Dominik Hirner and Friedrich FraundorferSAda-NetPattern Recognition - 27th International Conference, ICPR 2024, Proceedings159-175Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arnela Hadzic, Lea Bogensperger, Simon Johannes Joham and Martin UrschlerSynthetic Augmentation for Anatomical Landmark Localization Using DDPMsSimulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging - 9th International Workshop, SASHIMI 2024, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2024, Proceedings1-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Pöllabauer, Tristan Wirth, Paul Weitz, Volker Knauthe, Arjan Kuijper and Dieter W. FellnerGeneralizing Neural Radiance Fields for Robust 6D Pose Estimation of Unseen AppearancesAdvances in Visual Computing - 19th International Symposium, ISVC 2024, Proceedings300-314Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ludwig Mohr, Ismail Geles and Friedrich FraundorferGAFAR revisited—Exploring the limits of point cloud registration on sparse subsetsRobotics and Autonomous Systems
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ceca Kraišniković, Robert Harb, Markus Plass, Wael Al Zoughbi, Andreas Holzinger and Heimo MüllerFine-tuning language model embeddings to reveal domain knowledgeEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence139,
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zikun Deng, Yuanbang Liu, Mingrui Zhu, Da Xiang, Haiyue Yu, Zicheng Su, Qinglong Lu, Tobias Schreck and Yi CaiTraSculptorIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gianluca Guglielmo and Marc MasanaLeveraging Intermediate Representations for Better Out-of-Distribution DetectionCVWW 2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hamed Hemati, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Xiaotian Duan, Zixuan Zhao, Fangfang Xia, Marc Masana, Benedikt Tscheschner, Eduardo Veas, Yuxiang Zheng, Shiji Zhao, Shao Yuan Li, Sheng Jun Huang, Vincenzo Lomonaco and Gido M. van de VenContinual learning in the presence of repetitionNeural Networks183,
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Naida Solak, André Ferreira, Gijs Luijten, Behrus Puladi, Victor Alves and Jan EggerGBM-ReservoirData in Brief58,
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mario Fuentes Reyes, Pablo d’Angelo and Friedrich FraundorferComparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Stereo Matching and Multi-View Stereo for Urban DSM GenerationRemote Sensing17,
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yiping Xie, Jun Zhang, Nils Bore and John FolkessonNeuRSSIEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Michael Hochörtler, David Kastl, Georg Gotschier, Johanna Pirker and Dieter SchmalstiegCECILIA: A Toolkit for Visual Game Content Exploration and ModificationIEEE Transactions on Games
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Benedikt Maderbacher, Felix Windisch, Lazaro Alberto Larrauri Borroto and Roderick BloemSynthesis of Controllers for Continuous Blackbox SystemsVerification, Model Checking, and Abstract InterpretationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Kai A. Neumann, Reimar Tausch, Hasan Kutlu, Arjan Kuijper, Pedro Santos and Dieter FellnerPoint cloud quality metrics for incremental image-based 3D reconstructionMultimedia Tools and Applications
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Suschnigg, B. Mutlu, G. Koutroulis, H. Hussain and T. SchreckMANDALA—Visual Exploration of Anomalies in Industrial Multivariate Time Series DataComputer Graphics Forum
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Leonid Karlinsky, Wei Lin, Sivan Doveh, Jakub Tomasz Micorek, Mateusz Kozinski, Hilde Kuehne and Horst PosseggerMeta-prompting for Automating Zero-Shot Visual Recognition with LLMsComputer Vision – ECCV 2024 - 18th European Conference, Proceedings370-387Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zikun Deng, Haoming Chen, Qing Long Lu, Zicheng Su, Tobias Schreck, Jie Bao and Yi CaiVisual comparative analytics of multimodal transportationVisual Informatics9,
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mateusz Koziński, Doruk Oner, Jakub Gwizdała, Catherine Beigelman-Aubry, Pascal Fua, Angela Koutsokera, Alessio Casutt, Argyro Vraka, Michele De Palma, John David Aubert, Horst Bischof, Christophe von Garnier, Sahand Jamal Rahi, Martin Urschler and Nahal MansouriHarnessing deep learning to detect bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome from chest CTCommunications Medicine5,
2025Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Christina Gsaxner, Jens Kleesiek and Behrus PuladiWhat is Diminished Virtuality? A Directional and Layer-Based Taxonomy for the Reality-Virtuality ContinuumJMIR XR and Spatial Computing1,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
B. G. Pantoja-Rosero, A. Chassignet, A. Rezaie, M. Kozinski, R. Achanta and K. BeyerPartial annotations in active learning for semantic segmentationAutomation in Construction168,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Moritz Rempe, Florian Mentzel, Kelsey L. Pomykala, Johannes Haubold, Felix Nensa, Kevin Kroeninger, Jan Egger and Jens Kleesiekk-stripComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine243,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wentao Zhu, Yuan Jin, Gege Ma, Geng Chen, Jan Egger, Shaoting Zhang and Dimitris N. MetaxasClassification of lung cancer subtypes on CT images with synthetic pathological priorsMedical Image Analysis95,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Narnhofer, Andreas Habring, Martin Holler and Thomas PockPosterior-Variance--Based Error Quantification for Inverse Problems in ImagingSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences17,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Tatzgern, Alexander Weinrauch, Pascal Stadlbauer, Joerg H. Mueller, Martin Winter and Markus SteinbergerRadiance Caching with On-Surface Caches for Real-Time Global IlluminationProceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques7,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Huai Yu, Kuangyi Chen, Wen Yang, Sebastian Scherer and Gui Song XiaI2D-Loc++IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters9,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Steiner, Thomas Köhler, Lukas Radl and Markus SteinbergerFrustum Volume Caching for Accelerated NeRF RenderingProceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques7,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Nadezda Kirillova, Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Horst Bischof and Horst PosseggerInto the Fog: Evaluating Robustness of Multiple Object TrackingThe 35th British Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Krispel, David Schinagl, Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofMAELi: Masked Autoencoder for Large-Scale LiDAR Point CloudsProceedings - 2024 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20243371-3380Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shohei Mori and Dieter SchmalstiegA Way Out of the Replication Crisis in Diminished Reality Research2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct, ISMAR-Adjunct 202435-36Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiaodan Hu, Yan Zhang, Alexander Plopski, Yuta Itoh, Monica Perusquia-Hernandez, Naoya Isoyama, Hideaki Uchiyama and Kiyoshi KiyokawaPerception-Driven Soft-Edge Occlusion for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted DisplaysIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Li Ling, Jun Zhang, Nils Bore, John Folkesson and Anna WåhlinBenchmarking Classical and Learning-Based Multibeam Point Cloud RegistrationProceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation6118-6125Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Shohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg, Jan Egger, Gerhard Paar, Werner Bailer and Denis KalkofenDeepDRProceedings - 2024 International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV 2024750-760Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tania Kairnel, Ana Stanescu, Peter Mohr, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenProgress Observation in Augmented Reality Assembly Tutorials Using Dynamic Hand Gesture RecognitionProceedings - 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, VRW 2024957-958Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Hendrik Plümer, Kevin Yu, Ulrich Eck, Denis Kalkofen, Philipp Steininger, Nassir Navab and Markus TatzgernXR Prototyping of Mixed Reality Visualizations: Compensating Interaction Latency for a Medical Imaging RobotProceedings of 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
L.R. Skreinig, P. Mohr, Blanca Berger, M. Tatzgern, D. Schmalstieg and D. KalkofenImmersive Authoring by Demonstration of Industrial ProceduresProceedings - 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Stanescu, P. Mohr, F. Thaler, M. Kozinski, L.R. Skreinig, D. Schmalstieg and D. KalkofenError Management for Augmented Reality Assembly InstructionsProceedings - 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Zach, Erich Kobler, Antonin Chambolle and Thomas PockProduct of Gaussian Mixture Diffusion ModelsJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision66,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Ainetter, Sinisa Stekovic, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitHOC-Search: Efficient CAD Model and Pose Retrieval From RGB-D ScansInternational Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rafael Weilharter and Friedrich FraundorferHAMMERProceedings - 2024 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20243454-3463Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Harb, Thomas Pock and Heimo MullerDiffusion-based generation of Histopathological Whole Slide Images at a Gigapixel scaleProceedings - 2024 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20245119-5128Publikation in PURE anzeigen
D. Mlakar, M. Steinberger and D. SchmalstiegEnd-to-End Compressed Meshlet RenderingComputer Graphics Forum43,
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Karin Festl, Michael Stolz and Daniel WatzenigMulti-Objective Path Tracking Control for Car-Like Vehicles With Differentially Bounded n-Smooth OutputIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems25,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hanqian Si, Huai Yu, Kuangyi Chen and Wen YangPoint-Line Visual-Inertial Odometry with Optimized Line Feature ProcessingIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement73,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Mayer, Antonio Pepe, Sophie Hossain, Barbara Karner, Melanie Arnreiter, Jens Kleesiek, Johannes Schmid, Michael Janisch, Deutschmann Hannes, Michael Fuchsjäger, Daniel Zimpfer, Jan Egger and Heinrich MächlerType B Aortic Dissection CTA Collection with True and False Lumen Expert Annotations for the Development of AI-based AlgorithmsScientific Data11,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Kernbauer, Maximilian Tschulik, Philipp Fleck and Clemens ArthSpatial Augmented Reality for Heavy Machinery Using Laser ProjectionsProceedings - 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, VRW 2024235-243Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Laurent Frering, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Clemens Könczöl, Jochen Mosbacher, Matthias Josef Eder, Dietrich Albert, Bettina Kubicek and Gerald Steinbauer-WagnerAn Evaluation of Affordance Templates for Human-Robot Interaction2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Radl, Andreas Kurz, Michael Steiner and Markus SteinbergerAnalyzing the Internals of Neural Radiance FieldsProceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) WorkshopsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Wei Lin, Dušan Malić, Horst Bischof and Horst PosseggerVision-Language Guidance for LiDAR-based Unsupervised 3D Object DetectionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Benjamin Lee, Michael Sedlmair and Dieter SchmalstiegDesign Patterns for Situated Visualization in Augmented RealityIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics30,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Perz, Gijs Luijten, Jens Kleesiek, Dieter Schmalstieg, Jan Egger and Christina GsaxnerMultiAR46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2024 - ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Saeed Safikhani, Dorian Lux, Dieter Schmalstieg and Johanna PirkerTutorial Generation For Virtual Reality from Example PlaytroughsICAT-EGVE 2024 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual EnvironmentsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Prutsch, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofAction-By-Detection2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)10757-10763Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arnela Hadzic, Barbara Kirnbauer, Darko Štern and Martin UrschlerTeeth Localization and Lesion Segmentation in CBCT Images Using SpatialConfiguration-Net and U-NetProceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 282-289Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Mandl, Shohei Mori, Peter Mohr, Yifan Peng, Tobias Langlotz, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenNeural BokehProceedings - 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR 2024870-880Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jonathan Sutton, Tobias Langlotz, Alexander Plopski and Kasper HornbækFlicker AugmentationsCHI 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SytemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mohammed Safayet Arefin, Carlos Montalto, Alexander Plopski and J. Edward SwanA SharpView Font with Enhanced Out-of-Focus Text Legibility for Augmented Reality SystemsProceedings - 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR 202431-41Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Thaler, Matthias A.F. Gsell, Gernot Plank and Martin UrschlerCaRe-CNN Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications53-64Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Huilin Yin, Shengkai Su, Yinjia Lin, Pengju Zhen, Karin Festl and Daniel WatzenigRandom Network Distillation Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for AGV Path Planning35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 20242667-2673Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kailin Tong, Yuxi Hu, Berin Dikic, Selim Solmaz, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Daniel WatzenigRobots Saving Lives35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2024953-960Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Doktorb Barbara Flügge and Horst BishopInnovative and AutonomousSmart Mobility in Practice123-134Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Corinna Kofler, Francisco López de la Rosa, Dominic Zarre, Claudia Anna Dohr, Judith Dohr, Anja Zernig, Antonio Fernández-Caballero and Gianluca GuglielmoAutomated Classification of Semiconductor Defect Density SEM Images Using Deep LearningRecent Advances in Microelectronics ReliabilityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Arnela Hadzic, Martin Urschler, Jan Niclas Aaron Press, Regina Riedl, Petra Rugani, Darko Štern and Barbara KirnbauerEvaluating a Periapical Lesion Detection CNN on a Clinically Representative CBCT Dataset—A Validation StudyJournal of Clinical Medicine13,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Radl, Michael Steiner, Andreas Kurz and Markus SteinbergerLAENeRF: Local Appearance Editing for Neural Radiance Fields2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)4969-4978Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Radl, Michael Steiner, Mathias Parger, Alexander Weinrauch, Bernhard Kerbl and Markus SteinbergerStopThePopACM Transactions on Graphics43,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lennart Johannes Gruber, Jan Egger, Andrea Bönsch, Joep Kraeima, Max Ulbrich, Vincent van den Bosch, Ila Motmaen, Caroline Wilpert, Mark Ooms, Peter Isfort, Frank Hölzle and Behrus PuladiAccuracy and Precision of Mandible Segmentation and Its Clinical ImplicationsExpert Systems with Applications239,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marcus Rieder, Bernhard Remschmidt, Christina Gsaxner, Jan Gaessler, Michael Payer, Wolfgang Zemann and Juergen WallnerAugmented Reality-Guided Extraction of Fully Impacted Lower Third Molars Based on Maxillofacial CBCT ScansBioengineering11,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Krumpl, Henning Avenhaus, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofATS: Adaptive Temperature Scaling for Enhancing Out-of-Distribution Detection MethodsEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Herdy, Emilio Rodríguez-Caballero, Thomas Pock and Bettina WeberUtilization of deep learning tools to map and monitor biological soil crustsEcological Informatics79,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Saswat Subhajyoti Mallick, Rahul Goel, Bernhard Kerbl, Markus Steinberger, Francisco Vicente Carrasco and Fernando de la TorreTaming 3DGSProceedings - SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers, SA 2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
D. Urban, K. Anhalt, M. Arduini, T. Stark, J. Manara, P. Pichler, A. Eber and G. PottlacherMeasuring spectral emissivity up to 4000 K†High Temperatures - High Pressures53,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Akub Micorek, Horst Possegger, Dominik Narnhofer, Horst Bischof and Mateusz KozińskiMULDEProceedings - 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 202418868-18877Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Prutsch, Horst Bischof and Horst PosseggerEfficient Motion Prediction: A Lightweight & Accurate Trajectory Prediction Model With Fast Training and Inference SpeedIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Abhiram Kolli, Filippo Casamassima, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofRobust Localization of Key Fob Using Channel Impulse Response of Ultra Wide Band Sensors for Keyless Entry SystemsIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel Schneider, Ludwig Kastner, Bernhard Schick and Daniel WatzenigfROSIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jakub Waikat, Amel Jelidi, Sandro Lic, Georgios Sopidis, Olaf Kähler, Anna Maly, Jesús Pestana, Ferdinand Fuhrmann and Fredi BelavićFirst Measurement Campaign by a Multi-Sensor Robot for the Lifecycle Monitoring of TransformersEnergies17,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marco Stranner, Philipp Fleck, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthInstant Segmentation and Fitting of Excavations in Subsurface Utility EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics30,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arno Coomans, Edoardo A. Dominci, Christian Döring, Joerg H. Mueller, Jozef Hladky and Markus SteinbergerReal-time Neural Rendering of Dynamic Light FieldsComputer Graphics Forum43,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Kernbauer, Philipp Fleck and Clemens ArthPanoThermProceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications98-109Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tao Li, Zhenbao Yu, Banglei Guan, Jianli Han, Weimin Lv and Friedrich FraundorferTrifocal Tensor and Relative Pose Estimation With Known Vertical DirectionIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Maitz, Lucchas Ribeiro Skreinig, Denis Kalkofen and Selina Christin WriessneggerTowards Neuroadaptive Augmented Reality Piano TutorialsProceedings 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE)450-455Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Corentin Henry and Friedrich FraundorferWorldwide High-fidelity Road Extraction from Aerial and Satellite Imagery enabled by Low-fidelity OpenStreetMap LabelsGerman Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)1-15Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, David G. Ellis, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Michele R. Aizenberg, Jens Kleesiek and Jan EggerBack to the RootsJournal of Medical Systems48,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andre Ferreira, Gijs Luijten, Behrus Puladi, Jens Kleesiek, Victor Alves and Jan EggerGeneralisation of Segmentation Using Generative Adversarial NetworksIEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2024 - Conference ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Timo Van Meegdenburg, Gijs Luijten, Jens Kleesiek, Behrus Puladi, Andre Ferreira, Jan Egger and Christina GsaxnerA Baseline Solution for the ISBI 2024 Dreaming ChallengeIEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2024 - Conference ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Víctor J. Expósito Jiménez, Georg Macher, Daniel Watzenig and Eugen BrennerSafety of the Intended Functionality Validation for Automated Driving Systems by Using Perception Performance Insufficiencies InjectionVehicles6,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhamed Kuric, Jan Ahmetspahic and Thomas PockTotal Generalized Variation on a TreeSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences17,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Ebner, Alexander Plopski, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenGaze-Contingent Layered Optical See-Through Displays with a Confidence-Driven View VolumeIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics30,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Simon Johannes Joham, Arnela Hadzic and Martin UrschlerImplicit Is Not EnoughBioengineering11,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gian Marco Melito, Antonio Pepe, Alireza Jafarinia, Thomas Krispel and Jan EggerOptimizing Aortic Segmentation with an Innovative Quality Assessment: The Role of Global Sensitivity AnalysisSegmentation of the Aorta. Towards the Automatic Segmentation, Modeling, and Meshing of the Aortic Vessel Tree from Multicenter Acquisition - First Challenge, SEG.A. 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Proceedings110-126Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maximilian Weber, Daniel Wild, Jens Kleesiek, Jan Egger and Christina GsaxnerDeep Learning-Based Point Cloud Registration for Augmented Reality-Guided SurgeryIEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2024 - Conference ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Heimo Gursch, Elke Schlager, Franz Thaler, Georg Waltner, Harald Ganster, Alfred Rinnhofer, Malte Jaschik, Christian Oberwinkler, Reinhard Meisenbichler, Horst Bischof and Roman KernImage capturing, segmentation and data analysis of shredded refuse streamsWaste Management and Research42,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Emanuele Santellani, Martin Zach, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferGMM-IKRS: Gaussian Mixture Models for Interpretable Keypoint Refinement and Scoring.Computer Vision – ECCV 202477-93Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Arnold, Anton J. Prassl, Aurel Neic, Franz Thaler, Christoph M. Augustin, Matthias A.F. Gsell, Karli Gillette, Martin Manninger, Daniel Scherr and Gernot PlankpyCEPSComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine254,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Edi Muškardin, Martin Tappler, Ingo Pill, Bernhard K. Aichernig and Thomas PockOn the Relationship Between RNN Hidden-State Vectors and Semantic Structures62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2024 - Proceedings of the Conference5641-5658Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Zongwei Zhou, Jiancheng Yang, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Gijs Luijten, Chongyu Qu, Tiezheng Zhang, Xiaoxi Chen, Wenxuan Li, Marek Wodzinski, Paul Friedrich, Kangxian Xie, Yuan Jin, Narmada Ambigapathy, Enrico Nasca, Naida Solak, Gian Marco Melito, Viet Duc Vu, Afaque R. Memon, Christopher Schlachta, Sandrine De Ribaupierre, Rajnikant Patel, Roy Eagleson, Xiaojun Chen, Heinrich Mächler, Jan Stefan Kirschke, Ezequiel De La Rosa, Patrick Ferdinand Christ, Hongwei Bran Li, David G. Ellis, Michele R. Aizenberg, Sergios Gatidis, Thomas Küstner, Nadya Shusharina, Nicholas Heller, Vincent Andrearczyk, Adrien Depeursinge, Mathieu Hatt, Anjany Sekuboyina, Maximilian T. Löffler, Hans Liebl, Reuben Dorent, Tom Vercauteren, Jonathan Shapey, Aaron Kujawa, Stefan Cornelissen, Patrick Langenhuizen, Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Ahmed Rekik, Sergi Pujades, Edmond Boyer, Federico Bolelli, Costantino Grana, Luca Lumetti, Hamidreza Salehi, Jun Ma, Yao Zhang, Ramtin Gharleghi, Susann Beier, Arcot Sowmya, Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal, Thania Balducci, Diego Angeles-Valdez, Roberto Souza, Leticia Rittner, Richard Frayne, Yuanfeng Ji, Vincenzo Ferrari, Soumick Chatterjee, Florian Dubost, Stefanie Schreiber, Hendrik Mattern, Oliver Speck, Daniel Haehn, Christoph John, Andreas Nürnberger, João Pedrosa, Carlos Ferreira, Guilherme Aresta, António Cunha, Aurélio Campilho, Yannick Suter, Jose Garcia, Alain Lalande, Vicky Vandenbossche, Aline Van Oevelen, Kate Duquesne, Hamza Mekhzoum, Jef Vandemeulebroucke, Emmanuel Audenaert, Claudia Krebs, Timo Van Leeuwen, Evie Vereecke, Hauke Heidemeyer, Rainer Röhrig, Frank Hölzle, Vahid Badeli, Kathrin Krieger, Matthias Gunzer, Jianxu Chen, Timo Van Meegdenburg, Amin Dada, Miriam Balzer, Jana Fragemann, Frederic Jonske, Moritz Rempe, Stanislav Malorodov, Fin H. Bahnsen, Constantin Seibold, Alexander Jaus, Zdravko Marinov, Paul F. Jaeger, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Ana Sofia Santos, Mariana Lindo, André Ferreira, Victor Alves, Michael Kamp, Amr Abourayya, Felix Nensa, Fabian Hörst, Alexander Brehmer, Lukas Heine, Yannik Hanusrichter, Martin Weßling, Marcel Dudda, Lars E. Podleska, Matthias A. Fink, Julius Keyl, Konstantinos Tserpes, Moon Sung Kim, Shireen Elhabian, Hans Lamecker, Dženan Zukić, Beatriz Paniagua, Christian Wachinger, Martin Urschler, Luc Duong, Jakob Wasserthal, Peter F. Hoyer, Oliver Basu, Thomas Maal, Max J.H. Witjes, Gregor Schiele, Ti Chiun Chang, Seyed Ahmad Ahmadi, Ping Luo, Bjoern Menze, Mauricio Reyes, Thomas M. Deserno, Christos Davatzikos, Behrus Puladi, Pascal Fua, Alan L. Yuille, Jens Kleesiek and Jan EggerMedShapeNet - a large-scale dataset of 3D medical shapes for computer visionBiomedizinische Technik70,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maliheh Hashemi, Michael Stolz and Daniel WatzenigGaussian Process Regression for an Accurate and Uncertainty-Aware Winding Insulation Degradation PredictionIEEE Access12,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Domagoj Bošnjak, Antonio Pepe, Richard Schussnig, Jan Egger and Thomas Peter FriesA semi-automatic method for block-structured hexahedral meshing of aortic dissectionsInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering40,
2024Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Max Peter Ronecker, Markus Schratter, Lukas Kuschnig and Daniel WatzenigDynamic Occupancy Grids for Object Detection2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 202413991-13997Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ludwig Mohr, Nadezda Kirillova, Horst Possegger and Horst Bischof[Dataset] Crossroad Camera Dataset - Mobility Aid Users (1.0)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Weinrauch, Stephan Lorbek, Wolfgang Tatzgern, Pascal Stadlbauer and Markus SteinbergerClouds in the Cloud: Efficient Cloud-Based Rendering of Real-Time Volumetric CloudsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ludwig Mohr, Nadezda Kirillova, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofA Comprehensive Crossroad Camera Dataset of Mobility Aid UsersThe 34th British Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Beikircher, Marco De Bortoli, Leo Fürbaß, Thomas Martin Kernbauer, Peter Kohout, Dominik Lampel, Anna Masiero, Stefan Moser, Martin Nagele and Gerald Steinbauer-WagnerRobust Integration of Planning, Execution, Recovery and Testing to Win the RoboCup Logistics LeagueRoboCup 2023: Robot World Cup XXVIPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Shohei Mori, Satoshi Hashiguchi, Fumihisa Shibata and Asako KimuraPoint & Teleport with Orientation Specification, Revisited: Is Natural Turning Always Superior?Journal of Information Processing31,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yuna Kato, Mariko Isogawa, Shohei Mori, Hideo Saito, Hiroki Kajita and Yoshifumi TakatsumeHigh-Quality Virtual Single-Viewpoint Surgical Video: Geometric Autocalibration of Multiple Cameras in Surgical LightsMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2023 - 26th International Conference, Proceedings271-280Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Max Bergfelt, Viktor Larsson, Hideo Saito and Shohei MoriCompacting Singleshot Multi-Plane Image via Scale AdjustmentPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Remschmidt, Marcus Rieder, Christina Gsaxner, Jan Gaessler, Michael Payer and Juergen WallnerAugmented Reality-Guided Apicoectomy Based on Maxillofacial CBCT ScansDiagnostics13,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Zach, Florian Knoll and Thomas PockStable Deep MRI Reconstruction Using Generative PriorsIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging42,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Schinagl, Georg Krispel, Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofGACE: Geometry Aware Confidence Enhancement for Black-box 3D Object Detectors on LiDAR-DataProceedings of the 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)6566-6576Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Schachner, Nadezda Kirillova, Fabian Weißenbacher, Bernd Schneider, Horst Possegger, Horst Bischof, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Arno Eichberger, Jan Dobberstein, Thomas Lich, Martin Kirchengast, Marcus Hennecke and Corina KlugObservation-based pedestrian scenario extraction for virtual testingThe 27th ESV Conference ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Weinrauch, D. Mlakar, H. P. Seidel, M. Steinberger and R. ZayerA Variational Loop Shrinking Analogy for Handle and Tunnel Detection and Reeb Graph Construction on SurfacesComputer Graphics Forum42,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mizuki Obayashi, Shohei Mori, Hideo Saito, Hiroki Kajita and Yoshifumi TakatsumeMulti-View Surgical Camera Calibration with None-Feature-Rich Video FramesApplied Sciences (Switzerland)13,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Gijs Luijten, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Jens Kleesiek and Jan EggerAnatomy CompletorShape in Medical Imaging 1-14Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ludwig Mohr, Ismail Geles and Friedrich FraundorferGAFAR: Graph-Attention Feature-Augmentation for Registration A Fast and Light-weight Point Set Registration AlgorithmProceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Doruk Oner, Adelie Garin, Mateusz Kozinski, Kathryn Hess and Pascal FuaPersistent Homology With Improved Locality Information for More Effective DelineationIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence45,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Fuentes Reyes, P. d’Angelo and F. FraundorferAn Evaluation of Stereo and Multiview Algorithms for 3d Reconstruction with Synthetic DataThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 48,
1021 - 1028,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Aimee Sousa Calepso, Philipp Fleck, Dieter Schmalstieg and Michael SedlmairExploring Augmented Reality for Situated Analytics with Many Movable Physical ReferentsVRST 2023 - 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and TechnologyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Holly, Samuel Sommer, Thomas Ruh, David Stadlbauer, Christoph Rameshan and Johanna PirkerThe Influence of Isolation on Learning in an Immersive Laboratory EnvironmentProceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2023285-289Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Sormann, Emanuele Santellani, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferDELS-MVS: Deep Epipolar Line Search for Multi-View StereoIEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 20233087-3096Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lea Bogensperger, Dominik Narnhofer, Filip Ilic and Thomas PockScore-Based Generative Models for Medical Image Segmentation using Signed Distance FunctionsDAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, HeidelbergPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dušan Malić, Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofSAILOR: Scaling Anchors via Insights into Latent Object RepresentationProceedings - 2023 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2023623-632Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Barrett Ens, Denis Kalkofen, Gelareh Mohammadi and Frank GuanMessage from the ISMAR 2023 General ChairsProceedings - 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2023xiiPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Bernhard Kerbl, Alexander Weinrauch, Joerg Hermann Mueller, Thomas Neff, Markus Steinberger and Dieter SchmalstiegTrim Regions for Online Computation of From-Region Potentially Visible SetsACM Transactions on Graphics42,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Plopski, Naoto Ienaga and Maki SugimotoTracking Systems: Calibration, Hardware, and PeripheralsSpringer Handbooks211-238Publikation in PURE anzeigen
