, Jochen Giedenbacher, Müller Marcel, Aziz Huskic, Norbert Wild, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Benjamin Meier, Mateusz Skalon, Franz Haas and S. T. Amancio-Filho Powder bed fusion processes: main classes of alloys, current status, and technological trendsAdvances in Metal Additive Manufacturing Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elin M. Westin and Fernando G. Warchomicka Solidification cracking in duplex stainless steel flux-cored arc welds Part 2 — susceptibility of 22Cr all-weld metals under high restraint Welding in the World 66, 2425-2442, 2022
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Sachin Salunkhe, S. T. Amancio-Filho and J. Paulo Davim Advances in Metal Additive Manufacturing9780323912303 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rafael Paiotti Marcondes Guimaraes, Florian Pixner, N Enzinger, Carlos Alberto Belei Feliciano, Pedro Effertz and S. T. Amancio-Filho Directed energy deposition processes and process design by artificial intelligenceAdvances in Metal Additive Manufacturing105-146
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Willian Sales de Carvalho, Guilherme S. Vacchi, Carlos A.D. Rovere and S. T. Amancio-Filho Ultrasonic joining parameters optimization and surface corrosion behavior of additively manufactured 316L and PEEK-20CF hybrid structures Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Benjamin Meier, Fernando Warchomicka, Reinhard Kaindl, Christoph Sommitsch and Wolfgang Waldhauser Influence of Different Surface- and Heat Treatments; Elevated Temperature, Orientation on the Fatigue Properties of Ti6Al4V Processed by L-PBF for Controlled Powder PropertiesFatigue and Fracture of Materials and Structures235-243
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Talina Terrazas-Monje, Willian Sales de Carvalho and S. T. Amancio-Filho Computer-aided topology optimization of through-the-thickness reinforcements for metal-composite hybrid joints produced via U-Joining Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Drexler, Aleksandar Vujic, Harald Matthias Fitzek, Erwin Reischer, Johann Scheibenreiter, Ulrich Stiefler, Andreas Ringhofer, Rudolf Vallant and Josef Domitner Hydrogen absorption during industrial manufacturing of timber screws Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Benjamin Meier, N. Godja, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Carlos Alberto Belei Feliciano, Sandra Schäfer, A. Schindel, Gregor Palcynski, Reinhard Kaindl, Wolfgang Waldhauser and Christof Sommitsch Influences of Surface, Heat Treatment, and Print Orientation on the Anisotropy of the Mechanical Properties and the Impact Strength of Ti 6Al 4V Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 6, 2022
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Benjamin Meier, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Jelena Petrusa, Reinhard Kaindl, Wolfgang Waldhauser and Christof Sommitsch High Temperature Tensile Strength of TI6AL4V Processed by L-PBF—Influence of Microstructure and Heat TreatmentProceedings of the Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference 2022115-124
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Natalia M. André, Renan Pereira Alessio, Jorge F. dos Santos and S. T. Amancio-Filho Microscale Damage Evolution and Failure Behavior of Metal–Composite Friction Spot Joints: Modelling and Experimental Analyses Metals 12, 2425-2442, 2022
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Mustafa Tümer, Florian Pixner, Rudolf Vallant, Josef Domitner and Norbert Enzinger Mechanical and microstructural properties of S1100 UHSS welds obtained by EBW and MAG welding Welding in the World 66, 1199-1211, 2022
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Christoph Holzinger, Andreas Trummer, Stefan Peters, Wolfgang Humer, Bernhard Freytag, David Funke-Kaiser, N Enzinger, Saham Sadat Sharifi and Sebastian Fritsche 3D Welding Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Domitner, Jennifer Stippich, Peter Auer, Norica Godja, Zahra Silvayeh, Christian Pichler, Luka Payrits, Andreas Schindel, Rudolf Vallant and Christof Sommitsch Influence of corrosion on the strength of riv-bonded and barrier-coated joints of aluminum and magnesium sheets Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zahra Silvayeh, Josef Domitner, Jozef Predan, Peter Auer, Eva Graf, Luka Ferlic, Thomas Krenke, Christof Sommitsch and Nenad Gubeljak Mechanical performance of hybrid joints of aluminum sheets and laminated birch veneer plates Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elin M. Westin, Andrea Putz, Andrea Maderthoner and Johan Pilhagen Solidification cracking in duplex stainless steel flux-cored arc welds Part 1—cracking in 30-mm-thick material welded under high restraint Welding in the World 66, 2405-2423, 2022
