Internal - External IMAT Seminars


upcoming seminars 2025:

  • 2 April 2025, 13:00
  • 5 May 2025, 14:00
  • 4 June 2025, 13:00
  • 9 July 2025, 09:00


183rd IMAT seminar / 05.03.2025

Guest leucture Dr. Wolfram Knabl (Plansee SE in Reutte) - "High melting metals - a class of materials with unique properties"

Master presentation Schindler Felix - "Process optimisation of refill friction stir spot welded wrought aluminium to copper joints for hybrid busbar applications" 

Master presentation Böhm Florian - Testing for Liquid Metal Embrittlement in Advanced High Strength Steel  

Master presentation Kuhn Michael - "Rotary friction welding of quenched and tempered piston rods" 

182nd IMAT seminar / 22.01.2025

Bachelor presentation: Johannes Reiter - "Systematische Entwicklung von Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) für eine einfache Geometrie aus austenitischen Stahl 1.4466"



181st IMAT seminar / 18.12.2024

180th IMAT seminar / 10.12.2024
Prof. Nedjoua Matougui from National Higher School of Technology and Engineering, Annaba, Algeria
“Hybrid modeling of dynamic softening using modified Avrami kinetics under Gaussian processes.”

179th IMAT seminar / 13.11.2024
Dr. Brahim Mehdi, Scientist at University of Science and Technolgy HB USTHB, Algiers
„Microstructure and micromechanical properties of delta ferrite morphologies in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) 316LSi Austenitic Stainless Steel“

178th IMAT seminar / 09.10.2024

177th IMAT external seminar / 02.10.2024
Ass.Prof. Dr. Gábor Jószef Béres from JOHN VON NEUMANN UNIVERSITY
“Hardening, as a possible kinematic or anisotropic phenomenon”

Students from University of Strathclyde
"Challenges in Hydrogen Storage and Energy Generation"

176th IMAT seminar / 11.09.2024

175th IMAT seminar / 16.07.2024

174th IMAT seminar / 26.06.2024

173rd IMAT seminar / 29.05.2024
Matteo Molteni, PhD-Student from Politecnico di Milano
“Exploitation of WAAM technology for the production of tailored immiscible alloys-based Phase Change Materials”

172nd IMAT seminar / 08.05.2024

171st IMAT seminar / 10.04.2024

170th IMAT external seminar / 06.03.2024
Dr. Athanasios Toumpis, Ass.Prof. from University of Strathclyde
“Latest Advanced Joining & Surface Engineering Research in Strathclyde”

169th IMAT seminar / 25.01.2024


168th - IMAT seminar / 13.12.2023

Kaoutar Babouri, PhD from National Higher School of Technology and Engineering Sidi Amar - Annaba (EX Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines et Métallurgie), Algeria
„Dynamic transformation via processing maps and modeling in Titanium alloys“

167th - IMAT seminar / 29.11.2023

166th - IMAT external seminar / 09.10.2023

Dr. Michael Schöbel, Leobersdorfer Maschinenfabrik
"Materials Characterization for Hydrogen High-Pressure Applications"

165th - IMAT seminar / 15.09.2023

164th - IMAT seminar / 15.06.2023

163rd - IMAT external seminar / 07.06.2023

Politecnico di Milano

Prof. Marco Ormellese and Prof. Fabio Bolzoni
“Electrochemical charging of carbon steel and low alloy steel”

Sergio Pastore
“Unified modelling the high-pressure and low temperature hydrogen solubility of X70 pipeline steel“


162nd - IMAT external seminar / 15.05.2023

Institute of materials and machine mechanics, The Slovak academy of sciences - IMMM SAS

Martin Nosko
“Overview of research activities at IMMM SAS”

Martin Balog
“Structural Al-AlN MMC for high temperature use"

Peter Krizik
“Small punch test technique for creep testing”

Moara Marques de Castro
„Fully biodegradable Zn-ZnO MMC for stents“

Kateryna Kamyshnykova
„Design, processing and properties of precipitation hardenable complex concentrated alloys resistant to hydrogen embrittlement”
“Development and characterisation of alloys and in-situ composites based on TiAl with the enhanced high-temperature capability”

161st - IMAT seminar / 11.05.2023

160th - IMAT seminar / 17.04.2023

159th - IMAT seminar / 09.03.2023

158th - IMAT seminar / 06.02.2023

157th - IMAT seminar / 13.01.2023


156th IMAT seminar / 02.12.2022

155th IMAT seminar / 04.11.2022

Topic: "Computational modeling applied to material processing"
lecturer: Prof. Fernando Diego Carazo
National University of San Juan and Researcher at CONICET, Head of Materials Laboratory at IMA-FI-UNSJ - Institute of Materials Science, San Juan - Argentina

154th IMAT seminar / 04.10.2022
Topic: „Fatigue behaviour and fatigue limits of weldments“
Lecturer: PhD. Eng. Mirco Daniel Chapetti
Department of Mechanical Engineering of the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina.