T. Schreck, B. Mutlu and M. StreitVisual Data Science for Industrial ApplicationsDigital Transformation447-471Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Wendt, Horst Possegger, Matthias Bittner, Daniel Schnöll, Matthias Wess, Dušan Malić, Horst Bischof and Axel JantschA Pedestrian Detection Case Study for a Traffic Light ControllerEmbedded Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical, IoT, and Edge Computing75-96Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wei Lin, Anna Kukleva, Horst Possegger, Hilde Kuehne and Horst BischofTAEC: Unsupervised Action Segmentation with Temporal-Aware Embedding and ClusteringProceedings of the 26th Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW 2023)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Abhiram Kolli, Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofTest-Time Adversarial Detection and Robustness for Localizing Humans Using Ultra Wide Band Channel Impulse Responses31st European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2023 - Proceedings1365-1369Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Franz Spöcklberger, Jakub Tomasz Micorek, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofTowards Large-Scale Video-Based Highway Traffic MonitoringIEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Laurent Frering, Clemens Koenczoel, Jochen A. Mosbacher, Martina Kames, Matthias Josef Eder, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Sebastian Gabl, Denis Kalkofen, Dietrich Albert, Bettina Kubicek and Gerald Steinbauer-WagnerImpact of Robot Related User Pre-experience on Cognitive Load, Trust, Trustworthiness and Satisfaction with VR InterfacesAdvances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2023123-131Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Leitner, Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Wei Lin, Jakub Tomasz Micorek, Marc Masana, Mateusz Kozinski, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofSit Back and Relax: Learning to Drive Incrementally in All Weather ConditionsIV 2023 - IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Leonid Karlinsky, Wei Lin, Mateusz Kozinski, Horst Possegger, Rogerio Feris and Horst BischofLaFTer: Label-Free Tuning of Zero-shot Classifier using Language and Unlabeled Image CollectionsConference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wei Lin, Leonid Karlinsky, Nina Shvetsova, Horst Possegger, Mateusz Kozinski, Rameswar Panda, Rogerio Feris, Hilde Kuehne and Horst BischofMAtch, eXpand and Improve: Unsupervised Finetuning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Language Knowledge2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Miki Matsumuro, Shohei Mori, Yuta Kataoka, Fumiaki Igarashi, Fumihisa Shibata and Asako KimuraModified Egocentric Viewpoint for Softer Seated Experience in Virtual RealityIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics29,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Weinrauch, Wolfgang Tatzgern, Pascal Stadlbauer, Alexis Crickx, Jozef Hladky, Arno Coomans, Martin Winter, Joerg H. Mueller and Markus SteinbergerEffect-based Multi-viewer Caching for Cloud-native RenderingACM Transactions on Graphics42,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Inkyu Shin, Wei Lin, Andreas Schriebl, Kunyang Sun, Jaesung Choe, Mateusz Kozinski, Horst Possegger, In So Kweon, Kuk-Jin Yoon and Horst BischofMATE: Masked Autoencoders are Online 3D Test-Time LearnerIEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Ebner, Peter Mohr, Tobias Langlotz, Yifan Peng, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gordon Wetzstein and Denis KalkofenOff-Axis Layered DisplaysIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics29,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Pepe, Jan Egger, Marina Codari, Martin J. Willemink, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li, Peter M. Roth, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gabriel Mistelbauer and Dominik FleischmannAutomated cross-sectional view selection in CT angiography of aortic dissections with uncertainty awareness and retrospective clinical annotationsComputers in Biology and Medicine165,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wei Lin, Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Mateusz Kozinski, Horst Possegger, Hilde Kuehne and Horst BischofVideo Test-Time Adaptation for Action RecognitionIEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)22952-22961Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Patricia M. Johnson, Dana J. Lin, Jure Zbontar, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Anuroop Sriram, Matthew Muckley, James S. Babb, Mitchell Kline, Gina Ciavarra, Erin Alaia, Mohammad Samim, William R. Walter, Liz Calderon, Thomas Pock, Daniel K. Sodickson, Michael P. Recht and Florian KnollDeep Learning Reconstruction Enables Prospectively Accelerated Clinical Knee MRIRadiology307,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Pol Jané Soneira, Wei Lin, Mateusz Kozinski, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofActMAD: Activation Matching to Align Distributions for Test-Time-TrainingProceedings - 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 202324152-24161Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Yuan Jin, Jens Kleesiek, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerThe HoloLens in medicine: A systematic review and taxonomyMedical Image Analysis85,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ana Maria Stanescu, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Mateusz Kozinski, Shohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenState-Aware Configuration Detection for Augmented Reality Step-by-Step TutorialsProceedings - 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2023157-166Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gijs Luijten, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Narmada Ambigapathy, Moon Kim, Xiaojun Chen, Jens Kleesiek, Frank Hölzle, Behrus Puladi and Jan Egger3D surgical instrument collection for computer vision and extended realityScientific Data10,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefano Zorzi and Friedrich FraundorferRe:PolyWorld - A Graph Neural Network for Polygonal Scene Parsing2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)16716-16725Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lydia Lindner, Alexander Effland, Filip Ilic, Thomas Pock and Erich KoblerLightweight Video Denoising using Aggregated Shifted Window AttentionProceedings - 2023 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2023351-360Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Christina Gsaxner, Antonio Pepe, Dieter Schmalstieg, Jens Kleesiek and Jan EggerSparse convolutional neural network for high-resolution skull shape completion and shape super-resolutionScientific Reports13,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Jana Fragemann, Seyed Ahmad Ahmadi, Jens Kleesiek and Jan EggerTraining β -VAE by Aggregating a Learned Gaussian Posterior with a Decoupled DecoderMedical Applications with Disentanglements - First MICCAI Workshop, MAD 2022, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Proceedings70-92Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fernando Reyes-Aviles, Philipp Fleck, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthBag of World Anchors for Instant Large-Scale LocalizationIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics29,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Cosimo Bruni, Mariaelena Occhipinti, Michael Pienn, Gianna Camiciottoli, Maurizio Bartolucci, Silvia Laura Bosello, Christian Payer, Zoltán Bálint, Anna Rita Larici, Alessandra Tottoli, Lorenzo Tofani, Enrico De Lorenzis, Gemma Lepri, Silvia Bellando-Randone, Amelia Spinella, Dilia Giuggioli, Francesco Masini, Giovanna Cuomo, Federico Lavorini, Stefano Colagrande, Horst Olschewski and Marco Matucci-CerinicLung vascular changes as biomarkers of severity in systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung diseaseRheumatology62,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jana Fragemann, Xiao Liu, Jianning Li, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Jan Egger and Jens KleesiekApplying Disentanglement in the Medical DomainMedical Applications with Disentanglements - First MICCAI Workshop, MAD 2022, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Proceedings3-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Rebol, Becky Lake, Michael Reinisch, Krzysztof Pietroszek and Christian GütlHolographic Sports TrainingISS 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces70-73Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shreyas Hampali, Tomas Hodan, Luan Tran, Lingni Ma, Cem Keskin and Vincent LepetitIn-Hand 3D Object Scanning from an RGB SequenceProceedings - 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 202317079-17088Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Kenzel, Stefan Lemme, Richard Membarth, Matthias Kurtenacker, Hugo Devillers, Markus Steinberger and Philipp SlusallekAnyQProceedings - 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2023736-745Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Schuegraf, Stefano Zorzi, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Ksenia BittnerDeep Learning for the Automatic Division of Building Constructions into Sections on Remote Sensing ImagesIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing16,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Zach, Thomas Pock, Erich Kobler and Antonin ChambolleExplicit Diffusion of Gaussian Mixture Model Based Image PriorsScale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision - 9th International Conference, SSVM 2023, Proceedings3-15Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Ainetter, Sinisa Stekovic, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitAutomatically Annotating Indoor Images with CAD Models via RGB-D ScansIEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 20233156 - 3164Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Domagoj Bošnjak, Antonio Pepe, Richard Schussnig, Dieter Schmalstieg and Thomas Peter FriesHigher-order block-structured hex meshing of tubular structuresEngineering with Computers
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lea Bogensperger, Antonin Chambolle, Alexander Effland and Thomas PockLearned Discretization Schemes for the Second-Order Total Generalized VariationScale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision - 9th International Conference, SSVM 2023, Proceedings484-497Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Scharinger, Antonio Pepe, Yuan Jin, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li and Jan EggerMulticenter aortic vessel tree extraction using deep learningMedical Imaging 2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Theresa Huebner, Aaron Berger, Daniel Wild, Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Yuan Jin, Gijs Luijten, Jens Kleesiek and Jan EggerA Web-based Radiomics Module for Image Feature Extraction for Tumor CharacterizationMedical Imaging 2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Mellak, Enrico Arrigoni, Thomas Pock and Wolfgang Von Der LindenQuantum transport in open spin chains using neural-network quantum statesPhysical Review B107,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Reina Ishikawa, Hideo Saito, Denis Kalkofen and Shohei MoriMulti-layer Scene Representation from Composed Focal StacksIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics29,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiangyu Zhuo, Jiaojiao Tian and Friedrich FraundorferCross Field-Based Segmentation and Learning-Based Vectorization for Rectangular WindowsIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing16,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenExemplar-Based Inpainting for 6DOF Virtual Reality PhotosIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics29,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Banglei Guan, Ji Zhao, Daniel Barath and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal Solvers for Relative Pose Estimation of Multi-Camera Systems using Affine CorrespondencesInternational Journal of Computer Vision131,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lucchas Ribeiro Skreinig, Denis Kalkofen, Ana Stanescu, Peter Mohr, Frank Heyen, Shohei Mori, Michael Sedlmair, Dieter Schmalstieg and Alexander PlopskiguitARhero: Interactive Augmented Reality Guitar TutorialsIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics29,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, André Ferreira, Behrus Puladi, Victor Alves, Michael Kamp, Moon Kim, Felix Nensa, Jens Kleesiek, Seyed Ahmad Ahmadi and Jan EggerOpen-source skull reconstruction with MONAISoftwareX23,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Stojanovic, Alexander Weinrauch, Wolfgang Tatzgern, Andreas Kurz and Markus SteinbergerEfficient Rendering of Participating Media for Multiple ViewpointsHigh-Performance Graphics - Symposium Papers55-64Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Stadlbauer, Alexander Weinrauch, Wolfgang Tatzgern and Markus SteinbergerSurface Light Cones: Sharing Direct Illumination for Efficient Multi-viewer RenderingHigh-Performance Graphics - Symposium Papers65-75Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kunyang Sun, Wei Lin, Haoqin Shi, Yu Liu, Zhengming Zhang, Yongming Huang and Horst BischofAIRA-DAIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters8,
2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Neff, Brian Budge, Zhao Dong, Dieter Schmalstieg and Markus SteinbergerPSAO: Point-Based Split Rendering for Ambient OcclusionHigh-Performance Graphics (2023)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michaël Ramamonjisoa, Sinisa Stekovic and Vincent LepetitMonteBoxFinder: Detecting and Filtering Primitives to Fit a Noisy Point CloudMonteBoxFinder: Detecting and Filtering Primitives to Fit a Noisy Point CloudPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Emanuele Santellani, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferS-TREK: Sequential Translation and Rotation Equivariant Keypoints for local feature extraction2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)9694-9703Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Schachner, Bernd Schneider, Fabian Weißenbacher, Nadezda Kirillova, Horst Possegger, Horst Bischof and Corina KlugIdentifying and Extracting Pedestrian Behavior in Critical Traffic Situations26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Luchetti, Matteo Zanetti, Denis Kalkofen and Mariolino De CeccoOmnidirectional camera pose estimation and projective texture mapping for photorealistic 3D virtual reality experiencesActa IMEKO11,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefano Zorzi, Shabab Bazrafkan, Stefan Habenschuss and Friedrich FraundorferPolyWorldProceedings - 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 20221838-1847Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerlinde Emsenhuber, Michael Domhardt, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen and Markus TatzgernTowards Eye-Perspective Rendering for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted DisplaysProceedings - 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, VRW 2022640-641Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oswin Aichholzer, Thomas Hackl, Maarten Löffler, Alexander Pilz, Irene Parada, Manfred Scheucher and Birgit VogtenhuberBlocking Delaunay Triangulations from ExteriorProc. 38th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2022)9:1-9:7Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Amirhossein Bayat, Danielle F. Pace, Anjany Sekuboyina, Christian Payer, Darko Stern, Martin Urschler, Jan S. Kirschke and Bjoern H. MenzeAnatomy-Aware Inference of the 3D Standing Spine Posture from 2D RadiographsTomography8,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Daniel Wild, Maximilian Weber, Christopher A.Ramirez Bedoya, Florian Karner, Alexander Prutsch, Michael Schmied, Christina Dionysio, Dominik Krobath, Yuan Jin, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li and Antonio PepeStudierfensterJournal of Digital Imaging35,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Harald Gietler, Christoph Böhm, Stefan Ainetter, Christian Schöffmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Stephan Weiss and Hubert ZanglForestry Crane Automation using Learning-based Visual Grasping Point Prediction2022 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2022 - Proceedings1 - 6Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Isabel Lesjak, Christian Guetl, Johanna Pirker and David LoweADVANCED EDU-AR-VIZMobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education 237-249Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Nils Rodrigues, Lin Shao, Jia Jun Yan, Tobias Schreck and Daniel WeiskopfEye Gaze on Scatterplot: Concept and First Results of Recommendations for Exploration of SPLOMs Using Implicit Data SelectionProceedings - ETRA 202259:1-59:7Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Schinagl, Georg Krispel, Horst Possegger, Peter M Roth and Horst BischofOccAM's Laser: Occlusion-Based Attribution Maps for 3D Object Detectors on LiDAR DataProceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1131-1140Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Banglei Guan, Ji Zhao, Zhang Li, Fang Sun and Friedrich FraundorferRelative Pose Estimation With a Single Affine CorrespondenceIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics52,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Nadezda Kirillova, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofA Visual Surveillance System to Observe Realistic Road User Behavior for Improved Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety at Crossroads18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lea M. Daling, Samira Khoadei, Denis Kalkofen, Stefan Thurner, Johannes Sieger, Taras Shepel, Anas Abdelrazeq, Markus Ebner, Martin Ebner and Ingrid IsenhardtEvaluation of Mixed Reality Technologies in Remote TeachingLearning and Collaboration Technologies. Novel Technological Environments24-37Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Narnhofer, Alexander Effland, Erich Kobler, Kerstin Hammernik, Florian Knoll and Thomas PockBayesian Uncertainty Estimation of Learned Variational MRI ReconstructionIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging41,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Erich Kobler, Alexander Effland, Karl Kunisch and Thomas PockTotal Deep VariationIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence44,
9163 - 9180,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Hofinger, Erich Kobler, Alexander Effland and Thomas PockLearned Variational Video Color PropagationComputer Vision – ECCV 2022512-530Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mathias Parger, Chengcheng Tang, Christopher Twigg, Cem Keskin, Robert Wang and Markus SteinbergerDeltaCNN: End-to-End CNN Inference of Sparse Frame Differences in VideosProceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matteo Zanetti, Alessandro Luchetti, Sharad Maheshwari, Denis Kalkofen, Manuel Labrador Ortega and Mariolino De CeccoObject Pose Detection to Enable 3D Interaction from 2D Equirectangular Images in Mixed Reality Educational SettingsApplied Sciences12,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wei Lin, Anna Kukleva, Kunyang Sun, Horst Possegger, Hilde Kuehne and Horst BischofCycDA: Unsupervised Cycle Domain Adaptation to Learn from Image to VideoComputer Vision – ECCV 2022 698-715Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenGood Keyframes to InpaintIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Waltner, Malte Jaschik, Alfred Rinnhofer, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofAn Intelligent Scanning Vehicle for Waste Collection MonitoringImage Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2022 - 21st International Conference, 2022, Proceedings38-50Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sascha Ranftl, Malte Rolf-Pissarczyk, Gloria Wolkerstorfer, Antonio Pepe, Jan Egger, Wolfgang von der Linden and Gerhard HolzapfelStochastic modeling of inhomogeneities in the aortic wall and uncertainty quantification using a Bayesian encoder-decoder surrogateComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering401,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lea Bogensperger, Marc Masana, Filip Ilic, Dagmar Kolb, Thomas R. Pieber and Thomas PockOn the Influence of Beta Cell Granule Counting for Classification in Type 1 DiabetesComputer Vision and Pattern Analysis Across Domains45-50Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Filip Ilic, Marc Masana, Lea Bogensperger, Harald Ganster and Thomas PockA study on robust feature representations for grain density estimates in austenitic steelComputer Vision and Pattern Analysis Across Domains38-44Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Pfeifenberger and Franz PernkopfBlind Speech Separation and Dereverberation using Neural BeamformingSpeech Communication140,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
T. Neff, J. H. Mueller, M. Steinberger and D. SchmalstiegMeshlets and How to Shade ThemComputer Graphics Forum41,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rafael Weilharter and Friedrich FraundorferATLAS-MVSNet: Attention Layers for Feature Extraction and Cost Volume Regularization in Multi-View Stereo2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 20223557-3563Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dieter Schmalstieg, Pierre Dragicevic, Arnaud Prouzeau, Yvonne Jansen, Federica Bucchieri, Martin Hachet, Morgane Koval, Leana Petiot, Lijie Yao and Petra IsenbergEnvisioning Situated Visualizations of Environmental Footprints in an Urban EnvironmentPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Doruk Oner, Mateusz Koziński, Lenoardo Citraro and Pascal FuaAdjusting the Ground Truth Annotations for Connectivity-Based Learning to DelineateIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging41,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Gonçalves, Christina Gsaxner, André Ferreira, Jianning Li, Behrus Puladi, Jens Kleesiek, Jan Egger and Victor AlvesRadiomics in Head and Neck Cancer Outcome PredictionsDiagnostics12,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Kurz, Thomas Neff, Zhaoyang Lv, Michael Zollhöfer and Markus SteinbergerAdaNeRF: Adaptive Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Neural Radiance FieldsComputer Vision – ECCV 2022 - 17th European Conference, Proceedings254-270Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shohei Mori, Yuta Kataoka and Satoshi HashiguchiExploring Pseudo-Weight in Augmented Reality Extended DisplaysProceedings - 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR 2022703-710Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Radl, Yuan Jin, Antonio Pepe, Jianning Li, Christina Gsaxner, Fen-hua Zhao and Jan EggerAVT: Multicenter aortic vessel tree CTA dataset collection with ground truth segmentation masksData in Brief40,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Corina Kräuter, Ursula Reiter, Gabor Kovacs, Clemens Reiter, Marc Masana, Horst Olschewski, Michael Fuchsjäger, Rudolf Stollberger and Gert ReiterAutomated vortical blood flow-based estimation of mean pulmonary arterial pressure from 4D flow MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging88,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Fernando Reyes Aviles, Christian Pirchheim, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegExploring Tele-Assistance for Cyber-Physical Systems with MAUIComputer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - 15th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2020, Revised Selected Papers431-452Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Laurent Frering, Matthias Josef Eder, Bettina Kubicek, Dietrich Albert, Denis Kalkofen, Thomas Gschwandtner, Heimo Krajnz and Gerald Steinbauer-WagnerEnabling and Assessing Trust when Cooperating with Robots in Disaster Response (EASIER)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Marc Masana, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofAn Efficient Domain-Incremental Learning Approach to Drive in All Weather Conditions2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)3000-3010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lea Bogensperger, Erich Kobler, Dominique Pernitsch, Petra Kotzbeck, Thomas Pieber, Thomas Pock and Dagmar KolbA joint alignment and reconstruction algorithm for electron tomography to visualize in-depth cell-to-cell interactionsHistochemistry and Cell Biology157,
685–696 ,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ana Maria Stanescu, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenModel-Free Authoring by Demonstration of Assembly Instructions in Augmented RealityIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics28,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lea Bogensperger, Antonin Chambolle and Thomas PockConvergence of a Piggyback-Style Method for the Differentiation of Solutions of Standard Saddle-Point ProblemsSIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science4,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Doruk Oner, Hussein Osman, Mateusz Koziński and Pascal FuaEnforcing Connectivity of 3D Linear Structures Using Their 2D ProjectionsMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2022 - 25th International Conference, Proceedings591–601Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mario Fuentes Reyes, Pablo D'Angelo and Friedrich FraundorferSyntCities: A Large Synthetic Remote Sensing Dataset for Disparity EstimationIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing15,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lucchas Ribeiro Skreinig, Ana Maria Stanescu, Shohei Mori, Frank Heyen, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Michael Sedlmair, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenAR Hero: Generating Interactive Augmented Reality Guitar TutorialsProceedings - 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, VRW 2022395-401Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Jakub Micorek, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofThe Norm Must Go On - Dynamic Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Normalization.IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fernando Reyes-Aviles, Philipp Fleck, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthCompact World Anchors: Registration Using Parametric Primitives as Scene DescriptionIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsPP,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yuanxin Xia, Pablo D’angelo, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Jiaojiao Tian, Mario Fuentes Reyes and Peter ReinartzGA-Net-Pyramid: An Efficient End-to-End Network for Dense MatchingRemote Sensing14,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Niloofar Azizi, Horst Possegger, Emanuele Rodola and Horst Bischof3D Human Pose Estimation Using Möbius Graph Convolutional NetworksEuropean Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Aimee Sousa Calepso, Sebastian Hubenschmid, Michael Sedlmair and Dieter SchmalstiegRagRug: A Toolkit for Situated AnalyticsIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Qingyu Li, Stefano Zorzi, Yilei Shi, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Xiao Xiang ZhuRegGANRemote Sensing14,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jonathan Sutton, Tobias Langlotz, Alexander Plopski, Stefanie Zollmann, Yuta Itoh and Holger RegenbrechtLook over there! Investigating Saliency Modulation for Visual Guidance with Augmented Reality GlassesUIST '22: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Ebner, Shohei Mori, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Yifan Peng, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gordon Wetzstein and Denis KalkofenVideo See-Through Mixed Reality with Focus CuesIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics28,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anna Pukaluk, Anna-Sophie Wittgenstein, Gerd Leitinger, Dagmar Kolb, Dominique Pernitsch, Sarah Anna Schneider, Patrick Knöbelreiter, Verena Horak, Kristian Bredies, Gerhard Holzapfel, Thomas Pock and Gerhard SommerAn ultrastructural 3D reconstruction method for observing the arrangement of collagen fibrils and proteoglycans in the human aortic wall under mechanical loadActa Biomaterialia141,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jozef Hladky, Michael Stengel, Nicholas Vining, Bernhard Kerbl, Hans Peter Seidel and Markus SteinbergerQuadStreamACM Transactions on Graphics41,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Savinien Bonheur, Michael Pienn, Horst Olschewski, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerAMLP-Conv, a 3D Axial Long-range Interaction Multilayer Perceptron for CNNsMachine Learning in Medical Imaging - 13th International Workshop, MLMI 2022, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Proceedings328-337Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Emanuele Santellani, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferMD-Net2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 20223944-3951Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Hirner and Friedrich FraundorferFCDSN-DC2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 20223937-3943Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sinisa Stekovic, Alireza Moradi, Mahdi Rad, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitMCTS with Refinement for Proposals Selection Games in Scene UnderstandingIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kai A. Neumann, Philipp P. Hoffmann, Max von Buelow, Volker Knauthe, Tristan Wirth, Christian Kontermann, Arjan Kuijper, Stefan Guthe and Dieter W. FellnerA Structure From Motion Pipeline for Orthographic Multi-View Images2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing: Proceedings1181-1185Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Filip Ilic, Thomas Pock and Richard P. WildesIs Appearance Free Action Recognition Possible?Computer Vision – ECCV 2022 156-173Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Volker Knauthe, Maurice Kraus, Max von Buelow, Tristan Wirth, Arne Rak, Laurenz Merth, Alexander Erbe, Christian Kontermann, Stefan Guthe, Arjan Kuijper and Dieter W. FellnerAlignment and Reassembly of Broken Specimens for Creep Ductility MeasurementsVision, Modeling, and VisualizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Pinetz, Erich Kobler, Thomas Pock and Alexander EfflandBlind Single Image Super-Resolution via Iterated Shared Prior LearningPattern Recognition - 44th DAGM German Conference, DAGM GCPR 2022, Proceedings151-165Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Luchetti, M. Zanetti, D. Kalkofen and M. De CeccoStabilization of spherical videos based on feature uncertaintyVisual Computer
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shreyas Hampali, Sayan Deb Sarkar, Mahdi Rad and Vincent LepetitKeypoint TransformerProceedings - 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 202211080-11090Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Luana Petrelli, Antonio Pepe, Antonella Disanto, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li, Yuan Jin, Domenico Buongiorno, Antonio Brunetti, Vitoantonio Bevilacqua and Jan EggerGeometric modeling of aortic dissections through convolution surfacesMedical Imaging 2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Savinien Bonheur, Franz Thaler, Michael Pienn, Horst Olschewski, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerOnlyCaps-Net, a Capsule only Based Neural Network for 2D and 3D Semantic SegmentationMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2022 - 25th International Conference, Proceedings340-349Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Ganster, Maximilian Weber, Daniel Wild, Christina Gsaxner, Natalie Schellnegger and Jan EggerBringing any Medical 3D Scan onto Augmented Reality Hardware - A Streamlined Data PipelineMedical Imaging 2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Harsh Sulakhe, Jianning Li, Jan Egger and Poonam GoyalCranGAN44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2022603-608Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonella Disanto, Antonio Pepe, Luana Petrelli, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li, Yuan Jin, Antonio Brunetti, Domenico Buongiorno, Jan Egger and Vitoantonio BevilacquaEnhancement of aortic dissections in CT AngiographyMedical Imaging 2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Barbara Kirnbauer, Arnela Hadzic, Norbert Jakse, Horst Bischof and Darko SternAutomatic Detection of Periapical Osteolytic Lesions on Cone-beam Computed Tomography Using Deep Convolutional Neuronal NetworksJournal of Endodontics48,
2022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lei Yu, Jianning Li and Jan EggerPCA-SkullTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty 2 - Second Challenge, AutoImplant MICCAI 2021, Proceedings105-115Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Yuan Jin and Jan EggerLearning to Rearrange Voxels in Binary Segmentation Masks for Smooth Manifold TriangulationTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty II45-62Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerInside-Out Instrument Tracking for Surgical Navigation in Augmented RealityVRST '21 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Marcell Krall, Florian Trummer, Afaque Rafique Memon, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Yuan Jin, Xiaojun Chen, Hannes Deutschmann, Ulrike Zefferer, Ute Schäfer, Gord von Campe and Jan EggerMUG500+Data in Brief39,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Juergen Wallner, Michael Schwaiger, Sarah Jayne Edmondson, Irene Mischak, Jan Egger, Matthias Feichtinger, Wolfgang Zemann and Mauro PauEffects of pre‐operative risk factors on intensive care unit length of stay (Icu‐los) in major oral and maxillofacial cancer surgeryCancers13,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Gord von Campe, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Enpeng Wang, Xiaojun Chen, Ulrike Zefferer, Martin Tödtling, Marcell Krall, Hannes Deutschmann, Ute Schäfer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerAutomatic skull defect restoration and cranial implant generation for cranioplastyMedical Image Analysis73,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Dionysio, Daniel Wild, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li, Luis Alvarez and Jan EggerA cloud-based centerline algorithm for StudierfensterMedical Imaging 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mina Basirat and Peter M. RothS*ReLU: Learning Piecewise Linear Activation Functions via Particle Swarm OptimizationVISAPP645-652Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Schmied, Antonio Pepe, Jianning Li, Yuan Jin, Christina Gsaxner and Jan EggerA patch-based-Approach for aortic landmarkingMedical Imaging 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christopher A. Ramirez Bedoya, Daniel Wild, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li and Jan EggerA web client-based online DICOM browser and NRRD converter for StudierfensterMedical Imaging 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Zach, Erich Kobler and Thomas PockComputed Tomography Reconstruction Using Generative Energy-Based PriorsProceedings of the OAGM Workshop 202152-58Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yuan Jin, Antonio Pepe, Jianning Li, Christina Gsaxner and Jan EggerDeep learning and particle filter-based aortic dissection vessel tree segmentationMedical Imaging 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oldřich Kodym, Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Sasank Chilamkurthy, Jan Egger and Michal ŠpanělSkullBreak / SkullFix – Dataset for automatic cranial implant design and a benchmark for volumetric shape learning tasksData in Brief35,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Clemens Arth, Marco Stranner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Lasse H. HansenAugmented Reality for Subsurface Utility EngineeringISMARPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Kostas Bouklas, Angelos Amditis, Rafael Weilharter, Visvanathan Ramesh, Miguel Ángel Trujillo Soto, Guillermo Heredia, Luca Belsito, Stephanos Camarinopoulos and Friedrich FraundorferIncreasing the Resilience of European Transport InfrastructureCivil Structural Health Monitoring - Proceedings of CSHM-8 Workshop761-774Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Denis Kalkofen, Shohei Mori and Markus TatzgernVisualization and Graphics in Mixed RealityThe Eurographics AssociationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Yingjian Yu, Banglei Guan, Xiangyi Sun, Zhang Li and Friedrich FraundorferRotation alignment of a camera-IMU system using a single affine correspondenceApplied Optics60,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ruyu Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Shengyong Chen, Thomas Yang and Clemens ArthAccurate real-time visual SLAM combining building models and GPS for mobile robotJournal of Real-time Image Processing18,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rafael Weilharter and Friedrich FraundorferHighRes-MVSNetIEEE Access9,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Salvatore Andolina, Yi Ta Hsieh, Denis Kalkofen, Antti Nurminen, Diogo Cabral, Anna Spagnolli, Luciano Gamberini, Ann Morrison, Dieter Schmalstieg and Giulio JacucciDesigning for Mixed Reality Urban ExplorationInteraction Design and Architecture(s)48,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Kopf, Thomas Pock, Bernhard Blaschitz and Svorad ŠtolcInline Double Layer Depth Estimation with Transparent MaterialsPattern Recognition - 42nd DAGM German Conference, DAGM GCPR 2020, Proceedings418-431Publikation in PURE anzeigen