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Florian Pixner, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Anto Zelic, Florian Kerem Riedlsperger, Marta Orlowska, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Mathieu Decherf, Michael Lasnik and Norbert Enzinger Tailoring the alloy composition for wire arc additive manufacturing utilizing metal-cored wires in the cold metal transfer process Materials & Design 215, 2022
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Saham Sadat Sharifi, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Marina Melo Gontijo, Felix Meixner, Christian Hoflehner, M. C. Poletti and Christof Sommitsch Modelling the hot deformation of a microalloyed steel Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerold Zuderstorfer, Florian Riedlsperger and Bernhard Sonderegger CreeSo – software for creep simulation of complex alloys Materials at High Temperatures 39, 596-602, 2022
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Mohammad Reza Ahmadi, Bernhard Sonderegger, Erwin Povoden-Karadeniz, Ahmad Falahati, Surya D. Yadav, Christof Sommitsch and Ernst Kozeschnik Coherency strengthening of oblate precipitates extended in the {100} plane of fcc crystals Materialia 21, 2022
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Carlos Alberto Belei Feliciano, Jana Joeressen and S. T. Amancio-Filho Fused-Filament Fabrication of Short Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polyamide: Parameter Optimization for Improved Performance under Uniaxial Tensile Loading Polymers 14(7), 2022
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Florian Kerem Riedlsperger, Gerold Zuderstorfer, Bernhard Krenmayr and Bernhard Sonderegger Application of a physically-based dislocation creep model to P92 for constructing TTR diagrams Materials at High Temperatures 39, 161-166, 2022
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Christoph Holzinger, N Enzinger, Stefan Peters, Saham Sadat Sharifi and Sebastian Fritsche 3D WELDING: ADDITIVE FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL ELEMENTSProceedings of the Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference 20229-18 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
R. P.M. Guimarães, B. Rauchdobler, Florian Pixner, Gregor Trimmel, A. Ramirez and S. T. Amancio-Filho Laser powder bed fusion of Ni-rich NiTi by in situ alloying: an exploratory study on the printing of defect-free parts Publikation in PURE anzeigen
R. P.M. Guimarães, Eva Graf, Siegfried Arneitz and S. T. Amancio-Filho Wire-based electron beam additive manufacturing of Ni-rich NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Simona Kresser, Reinhold Schneider, Horst Zunko and Christof Sommitsch Influence of Partitioning Effects on the Retained Austenite Content and Properties of Martensitic Stainless Steel Steel Research International , 2022
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Matthias Wallner, Katharina Steineder, Reinhold Schneider, Christian Commenda and Christof Sommitsch Effect of galvannealing on the microstructural and mechanical properties of a Si and Al alloyed medium-Mn quenching and partitioning steels Materials Science and Engineering A 841, 2022
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Lisa Minkowitz, S. Lintner, Siegfried Arneitz and S. T. Amancio-Filho Mechanical Properties of a Zirconium and Tungsten Carbide modified Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy (AA5024) processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Simone Kaar, Daniel Krizan, Reinhold Schneider and Christof Sommitsch On competing reactions and austenite stabilization Materialia 26, 2022
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Willian Sales de Carvalho and S. T. Amancio-Filho On the improvement of joinability of additively manufactured metal-composite hybrid structures: An ultrasonic joining case study Publikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Gontijo, E. P. da Silva, M. C.S. de Castro, C. T. dos Santos and T. C. da Silva Influence of Deep Cryogenic Treatment on the Pseudoelastic Behavior of the Ni57Ti43 Alloy Shape Memory and Superelasticity 8, 215-225, 2022
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Andreas Drexler, Besim Helic, Zahra Silvayeh, Klemens Mraczek, Christof Sommitsch and Josef Domitner The role of hydrogen diffusion, trapping and desorption in dual phase steels Journal of Materials Science 57, 4789–4805, 2022