153rd IMAT seminar / 01.07.2022
Topic: “Phase arrangement effects in the thermal response of composite Phase Change Materials”
lecturer: Prof. Elisabetta Gariboldi
Politecnico Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering

152nd IMAT seminar / 03.06.2022

151st IMAT seminar / 13.05.2022

150th IMAT seminar / 01.04.2022
Topic: “A numerical and experimental approach to the development of Refill Friction Stir Spot Welding tools”
lecturer: Jonathan Draper
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

149th IMAT seminar / 04.03.2022

148th online IMAT seminar / 14.01.2022


147th online IMAT seminar / 26.11.2021

146th online IMAT seminar / 05.11.2021
„Interaction between the sheet segments’ springback during simple bending of tailor welded blanks“
lecutrer: Gábor J. Béres PhD,
John von Neumann University,
GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Innovative Vehicles and Material

Topic: "Research of new beta-Ti alloys at Charles University - from oxygen effects to hip implants"
Dalibor Preisler, Phd
Charles University Prag

143rd online IMAT seminar / 08.10.2021
Topic: „Characterization of TLPBonding for inconel-718“
Prof. Silvana Sommadossi,
National University of Comahue, Argentinia

Topic: „Corrosion and surface modification of Additive Manufacturing lightweight alloys“
Hugo Mora Sanchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Topic: ‘Wire arc addtive manufacturing“
lecturer: Prof. Oleg Panchenko,
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia

‘Friction Stir welding“
lecturer: Prof. Anton Naumow,
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia

Topic: ‘Microstructure Control during metal additive manufacturing’
Sophie Primig, Scientia Associate Professor
School of Materials Science & Engineering, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA

142nd online IMAT seminar / 21.09.2021
lecturer: Dr. Sophie Rivoirard and Romain Caniou
CNRS/ Institut Néel, Grenoble France

141st online IMAT seminar / 06.09.2021

140th online IMAT seminar / 25.06.2021

139th online IMAT seminar / 28.05.2021

138th online IMAT seminar / 16.04.2021

137th online IMAT seminar / 05.03.2021
Topic: Lehigh University - Introduction and Historical Overview
Lecturer: Prof. Herman Nied
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Lehigh University, USA

136th online IMAT seminar / 29.01.2021
Topic: Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Thick-Walled Ultra High Strength Steel welded by MAG and EBW
lecturer: Dr. Mustafa Tümer
University Kocaeli, Turkey


135th IMAT seminar / 04.12.2020
Topic: Modeling and Simulation of the Sintering process.
Lecturer: Prateek Prakash Srivastava
Slovak Adacemy of Sciences

134th online IMAT seminar / 06.11.2020
Topic: Graz μCT consortium: where we stand and where we are going
Lecturer: Dr. Eduardo Machado-Charry
Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Graz

133rd IMAT Seminar / 02.10.2020

132nd online IMAT Seminar / 04.09.2020

131st online IMAT Seminar / 24.07.2020

130th online IMAT Seminar / 26.06.2020

129th online IMAT Seminar / 29.05.2020

128th online IMAT Seminar / 08.05.2020

127th IMAT Seminar / 28.01.2020

2019 - 2016

126th IMAT Seminar / 06.12.2019
Topic "Critical insights into thermophysical modeling for predictive material simulations"
Lecturer: Ass.Prof. Dr. Sc. ETH Erwin Povoden-Karadeniz
TU Wien

125th IMAT Seminar / 03.12.2019
Topic: "Tribology Research at Lulea University"
Lecturer: Assoc.Prof. Jens Hardell
Lulea University of Technology

124th IMAT Seminar / 08.11.2019

123rd IMAT Seminar / 30.10.2019

Topic: „Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing“
Assoc. Prof. Oleg Panchenko, PhD
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

„Friction Stir Welding“
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anton A. Naumov
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

122nd IMAT Seminar / 04.10.2019

122nd IMAT Seminar / 10.09.2019

121st IMAT Seminar / 06.08.2019

120th IMAT Seminar / 03.07.2019

119th IMAT Seminar / 07.06.2019

118th IMAT Seminar / 24.05.2019

Topic: Overview of Physics, Modeling, and Metallurgy Research at Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining
Lecturer: Prof. Patricio F. Mendez
University of Alberta