T. Neff, P. Stadlbauer, M. Parger, A. Kurz, J. H. Mueller, C. R.A. Chaitanya, A. Kaplanyan and M. SteinbergerDONeRFComputer Graphics Forum40,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel Mlakar, Martin Winter, Mathias Parger and Markus SteinbergerSpeculative parallel reverse cuthill-mckee reordering on multi- And many-core architecturesProceedings - 2021 IEEE 35th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2021703-713Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Müller, Georg Poier, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofSemi-Supervised Learning of Monocular 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Multi-View ImagesIEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)1104-1108Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Joerg H. Mueller, Thomas Neff, Philip Voglreiter, Markus Steinberger and Dieter SchmalstiegTemporally Adaptive Shading Reuse for Real-Time Rendering and Virtual RealityACM Transactions on Graphics40,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Ainetter and Friedrich FraundorferEnd-to-end Trainable Deep Neural Network for Robotic Grasp Detection and Semantic Segmentation from RGB2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)13452 - 13458Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Austin Tapp, Christian Payer, Jérôme Schmid, Michael Polanco, Isaac Kumi, Sebastian Bawab, Stacie Ringleb, Carl St. Remy, James Bennett, Rumit Singh Kakar and Michel AudetteGeneration of Patient-Specific, Ligamentoskeletal, Finite Element Meshes for Scoliosis Correction PlanningClinical Image-Based Procedures, Distributed and Collaborative Learning, Artificial Intelligence for Combating COVID-19 and Secure and Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning - 10th Workshop, CLIP 2021, Second Workshop, DCL 2021, First Workshop, LL-COVID19 2021, and First Workshop and Tutorial, PPML 2021, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Proceedings13-23Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Grandits, Simone Pezzuto, Francisco Sahli Costabal, Paris Perdikaris, Thomas Pock, Gernot Plank and Rolf KrauseLearning Atrial Fiber Orientations and Conductivity Tensors from Intracardiac Maps Using Physics-Informed Neural NetworksFunctional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart - 11th International Conference, FIMH 2021, Proceedings650-658Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Soutif-Cormerais, Marc Masana, J. van de Weijer and B. TwardowskiOn the importance of cross-task features for class-incremental learningPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Grandits, Alexander Effland, Thomas Pock, Rolf Krause, Gernot Plank and Simone PezzutoGEASIInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering37,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Klemens Kasseroller, Franz Thaler, Christian Payer and Darko ŠternCollaborative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Landmark Localization Using Continuous Action SpaceInformation Processing in Medical Imaging - 27th International Conference, IPMI 2021, Proceedings767-778Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Karli Gillette, Matthias A.F. Gsell, Anton J. Prassl, Elias Karabelas, Ursula Reiter, Gert Reiter, Thomas Grandits, Christian Payer, Darko Štern, Martin Urschler, Jason D. Bayer, Christoph M. Augustin, Aurel Neic, Thomas Pock, Edward J. Vigmond and Gernot PlankA Framework for the generation of digital twins of cardiac electrophysiology from clinical 12-leads ECGsMedical Image Analysis71,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yi Wang, Stefano Zorzi and Ksenia BittnerMachine-learned 3D building vectorization from satellite imageryProceedings - 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 20211072-1081Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jolijn M. Lubrecht, Thomas Grandits, Ali Gharaviri, Ulrich Schotten, Thomas Pock, Gernot Plank, Rolf Krause, Angelo Auricchio, Giulio Conte and Simone PezzutoAutomatic reconstruction of the left atrium activation from sparse intracardiac contact recordings by inverse estimate of fibre structure and anisotropic conduction in a patient-specific modelEuropace23,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Pinetz, Erich Kobler, Christian Doberstein, Benjamin Berkels and Alexander EfflandTotal Deep Variation for Noisy Exit Wave Reconstruction in Transmission Electron MicroscopyScale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision - 8th International Conference, SSVM 2021, Proceedings491-502Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mina Basirat, Bernhard C. Geiger and Peter M. RothA geometric perspective on information plane analysisEntropy23,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Benedikt Andritsch, Martin Horn, Stefan Koch, Helmut Niederwieser, Maximilian Wetzlinger and Markus ReichhartingerThe robust exact differentiator toolbox revisited2021 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Hladky, H. P. Seidel and M. SteinbergerSnakeBinningComputer Graphics Forum40,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Yuan Jin, Jianning Li and Roman KernDeep learning-a first meta-survey of selected reviews across scientific disciplines, their commonalities, challenges and research impactPeerJ Computer science7,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Delange, Rahaf Aljundi, Marc Masana, Sarah Parisot, Xu Jia, Ales Leonardis, Greg Slabaugh and Tinne TuytelaarsA continual learning surveyIEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringPP,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Michael Opitz, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofFAST3D: Flow-Aware Self-Training for 3D Object DetectorsBritish Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bisheng Wang, Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Horst Possegger, Horst Bischof and Guo CaoDRT: Detection Refinement for Multiple Object TrackingBritish Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Antonio Pepe, Jianning Li, Una Ibrahimpasic, Jürgen Wallner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerAugmented Reality for Head and Neck Carcinoma Imaging: Description and Feasibility of an Instant Calibration, Markerless ApproachComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine200,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Harb and Patrick KnöbelreiterInfoSeg: Unsupervised Semantic Image Segmentation with Mutual Information MaximizationGerman Conference on Pattern Recognition 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Antonio Pepe, Ana Morais, Victor Alves, Gord von Campe, Jürgen Wallner and Jan EggerSynthetic Skull Bone Defects for automatic Patient-specific Craniofacial Implant DesignScientific Data 8,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner and Jan EggerAn Online Platform for Automatic Skull Defect Restoration and Cranial Implant DesignMedical Imaging 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Thaler, Christian Payer, Horst Bischof and Darko SternEfficient Multi-Organ Segmentation Using SpatialConfiguration-Net with Low GPU Memory RequirementsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Knöbelreiter and Thomas PockLearned Collaborative Stereo RefinementInternational Journal of Computer Vision129,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonin Chambolle and Thomas PockApproximating the Total Variation with Finite Differences or Finite ElementsHandbook of Numerical Analysis383-417Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner, Dieter Schmalstieg, Thomas Geymayer and Michael SedlmairLinking unstructured evidence to structured observationsInformation Visualization20,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li and Jan EggerPrefaceTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty IIvPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, Erich Kobler, Thomas Pock, Marko Rajkovic and Martin RumpfImage Morphing in Deep Feature Spaces: Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision63,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Heimo Gursch, Harald Ganster, Alfred Rinnhofer, Georg Waltner, Christian Payer, Christian Oberwinkler, Reinhard Meisenbichler and Roman KernKI-Waste - Combining Image Recognition and Time Series Analysis in Refuse SortingMensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband1-4Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Harald Ganster, Alfred Rinnhofer, Georg Waltner, Christian Payer, Heimo Gursch, Christian Oberwinkler, Reinhard Meisenbichler and Horst BischofMulti-Spectral Segmentation with Synthesized Data for Refuse SortingProceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Barrett Ens, Benjamin Bach, Maxime Cordeil, Ulrich Engelke, Marcos Serrano, Wesley Willett, Arnaud Prouzeau, Christoph Anthes, Wolfgang Büschel, Cody Dunne, Tim Dwyer, Jens Grubert, Jason H. Haga, Nurit Kirshenbaum, Dylan Kobayashi, Tica Lin, Monsurat Olaosebikan, Fabian Pointecker, David Saffo, Nazmus Saquib, Dieter Schmalstieg, Danielle Albers Szafir, Matt Whitlock and Yalong YangGrand Challenges in Immersive AnalyticsCHI 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems459:1-459:17Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Winter, Mathias Parger, Daniel Mlakar and Markus SteinbergerAre dynamic memory managers on GPUs slow? - a survey and benchmarks.PPoPP 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 26th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming219-233Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mathias Parger, Chengcheng Tang, Yuanlu Xu, Christopher David Twigg, Lingling Tao, Yijing Li, Robert Wang and Markus SteinbergerUNOC: Understanding Occlusion for Embodied Presence in Virtual RealityIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shreyas Hampali Shivakumar, Sinisa Stekovic, Sayan Deb Sarkar, Chetan Srinivasa Kumar, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitMonte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)13799-13808Publikation in PURE anzeigen
M. J. van Amerongen, P. Mariappan, P. Voglreiter, R. Flanagan, S. F.M. Jenniskens, M. Pollari, M. Kolesnik, M. Moche and J. J. FüttererSoftware-based planning of ultrasound and CT-guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation in hepatic tumorsInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery16,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Q. Nguyen, H. T. Nguyen, V. C. Tran, Huy X. Pham and J. PestanaA Visual Real-time Fire Detection using Single Shot MultiBox Detector for UAV-based Fire SurveillanceICCE 2020 - 2020 IEEE 8th International Conference on Communications and Electronics338-343Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sinisa Stekovic, Mahdi Rad, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitMonteFloor - Extending MCTS for Reconstructing Accurate Large-Scale Floor Plans.Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Qingyu Li, Stefano Zorzi, Yilei Shi, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Xiao Xiang ZhuEnd-to-End Semantic Segmentation and Boundary Regularization of Buildings from Satellite Imagery.Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Banglei Guan, Ji Zhao, Daniel Barath and Friedrich FraundorferEfficient Recovery of Multi-Camera Motion from Two Affine Correspondences2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)1305-1311Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Benedikt Mayr, Alexander Weinrauch, Mathias Parger and Markus SteinbergerAre van Emde Boas trees viable on the GPU?2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)1-7Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefanie Zollmann, Raphael Grasset, Tobias Langlotz, Wei Hong Lo, Shohei Mori and Holger RegenbrechtVisualization Techniques in Augmented Reality: A Taxonomy, Methods and PatternsIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics27,
3808 - 3825,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Ainetter, Christoph Böhm, Rohit Dhakate, Stephan Weiss and Friedrich FraundorferDepth-aware Object Segmentation and Grasp Detection for Robotic Picking TasksBritish Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Martin Winter, Michael Kenzel and Bernhard KerblCUDA and Applications to Task-based ProgrammingEUROGRAPHICS 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferIB-MVS: An Iterative Algorithm for Deep Multi-View Stereo based on Binary DecisionsBritish Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lasse H. Hansen, Philipp Fleck, Marco Stranner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthAugmented Reality for Subsurface Utility Engineering, RevisitedIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics27,
2021Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Jehanzeb Mirza, Cornelius Buerkle, Julio Jarquin, Michael Opitz, Fabian Oboril, Kay Ulrich Scholl and Horst BischofRobustness of Object Detectors in Degrading Weather Conditions2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 20212719-2724Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Corentin Henry, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vig EleonoraAerial Road Segmentation in the Presence of Topological Label NoiseICPR 2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Artem Kroviakov, Jianning Li and Jan EggerSparse Convolutional Neural Network for Skull ReconstructionTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty 2 - Second Challenge, AutoImplant MICCAI 2021, Proceedings80-94Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oswin Aichholzer, Martin Balko, Michael Hoffmann, Jan Kyncl, Wolfgang Mulzer, Irene Parada, Alexander Pilz, Manfred Scheucher, Pavel Valtr, Birgit Vogtenhuber and Emo WelzlMinimal representations of order types by geometric graphsJournal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 24,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Banglei Guan, Ji Zhao, Zhang Li, Fang Sun and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal Solutions for Relative Pose with a Single Affine Correspondence2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)1926-1935Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Sormann, Patrick Knöbelreiter, Andreas Kuhn, Mattia Rossi, Thomas Pock and Friedrich FraundorferBP-MVSNet: Belief-Propagation-Layers for Multi-View-StereoProceedings - 2020 International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV 2020394-403Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Denis Kalkofen, Shohei Mori, Tobias Ladinig, Lea Daling, Anas Abdelrazeq, M. Ebner, Manuel Ortega, Susanne Feiel, S. Gabl, Taras Shepel, James Tibbett, Teemu H. Laine, Michael Hitch, Carsten Drebenstedt and Peter MoserTools for Teaching Mining Students in Virtual Reality based on 360° Video ExperiencesProceedings - 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VRW 2020455-459Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Kuhn, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Oliver Erdler and Friedrich FraundorferDeepC-MVS: Deep Confidence Prediction for Multi-View Stereo ReconstructionProceedings - 2020 International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV 2020404-413Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Knöbelreiter, Christian Sormann, Alexander Shekhovtsov, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Thomas PockBelief Propagation Reloaded: Learning BP-Layers for Labeling ProblemsProceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 20207897-7906Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Grabner, Yaming Wang, Peizhao Zhang, Peihong Guo, Tong Xiao, Peter Vajda, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitGeometric Correspondence Fields: Learned Differentiable Rendering for 3D Pose Refinement in the WildComputer Vision – ECCV 2020102-119Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pascal Stadlbauer, Daniel Mlakar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Markus Steinberger and Rhaleb ZayerInteractive Modeling of Cellular Structures on Surfaces with Application to Additive ManufacturingComputer Graphics Forum39,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mina Basirat and Peter M. RothL*ReLU: Piece-wise linear activation functions for deep fine-grained visual categorizationProceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20201207-1216Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mehdi Patrick Stapleton, Dieter Schmalstieg, Clemens Arth and Thomas GloorLearning Effective Sparse Sampling Strategies using Deep Active SensingVISIGRAPP 2020 - Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications835-846Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Hirzer, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitSmart hypothesis generation for efficient and robust room layout estimationProceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20202901-2909Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Rebol and Patrick KnöbelreiterFrame-To-Frame Consistent Semantic SegmentationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Leonel Merino, Magdalena Schwarzl, Matthias Kraus, Michael Sedlmair, Dieter Schmalstieg and Daniel WeiskopfEvaluating Mixed and Augmented Reality: A Systematic Literature Review (2009-2019)Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2020438-451Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Zach and Erich KoblerReal-World Video Restoration using Noise2NoiseJoint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020145-150Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter M. Roth, Gerald Steinbauer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Mathias Brandstötter and Roland PerkoProceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Shreyas Hampali Shivakumar, Mahdi Rad, Markus Oberweger and Vincent LepetitHonnotate: A Method for 3D Annotation of Hand and Object PosesProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition3193-3203Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anil Armagan, Guillermo Garcia-Hernando, Seungryul Baek, Shreyas Hampali Shivakumar, Mahdi Rad, Zhaohui Zhang, Shipeng Xie, MingXiu Chen, Boshen Zhang, Fu Xiong, Yang Xiao, Zhiguo Cao, Junsong Yuan, Pengfei Ren, Weiting Huang, Haifeng Sun, Marek Hrúz, Jakub Kanis, Zdeněk Krňoul, Qingfu Wan, Shile Li, Linlin Yang, Dongheui Lee, Angela Yao, Weiguo Zhou, Sijia Mei, Yunhui Liu, Adrian Spurr, Umar Iqbal, Pavlo Molchanov, Philippe Weinzaepfel, Romain Brégier, Gregory Rogez, Vincent Lepetit and Tae-Kyun KimMeasuring Generalisation to Unseen Viewpoints, Articulations, Shapes and Objects for 3D Hand Pose Estimation under Hand-Object InteractionComputer Vision – ECCV 2020 - 16th European Conference, Glasgow, 2020, Proceedings85-101Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Grandits, Karli Gillette, Aurel Neic, Jason Bayer, Edward Vigmond, Thomas Pock and Gernot PlankAn inverse Eikonal method for identifying ventricular activation sequences from epicardial activation mapsJournal of Computational Physics419,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Pepe, Richard Schussnig, Jianning Li, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Xiaojun Chen, Thomas Peter Fries and Jan EggerIRIS: interactive real-time feedback image segmentation with deep learningSPIE Medical ImagingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Prutsch, Antonio Pepe and Jan EggerDesign and Development of a Web-based Tool for Inpainting of Dissected Aortae in Angiography Images2020 Central European Seminar on Computer GraphicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Kerstin Hammernik, Chi Zhang, Steen Moeller, Thomas Pock, Daniel K. Sodickson and Mehmet AkcakayaDeep-Learning Methods for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 37,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marina Codari, Antonio Pepe, Gabriel Mistelbauer, D. Mastrodicasa, S. Walters, M. J. Willemink and D. FleischmannDeep Reinforcement Learning for Localization of the Aortic Annulus in Patients with Aortic DissectionThoracic Image Analysis - Second International Workshop, TIA 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Proceedings94-105Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Pepe, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Jianning Li, D. Fleischmann, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerSemi-supervised Virtual Regression of Aortic Dissections Using 3D Generative InpaintingThoracic Image Analysis - Second International Workshop, TIA 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Proceedings130-140Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Hofinger, Samuel Rota Bulò, Lorenzo Porzi, Arno Knapitsch, Thomas Pock and Peter KontschiederImproving Optical Flow on a Pyramid LevelComputer Vision – ECCV 2020 - 16th European Conference, 2020, Proceedings770-786Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefano Zorzi, Ksenia Bittner and Friedrich FraundorferMap-Repair: Deep Cadastre Maps Alignment and Temporal Inconsistencies Fix in Satellite Images2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2020 - Proceedings1829-1832Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lorenzo Porzi, Markus Hofinger, Idoia Ruiz, Joan Serrat, Samuel Rota Bulò and Peter KontschiederLearning Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation From Automatic AnnotationsProceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)6845-6855Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel López Antequera, Pau Gargallo, Markus Hofinger, Samuel Rota Bulò, Yubin Kuang and Peter KontschiederMapillary Planet-Scale Depth DatasetComputer Vision – ECCV 2020589-604Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hamed Habibi Aghdam, Robert Laganière, Emil Petriu, Martin Bouchard and Philip WortA Deep Neural Network for Counting Vessels in Sonar SignalsAdvances in Artificial Intelligence - 33rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2020, Proceedings257-269Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Ainetter and Friedrich FraundorferGrasping Point Prediction in Cluttered Environment using Automatically Labeled DataProceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020124 - 130Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Maier, Stefan Manfred Spann, Lea Bogensperger and Rudolf StollbergerFast Simultaneous Multi-Slice Multi-Shell Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Model-based ReconstructionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Lea Bogensperger, Oliver Maier and Rudolf StollbergerModel-augmented deep learning for VFA-T1 mappingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthCreating IoT-ready XR-WebApps with Unity3DPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mathias Parger, Martin Winter, Daniel Mlakar and Markus SteinbergerspECK: Accelerating GPU sparse matrix-matrix multiplication through lightweight analysisPPoPP 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 25th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming362-375Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Winter, Daniel Mlakar, Mathias Parger and Markus SteinbergerOuroborosProceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS 20201-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Gord von Campe and Jan EggerA baseline approach for autoimplant: the MICCAI 2020 cranial implant design challengeMultimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support and Clinical Image-Based Procedures 75-84Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li and Jan EggerTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in CranioplastyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Karner, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Antonio Pepe, Jianning Li, Philipp Fleck, Clemens Arth, Jürgen Wallner and Jan EggerSingle-Shot Deep Volumetric Regression for Mobile Medical Augmented RealityMultimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support and Clinical Image-Based Procedures 64-74Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianning Li and Jan EggerDataset Descriptor for the AutoImplant Cranial Implant Design ChallengeTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty 10-15Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yuan Jin, Jianning Li and Jan EggerHigh-Resolution Cranial Implant Prediction via Patch-Wise TrainingTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty - First Challenge, AutoImplant 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Proceedings94 -103Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Eder, Jianning Li and Jan EggerLearning Volumetric Shape Super-Resolution for Cranial Implant DesignTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty - First Challenge, AutoImplant 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Proceedings104 -113Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kerbl, Markus Steinberger, Dieter Schmalstieg, Johannes Unterguggenberger and Michael WimmerFast Multi-View Rendering for Real-Time ApplicationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fernando Reyes Aviles, Philipp Fleck, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthImproving rgb image consistency for depth-camera based reconstruction through image warpingJournal of WSCG28,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Vincent LepetitImage Descriptors and Similarity MeasuresComputer Vision: A Reference Guide1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Mohr-Ziak, Shohei Mori, Tobias Langlotz, Bruce Thomas, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenMixed Reality Light Fields for Interactive Remote AssistancePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Erich Kobler, Alexander Effland, Karl Kunisch and Thomas PockTotal Deep Variation for Linear Inverse ProblemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Yang Li, Junlei Hu, Jiangchang Xu, Baoxin Tao, Dedong Yu, Yihan Shen, Yiqun Wu, Xiaojun Chen and Jan EggerA novel robot-world calibration in surgical robot system for zygomatic implant placement based on its motion characteristics and mechanical structurePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Sinisa Stekovic, Shreyas Hampali Shivakumar, Mahdi Rad, Sayan Deb Sarkar, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitGeneral 3D Room Layout from a Single View by Render-and-CompareComputer Vision – ECCV 2020 - 16th European Conference, Proceedings187-203Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Miao Tian, Banglei Guan, Zhibin Xing and Friedrich FraundorferEfficient Ego-Motion Estimation for Multi-Camera Systems With Decoupled Rotation and TranslationIEEE Access8,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yuanxin Xia, Pablo d'Angelo, Jiaojiao Tian, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter ReinartzMulti-Label Learning based Semi-Global Matching ForestRemote Sensing12,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sinisa Stekovic, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitCasting Geometric Constraints in Semantic Segmentation as Semi-Supervised LearningProceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20201843-1852Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xingyao Yu, Katrin Angerbauer, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Denis Kalkofen and Michael SedlmairPerspective Matters: Design Implications for Motion Guidance in Mixed RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Masahiro Yamaguchi, Shohei Mori, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Markus Tatzgern, Ana Maria Stanescu, Hideo Saito and Denis KalkofenVideo-Annotated Augmented Reality Assembly TutorialsUIST 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology1010-1022Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elena A. Kaye, Emily A. Aherne, Cihan Duzgol, Ida Häggström, Erich Kobler, Yousef Mazaheri, Maggie M. Fung, Zhigang Zhang, Ricardo Otazo, Hebert A. Vargas and Oguz AkinAccelerating Prostate Diffusion-weighted MRI Using a Guided Denoising Convolutional Neural Network: Retrospective Feasibility StudyRadiology: Artificial Intelligence2,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Krispel, Michael Opitz, Georg Waltner, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofFuseSeg: LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation Fusing Multi-Modal DataProceedings of the 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20201863-1872Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Rad, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitALCN: Adaptive Local Contrast NormalizationComputer Vision and Image Understanding194,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Fruhwirth-Reisinger, Georg Krispel, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofTowards Data-driven Multi-target Tracking for Autonomous DrivingProceedings of the 25th Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW)27-36Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Giorgia Pitteri, Aurélie Bugeau, Slobodan Ilic and Vincent Lepetit3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation of Unseen Objects in Color Images with Local Surface EmbeddingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Shohei Mori, Okan Erat, Wolfgang Broll, Hideo Saito, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenInpaintFusion: Incremental RGB-D Inpainting for 3D ScenesIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics26,
2994 - 3007,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Masahiro Yamaguchi, Shohei Mori, Hideo Saito, Shoji Yachida and Takashi ShibataGlobal-Map-Registered Local Visual Odometry Using On-the-Fly Pose Graph UpdatesAugmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics - 7th International Conference, AVR 2020, Proceedings299-311Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Martin Urschler, Horst Bischof and Darko SternUncertainty Estimation in Landmark Localization Based on Gaussian HeatmapsUncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, and Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis42-51Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Opitz, Georg Waltner, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofDeep Metric Learning with BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings RobustlyIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence42,
276 - 290,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Amirhossein Bayat, Anjany Sekuboyina, Johannes C Paetzold, Christian Payer, Darko Stern, Martin Urschler, Jan S Kirschke and Bjoern H MenzeInferring the 3D standing spine posture from 2D radiographsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Koch, Lukas Liebel, Marco Körner and Friedrich FraundorferComparison of monocular depth estimation methods using geometrically relevant metrics on the IBims-1 datasetComputer Vision and Image Understanding191,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Stern, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerCoarse to Fine Vertebrae Localization and Segmentation with SpatialConfiguration-Net and U-Net.VISAPP124-133Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonin Chambolle and Thomas PockLearning Consistent Discretizations of the Total VariationHAL Archives-ouvertes.fr2020,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, Sebastian Neumayer and Martin RumpfConvergence of the Time Discrete Metamorphosis Model on Hadamard ManifoldsSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences13,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Aymen Azaza, Joost van de Weijer, Ali Douik, Javad Zolfaghari Bengar and Marc Masana CastrilloSaliency from High-Level Semantic Image FeaturesSN Computer Science
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, Erich Kobler, Karl Kunisch and Thomas PockVariational Networks: An Optimal Control Approach to Early Stopping Variational Methods for Image RestorationJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision62,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonin Chambolle, Thomas Pock and Martin HollerA convex variational model for learning convolutional image atoms from incomplete dataJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision62,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahesh Chandra Mukkamala, Peter Ochs, Thomas Pock and Shoham SabachConvex-Concave backtracking for inertial Bregman proximal gradient algorithms in nonconvex optimizationSIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science2,