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S. T. Amancio-Filho, Carlos Alberto Belei Feliciano, Rielson Falck and Benjamin Meier Additive Manufacturing of Metal/Polymer Hybrid Parts – the AddJoining Technique Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pankhuri Mehrotra, Nilesh Kumar, Alphy George, Kanhu Charan Sahoo, Vaidyanathan Ganesan, Mohammad Reza Ahmadi, Shivam Trivedi and Surya D. Yadav An advanced mean field dislocation density reliant physical model to predict the creep deformation of 304HCu austenitic stainless steel Materials Today Communications 32, 2022
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Willian Sales de Carvalho, Francesco Marzemin, Talina Terrazas Monje, Stefan Herbst and S. T. Amancio-Filho Recent advances in the ultrasonic joining process of additively manufactured metal-composite hybrid structures Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pedro Effertz, Willian Sales de Carvalho, Rafael Paiotti Marcondes Guimaraes, G. Saria and S. T. Amancio-Filho Optimization of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welded AA2024-T3 Using Machine Learning Frontiers in Materials 9, 2022
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Uwe Schichler, S. T. Amancio-Filho and Holger Friehmelt Ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Sondierung eines Ionenwind-Antriebssystems in interdisziplinärer universitärer Zusammenarbeit Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marta Orłowska, Florian Pixner, Kamil Majchrowicz, Norbert Enzinger, Lech Olejnik and Małgorzata Lewandowska Application of Electron Beam Welding Technique for Joining Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum Plates Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 53, 18-24, 2022
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Florian Pixner, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Andreas Pilz and Norbert Enzinger Wire-based electron beam additive manufacturing of tungsten International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 108, 2022
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Mustafa Tümer, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Hannes Pahr and Norbert Enzinger Mechanical and microstructural characterization of solid wire undermatched multilayer welded S1100MC in different positions Journal of Manufacturing Processes 73, 849-860, 2022
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Felix Meixner, Mohammad Reza Ahmadi and Christof Sommitsch Modeling and Simulation of Pore Formation in a Bainitic Steel During Creep Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 53, 984-999, 2022
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Carlos Alberto Belei Feliciano, Jana Joeressen and S. T. Amancio-Filho Fused-Filament Fabrication of Short Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polyamide: Parameter Optimization for Improved Performance under Uniaxial Tensile Loading Polymers 14, 2022
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Lisa Minkowitz, Siegfried Arneitz, Pedro Effertz and S. T. Amancio-Filho Application of Machine Learning on the Additive Manufacturing of AlSi10Mg Publikation in PURE anzeigen
S. T. Amancio-Filho Friction Riveting of Aviation Thermoplastics and Composites Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Willian Sales de Carvalho, Francesco Marzemin, Talina Terrazas Monje, Stefan Herbst and S. T. Amancio-Filho Application of additive manufacturing to improve the joinability of 316L stainless steel – PEEK-20CF hybrid joints produced by Ultrasonic Joining Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fatemeh Iranshahi, Mohammad Bagher Nasiri, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka and Christof Sommitsch Investigation of the degradation rate of electron beam processed and friction stir processed biocompatible ZKX50 magnesium alloy Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 10, 707-720, 2022
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S. T. Amancio-Filho Aviation Materials and Manufacturing Techniques TU Graz Research 2022, 19-23, 2022 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Carlos Alberto Belei Feliciano, Reinhold Pommer and S. T. Amancio-Filho Optimization of additive manufacturing for the production of short carbon fiber-reinforced polyamide/Ti-6Al-4V hybrid parts Materials & Design 219, 2022
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Beáta Šimeková , Erika Hodulova , Pavel Kovačócy , Ingrid Kovaříková , Miroslav Sahul , Martin Sahul, Matej Pašák and Florian Pixner Influence of Electron Beam Welding Parameters on the Microstructure Formation and Mechanical Behaviors of the Ti and Ni Dissimilar Metals Welded Joints Metals 12, 2022
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