Markus Oberweger received his BSc and MSc Degree in Telematics (Information and Computer Engineering) from Graz University of Technology in 2012 and 2014, respectively, and his PhD Degree in Computer Science from Graz University of Technology in 2018. During his MSc he focused on Computer Vision, Smart Sensors, and Business Studies and Law. During his PhD he worked on Computer Vision and Machine Learning methods for 3D hand pose estimation. His research interests include Machine Learning methods for Computer Vision, specifically Deep Learning, and methods for 3D hand pose estimation, 3D object pose estimation and hand-object interaction.
He is currently a Research and Teaching Associate at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision at Graz University of Technology in the research group of Prof. Vincent Lepetit. He is involved in teaching as Teaching Associate for Computer Vision 1 & 2, Selected Topics Computer Vision, and Introduction to Scientific Working. Before he worked at the institute as Teaching Assistant for Computer Vision 1 & 2.
He served as a reviewer for many international conferences and journals, such as ApplSci, BMVC, CAVW, CVI, CVPR, CVWW, HANDS, ICRA, IROS, IVC, Neurocomputing, PG, R6D, RAL, Sensors, SIGGRAPH, TIP, TVCG, VR, WACV, and WSCG.