2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wolfgang Tatzgern, Benedikt Mayr, Bernhard Kerbl and Markus SteinbergerStochastic Substitute Trees for Real-Time Global IlluminationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andrea Vedaldi, Horst Bischof, Thomas Brox and Jan-Michael FrahmComputer Vision–ECCV 2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Erich Kobler, Alexander Effland, Thomas Pock, Baiyu Chen and Daniel SodicksonTotal Deep Variation for SparseCT ReconstructionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Jianning Li, Xiaojun Chen, Ute Schäfer, Gord von Campe, Marcell Krall, Ulrike Zefferer, Christina Schwarz-Gsaxner, Antonio Pepe and Dieter SchmalstiegTowards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty: Structured description of the challenge designPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Fernando Reyes Aviles, Christian Pirchheim, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegMAUI: Tele-assistance for Maintenance of Cyber-physical SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Moritz Daniel Kampelmühler and Axel PinzSynthesizing human-like sketches from natural images using a conditional convolutional decoderProceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20203192-3200Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Filip Ilic and Axel PinzRepresenting Objects in Video as Space-Time Volumes by Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up ProcessesProceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20201903-1911Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Simon Gunacker, Antonio Pepe, Gian Marco Melito, Christina Gsaxner, Jianning Li, Katrin Ellermann and Xiaojun ChenA comprehensive Workflow and Framework for immersive Virtual Endoscopy of dissected Aortae from CTA DataMedical Imaging 2020Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Knöbelreiter and Thomas PockLearned Collaborative Stereo RefinementGerman Conference on Pattern Recognition3-17Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Pinetz, Daniel Soukup and Thomas PockOn the estimation of the Wasserstein distance in generative modelsGerman Conference on Pattern Recognition156-170Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Patricia M Johnson, Matthew J Muckley, Mary Bruno, Erich Kobler, Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Pock and Florian KnollJoint Multi-anatomy Training of a Variational Network for Reconstruction of Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Image AcquisitionsMachine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction71-79Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Brown, , Tomislav Cernava, Michael Huber, Martin Polz, Wei Yang, Joana L. Pereira, Yu-Chih Chen, Claire Jean-Quartier and Thi T. H. NguyenLarge expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature searchDatabase - The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation 2019,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Mohr-Ziak, Markus Tatzgern, Tobias Langlotz, Andreas Lang, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenTrackCap: Enabling Smartphones for 3D Interaction on Mobile Head-Mounted DisplaysProceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jörg Müller, Thomas Neff, Philip Voglreiter, Mina Mlakar, Markus Steinberger and Dieter SchmalstiegShading atlas streaming demonstrationACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Emerging TechnologiesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Antonio Pepe, Dieter Schmalstieg, Jan Egger and Jürgen WallnerMarkerless Image-to-Face Registration for Untethered Augmented Reality in Head and Neck SurgeryInternational Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention236-244Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Guan Banglei, Ang Su, Zhang Li and Friedrich FraundorferRotational Alignment of IMU-camera Systems with 1-Point RANSACPattern Recognition and Computer Vision172-183Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Roland Perko, Manuela Hirschmugl, Janik Deutscher, Mathias Schardt, Markus Hollaus and Peter M. RothUsing Multiple Along an Across Track Pleiades Stereo Images for Improved Digital Surface Model GenerationProceedings of EARSEL Symposium134-135Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Pepe, Gianpaolo F Trotta, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Christina Gsaxner, Jürgen Wallner, Vitoantonio Bevilacqua and Jan EggerA Marker-Less Registration Approach for Mixed Reality–Aided Maxillofacial Surgery: a Pilot EvaluationJournal of Digital Imaging32,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Werner Alexander Isop and Friedrich FraundorferSLIM-A Scalable and Lightweight Indoor-Navigation MAV as Research and Education PlatformRobotics and Education182-195Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Winter, Daniel Mlakar, Rhaleb Zayer, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus SteinbergerAdaptive sparse matrix-matrix multiplication on the GPUPPoPP '19, Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming 68-81Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mina Basirat and Peter M. RothLearning task-specific activation functions using genetic programming Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications533-540Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Roland Perko, Mathias Schardt, Livia Piermattei, Stefan Auer and Peter M. RothMultiple View Geometry in Remote Sensing: An Empirical Study based on Pléiades Satellite ImagesProceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium3629-3632Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Louis Lecrosnier, Rémi Boutteau, Pascal Vasseur, Xavier Savatier and Friedrich FraundorferCamera Pose Estimation Based on PnL With a Known Vertical DirectionIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters4,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tahmineh Partovi, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Reza Bahmanyar, Hai Huang and Peter ReinartzAutomatic 3-D Building Model Reconstruction from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite ImageryRemote Sensing 11,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ksenia Bittner, Marco Körner, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter ReinartzMulti-Task cGAN for Simultaneous Spaceborne DSM Refinement and Roof-Type ClassificationRemote Sensing 11,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Liebel, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Marco Körner and Tobias KochEvaluation of CNN-based Single-Image Depth Estimation MethodsProceedings ECCV 2018 WorkshopsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Zhuo Xiangyu, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Franz Kurz and Peter ReinartzAutomatic Annotation of Airborne Images by Label Propagation Based on a Bayesian-CRF ModelRemote Sensing 11,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marcus Daniel Bloice, Peter M. Roth and Andreas HolzingerBiomedical image augmentation using AugmentorBioinformatics35,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hamed Habibi Aghdam, Abel Gonzales-Garcia, Antonio M. Lopez and Joost van de WeijerActive learning for deep detection neural networks17th IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision3671-3679Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Hofinger, Thomas Pock and Thomas MoosbruggerDetermination of the moisture change behavior of cross-laminated timber using an optical flow based computer vision techniqueWood Material Science and Engineering14,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
B Chen, Erich Kobler, T Allmendinger, A Sodickson, D Sodickson and Ricardo OtazoEffect of Multislit Collimator Motion On SparseCT Image Quality for Low-Dose CT ExaminationsMedical Physics E504-E505Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mark Dokter, Jozef Hladký, Mathias Parger, Dieter Schmalstieg, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus SteinbergerHierarchical Rasterization of Curved Primitives for GPU Vector Graphics RenderingComputer Graphics Forum38,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Werner Alexander Isop, Christoph Gebhardt, Tobias Nägeli, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Otmar Hilinges and Dieter SchmalstiegHigh-Level Teleoperation System For Aerial Exploration Of Indoor EnvironmentsFrontiers in Robotics and AI
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jozef Hladký, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus SteinbergerThe camera offset space: real-time potentially visible set computations for streaming renderingACM Transactions on Graphics28,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Hubert Klug, Dieter Schmalstieg, Thomas Gloor and Clemens ArthA Complete Workflow for Automatic Forward Kinematics Model Extraction of Robotic Total Stations Using the Denavit-Hartenberg ConventionJournal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yuanxin Xia, Pablo d'Angelo, Jiaojiao Tian, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter ReinartzSelf-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Reconstruction Using Stereo ImageryPhotogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing85,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Baiyu Chen, Erich Kobler, Matthew J Muckley, Aaron D Sodickson, Thomas O’Donnell, Thomas Flohr, Bernahrd Schmidt, Daniel K. Sodickson and Ricardo OtazoSparseCT: System concept and design of multislit collimatorsMedical Physics46,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Antonio Pepe, Gianpaolo F Trotta, Christina Gsaxner, Dieter Schmalstieg, Jürgen Wallner, Jan Egger and Vitoantonio BevilacquaPattern Recognition and Mixed Reality for Computer-Aided Maxillofacial Surgery and Oncological AssessmentBMEiCON 2018 - 11th Biomedical Engineering International ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Birgit Pfarrkirchner, Lydia Lindner, Antonio Pepe, Peter M. Roth, Jürgen Wallner and Jan EggerPET-Train: Automatic Ground Truth Generation from PET Acquisitions for Urinary Bladder Segmentation in CT Images using Deep LearningPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Stern, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerIntegrating spatial configuration into heatmap regression based CNNs for landmark localizationMedical Image Analysis54,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Stern, Horst Bischof, Marlies Feiner and Martin UrschlerSegmenting and tracking cell instances with cosine embeddings and recurrent hourglass networksMedical Image Analysis57,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Chanya Lueangwattana, Shohei Mori and Hideo SaitoRemoving Fences from Sweep Motion Videos Using Global 3D Reconstruction and Fence-aware Light Field RenderingComputational Visual Media5,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Chambolle Antonin and Thomas PockTotal roto-translational variationNumerische Mathematik142,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mark Dokter, Jozef Hladký, Mathias Parger, Dieter Schmalstieg, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus SteinbergerHierarchical Rasterization of Curved Primitives for Vector Graphics Rendering on the GPUComputer Graphics Forum38,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Shahzad, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Yuanyuan Wang and Xiao Xiang ZhuBuildings Detection in VHR SAR Images Using Fully Convolution Neural NetworksIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing57,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dieter SchmalstiegUnified Patterns for Realtime Interactive Simulation in Games and Digital StorytellingIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications39,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marco Körner, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Tobias KochAutomatic and Semantically-Aware 3D UAV Flight Planning for Image-Based 3D ReconstructionRemote Sensing 11,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, Erich Kobler, Anne Brandenburg, Teresa Klatzer, Leonie Neuhäuser, Michael Hölzel, Jennifer Landsberg, Thomas Pock and Martin RumpfJoint Reconstruction and Classification of Tumor Cells and Cell Interactions in Melanoma Tissue Sections with Synthesized Training DataInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery14,
587–599 ,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ludwig Mohr, R. Benauer, Peter A. Leitl and Friedrich FraundorferDamage Estimation of Explosions in Urban Environments by SimulationThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 42,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Rad, Markus Oberweger and Vincent Lepetit3D Pose Estimation from Color Images without Manual AnnotationsProceedings of the joint OAGM & ARW Workshop 2019 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Peter M. Roth, Jürgen Wallner and Jan EggerExploit fully automatic low-level segmented PET data for training high-level deep learning algorithms for the corresponding CT dataPLoS ONE14,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jürgen Wallner, Irene Mischak and Jan EggerComputed tomography data collection of the complete human mandible and valid clinical ground truth modelsScientific Data 6,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel Wild, Maximilian Weber and Jan EggerA Client/Server Based Online Environment for Manual Segmentation of Medical ImagesThe 23rd Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG)1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Peter M. Roth, Jürgen Wallner and Jan EggerLearning from the Truth: Fully Automatic Ground Truth Generation for Training of Medical Deep Learning NetworksProceedings of the Joint ARW & OAGM Workshop 2019173-174Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mauro Pau, Jürgen Wallner, Matthias Feichtinger, Michael Schwaiger, Jan Egger, Janos Cambiaso-Daniel, Raimund Winter, Norbert Jakse and Wolfgang ZemannFree thoracodorsal, perforator-scapular flap based on the angular artery (TDAP-Scap-aa): Clinical experiences and description of a novel technique for single flap reconstruction of extensive oromandibular defectsJournal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery47,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maximilian Weber, Daniel Wild, Jürgen Wallner and Jan EggerA Client/Server based Online Environment for the Calculation of Medical Segmentation Scores2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)3463-3467Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lydia Lindner, Dominik Narnhofer, Maximilian Weber, Christina Gsaxner, Jan Egger and Malgorzata KolodziejUsing Synthetic Training Data for Deep Learning-Based GBM Segmentation2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)6724-6729Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jürgen Wallner, Michael Schwaiger, Kerstin Maria Hochegger, Christina Gsaxner, Wolfgang Zemann and Jan EggerA Review on Multiplatform Evaluations of Semi-Automatic Open-Source Based Image Segmentation for Cranio-Maxillofacial SurgeryComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine182,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ana Morais, Jan Egger and Victor AlvesAutomated Computer-aided Design of Cranial Implants Using a Deep Volumetric Convolutional Denoising AutoencoderNew Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies151-160Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tomoya Kaichi, Shohei Mori, Hideo Saito, Kosuke Takahashi, Dan Mikami, Mariko Isogawa and Yoshinori KusachiImage-based center of mass estimation of the human body via 3D shape and kinematic structureSports Engineering22,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Waltner, Michael Opitz, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofHiBsteR: Hierarchical Boosted Deep Metric Learning for Image RetrievalIEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Christian Payer and Martin UrschlerAutomated age estimation from MRI volumes of the handMedical Image Analysis58,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jesus Pestana Puerta, Michael Maurer, Daniel Muschick, Manuel Hofer and Friedrich FraundorferOverview Obstacle Maps for Obstacle Aware Navigation of Autonomous DronesJournal of Field Robotics36,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Savinien Bonheur, Darko Stern, Christian Payer, Michael Pienn, Horst Olschewski and Martin UrschlerMatwo-CapsNet: A Multi-label Semantic Segmentation Capsules NetworkMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2019664-672Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiahai Zhuang, Lei Li, Christian Payer, Darko Štern, Martin Urschler, Mattias P. Heinrich, Julien Oster, Chunliang Wang, Örjan Smedby, Cheng Bian, Xin Yang, Pheng Ann Heng, Aliasghar Mortazi, Ulas Bagci, Guanyu Yang, Chenchen Sun, Gaetan Galisot, Jean Yves Ramel, Thierry Brouard, Qianqian Tong, Weixin Si, Xiangyun Liao, Guodong Zeng, Zenglin Shi, Guoyan Zheng, Chengjia Wang, Tom MacGillivray, David Newby, Kawal Rhode, Sebastien Ourselin, Raad Mohiaddin, Jennifer Keegan, David Firmin and Guang YangEvaluation of algorithms for Multi-Modality Whole Heart SegmentationMedical Image Analysis58,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Moche, Harald Busse, Jurgen Futterer, Camila A Hinestrosa, Daniel Seider, Philipp Brandmaier, Marina Kolesnik, Sjoerd Jenniskens, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Gaber Komar, Mika Pollari, Martin Eibisberger, Horst Rupert Portugaller, Philip Voglreiter, Ronan Flanagan, Panchatcharam Mariappan and Martin ReinhardtClinical evaluation of in silico planning and real-time simulation of hepatic radiofrequency ablation (ClinicIMPPACT Trial)European Radiology
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefano Zorzi, Eleonora Maset, Andrea Fusiello and Fabio CrosillaFull-Waveform Airborne LiDAR Data Classification Using Convolutional Neural NetworksIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing57,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Poier, Michael Opitz, David Schinagl and Horst BischofMURAUER: Mapping Unlabeled Real Data for Label AUstERityIEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Harb and Patrick KnöbelreiterEfficient Multi-Task Learning of Semantic Segmentation and Disparity EstimationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabian Schenk and Friedrich FraundorferRESLAM: A real-time robust edge-based SLAM systemProceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Tödling, Martin Winter and Markus SteinbergerBreadth-First Search on Dynamic Graphs using Dynamic Parallelism on the GPU2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)1-7Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabian Schenk, Alexander Tscharf, Gerhard Mayer and Friedrich FraundorferAutomatic Muck Pile Characterization from UAV ImagesISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences163-170Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marco Stranner, Clemens Arth, Philipp Fleck and Dieter SchmalstiegA High-Precision Localization Device for Outdoor Augmented Reality,Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hana Lee, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Daniel Scott KiefferGigaPan Image-Based 3D Reconstruction for Engineering Geological InvestigationsIAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018207-215Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Waltner, Michael Opitz, Georg Krispel, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofSemi-supervised Detector Training with Prototypes for Vehicle Detection2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 20194261-4266Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Jürgen Wallner, Xiaojun Chen, Wolfgang Zemann and Jan EggerFacial model collection for medical augmented reality in oncologic cranio-maxillofacial surgeryScientific Data 6,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ryo Hachiuma, Christian Pirchheim, Dieter Schmalstieg and Hideo SaitoDetectFusion: Detecting and Segmenting Both Known and Unknown Dynamic Objects in Real-time SLAMProceedings British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Stern and Martin UrschlerEvaluating Spatial Configuration Constrained CNNs for Localizing Facial and Body Pose LandmarksPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Okan Erat, Markus Hoell, Karl Haubenwallner, Christian Pirchheim and Dieter SchmalstiegReal-Time View Planning for Unstructured Lumigraph ModelingIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics25,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Christian Payer, Nicola Giuliani and Martin UrschlerAutomatic Age Estimation and Majority Age Classification from Multi-Factorial MRI DataIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics23,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Stern, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerVertebrae Localization and Segmentation with SpatialConfiguration-Net and U-NetLarge Scale Vertebrae Segmentation Challenge 2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mauro Sylos Labini, Christina Gsaxner, Antonio Pepe, Juergen Wallner, Jan Egger and Vitoantonio BevilacquaDepth-Awareness in a System for Mixed-Reality Aided Surgical ProceduresIntelligent Computing Methodologies - 15th International Conference, ICIC 2019, Proceedings716-726Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Roland Perko, Johann Raggam and Peter M. RothMapping with Pléiades—End-to-End WorkflowRemote Sensing 11,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Louis Lecrosnier, Rémi Boutteau, Pascal Vasseur, Xavier Savatier and Friedrich FraundorferVision based vehicle relocalization in 3D line-feature map using Perspective-n-Line with a known vertical direction2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 20191263-1269Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefano Zorzi and Friedrich FraundorferRegularization of Building Boundaries in Satellite Images Using Adversarial and Regularized LossesIGARSS 20195140-5143Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, Erich Kobler, Thomas Pock and Martin RumpfTime Discrete Geodesics in Deep Feature Spaces for Image MorphingScale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision171-182Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Werner Alexander Isop and Friedrich FraundorferForce Field-Based Indirect Manipulation Of UAV Flight TrajectoriesIROS 20191-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Tscharf, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUAV-gestütze Vermessung im Bergbau - Abschätzung der Genauigkeit bei Verwendung von Structure from MotionSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Markscheidewesen und Geodäsie an der Technischen Universität Bergakademie Freiberg78-92Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Neumayer, Andreas Lesch, Franz Thaler, Thomas Widek, Sebastian Tschauner, Jannick De Tobel, Thomas Ehammer, Barbara Kirnbauer, Julian Boldt, Mayonne van Wijk, Rudolf Stollberger and Martin UrschlerThe four-minute approach revisitedInternational Journal of Legal Medicine
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Bischof, Wangmeng Zuo, Xi Peng and Danil ProkhorovGuest Editorial Special Issue on Discriminative Learning for Model Optimization and Statistical InferenceIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems2894-2897Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jason Orlosky, Chang Liu, Denis Kalkofen and Kiyoshi KiyokawaVisualization-Guided Attention Direction in Dynamic Control TasksAdjunct Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Realitylity372-373Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Vincent Lepetit, Jacques Manderscheid, Amos Sironi, Nicolas Bourdis and Davide MiglioreSpeed invariant time surface for learning to detect corner points with event-based camerasProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition10245-10254Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter M. Roth, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Fabian SchenkProceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Grabner, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitGP2C: Geometric Projection Parameter Consensus for Joint 3D Pose and Focal Length Estimation in the WildProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision2222-2231Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Pichler, Robert Sablatnig, Gernot Stübl and Markus VinczeProceedings of the ARW & OAGM Workshop 2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Giorgia Pitteri, Slobodan Ilic and Vincent LepetitCorNet: Generic 3D Corners for 6D Pose Estimation of New Objects without RetrainingProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision WorkshopsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jesus Pestana Puerta, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofTowards an Autonomous Vision-based Inventory DronePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Pierre Biasutti, Vincent Lepetit, Jean-Francois Aujol, Mathieu Brédif and Aurélie BugeauLU-Net: An Efficient Network for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Based on End-to-End-Learned 3D Features and U-NetProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision WorkshopsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Schwarzbach, Stefan Manfred Spann, Kerstin Hammernik, Christoph Stefan Aigner, Thomas Pock and Rudolf StollbergerCombining Variational Optimization and Deep Learning for efficient ASL image quality enhancementMagnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and MedicinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Oberweger, Paul Wohlhart and Vincent LepetitGeneralized Feedback Loop for Joint Hand-Object Pose EstimationIEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Ochs and Thomas PockAdaptive FISTA for nonconvex optimizationSIAM Journal on Optimization29,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Pfeifenberger, Matthias Zöhrer and Franz PernkopfEigenvector-based Speech Mask Estimation for Multi- Channel Speech EnhancementIEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing27,
2162 - 2172,
2019Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Abhishake Kumar Bojja, Franziska Mueller, Sri Raghu Malireddi, Markus Oberweger, Vincent Lepetit, Christian Theobalt, Kwang Moo Yi and Andrea TagliasacchiHandseg: An automatically labeled dataset for hand segmentation from depth images2019 16th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV)151-158Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth, Ruyu Liu, Jianhua Zhang and Shengyong ChenTowards SLAM-based Outdoor Localization using Poor GPS and 2.5D Building Models2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hugo Germain, Guillaume Bourmaud and Vincent LepetitSparse-to-Dense Hypercolumn Matching for Long-Term Visual Localization2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)513-523Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Lasinger, Christoph Vogel, Thomas Pock and Konrad Schindler3D Fluid Flow Estimation with Integrated Particle ReconstructionPattern Recognition - 40th German Conference, GCPR 2018, Proceedings315-332Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Grabner, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitLocation Field Descriptors: Single Image 3D Model Retrieval in the Wild2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)583-593Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Giorgia Pitteri, Michaël Ramamonjisoa, Slobodan Ilic and Vincent LepetitOn Object Symmetries and 6D Pose Estimation from Images2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)614-622Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tim Foley and Markus SteinbergerHigh-Performance Graphics 2019 Strasbourg, France July 8-10, 2019 PrefaceHigh-Performance Graphics 2019 Strasbourg, France July 8-10, 2019 PrefacePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominik Narnhofer, Kerstin Hammernik, Florian Knoll and Thomas PockInverse GANs for accelerated MRI reconstructionWavelets and Sparsity XVIIIPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ana Maria Stanescu, Philipp Fleck, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegSemantic Segmentation of Geometric Primitives in Dense 3D Point CloudsProc. IEEE Internatational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Hubert Klug, Clemens Arth, Dieter Schmalstieg and Thomas GloorSemi-Automatic Registration of a Robotic Total Station and a CAD Model Without Control PointsProc. IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Hubert Klug, Clemens Arth, Dieter Schmalstieg and Thomas GloorMeasurement Uncertainty Analysis of a Robotic Total Station SimulationProc. IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mathias Parger, Jörg Müller, Markus Steinberger and Dieter SchmalstiegHuman Upper-Body Inverse Kinematics for Increased Embodiment in Consumer-Grade Virtual RealityProc. ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
I. Katircioglu, B. Tekin, M. Salzmann and Vincent LepetitLearning Latent Representations of 3D Human Pose with Deep Neural NetworksInternational Journal of Computer Vision
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Roland Perko, Hannes Raggam, Mathias Schardt and Peter M. RothVery High Resolution Mapping with the Pleiades Satellite ConstellationAmerican Journal of Remote Sensing6,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Y. Malitsky and Thomas PockA First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm with LinesearchSIAM Journal on Optimization28,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
D. Antensteiner, S. Stolc and Thomas PockA Review of Depth and Normal Fusion AlgorithmsSensors 18,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, M. Hölzel, T. Klatzer, Erich Kobler, J. Landsberg, L. Neuhäuser, Thomas Pock and M. RumpfVariational Networks for Joint Image Reconstruction and Classification of Tumor Immune Cell Interactions in Melanoma Tissue SectionsBildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
D. Antensteiner, S. Stolc and Thomas PockVariational Fusion of Light Field and Photometric Stereo for Precise 3D Sensing within a Multi-Line Scan FrameworkProceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus SteinbergerOn Dynamic Scheduling for the GPU and its Applications in Computer Graphics and BeyondIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications38,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Winter, Daniel Mlakar, Rhaleb Zayer, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus SteinbergerfaimGraph: High Performance Management of Fully-Dynamic Graphs under tight Memory Constraints on the GPUHigh Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC’18), 2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Teresa Klatzer, Erich Kobler, Michael P Recht, Daniel K Sodickson, Thomas Pock and Florian KnollLearning a Variational Network for Reconstruction of Accelerated MRI DataMagnetic Resonance in Medicine79,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel Eckhoff, Christian Sandor, Christian Lins, Ulrich Eck, Andreas Hein and Denis KalkofenTutAR: Augmented Reality Tutorials for Hands-only ProceduresProceedings - VRCAI 2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Tscharf, Fabian Schenk, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUAV-Anwendungen im Bergbau - Modellversuche als Beitrag zur photogrammetrischen Forschung und Entwicklung19. Geokinematischer Tag30-43Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiangyu Zhuo, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Franz Kurz and Peter ReinartzOptimization of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Based on Semantic Information of Oblique UAV ImagesRemote Sensing 10,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Tscharf, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Andreas GaichUAVs zur Qualitätssteuerung im TagbauBerg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte163,
124 - 130,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Guan Banglei, Yu Qifeng and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal solutions for the rotational alignment of IMU-camera systems using homography constraintsComputer Vision and Image Understanding170,
79 - 91,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hana Lee, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Daniel Scott KiefferGigaPan Image-Based 3D Reconstruction for Engineering Geological InvestigationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Maurer, Jesus Pestana Puerta, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofTowards an Autonomous Vision-based Inventory DronePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Neumayer, Matthias Schloegl, Christian Payer, Thomas Widek, Sebastian Tschauner, Thomas Ehammer, Rudolf Stollberger and Martin UrschlerReducing acquisition time for MRI-based forensic age estimationScientific Reports8,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ludwig Mohr, Martin Öttl, Michael Haberl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofSemantic 3D Models from Real World Scene Recordings for Traffic Accident SimulationProceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Birgit Pfarrkirchner, Christina Gsaxner, Lydia Lindner, Norbert Jakse, Jürgen Wallner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerLower jawbone data generation for deep learning tools under MeVisLabPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Simon Gunacker, Markus Gall, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerMulti-threaded integration of HTC-Vive and MeVisLabPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Lydia Lindner, Birgit Pfarrkirchner, Christina Gsaxner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerTuMore: generation of synthetic brain tumor MRI data for deep learning based segmentation approachesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Poier, David Schinagl and Horst BischofLearning Pose Specific Representations by Predicting Different ViewsProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christina Gsaxner, Birgit Pfarrkirchner, Lydia Lindner, Norbert Jakse, Jürgen Wallner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerExploit 18F-FDG enhanced urinary bladder in PET data for deep learning ground truth generation in CT scansMedical Imaging 2018: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional ImagingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Barbara Flügge and Horst BischofInnovativ und Autonom: Test BestandenSmart Mobility in der Praxis: Das Auto--unverzichtbar für den intermodalen Verkehr?Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Vincent LepetitComplexity and Scientific ChallengesVirtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Myths and RealitiesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Vincent LepetitTowards Virtual Environments that are More Closely Related to the Real WorldVirtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Myths and RealitiesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Satoshi Hashiguchi, Shohei Mori, Miho Tanaka, Fumihisa Shibata and Asako KimuraPerceived Weight of a Rod under Augmented and Diminished Reality Visual EffectsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bruce H. Thomas, Gregory F. Welch, Pierre Dragicevic, Niklas Elmqvist, Pourang Irani, Yvonne Jansen, Dieter Schmalstieg, Aurélien Tabard, Neven A.M. ElSayed, Ross T. Smith and Wesley WillettSituated analyticsLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)185-220Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Banglei Guan, P. Vasseur, C. Demonceaux and F. FraundorferVisual Odometry Using a Homography Formulation with Decoupled Rotation and Translation Estimation Using Minimal Solutions2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)2320-2327Publikation in PURE anzeigen