117th IMAT Seminar / 03.05.2019
Topic: Brittle fracture in polymer-based nanocomposites under complex loading
Lecturer: Prof. Majid R. Ayatollahi
School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology Theran

116th IMAT Seminar / 05.04.2019
Topic: Continuous severe plastic deformation: introduction of a novel method
Lecturer: Motjaba Pourbashiri
Iran University of Science and Technology

Topic: Observation of the Behavior of Inconel 718
Lecturer: Mateo Gasselin
University of Bordeaux

115th IMAT Seminar / 08.03.2019
Lecturer: Prof. Mauzizio Vedani
Politechnico di Milano, Departement of Mechanical Engineering

Topic: Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Behavior of ALSi7Mg Alloy Processed by Selective Laser Melting
Lecturer: Zahra Sajedi
Politechnico Milano

Topic: Study on the chemical composition effects of LTT fillers in the welding residual stress of martensitic stainless steel
Seyed Ali Hoseini
Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran

114th IMAT Seminar / 01.02.2019
Topic: Dynamisch Mechanische Analyse bei Anton Paar
Lecturer: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Troiss

13th IMAT Seminar / 07.12.2018

112th IMAT Seminar / 09.11.2018

Topic: Effect of composition on the precipitation of β’ in ferritic Fe-Ni-Al alloys
Lecturer: Carlos Ferreira
National Polytechnic Institute - Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Mexiko

111th IMAT Seminar / 12.10.2018
Topic: Characterization of Cu-In-Sn isopleths for Pb free Transient Liquid Phase Bonding
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Silvana Sommadossi
Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Agentinia

Topic: Effect of high temperature preheating to processing Ti6Al4V alloy by Selective Laser Technology
Lecturer: Ing. Martin Maly
Brno University of Technology

110th IMAT Seminar / 14.09.2018
Topic: Mechanical integrity and corrosion behavior of metal-composite structures joined by FSpJ
Lecturer: Natalia Manente

Topic: Design and mechanical integrity of friction-riveted multi-material joints for aircraft structures
Lecturer: Natascha Zocoller Borba

Topic: AddJoining: a new additive manufacturing technique for layered metal-polymer hybrid structures
Lecturer: Rielson Falck

Helmholtz - Zentrum Geesthacht, GermanyInstitute of Materials Research, Materials Mechanics, Joining Solid State Joining Processes (WMP), Advanced Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures' Group

109th IMAT Seminar / 17.08.2018
Topic: Hot deformation behaviour of precipitates free Inconel 718
Lecturer: Franco Lizzi
National University of Comahue, Argentina

Topic: The effect of electron beam surface treatment on corrosion behavior of biodegradable magnesium implant
Lecturer: Arezzo Ghanbari
Institute of Materials and Energy Alborz

108th IMAT Seminar / 29.06.2018

107th IMAT Seminar / 08.06.2018
Topic: Clad Layer caracteristic in coopler clad aluminum wire
Lecturer: Fariborz Fatehi Sichani
University of Birjand

Topic: Electron Beam Welding of metallic glass foil
Lecturer: Mircea Nicolaescu
Polytechnic University of Timisoara

106th IMAT Seminar / 13.04.2018
Topic: Microstructure characterisation of Titanium alloys
Lecturer: Paul Berrus

Topic: Metallographic investigation of a pure aluminium wire reinforce by SPD process and contribution to simulation of an ECAP process to improve teh actual SPD machine
Lecturer: Thomas Clavelou
University of Bordeaux

105th IMAT internal Seminar / 18.05.2018
Topic: Phase identification in Ni based materials bonded with TLPB
Lecturer: Mariana Polliserpi
National University of Comahue, Argentina

Topic: Clad layer characteristic in copper clad aluminium wire
Lecturer: Fariborz Fatehi Sichani
University of Birjand

104th IMAT internal Seminar / 23.03.2018
Topic 1: Use of fracture mechanics on friction welded joint
Lecturer: Doc. Dr. Tomaž Vuherer

Topic 2: Genetic programming approach for modelling of deep drawing process parameters
Lecturer: Ass.Prof. Dr. Leo Gusel

Topic 3: Overview of experimental methods for thermomechanical data
Lecturer: Assoc.Prof. Cecilia Poletti

103rd IMAT internal Seminar / 26.01.2018
Topic: Evaluation of the corrosion resistance performance of different zinc coatings in 0.5 M sodium chloride solution
Lecturer: Franz Miller Branco Ferraz