G. Munda, C. Reinbacher and T. PockReal-Time Intensity-Image Reconstruction for Event Cameras Using Manifold RegularisationInternational Journal of Computer Vision126,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pfeifer, Martin Urschler, Sophie Kerbacher and Reingard Riener-HoferAltersschätzung im Strafverfahren?!Journal für Strafrecht5,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Poier, David Schinagl and Horst BischofBeing lazy at labelling for pose estimationProceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2018130Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Pock, Daniel K Sodickson and Michael P RechtAssessment of the generalization of learned image reconstruction and the potential for transfer learningPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz, Richard Wildes and Andrew ZissermanWhat have we learned from deep representations for action recognition?IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Erich Kobler, Thomas Pock, Michael P Recht, Daniel K Sodickson and Florian KnollVariational Adversarial Networks for Accelerated MR Image ReconstructionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Höll, Markus Oberweger, Clemens Arth and Vincent LepetitEfficient Physics-Based Implementation for Realistic Hand-Object Interaction in Virtual RealityIEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User InterfacesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Kerstin Hammernik, Erich Kobler, Thomas Pock, Daniel K Sodickson and Michael P RechtAnalysis of the influence of deviations between training and test data in learned image reconstructionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Rad, Markus Oberweger and Vincent LepetitFeature Mapping for Learning Fast and Accurate 3D Pose Inference from Synthetic ImagesProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Marcelo V. W. Zibetti, Azadeh Sharafi, Kerstin Hammernik, Florian Knoll and Ravinder R. RegatteComparing Learned Variational Networks and Compressed Sensing for T1ρ Mapping of Knee CartilagePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Grabner, Peter M. Roth and Vincent Lepetit3D Pose Estimation and 3D Model Retrieval for Objects in the WildProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Thomas Ebner and Darko ŠternIntegrating geometric configuration and appearance information into a unified framework for anatomical landmark localizationMedical Image Analysis43,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Justinas Mišeikis, Patrick Knöbelreiter, Inka Brijacak, Saeed Yahyanejad, Kyrre Glette, Ole Jakob Elle and Jim TorresenRobot localisation and 3D position estimation using a free-moving camera and cascaded convolutional neural networksAIM 2018 - IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics181-187Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Eva Maria Brinkmann, Martin Burger and Joana Sarah GrahUnified Models for Second-Order TV-Type Regularisation in ImagingJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Hann, Evelyn Nosalski, Patrick C. Hermann, Jan Egger, Thomas Seufferlein and Frieder KellerChemotherapeutic agents eligible for prior dosing in pancreatic cancer patients requiring hemodialysisClinical Nephrology90,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Bornik, Martin Urschler, Dieter Schmalstieg, Horst Bischof, Astrid Krauskopf, Thorsten Schwark, Eva Scheurer and Kathrin YenIntegrated computer-aided forensic case analysis, presentation, and documentation based on multimodal 3D dataForensic Science International287,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Panchatcharam Mariappan, Mika Pollari, Ronan Flanagan, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Rupert Horst Portugaller, Jurgen Fütterer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Marina Kolesnik and Michael MocheRFA GuardianScientific Reports8,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pienn, Caroline Burgard, Christian Payer, Alexander Avian, Martin Urschler, Rudolf Stollberger, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski, Thorsten Johnson, Felix Meinel and Zoltán BálintHealthy lung vessel morphology derived from thoracic computed tomographyFrontiers in Physiology9,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Grabner, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitEfficient 3D Pose Estimation and 3D Model RetrievalProceedings of the 42nd OAGM WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Çaglar Aytekin, Horst Possegger, Thomas Mauthner, Serkan Kiranyaz, Horst Bischof and Moncef GabboujSpatiotemporal Saliency Estimation by Spectral Foreground DetectionIEEE Transactions on Multimedia20,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Lasinger, Christoph Vogel, Konrad Schindler and Thomas PockVariational 3D-PIV with sparse descriptorsMeasurement Science and Technology29,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Erich Kobler, Matthew Muckley, Baiyu Chen, Florian Knoll, Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Pock, Daniel Sodickson and Ricardo OtazoVariational Deep Learning for Low-Dose Computed Tomography2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2018 - Proceedings6687-6691Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Caterina Nahler, Bernhard Feldhofer, Matthias Ruether, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlExploring the usage of time-of-flight cameras for contact and remote photoplethysmographyProceedings - 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2018433-441Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Harald Kolk, Ernst Tomasch, Michael Haberl, Martin Fellendorf, Andreas Moser, Matthias Rüther and Ludwig MohrActive safety effectiveness assessment by combination of traffic flow simulation and crash-simulationInternational Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yu MalitskyProximal extrapolated gradient methods for variational inequalitiesOptimization Methods & Software33,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arno Eichberger, Marianne Kraut, Volker Settgast, Klaus Haas, Tasio Cemborain, Lisa Wagner, Abdulvahit Koca, Dušan Malić and Ioana Victoria KoglbauerVerbesserung der Motorradsicherheit durch Training von Fahrschülern in einem PKW FahrsimulatorPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Waltner, Michael Maurer, Thomas Holzmann, Patrick Ruprecht, Michael Opitz, Horst Possegger, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofDeep 2.5D Vehicle Classification with Sparse SfM Depth Prior for Automated Toll Systems2018 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 20183212-3217Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zhihuo Xu, Quan Shi, Yunjin Chen, Wensen Feng, Yeqin Shao, Ling Sun and Xinming HuangNon-stationary speckle reduction in high resolution SAR imagesDigital Signal Processing73,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Kerstin Hammernik, Erich Kobler, Thomas Pock, Michael P Recht and Daniel K SodicksonAssessment of the generalization of learned image reconstruction and the potential for transfer learningMagnetic Resonance in Medicine81,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Holzmann, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofSemantically Aware Urban 3D Reconstruction with Plane-Based RegularizationComputer Vision – ECCV 2018487-503Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Neff, Christian Payer, Darko Štern and Martin UrschlerGenerative Adversarial Networks to Synthetically Augment Data for Deep Learning based Image SegmentationProceedings of the OAGM Workshop 201822-29Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Stern, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerMulti-label Whole Heart Segmentation Using CNNs and Anatomical Label ConfigurationsStatistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. ACDC and MMWHS Challenges. STACOM 2017190-198Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Thaler, Christian Payer and Darko SternVolumetric Reconstruction from a Limited Number of Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs Using CNNsProceedings of the OAGM Workshop 201813-19Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Nicola Giuliani, Christian Payer, Michael Pienn, Horst Olschewski and Martin UrschlerPulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Images using Alpha-ExpansionProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 4: VISAPP387-394Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Štern, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerMulti-label Whole Heart Segmentation using Anatomical Label Configurations and CNNsProceedings of the OAGM Workshop 20186Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Thaler, Kerstin Hammernik, Christian Payer, Martin Urschler and Darko ŠternSparse-view CT Reconstruction using Wasserstein GANsMachine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction - First International Workshop, MLMIR 2018, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, Proceedings75-82Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rafael Jakob Weilharter, Fabian Schenk and Friedrich FraundorferGlobally Consistent Dense Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from RGBD DataProceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2018121-127Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Štern, Thomas Neff, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerInstance segmentation and tracking with cosine embeddings and recurrent hourglass networksMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018 - 21st International Conference, 2018, Proceedings3-11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Andreas Grandits and Thomas PockOptimizing Wavelet Bases for Sparser RepresentationsEnergy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition249-262Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Jampour, Mohammad-Shahram Moin, Lap-Fai Yu and Horst BischofMapping Forests: A Comprehensive Approach for Nonlinear Mapping ProblemsJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision60,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiangyu Zhuo, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Franz Kurz and Peter ReinartzBuilding detection and segmentation using a CNN with automatically generated training data2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018 - Proceedings3461-3464Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Muhammad Shahzad, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Yuanyuan Wang and Xiao Xiang ZhuExtraction of buildings in vhr sar images using fully convolution neural networks2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018 - Proceedings4367-4370Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Giulio Jacucci, Salvatore Andolina, Denis Kalkofen, Dieter Schmalstieg, Antti Nurminen, Anna Spagnolli, Luciano Gamberini and Tuukka RuotsaloCombining Intelligent Recommendation and Mixed Reality in Itineraries for Urban ExplorationProceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2017)18-23Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofPrioritized multi-view stereo depth map generation using confidence predictionISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 143,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, Martin Rumpf and Florian SchäferImage Extrapolation for the Time Discrete Metamorphosis Model – Existence and ApplicationsSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Ertler, Horst Possegger, Michael Opitz and Horst BischofAn Intent-Based Automated Traffic Light for PedestriansIEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Luley, Meinrad Lindschinger, Irene Schmid, Walter Scheitz, Horst Bischof and Lucas PalettaPersonalized Dietary Self-Management Using Mobile Vision-Based AssistanceNew Trends in Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rafael Roberto, Joao Paulo Lima, Hideaki Uchiyama, Clemens Arth, Veronica Teichrieb, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi and Dieter SchmalstiegIncremental Structural Modeling Based on Geometric and Statistical AnalysesProc. Winter Conference on Application of Computer Vision (WACV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Kenzel, Bernhard Kerbl, Dieter Schmalstieg and Markus SteinbergerA High-Performance Software Graphics Pipeline Architecture for the GPUACM Transactions on Graphics37,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kerbl, Michael Kenzel, Elena Ivanchenko, Dieter Schmalstieg and Markus SteinbergerRevisiting The Vertex Cache: Understanding and Optimizing Vertex Processing on the modern GPUProceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques1,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Kenzel, Bernhard Kerbl, Wolfgang Tatzgern, Elena Ivanchenko, Dieter Schmalstieg and Markus SteinbergerOn-the-fly Vertex Reuse for Massively-Parallel Software Geometry ProcessingProceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques1,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kerbl, Michael Kenzel, Jörg Müller, Dieter Schmalstieg and Markus SteinbergerThe Broker Queue: A Fast, Linearizable FIFO Queue for Fine-Granular Work Distribution on the GPUProc. of the International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Birgit Pfarrkirchner, Christina Gsaxner, Lydia Lindner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jürgen WallnerFully Convolutional Mandible Segmentation on a valid Ground-Truth DatasetProceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jürgen Wallner, Kerstin Hochegger, Xiaojun Chen, Irene Mischak, Knut Reinbacher, Mauro Pau, Tomislav Zrnc, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Wolfgang Zemann, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerClinical evaluation of semi-automatic open-source algorithmic software segmentation of the mandibular bonePLoS ONE13,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Okan Erat, Werner Alexander Isop, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegDrone-Augmented Human Vision: Exocentric Control for Drones Exploring Hidden AreasIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics24,
2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shohei Mori, Jan Herling, Wolfgang Broll, Norihiko Kawai, Hideo Saito, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen3D PixMix: Image-Inpainting in 3D EnvironmentsAdjunct Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium for Mixed and Augmented Reality 2018Publikation in PURE anzeigen
S. Thalmann, J. Mangler, T. Schreck, C. Huemer, M. Streit, F. Pauker, G. Weichhart, S. Schulte, C. Kittl, C. Pollak, M. Vukovic, G. Kappel, M. Gashi, S. Rinderle-Ma, J. Suschnigg, N. Jekic and S. LindstaedtData Analytics for Industrial Process Improvement - A Vision PaperIEEE Conf. on Business Informatics, Workshop on Business Analytics in Practice and Applied Research92-96Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Hofinger, Thomas Pock and Thomas MoosbruggerRobust Deformation Estimation in Wood-Composite Materials using Variational Optical FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Patrick Knöbelreiter and Thomas PockLearning Energy Based Inpainting for Optical FlowPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Knöbelreiter, Christoph Vogel and Thomas PockSelf-Supervised Learning for Stereo Reconstruction on Aerial ImagesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Anil Armagan, Martin Hirzer, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitLearning to Align Semantic Segmentation and 2.5D Maps for GeolocalizationProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anil Armagan, Martin Hirzer and Vincent LepetitSemantic Segmentation for 3D Localization in Urban EnvironmentsProceedings of the Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Gall, Knut Reinbacher, Jürgen Wallner, Jan Stanzel, Xiaojun Chen, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerInteractive Planning of MiniplatesProgress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIEPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Anil Armagan, Martin Hirzer, Peter M. Roth and Vincent Lepetit3D Localization in Urban Environments from Single ImagesProceedings of the OAGM/AAPR & ARW Joint Workshop (OAGM/AAPR & ARW)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Kerstin Hochegger, Markus Gall, Xiaojun Chen, Knut Reinbacher, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jürgen WallnerAlgorithmic evaluation of lower jawbone segmentationsProc. SPIE Medical ImagingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Sirk, Denis Kalkofen, Dieter Schmalstieg and Alexander BornikDynamic Label Placement for Forensic Case VisualizationEG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (Eurovis'17)139-143Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Markus Gall, Jürgen Wallner, Pedro Boechat de Almeida Germano, Alexander Hann, Xing Li, Xiaojun Chen and Dieter SchmalstiegIntegration of the HTC Vive into the Medical Platform MeVisLabProgress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIEPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Mohr-Ziak, Markus Tatzgern, Jens Grubert, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenAdaptive User-Perspective Rendering for Handheld Augmented Reality2017 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Grabner, Georg Poier, Michael Opitz, Samuel Schulter and Peter M. RothLoss-Specific Training of Random Forests for Super-ResolutionProceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Markus Gall, Jürgen Wallner, Knut Reinbacher, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer and Dieter SchmalstiegInteraktive Planung von GesichtsimplantatenBildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017134 - 139Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Tscharf, Christian Mostegel, Andreas Gaich, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofDer Einsatz unbemannter Flugsysteme zur Charakterisierung von gesprengtem Haufwerk18. Geokinematischer Tag des Institutes für Markscheidewesen und Geodäsie am 10. und 12. Mai 2017 in FreibergPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Mohr, David Mandl, Markus Tatzgern, Eduardo Veas, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenRetargeting Video Tutorials Showing Tools With Surface Contact to Augmented RealityConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings6547 - 6558Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Winter, Rhaleb Zayer and Markus SteinbergerAutonomous, Independent Management of Dynamic Graphs on GPUs2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Jampour, Vincent Lepetit, Thomas Mauthner and Horst BischofPose-specific non-linear mappings in feature space towards multiview facial expression recognitionImage and Vision Computing58,
38 - 46,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
R. Zayer, M. Steinberger and H. P. SeidelSparse matrix assembly on the GPU through multiplication patterns2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oliver Maier, Matthias Schlögl, Andreas Johann Lesch, Andreas Petrovic, Martin Holler, Thomas Pock and Rudolf StollbergerImproved Accelerated Model-based Parameter Quantification with Total-Generalized- Variation Regularization.Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kathrin Ogris, Andreas Petrovic, Sylvia Scheicher, Hanna Sprenger, Martin Urschler, Eva Hassler, Kathrin Yen and Eva ScheurerDetection and volume estimation of artificial hematomas in the subcutaneous fatty tissueForensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology13,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Holzinger, Bernd Malle, Peter Kieseberg, Peter M. Roth, Heimo Müller, Robert Reihs and Kurt ZatloukalMachine Learning and Knowledge Extraction in Digital Pathology needs an integrative approachTowards Integrative Machine Learning and Knowledge ExtractionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Aleksander Colovic, Patrick Knöbelreiter, Alexander Shekhovtsov and Thomas PockEnd-to-End Training of Hybrid CNN-CRF Models for Semantic Segmentation using Structured LearningPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Häne, Lionel Heng, Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Paul Furgale, Torsten Sattler and Marc Pollefeys3D visual perception for self-driving cars using a multi-camera systemImage and Vision Computing68,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiangyu Zhuo, Tobias Koch, Franz Kurz, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter ReinartzAutomatic UAV image geo-registration by matching UAV images to georeferenced image dataRemote Sensing 9,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Tobias Würfl, Thomas Pock and Andreas MaierA Deep Learning Architecture for Limited-Angle Computed Tomography ReconstructionBildverarbeitung für die Medizin 201792-97Publikation in PURE anzeigen
T. Partovi, F. Fraundorfer, S. Azimi, D. Marmanis and P. ReinartzRoof type selection based on patch-based classification using deep learning for high resolution satellite imageryThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 42,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Pock and Robert NusterVariational Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction with Spatially Resolved Projection DataProceedings Volume 10064, Photons Plus UltrasoundPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jesus Pestana Puerta, Michael Maurer, Daniel Muschick, Devesh Adlakha, Horst Bischof and Friedrich FraundorferPackage Delivery Experiments with a Camera DronePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rhaleb Zayer, Markus Steinberger and Hans-Peter SeidelA GPU-adapted Structure for Unstructured GridsComputer Graphics Forum36,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler, Ali Osman Ulusoy, Horst Bischof and Andreas GeigerOctNetFusion: Learning Depth Fusion from DataProceedings of 3DV 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Florian Knoll, Daniel K Sodickson and Thomas PockOn the Influence of Sampling Pattern Design on Deep Learning-Based MRI ReconstructionProceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Jampour, Li Chen, Lap-Fai Yu, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin and Horst BischofFace Inpainting based on High-Level Facial AttributesComputer Vision and Image Understanding161,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Florian Knoll, Daniel K Sodickson and Thomas PockL2 or not L2: Impact of Loss Function Design for Deep Learning MRI ReconstructionProceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hana Lee, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Daniel Scott KiefferGigaPan Image-Based 3D Reconstruction for Engineering Geological InvestigationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Justinas Miseikis, Matthias Rüther, Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner3D Vision Guided Robotic Charging Station for Electric and Plug-in Hybrid VehiclesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Oberweger, Paul Wohlhart, Gernot Riegler and Vincent LepetitFeedback Loop and Accurate Training Data for 3D Hand Pose EstimationOAGM&ARW Joint WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz and Richard WildesTemporal Residual Networks for Dynamic Scene RecognitionIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yunjin Chen and Thomas PockTrainable Nonlinear Reaction DiffusionIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence39,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz and Richard WildesSpatiotemporal Multiplier Networks for Video Action RecognitionIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Reinbacher, Gottfried Munda and Thomas PockReal-time panoramic tracking for event cameras2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, ICCP 2017 - ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Kerstin Hammernik, Elisabeth Garwood, Anna Hirschmann, Leon Rybak, Mary Bruno, Kai Tobias Block, James Babb, Thomas Pock, Daniel K Sodickson and Michael P RechtAccelerated Knee Imaging Using a Deep Learning Based ReconstructionProceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tuomo Valkonen and Thomas PockAcceleration of the PDHGM on Partially Strongly Convex FunctionsJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision59,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Naira P Martínez Vera, Johannes Höller, Thomas Widek, Thomas Ehammer and Martin UrschlerForensic age estimation by morphometric analysis of the manubrium from 3D MR imagesForensic Science International277,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Heber, Wei Yu and Thomas PockNeural EPI-Volume Networks for Shape from Light FieldIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Neff, Christian Payer, Darko Stern and Martin UrschlerGenerative Adversarial Network based Synthesis for Supervised Medical Image SegmentationProceedings of the OAGM&ARW Joint Workshop 2017140-145Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler and Darko SternAutomated Multi-Factorial Age Estimation from Skeletal and Dental MRI Volumes based on Deep LearningPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Friedrich FraundorferComputer Vision for MAVsComputer Vision in Vehicle Technology: Land, Sea & Air55-74Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Karl Haubenwallner, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus SteinbergerShapeGenetics: Using Genetic Algorithms for Procedural ModelingComputer Graphics Forum36,
213 - 223,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bridgette Webb, Katharina Baron, Martin Urschler, Sylvia Scheicher and Rudolf StollbergerDeveloping an approach to post-mortem MR angiography (PMMRA): Investigation of vascular retention of perfusates in ex situ porcine heartsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Michael Pfeifer, Darko Stern and Thomas WidekForensische Altersdiagnostik mit Fokus auf den LebendenForensigraphie189-221Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Mandl, Kwang Moo Yi, Peter Mohr-Ziak, Peter M. Roth, Pascal Fua, Vincent Lepetit, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenLearning Lightprobes for Mixed Reality IlluminationProceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 201782 - 89Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Neumayer, Matthias Schlögl, Christian Payer, Thomas Widek, Thomas Ehammer, Rudolf Stollberger and Martin UrschlerAccuracy of age estimation based on undersampled MR images of the handPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Konrad Schindler and Stefan Roth3D Szenenfluss-bildbasierte Schaetzung dichter BewegungsfelderPhotogrammetrie und Fernerkundung261-292Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Widek, Pia Baumann, Heiko Merkens, Thomas Ehammer, Andreas Petrovic, Isabella Klasinc, Martin Urschler and Eva ScheurerAge estimation using MR imaging of the third molar teeth and the medial clavicular epiphysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Magdalena Krieber, Katrin D. Bartl-Pokorny, Florian B. Pokorny, Dajie Zhang, Karin Landerl, Christof Körner, Franz Pernkopf, Thomas Pock, Christa Einspieler and Peter B. MarschikEye Movements during silent and oral reading in a regular orthographyPLoS ONE12,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bridgette Webb, Martin Urschler, M. Leoni, Bernhard Neumayer, Thomas Widek, Sylvia Scheicher, Rudolf Stollberger and Thorsten SchwarkCause of death or caused by death: Differentiation of thromboemboli and post-mortem clots using quantitative MRIPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Reinhardt, Philipp Brandmaier, Daniel Seider, Marina Kolesnik, Sjoerd Jenniskens, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Martin Eibisberger, Philip Voglreiter, Ronan Flanagan, Panchatcharam Mariappan, Harald Busse, Michael Moche and A prospective development study of software-guided radio-frequency ablation of primary and secondary liver tumorsContemporary Clinical Trials Communications8,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel and Thomas PockA Primal Dual Network for Low-Level Vision ProblemsGerman Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Artem Rozantsev, Vincent Lepetit and Pascal FuaDetecting Flying Objects Using a Single Moving CameraIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence39,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Holzmann, Martin R. Oswald, Marc Pollefeys, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofPlane-based surface regularization for urban 3D reconstructionBritish Machine Vision Conference 2017, BMVC 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yunjin ChenVariational JPEG artifacts suppression based on high-order MRFsSignal Processing: Image Communication52,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kerbl, Michael Kenzel, Dieter Schmalstieg and Markus SteinbergerEfiective static bin patterns for sort-middle renderingProceedings of High Performance Graphics, HPG 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabian Schenk and Friedrich FraundorferCombining Edge Images and Depth Maps for Robust Visual OdometryProceedings 28th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wensen Feng and Yunjin ChenSpeckle Reduction with Trained Nonlinear Diffusion FilteringJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision58,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Audrey Richard, Thomas Pock and Konrad SchindlerSemantic 3D Reconstruction with Finite Element Bases28th British Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefanie Zollmann, Christian Poglitsch and Jonathan VenturaVISGISProceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, IVCNZ 2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Lasinger, Christoph Vogel and Konrad SchindlerVolumetric Flow Estimation for Incompressible Fluids using the Stationary Stokes EquationsInternational Conference on Computer Vision 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabian Schenk and Friedrich FraundorferRobust Edge-based Visual Odometry using Machine-Learned EdgesProceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)1297-1304Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz and Andrew ZissermanDetect to Track and Track to DetectIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Teresa Klatzer, Daniel Soukup, Erich Kobler, Kerstin Hammernik and Thomas PockTrainable Regularization for Multi-frame SuperresolutionPattern Recognition90-100Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Oberweger and Vincent LepetitDeepPrior++: Improving Fast and Accurate 3D Hand Pose EstimationInternational Conference on Computer Vision WorkshopsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger, Reinhard Teschl, Markus Rumpler and Manuel HoferCrop hail damage assessment based on radar and drone integrated technologiesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger, Reinhard Teschl, Markus Rumpler and Manuel HoferInnovative approaches for crop hail damage assessment based on Radar and drone technologiesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Rad and Vincent LepetitBB8: A Scalable, Accurate, Robust to Partial Occlusion Method for Predicting the 3D Poses of Challenging Objects without Using DepthInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Štern, Philipp Kainz, Christian Payer and Martin UrschlerMulti-factorial age estimation from skeletal and dental MRI volumesMachine Learning in Medical Imaging - 8th International Workshop, MLMI 2017, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Proceedings61-69Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Rad, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitALCN: Adaptive Local Contrast Normalization for Robust Object Detection and 3D Pose EstimationBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Kainz, Michael Pfeiffer and Martin UrschlerSegmentation and classification of colon glands with deep convolutional neural networks and total variation regularizationPeerJ5,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Gerhard Ertler, Horst Possegger, Michael Opitz and Horst BischofPedestrian Detection in RGB-D Images from an Elevated ViewpointProceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Rad and Vincent LepetitRobust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images using Stable PartsIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence40,
1465 - 1479,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Maurer, Manuel Hofer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofAutomated Inspection of Power Line Corridors to Measure Vegetation Undercut using UAV-based ImagesInternational Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in GeomaticsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Opitz, Georg Waltner, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofBIER - Boosting Independent Embeddings RobustlyInternational Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Kunnert„Autonomes Fahren“ aus datenschutzrechtlicher Sicht, in Eisenberger/Lachmayer/Eisenberger (Hrsg), Autonomes Fahren und Recht (2017), 169„Autonomes Fahren“ aus datenschutzrechtlicher Sicht169-207 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Claus Gerstenberger, Michael Karbiener, Nikolaus Jaufer, Thomas Pock, Martin Urschler and Markus GugatschkaAutomated segmentation and morphometry of muscle fibers from haematoxylin-eosin-stained histological sectionsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Nicola Giuliani, Martin Urschler, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski and Michael PiennFully-automatic lung fissure detection from thoracic computed tomography imagesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pienn, C. Burgard, Christian Payer, Martin Urschler, T. Johnson, Rudolf Stollberger, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski, F. G. Meinel and Zoltan BalintAge-related changes in lung vessel morphology in healthy men and womenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Höller, Fabian Schenk, Martin Urschler, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Alexander BornikCSISmartScan3D - Cost-efficient Integrated 3D Crime Scene DocumentationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pfeifer, Sophie Kerbacher, Martin Urschler and Reingard Riener-HoferThe constitutional conformity of age estimation in the Austrian Foreign and Immigration LawPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Thomas Neff, Horst Bischof, Martin Urschler and Darko ŠternSimultaneous Multi-Person Detection and Single-Person Pose Estimation With a Single Heatmap Regression NetworkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Panchatcharam Mariappan, Phil Weir, Philip Voglreiter, Ronan Flanagan, Tuomas Alhonnoro, Mika Pollari, Michael Moche, Harald Busse, Jurgen Fuetterer, Horst Rupert Portugaller, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros and Marina KolesnikGPU-based RFA simulation for minimally invasive cancer treatment of liver tumoursInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery12,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Mostegel, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofScalable Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds with Extreme Scale and Density Diversity IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Holzmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofA Detailed Description of Direct Stereo Visual Odometry Based on LinesCommunications in Computer and Information Science693,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gottfried Munda, Alexander Shekhovtsov, Patrick Knöbelreiter and Thomas PockScalable Full Flow with Learned Binary DescriptorsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Markus Gall, Alois Tax, Muammer Ücal, Ulrike Zefferer, Xing Li, Gord von Campe, Ute Schäfer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Xiaojun ChenInteractive reconstructions of cranial 3D implants under MeVisLab as an alternative to commercial planning softwarePLoS ONE12,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
O. Saurer, P. Vasseur, R. Boutteau, C. Demonceaux, M. Pollefeys and Friedrich FraundorferHomography Based Egomotion Estimation with a Common DirectionIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence39,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Markus Gall, Jürgen Wallner, Pedro Boechat, Alexander Hann, Xing Li, Xiaojun Chen and Dieter SchmalstiegHTC Vive MeVisLab integration via OpenVR for medical applicationsPLoS ONE12,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Dieter Schmalstieg, Xiaojun Chen, Wolfram G Zoller and Alexander HannInteractive Outlining of Pancreatic Cancer Liver Metastases in Ultrasound ImagesScientific Reports7,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Klug, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthMeasuring Human-made Corner Structures With a Robotic Total Station using Support Points, Lines and PlanesProc. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiaojun Chen, Lu Xu, Xing Li and Jan EggerComputer-aided implant design for the restoration of cranial defectsScientific Reports7,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiao Xiang Zhu, Devis Tuia, Lichao Mou, Gui Song Xia, Liangpei Zhang, Feng Xu and Friedrich FraundorferDeep Learning in Remote SensingIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine5,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter B Marschik, Florian B Pokorny, Robert Peharz, Dajie Zhang, Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh, Herbert Roeyers, Sven Bölte, Alicia J Spittle, Berndt Urlesberger, Björn Schuller, Luise Poustka, Sally Ozonoff, Franz Pernkopf, Thomas Pock, Kristiina Tammimies, Christian Enzinger, Magdalena Krieber, Iris Tomantschger, Katrin D Bartl-Pokorny, Jeff Sigafoos, Laura Roche, Gianluca Esposito, Markus Gugatschka, Karin Nielsen-Saines, Christa Einspieler and Walter E KaufmannA Novel Way to Measure and Predict DevelopmentCurrent Neurology and Neuroscience Reports17,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Jürgen Wallner, Markus Gall, Xiaojun Chen, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Knut Reinbacher and Dieter SchmalstiegComputer-aided position planning of miniplates to treat facial bone defectsPLoS ONE12,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Hann, Lucas Bettac, Mark M Haenle, Tilmann Graeter, Andreas W Berger, Jens Dreyhaupt, Dieter Schmalstieg, Wolfram G Zoller and Jan EggerAlgorithm guided outlining of 105 pancreatic cancer liver metastases in UltrasoundScientific Reports7,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Christopher Nimsky and Xiaojun ChenVertebral body segmentation with GrowCutSAGE open medicine5,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Xiaojun Chen, Lucas Bettac, Mark M Haenle, Tilmann Graeter, Wolfram Zoller, Dieter Schmalstieg and Alexander HannIn-depth Assessment of an Interactive Graph-based Approach for the Segmentation for Pancreatic Metastasis in Ultrasound Acquisitions of the Liver with two Specialists in Internal MedicinePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Korsuk Sirinukunwattana, Josien P. W. Pluim, Hao Chen, Xiaojuan Qi, Pheng-Ann Heng, Yun Bo Guo, Li Yang Wang, Bogdan J. Matuszewski, Elia Bruni, Urko Sanchez, Anton Böhm, Olaf Ronneberger, Bassem Ben Cheikh, Daniel Racoceanu, Philipp Kainz, Michael Pfeiffer, Martin Urschler, David R. J. Snead and Nasir M. RajpootGland Segmentation in Colon Histology ImagesMedical Image Analysis35,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan EggerDevelopment of a Semiautomatic Segmentation Algorithm for the Measurement of Pancreatic Cancer Liver Metastases in Ultrasound ImagesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan EggerEvaluation of an Interactive Segmentation Algorithm using Ultrasound Images of Pancreatic Cancer Liver MetastasesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan EggerInteractive algorithm for the measurement of pancreatic cancer liver metastases in ultrasoundPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Poier, Markus Seidl, Matthias Zeppelzauer, Christian Reinbacher, Martin Schaich, Giovanna Bellandi, Alberto Marretta and Horst BischofThe 3D-Pitoti Dataset: A Dataset for high-resolution 3D Surface SegmentationProceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia IndexingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Höll and Axel PinzRadiometry propagation to large 3D point clouds from sparsely sampled ground truthComputer Vision – ACCV 2016, Part II222-235Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Rumpler, Alexander Tscharf, Christian Mostegel, Shreyansh Daftry, Christof Hoppe, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Gerhard Mayer and Horst BischofEvaluations on multi-scale camera networks for precise and geo-accurate reconstructions from aerial and terrestrial images with user guidanceComputer Vision and Image Understanding157,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Pfeifenberger, Matthias Zöhrer and Franz PernkopfEigenvector-based Speech Mask Estimation using a Logistic Regression for Multi-Channel Speech EnhancementProceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH2660 - 2664Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan EggerA VR-based surgical simulation system using patient- specific physical computing modelPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Erich Kobler, Teresa Klatzer, Kerstin Hammernik and Thomas PockVariational Networks: Connecting Variational Methods and Deep LearningPattern Recognition281-293Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Guoyan Zheng, Chengwen Chu, Daniel L. Belavý, Bulat Ibragimov, Robert Korez, Tomaž Vrtovec, Hugo Hutt, Richard Everson, Judith Meakin, Isabel Lŏpez Andrade, Ben Glocker, Hao Chen, Qi Dou, Pheng Ann Heng, Chunliang Wang, Daniel Forsberg, Aleš Neubert, Jürgen Fripp, Martin Urschler, Darko Stern, Maria Wimmer, Alexey A. Novikov, Hui Cheng, Gabriele Armbrecht, Dieter Felsenberg and Shuo LiEvaluation and comparison of 3D intervertebral disc localization and segmentation methods for 3D T2 MR data: A grand challengeMedical Image Analysis35,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Hann, Wolfram Bohle, Jan Egger and Wolfram ZollerFeasibility of alternating induction and maintenance chemotherapy in pancreatic cancerScientific Reports7,
2017Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Hirzer, Clemens Arth, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitEfficient 3D Tracking in Urban Environments with Semantic SegmentationProceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anil Armagan, Martin Hirzer, Peter M. Roth and Vincent LepetitAccurate Camera Registration in Urban Environments Using High-Level Feature MatchingProceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Gall, Xing Li, Xiaojun Chen, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerComputer-Aided Planning and Reconstruction of Cranial 3D ImplantsProceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS1179 - 1183Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kerbl, Michael Kenzel, Dieter Schmalstieg, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus SteinbergerHierarchical Bucket Queuing for Fine-grained Priority Scheduling on the GPUComputer Graphics Forum
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiaojun Chen, Lu Xu, Yue Yang and Jan EggerA semi-automatic computer-aided method for surgical template designScientific Reports6,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Heber, Wei Yu and Thomas PockU-shaped Networks for Shape from Light FieldBritish Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Oberweger, Gernot Riegler, Paul Wohlhart and Vincent LepetitEfficiently Creating 3D Training Data for Fine Hand Pose EstimationProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Holzmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofRegularized 3D Modeling from Noisy Building ReconstructionsInternational Conference on 3D VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Opitz, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofEfficient Model Averaging for Deep Neural NetworksAsian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Opitz, Georg Waltner, Georg Poier, Horst Possegger and Horst BischofGrid Loss: Detecting Occluded FacesEuropean Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Hofer, Michael Maurer and Horst BischofEfficient 3D Scene Abstraction Using Line SegmentsComputer Vision and Image Understanding
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Vladimir Kolmogorov, Thomas Pock and Michal RolinekTotal variation on a treeSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences9,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Ebner and Darko SternAutomatic intervertebral disc localization and segmentation in 3D MR images based on regression forests and active contoursLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)130-140Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Tscharf, Markus Rumpler, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUAV-Vermessung im Bergbau - Stand der Forschung und AusblickSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Markscheidewesen und GeodäsiePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Pock and Shoham SabachInertial proximal alternating linearized minimization (iPALM) for nonconvex and nonsmooth problemsSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences9,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Tscharf, Markus Rumpler, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofAccuracy related research on the use of UAVs in Mine SurveyingXVI International Mine Surveying CongressPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Pock and Chambolle AntoninOn the ergodic convergence rates of a first-order primaldual algorithmMathematical Programming159,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Darko Stern, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerRegressing Heatmaps for Multiple Landmark Localization Using CNNsMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2016230-238Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz and Richard WildesSpatiotemporal Residual Networks for Video Action RecognitionAdvances In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)3468-3476Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Thomas Ebner and Martin UrschlerFrom Local to Global Random Regression Forests: Exploring Anatomical Landmark LocalizationMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2016221-229Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Werner Alexander Isop, Jesus Pestana Puerta, Gabriele Ermacora, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Dieter SchmalstiegMicro Aerial Projector - Stabilizing Projected Images Of An Airborne Robotics Projection Platform2016 IEEE/RJS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2016)5618 - 5625Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Christian Payer, Vincent Lepetit and Martin UrschlerAutomated Age Estimation from Hand MRI Volumes Using Deep LearningMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2016194-202Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jesus Pestana Puerta and Friedrich FraundorferVision based safe navigation for search and rescue dronesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Kirillov, Alexander Shekhovtsov, Carsten Rother and Bogdan SavchynskyyJoint M-Best-Diverse Labelings as a Parametric Submodular MinimizationAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29334-342Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bridgette Webb, Daniela Kirchmeyer, Thomas Widek, Martin Urschler, Rudolf Stollberger and Thorsten SchwarkEvaluation of MRI sequences and liquids potentially suitable for post-mortem vascular perfusionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Bornik, Astrid Krauskopf and Martin UrschlerComputer-aided stab wound channel reconstruction based on local visual depiction of entrapped airPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pienn, Christian Payer, Martin Urschler, C. Salvan-Schaschl, R. Neuwirth, Rudolf Stollberger, Gabor Kovacs, Vasile Foris, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski and Zoltan BalintReduced Venous Vessel Density in Pre-Capillary Pulmonary HypertensionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pfeifer, Sophie Kerbacher, Martin Urschler and Reingard Riener-HoferRechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der forensischen Altersdiagnostik im österreichischen Asyl- und FremdenrechtPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Bornik, Martin Urschler, Astrid Krauskopf and Kathrin Yen3D Visualisierungstechniken zur virtuellen Darstellung und Rekonstruktion von dislozierten knöchernen VerletzungenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stephan Schraml, A.N. Belbachier and Horst BischofAn Event-Driven Stereo System for Real-Time 3-D 360° Panoramic VisionIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics63,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Alexander Bornik and Martin UrschlerFortschritte bei der automatisierten Altersschätzung Jugendlicher aus MRT Daten der linken HandPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Naira Martinez-Vera, Johannes Höller, Bernhard Neumayer, Thomas Widek, Thomas Ehammer and Martin UrschlerSkeletal age estimation using shape variations of the manubrium in MR imagesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Neumayer, Matthias Schlögl, Christian Payer, Thomas Widek, Thomas Ehammer, Rudolf Stollberger and Martin UrschlerAcceleration of MR Measurements for Age EstimationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pienn, C. Burgard, Christian Payer, Martin Urschler, F. G. Meinel, Rudolf Stollberger, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski and Zoltan BalintAge dependent changes in lung arteries and veins in healthy women and menPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Schlögl, Bernhard Neumayer, Thomas Ehammer, Thomas Widek, Christian Payer, Martin Urschler and Rudolf StollbergerValidation of TGV regularized accelerated MR reconstruction by age estimation.Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofATGV-Net: Accurate Depth Super-ResolutionEuropean Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler, David Ferstl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofA Deep Primal-Dual Network for Guided Depth Super-ResolutionBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Zeppelzauer, Georg Poier, Markus Seidl, Christian Reinbacher, Samuel Schulter, Christian Breiteneder and Horst BischofInteractive 3D Segmentation of Rock-Art by Enhanced Depth Maps and Gradient Preserving RegularizationJournal on Computing and Cultural Heritage9,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiaojun Chen, Xing Li, Lu Xu, Yi Sun, Constantinus Politis and Jan EggerDevelopment of a computer-aided design software for dental splint in orthognathic surgeryScientific Reports6,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabian Schenk, Ludwig Mohr, Matthias Rüther, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofGuided sparse camera pose estimationProceedings of The 40th Annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM), 2016139-146Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Florian Knoll, Daniel Sodickson and Thomas PockLearning a Variational Model for Compressed Sensing MRI ReconstructionProceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabian Schenk, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofAutomated Segmentation of the Walkable Area from Aerial Images for Evacuation Simulation Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM), 2016125-135Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oleksandr Shekhovtsov, Christian Reinbacher, Gottfried Graber and Thomas PockSolving Dense Image Matching in Real-Time using Discrete-Continuous OptimizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Teresa Klatzer, Kerstin Hammernik, Patrick Knöbelreiter and Thomas PockLearning Joint Demosaicing and Denoising Based on Sequential Energy MinimizationIEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mengtian Li, Alexander Shekhovtsov and Daniel HuberComplexity of Discrete Energy Minimization ProblemsEuropean Conference on Computer Vision - ECCV 2016834-852Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maros Blaha, Christoph Vogel, Audrey Richard, Jan Wegner, Konrad Schindler and Thomas PockLarge-Scale Semantic 3D Reconstruction: an Adaptive Multi-Resolution Model for Multi-Class Volumetric LabelingComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition3176-3184Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander ShekhovtsovHigher Order Maximum Persistency and Comparison TheoremsComputer Vision and Image Understanding143,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Thomas Ebner and Martin UrschlerAutomatic localization of locally similar structures based on the scale-widening random regression forest2016 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)1422-1425Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Heber and Thomas PockConvolutional Networks for Shape from Light FieldIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2016)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Swoboda, Alexander Shekhovtsov, Jorg Hendrik Kappes, Christoph Schnorr and Bogdan SavchynskyyPartial Optimality by Pruning for MAP-Inference with General Graphical ModelsIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence38,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Waltner, Michael Opitz and Horst BischofBaCoN: Building a Classifier from only N SamplesProceedings of the 21st Computer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jürgen Wallner, Knut Reinbacher, Jan Egger, Mauro Pau, Wolfgang Zemann, Tomislav Zrnc, Dieter Schmalstieg and Katja Schwenzer-ZimmererImage-guided real-time-segmentation of the mandibular bone: Can a simple Segmentation approach provide a satisfying result for a practicable use?Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Knut Reinbacher, Jürgen Wallner, Jan Egger, Philip Voglreiter, Mauro Pau, Tomislav Zrnc, Matthias Feichtinger and Katja Schwenzer-ZimmererAR (augmented reality)-Paradigmenwechsel im TherapiedesignPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Geymayer and Dieter SchmalstiegCollaborative Distributed Cognition Using A Seamless Desktop InfrastructurePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthVisionary Collaborative Outdoor Reconstruction using SLAM and SfMPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Voigt, Jochen Fuchs, Tim Ole Petersen, R Jantschke, Ronan Flanagan, Phil Weir, Mika Pollari, Tuomas Alhonnoro, Stephen Payne, Sheldon Hall, Jurgen Fuetterer, Tim van Ostenbrugge, Philipp Stiegler, Peter Kalmar, Sebastian Fischer, Stephan Zangos, Philip Voglreiter, Roland Ellerweg, Dominik Reuter, Elmar Staerk, Thomas Kahn, Marina Kolesnik and Michael MocheThe development of a simulation tool for clinical use in image-guided percutaneous minimally invasive cancer treatment (MICT)-the GoSmart projectOncology research and treatmentPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Michael Hofmann, Christoph Ebner, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Horst Rupert Portugaller, Jurgen Fuetterer, Michael Moche, Markus Steinberger and Dieter SchmalstiegVisualization-Guided Evaluation of Simulated Minimally Invasive Cancer TreatmentPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz and Richard WildesDynamic Scene Recognition with Complementary Spatiotemporal FeaturesIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence38,
2389 - 2401,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Koch, Xiangyu Zhuo, Peter Reinartz and Friedrich FraundorferA New Paradigm for Matching UAV- and Aerial ImagesISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences83-90Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Feichtenhofer, Axel Pinz and Andrew ZissermanConvolutional Two-Stream Network Fusion for Video Action RecognitionIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 20161933-1941Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David M Pierce, Michael Johannes Unterberger, Werner Trobin, Tim Ricken and Gerhard HolzapfelA microstructurally based continuum model of cartilage viscoelasticity and permeability incorporating measured statistical fiber orientationsBiomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology15,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jianhua Yao, Joseph E. Burns, Daniel Forsberg, Alexander Seitel, Abtin Rasoulian, Purang Abolmaesumi, Kerstin Hammernik, Martin Urschler, Bulat Ibragimov, Robert Korez, Tomaž Vrtovec, Isaac Castro-Mateos, Jose M. Pozo, Alejandro F. Frangi, Ronald M. Summers and Shuo LiA Multi-center Milestone Study of Clinical Vertebral CT SegmentationComputerized Medical Imaging and Graphics49,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Koch, Pablo d'Angelo, Franz Kurz, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Peter Reinartz and Marco KörnerThe tum-dlr multimodal earth observation evaluation benchmarkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Koch and Friedrich FraundorferAutomatic alignment of indoor and outdoor building models using 3d line segments.Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pedro Boechat de Almeida Germano, Mark Dokter, Michael Kenzel, Hans-Peter Seidel, Dieter Schmalstieg and Markus SteinbergerRepresenting and Scheduling Procedural Generation using Operator GraphsACM Transactions on Graphics35,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Michael Hofmann, Christoph Ebner, Dieter Schmalstieg, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Horst R. Portugaller, Juergen Fuetterer, Michael Moche and Markus SteinbergerVisualization-Guided Evaluation of Simulated Minimally Invasive Cancer TreatmentProceedings EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine (VCBM)163 - 172Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens ArthScalable Mobile Image Recognition for Real-Time Video AnnotationAdjunct Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR'16)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Stefan Roth and Konrad Schindler3D Szenenfluss -- bildbasierte Schätzung dichter BewegungsfelderHandbuch der Geodäsie: 5 Bände1-32Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jens Grubert, Michel Pahud, Matthias Kranz and Dieter SchmalstiegGlassHands: Interaction Around Unmodified Mobile Devices Using SunglassesProc. ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces 2016215-224Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Holzmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofDirect Stereo Visual Odometry Based on Lines11th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Partl, Samuel Gratzl, Marc Streit, Anne-Mai Wassermann, Hanspeter Pfister, Dieter Schmalstieg and Alexander LexPathfinder: Visual Analysis of Paths in GraphsComputer Graphics Forum35,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Reinbacher, Gottfried Graber and Thomas PockReal-Time Intensity-Image Reconstruction for Event Cameras Using Manifold RegularisationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Richter-Trummer, Denis Kalkofen, Jinwoo Park and Dieter SchmalstiegInstant Mixed Reality Lighting from Casual ScanningProc. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR'16)27-36Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Astrid Krauskopf, Thomas Widek, Erich Sorantin, Thomas Ehammer, Martin Borkenstein, Kathrin Yen and Eva ScheurerApplicability of Greulich–Pyle and Tanner–Whitehouse grading methods to MRI when assessing hand bone age in forensic age estimation: A pilot studyForensic Science International266,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Valeria Orso, Denis Kalkofen, Giulio Jacucci, Luciano Gamberini and Dieter SchmalstiegAdaptive Information Density for Augmented Reality DisplaysProc. IEEE Virtual Reality 201683-92Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Gall, Jürgen Wallner, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Knut Reinbacher and Jan EggerComputer-aided Reconstruction of Facial DefectsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gim Hee Lee, Bo Li, Marc Pollefeys and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal solutions for pose estimation of a multi-camera systemSpringer Tracts in Advanced Robotics521-538Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Kerstin Hochegger, Markus Gall, Knut Reinbacher, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Jürgen Wallner and Dieter SchmalstiegClinical Evaluation of Mandibular Bone SegmentationProc. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'16), PostersPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Mostegel, Georg Poier, Christian Reinbacher, Manuel Hofer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof, Thomas Höll, Gert Holler and Axel PinzThe 3D-PITOTI Project with a Focus on Multi-Scale 3D Reconstruction using Semi-Autonomous UAVs1st OAGM-ARW Joint Workshop51-52Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern and Martin UrschlerFrom Individual Hand Bone Age Estimates to Fully Automated Age Estimation via Learning-Based Information Fusion2016 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)150-154Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Mostegel, Markus Rumpler, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUsing Self- Contradiction to Learn Confidence Measures in Stereo Vision IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Mostegel, Markus Rumpler, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUAV-based Autonomous Image Acquisition with Multi-View Stereo Quality Assurance by Confidence PredictionIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) WorkshopsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jacob Boesen Madsen, Markus Tatzgern, Claus B Madsen, Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis KalkofenTemporal Coherence Strategies For Augmented Reality LabelingIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics22,
1415 - 1423,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Michael Pienn, Zoltán Bálint, Oleksandr Shekhovtsov, Emina Talakic, Eszter Nagy, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski and Martin UrschlerAutomated integer programming based separation of arteries and veins from thoracic CT imagesMedical Image Analysis34,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Wernitznig, Mariella Sele, Martin Urschler, Armin Zankel, Peter Pölt, F Claire Rind and Gerd LeitingerOptimizing the 3D-reconstruction technique for serial block-face scanning electron microscopyJournal of Neuroscience Methods264,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A Hann, W Bohle, Jan Egger and W G ZollerImprovement in advanced pancreatic cancer survival with novel chemotherapeutic strategies - experience of a community based hospitalZeitschrift für Gastroenterologie54,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gellért Máttyus and Friedrich FraundorferAerial image sequence geolocalization with road traffic as invariant featureImage and Vision Computing52,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Lüddemann and Jan EggerIterative-cutsJournal of Medical Imaging3,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Panchatcharam Mariappan, Tuomas Alhonnoro, Harald Busse, Phil Weir, Mika Pollari, Ronan Flanagan, Michael Hofmann, Daniel Seider, Philipp Brandmaier, Martinus Johannes van Amerongen, Riitta Rautio, Sjoerd Jenniskens, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Horst Rupert Portugaller, Philipp Stiegler, Jurgen Futterer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Marina Kolesnik and Michael MocheRFA Guardian: Comprehensive Simulation of the Clinical Workflow for Patient specific Planning, Guidance and Validation of RFA Treatment of Liver TumorsInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery11,
2016Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Philip Voglreiter, Mark Dokter, Michael Hofmann, Xiaojun Chen, Wolfram G. Zoller, Dieter Schmalstieg and Alexander HannUS-Cut: interactive algorithm for rapid detection and segmentation of liver tumors in ultrasound acquisitionsProgress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIEPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jesus Pestana Puerta, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Thomas Holzmann, Daniel Muschick, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofGraz Griffins’ Solution to the European Robotics Challenges 2014Austrian Robotics WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Reinhard R. Beichel, Christian Bauer, Alexander Bornik and Horst BischofSegmentation of Diseased Livers: A 3D Refinement ApproachHandbook of Biomedical Imaging403-412Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler and Thomas PockReal-time flare detection in ground-based hα imaging at kanzelhhe observatorySolar Physics290,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Sabine Grassegger and Darko SternWas die automatische Altersschätzung von Hand MRT Daten über die skeletale Reifung in männlichen Jugendlichen erzähltPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth, Raphael Grasset, Lukas Gruber, Tobias Langlotz, Alessandro Mulloni and Daniel WagnerThe History of Mobile Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Friedrich FraundorferBuilding and site reconstruction from small scale unmanned aerial vehicles (uav's)Proceedings Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)1-4Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Naira Martinez-Vera, Bernhard Neumayer, Thomas Widek, Sabine Grassegger, Eva Scheurer and Martin UrschlerBone age determination from adolescence to young adulthood by investigating the sternoclavicular joint in MRIPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Poglitsch, Clemens Arth, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jonathan VenturaA Particle Filter Approach to Outdoor Localization using Image-based RenderingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern and Martin UrschlerRegression forest for automatic age estimation from hand magnetic resonance imagesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Vincent LepetitOn Rendering Synthetic Images for Training an Object DetectorComputer Vision and Image Understanding
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pienn, Christian Payer, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski, Gabor Kovacs, Vasile Foris, Martin Urschler and Zoltan BalintPulmonary arterial tortuosity as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for pulmonary arterial hypertensionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Michael Pienn, Martin Urschler, Gabor Kovacs, Philipp Douschan, Horst Olschewski, Andrea Olschewski and Zoltan BalintRegional differences in lung vessel morphology from thoracic CT imagesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
E. Poehler, C. Herzog, S.A. Pfeiffer, C. Lotter, A.J. Peretzki, D. Aigner, T. Mayr, E. Beckert and S. NaglApplication of optical pH sensors in the microfluidic free-flow isoelectric focusing of biomoleculesProcedia EngineeringPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gottfried Graber, Thomas Pock, Stefano Soatto and Jonathan BalzerEfficient Minimal-Surface Regularization of Perspective Depth Maps in Variational StereoThe IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)511-520Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern and Martin UrschlerLearning-based Information Fusion for Fully Automatic MRI Age EstimationICCV 2015 Workshop on Forensics Applications of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (FACV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Kainz, Michael Pfeiffer and Martin UrschlerColon gland segmentation with deep convolutional neural networks and total variation segmentationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kainz, Christina Malamateniou, Giulio Ferrazzi, Maria Murgasova, Jan Egger, Kevin Keraudren, Mary Rutherford, Joseph Hajnal and Daniel RueckertAdaptive Scan Strategies for fetal MRI Imaging using Slice to Volume TechniquesIEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to MacroPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Walter Unterpirker, Thomas Ebner, Darko Stern and Martin UrschlerAutomatic third molar localization from 3D MRI using random regression forestsProceedings of the 19th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis195-200Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pia Baumann, Thomas Widek, Heiko Merkens, Julian Boldt, Andreas Petrovic, Martin Urschler, Barbara Kirnbauer, Norbert Jakse and Eva ScheurerDental age estimation of living persons: comparison of MRI with OPGForensic Science International253,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Mohr, Bernhard Kerbl, Michael Donoser, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegRetargeting Technical Documentation to Augmented RealityConference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Jürgen Wallner, Knut Reinbacher, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerGlobal Illumination Rendering for High-Quality Volume Visualization in the Medical Domainface 2 face - science meets artPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Rumpler, Alexander Tscharf, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof and Gerhard MayerOn the use of UAVs in Mining and Archaeology - Geo-accurate 3D Reconstructions using Various Platforms and Terrestrial ViewsProceedings of the International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics (UAV-g)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Philip Voglreiter, Mark Dokter, Michael Hofmann, Harald Busse, Daniel Seider, Philipp Brandmaier, Riitta Rautio, Gabriele Zettel, Bianca Schmerböck, Martinus van Amerongen, Sjoerd Jenniskens, Marina Kolesnik, Bernhard Kainz, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Horst Portugaller, Philipp Stiegler, Jurgen Futterer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Michael MocheIn-depth Multicenter Workflow Analysis of Liver Tumor Ablations for the Development of a Novel Computer-aided Software ToolPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Ferstl, Christian Reinbacher, Gernot Riegler, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofLearning Depth Calibration of Time-of-Flight CamerasBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Ebner, Darko Stern, Martin Urschler and Thomas PockVertebrae Segmentation in 3D CT Images based on a Variational FrameworkRecent Advances in Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging227-233Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Harald Busse, Michael Moche, Philipp Brandmaier, Daniel Seider, Matthias Gawlitza, Steffen Strocka, Nikita Garnov, Jochen Fuchs, Peter Voigt, Florian Dazinger, Philip Voglreiter, Mark Dokter, Michael Hofmann, Alexander Hann, Bernd Freisleben, Thomas Kahn and Dieter SchmalstiegSemi-automatische Segmentierung von Schädigungszonen in post-interventionellen CT-DatenWorkshop Bildverarbeitung für die MedizinPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Raphael Grasset, Eduardo Enrique Veas and Dieter SchmalstiegExploring real world points of interest: Design and evaluation of object-centric exploration techniques for augmented realityPervasive and Mobile Computing