102nd IMAT internal Seminar / 01.12.2017
Topic 1: Mg/HAp Metal Matrix Bio-Composite (Fabrication and Characterization of Mechanical and Microstructural properties)
Lecturer: Arash Shafiee Sabet, Fogh-lis. Lis

Topic 2: READY FOR RAMP-UP? - A framework to define and assess ramp-up readiness of advanced materials for high-tech applications
Lecturer: Dipl.-Ing. Martin Kremsmayr

Topic 3: Study to understand reversible temper embrittlements of high strength steel
Lecturer: Em.-Prof. Horst Cerjak

101st IMAT internal Seminar / 03.11.2017
Topic: JOIN M2 und M3
Lecturer: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Schneider

100th IMAT internal Seminar / 09.10.2017
Topic: Introduction of the new optical 3D measurement system at IMAT-T&F
Lecturer: DDDipl.-Ing. Dr.mont Josef Domitner

99th IMAT internal Seminar / 09.10.2017
Topic: What can you expect to measure, and what does it mean?
Lecturer: Univ.-Prof. Bernhard Sonderegger

98th IMAT internal Seminar / 26.07.2017
Topic: General Solution to Heat flow problem in Welding
Lecturer: Mohammad Bagher Nasiri, Fogh-lis.

97th IMAT external Seminar / 26.07.2017
Topic: Flusssäure - Handhabung und gute Laborpraxis (GLP)
Lecturer: Dipl.-Chem. Dr.rer.nat. Alk Dransfeld

96th IMAT internal Seminar / 07.07.2017
Topic: Magnesium alloys: Processing & Characterization techniques
Lecturer: Eng. Mestr. Ricardo Henrique Buzolin

95th IMAT internal Seminar / 07.07.2017
Topic: Physical simulation studies on weldability of high strength steel for naval application
Lecturer: M.Tech. B. Tech Kumar Sanjeev

94th IMAT external Seminar / 06.07.2017
Topic: Numerical simulation of laser material processing: model basics and case studies
Lecturer: Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Phys. Andreas Otto

93rd IMAT internal Seminar / 05.05.2017
Topic: Rotary Friction Welding of Molybdenum Components
Lecturer: Dipl.-Ing. Markus Stütz

92nd IMAT external Seminar / 21.02.2017
Topic: Research in Applied Computer Science and Modeling at the AGH Krakow
Lecturer: Krzysztof Bzowski; Mateusz Sitko; Grzegorz Smyk

91st IMAT internal Seminar / 07.02.2017
Topic: FMEA - Stand der Technik und Entwicklungstendenzen
Lecturer: Boris Petrovic, Dipl.-Ing.

90th IWS external Seminar / 28.11.2016
Topic: Hot work tool steels manufactured by selective laser melting
Lecturer: Jochen Giedenbacher, MSc.

89th IWS external Seminar / 05.07.2016
Topic: Deformation behavior and microstructure-texture in TWIP steels after deformation at varying strain rates
Lecturer: Dr. Sandip Ghosh Chowdhury from National Metallurgical Laboratory, India

88th IWS external Seminar / 28.04.2016
Topic: HITEMAL (high temperature aluminium): unique ultrafine-grained Al composites stabilized in situ by nano-scale Al2O3 phase
Lecturer:  Martin Balog

87th IWS internal Seminar / 07.04.2016
Topic: Embrittlement of high strenght weld metal due to post weld heat treatmen (PWHT)
Lecturer: Horst Cerjak

86th IWS external Seminar  / 09.03.2016
Topic: The latest developments and applications associated with Solid State Joining and Friction Extrusion Technology
Lecturer: Michael Skinner

85th IWS external Seminar / 25.02.2016
Topic: Electron Beam Characterization
Lecturer: Sebastian Ufer

84th IWS external  Seminar / 24.02.2016
Topic: Magnesium research in the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Lecturer: Norbert Hort

83rd IWS internal Seminar / 17.02.2016
Topic: Friction Stir Welding of HSLA Steel X70 doped with TiO2
Lecturer: Rasul Pouriamanesh

82nd IWS external  Seminar / 10.02.2016
Topic: Insights into phase transformations and microstructure development of TiAl alloys by use of advanced characterisation techniques
Lecturer: Florian Pyczac

81st IWS external Seminar /03.02.2016
Topic: Conzepts to Optimize Aging of Al-Mg-Si alloys
Lecturer:  Stefan   Pogatscher

Contact IMAT Seminars

Institute of Materials Science, Joining and Forming
Graz University of Technology

Claudia Schwinzerl
Phone: +43 316 873 7181