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Kainz, Martin Urschler, Samuel Schulter, Paul Wohlhart and Vincent LepetitYou Should Use Regression to Detect CellsMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2015276-283Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Lüddemann and Jan EggerInteraktive und skalierungsinvariante Segmentierung des Rektums/Sigmoid in intraoperativen MRT-Aufnahmen für die gynäkologische BrachytherapieWorkshop Bildverarbeitung für die MedizinPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard KunnertDas vernetzte Automobil aus datenschutzrechtlicher SichtZeitschrift für Verkehrsrecht2015,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Payer, Michael Pienn, Zoltan Balint, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski and Martin UrschlerAutomatic Artery-Vein Separation from Thoracic CT Images Using Integer ProgrammingMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 201536-43Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Jens Grubert, Christian Reinbacher, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegMobile User Interfaces for Efficient Verification of HologramsVirtual Reality Conference1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Tscharf, Gerhard Mayer, Markus Rumpler and Horst BischofAktueller Forschungsstand zur Genauigkeit UAV-gestützter TagebauvermessungSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Markscheidewesen und GeodäsiePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Waltner, Michael Schwarz, Stefan Ladstätter, Anna Weber, Patrick Luley, Horst Bischof, Meinrad Lindschinger, Irene Schmid and Lucas PalettaMANGO - Mobile Augmented Reality with Functional Eating Guidance and Food AwarenessNew Trends in Image Analysis and Processing -- ICIAP 2015 Workshops425-432Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jens Grubert, Matthias Heinisch, Aaron Quigley and Dieter SchmalstiegMultiFi: Multi Fidelity Interaction with Displays On and Around the BodyConference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thanh Quoc Nguyen, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegStructural Modeling from Depth ImagesIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics21,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Phil Weir, Dominic Reuter, Roland Ellerweg, Tuomas Alhonnoro, Mika Pollari, Philip Voglreiter, Panchatcharam Mariappan, Ronan Flanagan, Chang Sub Park, Stephen Payne, Elmar Staerk, Peter Voigt, Michael Moche and Marina KolesnikGo-Smart: Web-based Computational Modeling of Minimally Invasive Cancer TreatmentsE-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 20150-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mahdi Jampour, Thomas Mauthner and Horst BischofPairwise Linear Regression: An Efficient and Fast Multi-view Facial Expression RecognitionProceedings of International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Vincent Lepetit and Paul WohlhartLearning Descriptors for Object Recognition and 3D Pose Estimation 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)3109-3118Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Pock, B. Wirth and K. BrediesA convex, lower semi-continuous approximation of euler’s elastica energySIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis47,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Poier, Konstantinos Roditakis, Samuel Schulter, Michel Damien, Horst Bischof and Argyros AntonisHybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Exploiting UncertaintiesProceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2015182.1-182.14Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kerbl, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegInteractive Disassembly Planning of Complex ObjectsEurographicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Xiaojun Chen, Lu Xu, Yiping Wang, Huixiang Wang, Fang Wang, Xiangsen Zeng, Qiugen Wang and Jan EggerDevelopment of a surgical navigation system based on augmented reality using an optical see-through head-mounted displayJournal of Biomedical Informatics 55,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yannick Verdie, Kwang Moo Yi, Pascal Fua and Vincent LepetitTILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)5279-5288Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Holzmann, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Jesus Pestana Puerta, Daniel Muschick, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof and Gottfried GraberPerformance Evaluation of Vision-Based Algorithms for MAVsWorkshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Jürgen Wallner, Knut Reinbacher, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerGlobal Illumination Rendering for High-Quality Volume Visualization in the Medical DomainPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Ferstl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofVariational Depth Superresolution using Example-Based Edge RepresentationsInternational Conference on Computer Vision513-521Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth, Christian Pirchheim, Jonathan Ventura, Dieter Schmalstieg and Vincent LepetitInstant Outdoor Localization and SLAM Initialization from 2.5D MapsInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alberto Crivelaro, Mahdi Rad, Mahdi Rad, Yannick Verdie, Kwang Moo Yi, Pascal Fua and Vincent LepetitA Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object Detection and Tracking in Monocular Images2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kristan Matej, Jiři Matas, Aleš Leonardis, Michael Felsberg, Luka Čehovin, Gustavo Fernández, Tomáš Vojíř, Gustav Häger, Georg Nebehay, Roman Pflugfelder, Abhinav Gupta, Adel Bibi, Alan Lukežič, Alvaro Garcia-Martin, Alfredo Petrosino, Amir Saffari, Andrés Solís Montero, Anton Varfolomieiev, Atilla Baskurt, Baojun Zhao, Bernard Ghanem, Brais Martinez, Byeong Ju Lee, Bohyung Han, Chaohui Wang, Christophe Garcia, Chunyuan Zhang, Cordelia Schmid, Dacheng Tao, Daijin Kim, Dafei Huang, Danil Prokhorov, Dawei Du, Dit-Yan Yeung, Eraldo Ribeiro, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Fatih Porikli, Filiz Bunyak, Gao Zhu, Guna Seetharaman, Hilke Kieritz, Hing Tuen Yau, Hongdong Li, Honggang Qi, Horst Bischof, Horst Possegger, Hyemin Lee, Hyeonseob Nam, Ivan Bogun, Jae-chan Jeong, Jae-il Cho, Jae-Yeong Lee, Jianke Zhu, Jianping Shi, Jiatong Li, Jiaya Jia, Jiayi Feng, Jin Gao, Jin Young Choi, Ji-Wan Kim, Jochen Lang, Jose M. Martinez, Jongwon Choi, Junliang Xing, Kai Xue, Kannappan Palaniappan, Karel Lebeda, Karteek Alahari, Ke Gao, Kimin Yun, Kin Hong Wong, Lei Luo, Liang Ma, Lipeng Ke, Longyin Wen, Luca Bertinetto, Mahdieh Pootschi, Mario Maresca, Martin Danelljan, Mei Wen, Mengdan Zhang, Michael Arens, Michel Valstar, Ming Tang, Ming-Ching Chang, Muhammad Haris Khan, Nana Fan, Naiyan Wang, Ondrej Miksik, Philip Torr, Qiang Wang, Rafael Martin-Nieto, Rengarajan Pelapur, Richard Bowden, Robert Laganière, Salma Moujtahid, Sam Hare, Simon Hadfield, Siwei Lyu, Siyi Li, Song-Chun Zhu, Stefan Becker, Stefan Duffner, Stephen Hicks, Stuart Golodetz, Sunglok Choi, Tianfu Wu, Thomas Mauthner, Tony Pridmore, Weiming Hu, Wolfgang Hübner, Xiaomeng Wang, Xin Li, Xinchu Shi, Xu Zhao, Xue Mei, Yao Shizeng, Yang Hua, Yang Li, Yang Lu, Yuezun Li, Zhaoyun Chen, Zehua Huang, Zhe Chen, Zhe Zhang, Zhenyu He and Zhibin HongThe Visual Object Tracking VOT2015 challenge resultsWorkshop on the Visual Object Tracking Challenge (VOT, in conjunction with ICCV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pienn, Christian Payer, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski, Martin Urschler and Zoltan BalintIncreased tortuosity of pulmonary arteries in patients with pulmonary hypertension in the arteriesProceedings of the 19th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis86-91Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bridgette Webb, Andreas Petrovic, Martin Urschler and Eva ScheurerCo-registration of photographs and MRI data: Evaluation and application of external fiducial markers in the forensic investigation of subcutaneous hematomasJoint ISFRI/IAFR Conference---Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Simone Buoncompagni, Dario Maio and Vincent LepetitLeaf Segmentation under Loosely Controlled ConditionsProceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 20151-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Craig Alexander, Axel Pinz and Christian ReinbacherMulti-scale 3D rock-art recordingDigital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage2,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Plopski, Christian Nitschke, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Dieter Schmalstieg and Haruo TakemuraHybrid Eye Tracking - Combining Iris Contour and Corneal ImagingEurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments183-190Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Oberweger, Paul Wohlhart and Vincent LepetitTraining a Feedback Loop for Hand Pose EstimationInternational Conference on Computer Vision1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Harald Busse, Philipp Brandmaier, Daniel Seider, Matthias Gawlitza, Steffen Strocka, Philip Voglreiter, Mark Dokter, Michael Hofmann, Bernhard Kainz, Alexander Hann, Xiaojun Chen, Tuomas Alhonnoro, Mika Pollari, Dieter Schmalstieg and Michael MocheInteractive Volumetry Of Liver Ablation ZonesScientific Reports5,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Samuel Schulter, Christian Leistner and Horst BischofFast and accurate image upscaling with super-resolution forestsConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Hofer, Michael Maurer and Horst BischofLine3D: Efficient 3D Scene Abstraction for the Built EnvironmentProceedings of the 37th German Conference on Pattern Recognition237-248Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shreyansh Daftry, Christof Hoppe and Horst BischofBuilding with Drones: Accurate 3D Facade Reconstruction using MAVsInternational Conference on Robotics and AutomationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel HartlEfficient Verification of Holograms Using Mobile Augmented RealityIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wadim Kehl, Federico Tombari, Nassir Navab, Slobodan Ilic and Vincent LepetitHashmod: A Hashing Method for Scalable 3D Object DetectionProceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 20151-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Gruber, Jonathan Ventura and Dieter SchmalstiegImage-Space Illumination for Augmented Reality in Dynamic EnvironmentsVirtual Reality ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gim Hee Lee, Bo Li, Marc Pollefeys and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal solutions for the multicamera pose estimation problem.The International Journal of Robotics Research34,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Werner Alexander Isop, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegTowards Mobile Recognition and Verification of Holograms using Orthogonal SamplingInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Naira Martinez-Vera, Johannes Höller, Bernhard Neumayer, Thomas Widek, Sabine Grassegger, Thomas Ehammer, Eva Scheurer and Martin UrschlerAge estimation in adolescents and young adults using MRI data of the manubrium23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Cledja Rolim, Dieter Schmalstieg, Denis Kalkofen and Veronica TeichriebDesign Guidelines for Generating Augmented Reality InstructionsInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Shekhovtsov, Paul Swoboda and Bogdan SavchynskyyMaximum Persistency via Iterative Relaxed Inference With Graphical ModelsThe IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Philip Voglreiter, Mark Dokter, Michael Hofmann, Harald Busse, Daniel Seider, Philipp Brandmaier, Riitta Rautio, Gabriele Zettel, Bianca Schmerböck, Martinus van Amerongen, Sjoerd Jenniskens, Marina Kolesnik, Bernhard Kainz, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Horst Portugaller, Philipp Stiegler, Jurgen Futterer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Michael MocheIn-depth Multicenter Workflow Analysis of Liver Tumor Ablations for the Development of a Novel Computer-aided Software ToolPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Oberweger, Paul Wohlhart and Vincent LepetitHands Deep in Deep Learning for Hand Pose Estimation Proceedings of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 21-30Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Luigi Palopoli, Antonis Argyros, Josef Birchbauer, Alessio Colombo, Daniele Fontanelli, Axel Legay, Andrea Garulli, Antonello Giannitrapani, David Macii, Federico Moro, Payam Nazemzadeh, Pashalis Padeleris, Roberto Passerone, Georg Poier, Domenico Prattichizzo, Tizar Rizano, Luca Rizzon, Stefano Scheggi and Sean SedwardsNavigation assistance and guidance of older adults across complex, public spaces: the DALi approachIntelligent Service Robotics 8,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegReal-time Detection and Recognition of Machine-Readable Zones with Mobile DevicesInternational Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications1-1Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Amos Sironi, Vincent Lepetit and Pascal FuaProjection onto the Manifold of Elongated Structures for Accurate Extraction2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)316-324Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yunjin Chen, Wei Yu and Thomas PockOn learning optimized reaction diffusion processes for effective image restorationInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Vincent Lepetit, Tomasz Trzcinski and Mario ChristoudiasLearning Image Descriptors with BoostingIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler, Rene Ranftl, Matthias Rüther, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofDepth Restoration via Joint Training of a Global Regression Model and CNNsBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Sabine Grassegger and Darko SternWhat automated age estimation of hand and wrist MRI data tells us about skeletal maturation in male adolescentsAnnals of Human Biology42,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Ochs, Rene Ranftl, Thomas Brox and Thomas PockBilevel optimization with nonsmooth lower level problemsProceedings of SSVM 2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wei Yu, Stefan Heber and Thomas PockLearning Reaction-Diffusion Models for Image InpaintingPattern Recognition356-367Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Konrad Schindler and Stefan Roth3D Scene Flow Estimation with a Piecewise Rigid Scene ModelInternational Journal of Computer Vision
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Harald Busse, Philipp Brandmaier, Daniel Seider, Matthias Gawlitza, Steffen Strocka, Philip Voglreiter, Mark Dokter, Michael Hofmann, Bernhard Kainz, Xiaojun Chen, Alexander Hann, Pedro Boechat de Almeida Germano, Wei Yu, Bernd Freisleben, Tuomas Alhonnoro, Mika Pollari, Michael Moche and Dieter SchmalstiegRFA-Cut: Semi-automatic Segmentation of Radiofrequency Ablation Zones with and without Needles via Optimal s-t-CutsAnnual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stephan Schraml, A.N. Belbachier and Horst BischofEvent-Driven Stereo Matching for Real-Time 3D Panoramic VisionConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, Martin Rumpf, Stefan Simon, Kirsten Stahn and Benedikt WirthBézier Curves in the Space of Images.International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision372-384Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bridgette Webb, Andreas Petrovic, Martin Urschler and Eva ScheurerAssessment of fiducial markers to enable the co-registration of photographs and MRI dataForensic Science International248,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Effland, Benjamin Berkels and Martin RumpfTime Discrete Geodesic Paths in the Space of ImagesSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler, David Ferstl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofA Framework for Articulated Hand Pose Estimation and EvaluationScandinavian Conference on Image AnalysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
W. Pötzi, A. M. Veronig, Gernot Riegler, U. Amerstorfer, Thomas Pock, M. Temmer, W. Polanee and D. J. BaumgartnerReal-time flare detection in ground-based Ha imaging at Kanzelhöhe ObservatorySolar Physics290,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Vincent LepetitLearning Separable FiltersIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Possegger, Thomas Mauthner and Horst BischofIn Defense of Color-based Model-free TrackingConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler, Martin Urschler, Matthias Rüther, Horst Bischof and Darko SternAnatomical landmark detection in medical applications driven by synthetic dataIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW)85-89Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Poier, Matthias Zeppelzauer, Christian Reinbacher, Thomas Breiteneder, Horst Bischof, Samuel Schulter and Markus SeidlInteractive Segmentation of Rock-Art in High-Resolution 3D ReconstructionsProceedings of Digital Heritage 20151-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Bischof and Gerald GaberscikForschungskultur - Qualitätskultur: Wie kann das Qualitätsmanagement einer Universität ein förderndes Umfeld für Forschung schaffen?Qualitätssicherung zwischen Diversifizierung der Hochschulen und Vereinheitlichung der Standards71-78Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Mauthner, Horst Possegger, Georg Waltner and Horst BischofEncoding based Saliency Detection for Videos and ImagesConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jonathan Ventura, Vincent Lepetit and Clemens ArthAn Efficient Minimal Solution for Multi-Camera Motion2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)747-755Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Ebner and Darko SternAutomatic Intervertebral Disc Localization and Segmentation in 3D MR Images based on Regression Forests and Active ContoursProceedings 3rd MICCAI Workshop & Challenge: Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging (MICCAI-CSI)124-134Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler, Samuel Schulter, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofConditioned Regression Models for Non-Blind Single Image Super-ResolutionInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Kainz, Martin Urschler, Samuel Schulter, Paul Wohlhart and Vincent LepetitYou Should Use Regression to Detect CellsMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2015 276-283Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Fleck, Clemens Arth, Christian Pirchheim and Dieter SchmalstiegTracking and Mapping with a Swarm of Heterogeneous ClientsInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Teresa Klatzer and Thomas PockContinuous Hyper-parameter Learning for Support Vector MachinesComputer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen, Raphael Grasset, Eduardo Enrique Veas, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegExploring real world points of interest: Design and evaluation of object-centric explorationPervasive and Mobile Computing 18,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth, Christian Pirchheim, Jonathan Ventura, Dieter Schmalstieg and Vincent LepetitInstant Outdoor Localization and SLAM Initialization from 2.5D MapsIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics21,
1309 - 1318,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabian Schenk, Philipp Aichinger, Imme Roesner and Martin UrschlerAutomatic high-speed video glottis segmentation using salient regions and 3D geodesic active contoursAnnals of the BMVA2015,
2015Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Artem Rozantsev, Vincent Lepetit and Pascal FuaFlying Objects Detection from a Single Moving Camera2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR4128-4136 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gim Hee Lee, Marc Pollefeys and Friedrich FraundorferRelative pose estimation for a multi-camera system with known vertical directionProceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition540-547Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Oberweger, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofVisual Recognition and Fault Detection for Power Line InsulatorsComputer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Holzmann, Christof Hoppe, Stefan Kluckner and Horst BischofGeometric Abstraction from Noisy Image-Based 3D ReconstructionsOAGM 2014 proceedings1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Dieter Schmalstieg and Gerhard ReitmayrClient-Side Mobile Visual SearchInternational Conference on Computer Vision Theory and ApplicationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen, Raphael Grasset and Dieter SchmalstiegHedgehog Labeling: View Management Techniques for External Labels in 3D SpaceProceedings of IEEE VR 2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elias Tappeiner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Tobias LanglotzLocal Optimization for Natural Feature Tracking TargetsInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Rumpler, Shreyansh Daftry, Alexander Tscharf, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Christof Hoppe, Gerhard Mayer and Horst BischofAutomated End-to-End Workflow for Precise and Geo-accurate Reconstructions using Fiducial MarkersProceedings of PCV 2014135-142Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Heber and Thomas PockShape from Light Field meets Robust PCAComputer Vision -- ECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-12, 2014, Proceedings, Part VI751-767Publikation in PURE anzeigen
C. Herzog, A. Peretzki, D. Aigner, T. Mayr and S. NaglMicrochip free-flow isoelectric focusing using a photolithigraphically integrated NIR fluorescent pH sensor layer18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard KunnertEuGH zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Außer Spesen nichts gewesen?Datenschutz und Datensicherheit38,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Riegler, David Ferstl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofHough Networks for Head Pose Estimation and Facial Feature LocalizationBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Kontschieder, Samuel Rota Bulò, Marcello Pelillo and Horst BischofStructured Labels in Random Forests for Semantic Labelling and Object DetectionIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence36,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Sabine Grassegger, Thomas Ehammer and Darko SternFusion of automatically estimated skeletal and dental age from a large reference databasePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Helmberger, Michael Pienn, Martin Urschler, Peter Kullnig, Rudolf Stollberger, Gabor Kovacs, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski and Zoltan BalintQuantification of Tortuosity and Fractal Dimension of the Lung Vessels in Pulmonary Hypertension PatientsPLoS ONE9,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Sabine Grassegger, Thomas Ehammer and Martin UrschlerMachine learning based automatic bone age estimation for MRI images of the left handPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Fabian Schenk, Martin Urschler, Christoph Aigner, Imme Rösner, Philipp Aichinger and Horst BischofAutomatic glottis segmentation from laryngeal high-speed videos using 3D active contoursProceedings of the 18th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis111-116Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Gerd Leitinger and Thomas PockInteractive 2D/3D Image Denoising and Segmentation Tool for Medical ApplicationsProceedings MICCAI Workshop Interactive Medical Image Computation (IMIC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jonathan Daniel Ventura, Clemens Arth, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegGlobal Localization from Monocular SLAM on a Mobile PhoneIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics20,
531 - 539,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser and Dieter SchmalstiegDiscriminative Feature-to-Point Matching in Image-Based LocalizationConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Michael Kenzel, Bernhard Kainz, Peter Wonka and Dieter SchmalstiegOn-the-fly Generation and Rendering of Infinite Cities on the GPU.Computer Graphics Forum32,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Roth, Martin Hirzer, Martin Köstinger, Csaba Beleznai and Horst BischofMahalanobis Distance Learning for Person Re-IdentificationPerson Re-Identification247-267Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Pienn, Michael Helmberger, Martin Urschler, Peter Kullnig, Rudolf Stollberger, Gabor Kovacs, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski and Zoltan BalintQuantification Of Lung Vessel Tortuosity In Pulmonary Hypertension PatientsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Raphael Grasset, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegTransitional Augmented Reality Navigation for Live Captured ScenesProceedings of IEEE VR 2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Possegger, Thomas Mauthner, Peter Roth and Horst BischofOcclusion Geodesics for Online Multi-object TrackingConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1306-1313Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zoltan Balint, Michael Pienn, Michael Helmberger, Martin Urschler, Peter Kullnig, Rudolf Stollberger, Gabor Kovacs, Andrea Olschewski and Horst OlschewskiComparison Of Quantitative Lung Vessel Tortuosity And Echocardiography For Non-Invasive Detection Of Pulmonary HypertensionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Knöbelreiter, René Berndt, Torsten Ullrich and Wolf-Dietrich FellnerAutomatic Fly-through Camera Animations for 3D Architectural RepositoriesGRAPP 2014 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications,335-341Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Poier, Samuel Schulter, Sabine Sternig, Peter Roth and Horst BischofHough Forests Revisited: An Approach to Multiple Instance Tracking from Multiple CamerasDAGM Symposium Mustererkennung499-510Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Waltner, Thomas Mauthner and Horst BischofIndoor Activity Detection and Recognition for Automated Sport Games AnalysisWorkshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition1-4Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Tscharf, Markus Rumpler, Gerhard Mayer and Horst BischofZur Frage der Genauigkeit UAV-gestützter TagebauvermessungSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Markscheidewesen und GeodäsiePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rina D. Rudyanto, Sjoerd Kerkstra, Eva M. van Rikxoort, Catalin Fetita, Pierre Yves Brillet, Christophe Lefevre, Wenzhe Xue, Xiangjun Zhu, Jianming Liang, I. lkay Öksüz, Devrim Ünay, Kamuran Kadipaşaoǧlu, Raúl San José Estépar, James C. Ross, George R. Washko, Juan Carlos Prieto, Marcela Hernández Hoyos, Maciej Orkisz, Hans Meine, Markus Hüllebrand, Christina Stöcker, Fernando Lopez Mir, Valery Naranjo, Eliseo Villanueva, Marius Staring, Changyan Xiao, Berend C. Stoel, Anna Fabijanska, Erik Smistad, Anne C. Elster, Frank Lindseth, Amir Hossein Foruzan, Ryan Kiros, Karteek Popuri, Dana Cobzas, Daniel Jimenez-Carretero, Andres Santos, Maria J. Ledesma-Carbayo, Michael Helmberger, Martin Urschler, Michael Pienn, Dennis G.H. Bosboom, Arantza Campo, Mathias Prokop, Pim A. de Jong, Carlos Ortiz-de-Solorzano, Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia and Bram van GinnekenComparing algorithms for automated vessel segmentation in computed tomography scans of the lungMedical Image Analysis18,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marc Streit, Alexander Lex, Samuel Gratzl, Christian Partl, Dieter Schmalstieg, Hanspeter Pfister, Peter J. Park and Nils GehlenborgGuided visual exploration of genomic stratifications in cancerNature Methods11,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Ebner, Darko Stern, Martin Urschler and Thomas PockVertebrae Segmentation in 3D CT Images based on a Variational FrameworkProceedings 2nd MICCAI Workshop & Challenge Computational Methods and Clinical Applications in Spine Imaging (CSI)200-207Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Partl, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Hendrik Strobelt, Anne Mai Wassermann, Hanspeter Pfister and Dieter SchmalstiegConTour: Data-Driven Exploration of Multi-Relational Datasets for Drug DiscoveryIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics20,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Waltner, Thomas Mauthner and Horst BischofImproved Sport Activity Recognition using Spatio-temporal ContextProc. DVS-Conference on Computer Science in Sport (DVS/GSSS)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Ranftl and Thomas PockA Deep Variational Model for Image SegmentationDAGM Symposium MustererkennungPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jonathan Ventura, Clemens Arth and Vincent LepetitApproximated relative pose solvers for efficient camera motion estimation.Proc. of the ECCV 20141-1Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Bischof and Gerald GaberscikForschungskultur – Qualitätskultur: Wie kann das Qualitätsmanagement einer Universität ein förderndes Umfeld für Forschung schaffen?Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Heber and Thomas PockScene Flow Estimation from Light Fields via the Preconditioned Primal-Dual AlgorithmPattern Recognition: 36th German Conference, GCPR 2014, M{\"u}nster, Germany, September 2-5, 2014, Proceedings3-14Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Michael Kenzel, Pedro Boechat de Almeida Germano, Bernhard Kerbl, Mark Dokter and Dieter SchmalstiegWhippletree: Task-based Scheduling of Dynamic Workloads on the GPUACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Ochs, Thomas Brox, Alexey Dosovitskiy and Thomas PockAn iteratively reweighted Algorithm for Non-smooth Non-convex Optimization in Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan EggerSemi - automatische Echtzeit - Konturierung mit einem vorlagenbasierten und skalierungsinvarianten AnsatzPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Thomas Ebner, Horst Bischof, Sabine Grassegger, Thomas Ehammer and Martin UrschlerFully Automatic Bone Age Estimation from Left Hand MR ImagesMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2014220-227Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Thomas Ebner, Eva Scheurer and Martin UrschlerLegal Majority Age Determination from MR Images of the Radius Bone22nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Ranftl, Kristian Bredie and Thomas PockNon-Local Total Generalized Variation for Optical Flow EstimationEuropean Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl and Michael GruberÜber Innovationen in der [Luft-]BildvermessungVGI - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation102,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Michael Kenzel, Bernhard Kainz, Jörg Müller, Peter Wonka and Dieter SchmalstiegParallel Generation of Architecture on the GPUComputer Graphics Forum33,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl, Vincent Lepetit and Dieter Schmalstieg10¹⁸ - ein virtuelles 3D Modell der WeltNachhaltige Entwicklungen an der TU Graz und ihre Initiatoren294-319Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz LeberlVom virtuellen 3D-Modell der Welt zum visuellen RechnenNachhaltige Entwicklungen an der TU Graz und ihre Initiatoren292-293Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Felix Heide, Yun-Ta Tsai, Rouf Mushfigur, Dawid Pajak, Reddy Dikpal, Gallo Orazio, Liu Jing, Wolfgang Heidrich, Karen Egiazarian, Jan Kautz and Kari PulliFlexISP: a flexible camera image processing frameworkACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Ferstl, Gernot Riegler, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofCP-Census: A Novel Model for Dense Variational Scene Flow from RGB-D DataBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Darko Stern, Thomas Ebner, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerDetermination of legal majority age from 3D magnetic resonance images of the radius boneIEEE 11th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)1119 - 1122Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Samuel Schulter, Christian Leistner, Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth and Horst BischofAccurate Object Detection with Joint Classification-Regression Random PointsConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Mostegel, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofActive monocular localization: Towards autonomous monocular exploration for multirotor MAVsInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation3848-3855Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wei Yu and Thomas PockA Comparison of First-order Algorithms for Machine LearningÖAGM-MeetingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Anil ArmaganToward an Estimation of User Tagging Credibility for Social Image RetrievalProceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on MultimediaPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Yunjin Chen, Rene Ranftl and Thomas PockInsights into analysis operator learning: From patch-based sparse models to higher-order MRFsIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Rudelsdorfer, Norbert Schrapf, Horst Possegger, Thomas Mauthner, Horst Bischof and Markus TilpA novel method for the analysis of sequential actions in team handballInternational Journal of Computer Science in Sport 13,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Oleksandr ShekhovtsovMaximum Persistency in Energy Minimization2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1162-1169Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser, Martin Hirzer and Dieter SchmalstiegMultiple Model Fitting by Evolutionary DynamicsProceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)3816-3821Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Feng Zheng, Dieter Schmalstieg and Greg WelchClosed-Loop Registration in Video-Based Augmented RealityInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegAR-based Hologram Detection on Security Documents using a Mobile PhoneInternational Symposium on Visual Computing1-1Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Hofer, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofSemi-Global 3D Line Modeling for Incremental Structure-from-MotionProceedings of the 25th British Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Yunjin Chen, Rene Ranftl and Thomas PockA bi-level view of inpainting - based image compressionComputer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Ferstl, Christian Reinbacher, Gernot Riegler, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofaTGV-SF: Dense Variational Scene Flow through Projective Warping and Higher Order RegularizationProceedings of International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Johannes Höller, Alexander Bornik, Tobias Paul, Michael Giretzlehner, Horst Bischof, Kathrin Yen, Eva Scheurer and Peter KontschiederIntuitive presentation of clinical forensic data using anonymous and person-specific 3D reference manikinsForensic Science International241,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Olivier Saurer, Pascal Vasseur, Cedric Demonceaux and Friedrich FraundorferA homography formulation to the 3pt plus a common direction relative pose problem.Lecture Notes in Computer Science288-301Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan EggerRefinement-Cut: User-Guided Segmentation Algorithm for Translational ScienceScientific Reports4,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser and Dieter SchmalstiegDiscrete Continious Gradient Orientation Estimation for Faster Image SegmentationConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefanie Zollmann, Christof Hoppe, Stefan Kluckner, Christian Poglitsch, Horst Bischof and Gerhard ReitmayrAugmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and DocumentationProceedings of the IEEE102,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alberto Crivelaro and Vincent LepetitRobust 3D Tracking with Descriptor FieldsConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Wohlmayr, Ludwig Mohr and Franz PernkopfOn Self-Adaptation in Single-Channel Source SeparationInterspeech - International Conference on Spoken Language Processingx-xPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Langlotz, Thanh Quoc Nguyen, Dieter Schmalstieg and Raphael GrassetNext Generation Augmented Reality Browsers: Rich, Seamless, and AdaptiveProceedings of the IEEE102,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Geymayer, Markus Steinberger, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit and Dieter SchmalstiegShow Me the Invisible: Visualizing Hidden ContentConference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jonathan Daniel Ventura, Clemens Arth, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegGlobal Localization from Monocular SLAM on a Mobile PhoneProceedings of IEEE VR 2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Stefan Roth and Konrad SchindlerView-Consistent 3D Scene Flow Estimation over Multiple FramesEuropean Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jonathan Daniel Ventura, Clemens Arth, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegA Minimal Solution to the Generalized Pose-and-Scale ProblemProceedings of CVPR 2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Gruber, Tobias Langlotz, Sen Pradeep, Tobias Höllerer and Dieter SchmalstiegEfficient and Robust Radiance Transfer for Probeless Photorealistic Augmented RealityVirtual Reality Conference15-20Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jens Grubert, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegTowards User Perspective Augmented Reality for Public DisplaysPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matej Kristan, Roman Pflugfelder, Aleš Leonardis, Jiři Matas, Luka Čehovin, Georg Nebehay, Tomáš Vojíř, Gustavo Fernández, Alan Lukežič, Aleksandar Dimitriev, Alfredo Petrosino, Amir Saffari, Bo Li, Bohyung Han, Cherkeng Heng, Christophe Garcia, Dominik Pangeršič, Gustav Häger, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Franci Oven, Horst Possegger, Horst Bischof, Hyeonseob Nam, Jianke Zhu, JiJia Li, Jin Young Choi, Jin-Woo Choi, João F. Henriques, Joost van de Weijer, Jorge Batista, Karel Lebeda, Kristoffer Öfjäll, Kwang Moo Yi, Lei Quin, Longyin Wen, Mario Edoardo Maresca, Martin Danelljan, Michael Felsberg, Ming-Ming Cheng, Philip Torr, Quingming Huang, Richard Bowden, Sam Hare, Samantha YueYing Lim, Seunghoon Hong, Shengcai Liao, Simon Hadfield, Stan Z. Li, Stefan Duffner, Stuart Golodetz, Thomas Mauthner, Vibhav Vineet, Weiyao Lin, Yang Li, Yuankai Qui, Zhen Lei and Zhiheng NiuThe Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 challenge resultsWorkshop on the Visual Object Tracking Challenge (VOT, in conjunction with ECCV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kainz, Philip Voglreiter, Michael Sereinigg and [No Value] et alHigh-Resolution Contrast Enhanced Multi-Phase Hepatic Computed Tomography Data from a Porcine Radio-Frequency Ablation StudyProceedings of ISBI 201481-84Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Ochs, Thomas Brox and Thomas PockiPiasco: Inertial Proximal Algorithm for strongly convex OptimizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ahmet Iscen, Anil Armagan and Pinar DuyguluWhat is usual in unusual videos? Trajectory snippet histograms for discovering unusualness2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops808-813Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard KunnertDas Ende der Vorratsdatenspeicherung?Datenschutz und Datensicherheit38,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yunjin Chen, Wensen Feng, Rene Ranftl, Hong Qiao and Thomas PockA higher-order MRF based variational model for multiplicative noise reductionIEEE Signal Processing Letters21,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Ebner, Darko Stern, Rene Donner, Horst Bischof and Martin UrschlerTowards Automatic Bone Age Estimation From MRI: Localization of 3D Anatomical LandmarksMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2014421-428Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yun-Ta Tsai, Markus Steinberger, Dawid Pajak and Kari PulliFast ANN for High-Quality Collaborative FilteringHigh-Performance Graphics 201461-70Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Harald Busse, Michael Moche, Philipp Brandmaier, Matthias Gawlitza, Steffen Strocka, Thomas Kahn, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan EggerNovel Semiautomatic Real-time CT Segmentation Tool and Preliminary Clinical Evaluation on Thermally Induced Lesions in the LiverPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Egger, Tobias Lüddemann, Robert Schwarzenberg, Bernd Freisleben and Christopher NimskyInteractive-cut: Real-time feedback segmentation for translational researchComputerized Medical Imaging and Graphics38,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Hofer, Michael Maurer and Horst BischofImproving Sparse 3D Models for Man-Made Environments Using Line-Based 3D ReconstructionProceedings of the International Conference on 3D Vision535-542Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Amos Sironi, Vincent Lepetit and Pascal FuaMultiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Space Distance TransformConference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Ochs, Yunjin Chen, Thomas Brox and Thomas PockiPiano: Inertial Proximal Algorithm for Non-Convex OptimizationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences7,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes L. Schönberger, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Jan Michael FrahmStructure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applicationsThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 40,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rostislav Khlebnikov, Philip Voglreiter, Markus Steinberger, Bernhard Kainz and Dieter SchmalstiegParallel Irradiance Caching for Interactive Monte-Carlo Direct Volume RenderingComputer Graphics Forum33,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lionel Heng, Dominik Honegger, Gim Hee Lee, Lorenz Meier, Petri Tanskanen, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysAutonomous visual mapping and exploration with a micro aerial vehicleJournal of Field Robotics31,
2014Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Straka and Dieter SchmalstiegVirtual Try-On Through Image-based RenderingIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics19,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysStructureless pose-graph loop-closure with a multi-camera system on a self-driving carIROS 2013: New Horizon, Conference Digest - 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems564-571Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Lex, Christian Partl, Denis Kalkofen, Marc Streit, Samuel Gratzl, Anne Mai Wassermann, Dieter Schmalstieg and Hanspeter PfisterEntourage: Visualizing Relationships between Biological Pathways using Contextual SubsetsSymposium on Information VisualizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
F. Burkert and Friedrich FraundorferUAV-based monitoring of pedestrian groupsThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 40,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anil Armagan, Adrian Popescu and Pinar DuyguluMUCKE Participation at Retrieving Diverse Social Images Task of MediaEval 2013CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 1043Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Godec, Peter Roth and Horst BischofHough-Based Tracking of Deformable ObjectsDecision Forests for Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis159-173Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Furgale, Ulrich Schwesinger, Martin Rufli, Wojciech Derendarz, Hugo Grimmett, Stefan Wonneberger, Julian Timpner, Stephan Rottmann, Bo Li, Bastian Schmidt, Thien Nghia Nguyen, Elena Cardarelli, Stefano Cattani, Stefan Bruning, Sven Horstmann, Martin Stellmacher, Holger Mielenz, Markus Beermann, Christian Häne, Lionel Heng, Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Rene Iser, Rudolph Triebel, Ingmar Posner, Paul Newman, Lars Wolf, Marc Pollefeys, Stefan Brosig, Jan Effertz, Cedric Pradalier, Roland Siegwart, Kevin Köser and Peter MühlfellnerToward automated driving in cities using close-to-market sensors2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IEEE IV 2013809-816Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Bischof and Franz LeberlDigital Image ProcessingManual of Photogrammetry451-516Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysRobust pose-graph loop-closures with expectation-maximizationIROS 2013: New Horizon, Conference Digest - 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems556-563Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jens GrubertPlaying it real again: a repeated evaluation of magic lens and static peephole interfaces in public spaceInternational Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services99-105Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Köstinger, Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth and Horst BischofJoint Learning of Discriminative Prototypes and Large Margin Nearest Neighbor ClassifiersInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Roth, Sabine Sternig and Horst BischofLearning Object Detectors in Stationary EnvironmentsAdvances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition377-409Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Gruber, Sen Pradeep, Tobias Höllerer and Dieter SchmalstiegAcceleration Methods for Radiance Transfer in Photorealistic Augmented RealityInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Jens Grubert, Dieter Schmalstieg and Gerhard ReitmayrMobile Interactive Hologram VerificationProceedings of ISMAR 2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Höller, Martin Urschler and Eva ScheurerErhebung der Akzeptanz von anonymisierten und patienten-spezifischen 3D-Modellen zur Dokumentation klinisch-forensischer Befunde für rechtsmedizinische GutachtenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Hoppe, Manfred Klopschitz, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofIncremental Surface Extraction From Sparse Structure-from-Motion Point CloudsBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Bornik, Martin Urschler and Eva ScheurerIntegrierte computerunterstützte Analyse und visuelle Aufbereitung forensischer Fälle basierend auf multimodaler 3D BildgebungPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegDynamic Compact Visualizations for Augmented RealityProceedings of VR 20133-6Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Helmberger, Michael Pienn, Gabor Kovacs, Peter Kullnig, Martin Urschler, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski and Zoltan BalintFractal dimension of lung vessels negatively correlates with hemodynamics of patientsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Langlotz, Jens Grubert and Raphael GrassetAugmented Reality Browsers: Essential Products or Only Gadgets?Communications of the ACM56,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Wohlhart, Martin Köstinger, Michael Donoser, Peter Roth and Horst BischofOptimizing 1-Nearest Prototype ClassifiersConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition460-467Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Csaba Beleznai, Michael Rauter, Martin Hirzer and Peter M. RothPedestrian Detection, Tracking and Re-Identification for Search in Visual Surveillance DataProceedings of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (KEPAF)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Pirchheim, Dieter Schmalstieg and Gerhard ReitmayrHandling Pure Camera Rotation in Keyframe-Based SLAMInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Heber, Martin Lenz, Matthias Rüther, Horst Bischof, Hartwig Fronthaler and Gerardus CroonenWeld seam tracking and panorama image generation for on-line quality assuranceThe International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology65,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jean Charles Bazin, Olivier Saurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysInteractive Omnidirectional Indoor TourEmerging Technologies for 3D Video: Creation, Coding, Transmission and Rendering395-415Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Samuel Schulter, Paul Wohlhart, Christian Leistner, Amir Saffari, Peter Roth and Horst BischofAlternating Decision ForestsConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition508-515Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Inayatullah Khan, Peter Roth, Abdul Bais and Horst BischofSemi-supervised Image Classification with Huberized Laplacian Support Vector MachinesInternational Conference on Emerging TechnologiesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Donner, Bjoern H. Menze, Horst Bischof and Georg LangsFast Anatomical Structure Localization Using Top-Down Image Patch RegressionInternational Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention133-141Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Donner, Bjoern H. Menze, Horst Bischof and Georg LangsGlobal Localization of 3D Anatomical Structures by Pre-filtered Hough Forests and Discrete OptimizationMedical Image Analysis17,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jens GrubertDesigning mobile augmented realityroceedings of the 15th international conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services616-621Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth, Jonathan Daniel Ventura and Dieter SchmalstiegGeospatial Management and Utilization of Large-Scale Urban Visual ReconstructionsProc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application (COM.Geo 2013)64-69Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser and Horst BischofDiffusion Processes for Retrieval RevisitedConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1320-1327Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arjan Kuijper, Thomas Pock, Kristian Bredies and Horst BischofScale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 4th International Conference, SSVM 2013, Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz, Austria, June 2-6, 2013. ProceedingsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Ferstl, Rene Ranftl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofMulti-Modality Depth Map Fusion using Primal-Dual OptimizationComputational Photography (ICCP), 2013 IEEE International Conference on1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Partl, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Denis Kalkofen, Karl Kashofer and Dieter SchmalstiegenRoute: dynamic path extraction from biological pathway maps for exploring heterogeneous experimental datasetsProceedings of BioVis 2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht, Stefanie Zollmann and Dieter SchmalstiegAudio Stickies: Visually-guided Spatial Audio Annotations on a Mobile Augmented Reality PlatformProceedings of OzChi 2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Shreyansh Daftry, Michael Maurer, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofFlexible and User-Centric Camera Calibration using Planar Fiducial MarkersBritish Machine Vision Conference1-13Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Helmberger, Martin Urschler, Michael Pienn, Zoltan Balint, Andrea Olschewski and Horst BischofPulmonary Vascular Tree Segmentation from Contrast-Enhanced CT Images37th Annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (ÖAGM/AAPR)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Köstinger, Peter Roth and Horst BischofEfficient Retrieval for Large Scale Metric LearningPattern Recognition292-301Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Heather Jones, Ammar Husain, Balajee Kannan, Uland Wong, Tiago Pimentel, Sarah Tang, Shreyansh Daftry, Steven Huber and William L. WhittakerMapping Planetary Caves with an Autonomous, Heterogeneous Robot TeamProceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference 2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thanh Quoc Nguyen and Gerhard ReitmayrCalibrating Setups with a Single-Point Laser Range Finder and a CameraInternational Conference on Intelligent Robots and SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Hofer, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofLine-based 3D Reconstruction of Wiry ObjectsProceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop78-85Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Raphael Grasset, Eduardo Enrique Veas, Denis Kalkofen, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegExploring Distant Real World Objects with Augmented RealityJoint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - ICAT - EuroVR49-56Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jean-Séverin Morard, Manfred Klopschitz, Claudia Windisch, Christof Hoppe and Stefan Kluckner3D Change Detection by Inverted Distance FieldsProceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop63-70Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ahmet Iscen, Eren Gölge, Anil Armagan and Pinar DuyguluScene classification with random forests and object and color distributionsSignal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2013 21stPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Helmberger, Martin Urschler, Michael Pienn, Zoltan Balint, Andrea Olschewski and Horst BischofTortuosity of Pulmonary Vessels Correlates with Pulmonary HypertensionProceedings of the 17th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis87-92Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Heber, Rene Ranftl and Thomas PockVariational Shape from Light FieldEnergy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition66-79Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Alexander Bornik and Michael DonoserMemory Efficient 3D Integral VolumesIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)722-729Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Markus Steinberger, Bernhard Kainz, Rostislav Khlebnikov and Dieter SchmalstiegDynamic GPU Scheduling for Volume RenderingConference on VisualizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Donner and Horst BischofOne-shot learning of anatomical structure localization modelsProceedings of 10th ISBI222-225Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thanh Quoc Nguyen, Raphael Grasset, Dieter Schmalstieg and Gerhard ReitmayrInteractive Syntactic Modeling With a Single-Point Laser Range Finder and CameraProceedings of ISMAR 2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Shekhovtsov and Vaclav HlavacA Distributed Mincut/Maxflow Algorithm Combining Path Augmentation and Push-RelabelInternational Journal of Computer Vision104,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Rumpler, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofProbabilistic Range Image Integration for DSM and True-Orthophoto GenerationProceedings of 18th Scandinavian Conference SCIA 2013.533-544Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Straka and Gerhard ReitmayrTemporal Coherence in Image-based Visual Hull RenderingIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics19,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Stephane Ross, Narek Melik-Barkhudarov, Kumar Shaurya Shankar, Debadeepta Dey, J. Andrew Bagnell and Martial HebertLearning Monocular Reactive UAV Control in Cluttered Natural EnvironmentsInternational Conference on Robotics and AutomationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Zeisl, Kevin Köser, Marc Pollefeys and Horst BischofAutomatic Registration of RGBD Scans via Salient DirectionsInternational Conference on Computer Vision465-472Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Raphael Grasset, Eduardo Enrique Veas, Denis Kalkofen, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegExploring Distant Objects with Augmented RealityJoint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - ICAT - EuroVR49-56Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rostislav Khlebnikov, Bernhard Kainz, Markus Steinberger and Dieter SchmalstiegNoise-based volume rendering for the visualization of multivariate volumetric dataIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics19,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Reinisch and Clemens ArthPanoramic Mapping on Mobile Phone GPUsProceedings of CESCG 2013: The 17th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (non-peer-reviewed)1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kerbl, Philip Voglreiter, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Dieter Schmalstieg, Philipp Stiegler, Rupert Portugaller, Daniel Seider, Michael Moche and Bernhard KainzIntervention Planning of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Radio-Frequency AblationsInternational Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted InterventionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Samuel Schulter, Christian Leistner, Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth and Horst BischofAlternating Regression Forests for Object Detection and Pose EstimationInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Heber, Martin Godec, Matthias Rüther, Peter Roth and Horst BischofSegmentation-based Tracking by Support FusionComputer Vision and Image Understanding117,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yunjin Chen, Thomas Pock, Rene Ranftl and Horst BischofRevisiting loss-specific training of filter-based MRFs for image restoration35th German Conference, GCPR 2013, Proceedings271-281Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Stefan Roth and Konrad SchindlerPiecewise Rigid Scene FlowInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Ramachandran Mahesh, Daniel Wagner, Gerhard Reitmayr, Raphael Grasset and Diaz SerafinUser friendly SLAM initializationInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Stefan Roth and Konrad SchindlerAn Evaluation of Data Costs for Optical FlowGerman Conference on Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Hyejin Kim, Gerhard Reitmayr and Wontack WooIMAF: In-situ Indoor Modeling and Annotation Framework on Mobile PhonesPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing17,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Samuel Schulter, Peter Roth and Horst BischofOrdinal Random Forests for Object DetectionPattern Recognition261-270Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Ferstl, Christian Reinbacher, Rene Ranftl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofImage Guided Depth Upsampling using Anisotropic Total Generalized VariationInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Ranftl, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofMinimizing TGV-Based Variational Models with Non-convex Data Terms4th International Conference, SSVM 2013, Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz, Austria, June 2-6, 2013.282-293Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Possegger, Sabine Sternig, Thomas Mauthner, Peter Roth and Horst BischofRobust Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects by Volumetric Mass DensitiesConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition2395-2402Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Reinisch, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegPanoramic Mapping on a Mobile Phone GPUProc. of the Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)1-2Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Hofer, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofIncremental Line-based 3D Reconstruction using Geometric ConstraintsBMVC 2013 - Electronic Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 201392.1-92.11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Denis Kalkofen, Eduardo Enrique Veas, Stefanie Zollmann, Markus Steinberger and Dieter SchmalstiegAdaptive Ghosted Views for Augmented RealityInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Rumpler, Christof Hoppe, Andreas Wendel, Gerhard Mayer and Horst BischofEchtzeit-Qualitätsüberprüfung für zuverlässige UAV-gestützte Bilddatenerfassung und exakte, automatisierte MehrbildauswertungVGI - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation101,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Samuel Schulter, Christian Leistner, Peter Roth and Horst BischofUnsupervised Object Discovery and Segmentation in VideosBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Eduardo Enrique Veas, Raphael Grasset, Ioan Ferencik, Thomas Grünewald and Dieter SchmalstiegMobile Augmented Reality for Environmental MonitoringPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing17,
2013Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser and Horst BischofDiffusion Processes for Retrieval RevisitedBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofVisual Localization for Micro Aerial Vehicles in Urban Outdoor EnvironmentsAdvances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition181-214Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thanh Quoc Nguyen, Gerhard Reitmayr, Peter Weir, Christian Sandor, Matt Swoboda, Ulrich Eck and Arindam DeyBurnAR: Involuntary Heat Sensations in Augmented RealityVirtual Reality ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Rumpler, Arnold Irschara, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofRapid 3D City Model Approximation from Publicly Available Geographic Data Sources and Georeferenced Aerial ImagesComputer Vision Winter Workshop1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Bornik, Martin Urschler, Eva Scheurer and Dieter SchmalstiegInteractive, Integrated Segmentation and Visualization for Analysis and Presentation of Clinical Forensic ImagesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefanie Zollmann, Gerhard Schall, Sebastian Junghanns and Gerhard ReitmayrComprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Data in Augmented RealityProceedings of ISVC 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegIndoor Navigation with Mixed Reality World-in-Miniature Views and Sparse Localization on Mobile DevicesProceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces212-215Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jens Grubert, Raphael Grasset and Gerhard ReitmayrExploring the Design of Hybrid Interfaces for Augmented Posters in Public SpacesProceedings of NordiChi 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Reinbacher, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofFast Variational Multi-View Segmentation through Backprojection of Spatial ConstraintsImage and Vision Computing30,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Michael Maurer, Mario Katusic and Horst BischofFuzzy Visual Servoing for Micro Aerial VehiclesProceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop 201271-78Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arindam Dey, Graeme Jarvis, Christian Sandor and Gerhard ReitmayrTablet versus Phone: Depth Perception in Handheld Augmented RealityProc. ISMAR 2012187-196Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Friedrich Fraundorfer and Davide ScaramuzzaVisual odometryIEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 19,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner, Andreas Wendel, Horst Bischof and Franz LeberlBuilding Façade Separation in Vertical Aerial Images ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences1-3,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lorenz Meier, Petri Tanskanen, Lionel Heng, Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysPIXHAWK -A micro aerial vehicle design for autonomous flight using onboard computer visionAutonomous Robots33,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl and Gerhard ReitmayrRectangular Target Extraction for Mobile Augmented Reality ApplicationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Achtelik, Michael Achtelik, Yorick Brunet, Margarita Chli, Savvas Chatzichristofis, Jean Dominique Decotignie, Klaus Michael Doth, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Laurent Kneip, Daniel Gurdan, Lionel Heng, Elias Kosmatopoulos, Lefteris Doitsidis, Gim Hee Lee, Simon Lynen, Agostino Martinelli, Lorenz Meier, Marc Pollefeys, Damien Piguet, Alessandro Renzaglia, Davide Scaramuzza, Roland Siegwart, Jan Stumpf, Petri Tanskanen, Chiara Troiani and Stephan WeissSFly2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 20122649-2650Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Alexander Bornik, Eva Scheurer, Kathrin Yen, Horst Bischof and Dieter SchmalstiegForensic-Case Analysis: From 3D Imaging to Interactive VisualizationIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications32,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard KunnertTausche Visafreiheit gegen DatenschutzDatenschutz und E-Government. Jahrbuch 2012194-222Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Friedrich Fraundorfer, Lionel Heng, Dominik Honegger, Gim Hee Lee, Lorenz Meier, Petri Tanskanen and Marc PollefeysVision-based autonomous mapping and exploration using a quadrotor MAV2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 20124557-4564Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Köstinger, Martin Hirzer, Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth and Horst BischofLarge Scale Metric Learning from Equivalence ConstraintsProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)2288-2295Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Kempter, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofOnline Model-Based Multi-Scale Pose EstimationProceedings of CVWW 20121-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Höller, Martin Urschler and Eva ScheurerDokumentation klinisch-forensischer Befunde anhand einer 3D-Rekonstruktion der Körperoberfläche mittels des Kinect SensorsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Georg Poier, Jürgen Hatzl, Stefan Kluckner, Peter Roth and Horst BischofText Localization in Unconstrained ImagesProceedings of CVWW 20121-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Reinbacher, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofFast Pose Estimation from Silhouettes in Video SequencesProceedings of CVWW 20121-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Wohlhart, Michael Donoser, Peter Roth and Horst BischofDetecting Partially Occluded Objects with an Implicit Shape Model Random FieldComputer Vision – ACCV 2012302-315Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hayko Riemenschneider, Ulrich Krispel, Wolfgang Thaller, Michael Donoser, Sven Havemann, Wolf-Dietrich Fellner and Horst BischofIrregular lattices for complex shape grammar facade parsingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rostislav Khlebnikov, Bernhard Kainz, Markus Steinberger, Marc Streit and Dieter SchmalstiegProcedural Texture Synthesis for Zoom-Independent Visualization of Multivariate DataComputer Graphics Forum31,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander BornikInteractive, Integrated Segmentation and Visualization for Analysis and Presentation of Clinical Forensic ImagesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl, Michael Kröpfl and Daniel BuchmüllerOnline Maps and Cloud-Supported Location-Based Services across a Manifold of Devices ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences1-4,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Heber, Rene Ranftl and Thomas PockApproximate Envelope Minimization for Curvature RegularityComputer Vision -- ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations283-292Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Christian Partl, Dieter Schmalstieg, Peter J. Park and Nils GehlenborgStratomeX: Visual Analysis of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Genomics Data for Cancer Subtype CharacterizationComputer Graphics Forum31,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Ranftl, Stefan Gehring, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofPushing the Limits of Stereo Using Variational Stereo EstimationProceedings of IV 2012401-407Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Eduardo Enrique Veas, Raphael Grasset, Ernst Pieter Christiaan Kruijff and Dieter SchmalstiegExtended Overview Techniques for Outdoor Augmented RealityIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics18,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Possegger, Matthias Rüther, Sabine Sternig, Thomas Mauthner, Manfred Klopschitz, Peter Roth and Horst BischofUnsupervised Calibration of Camera Networks an Virtual PTZ CamerasProceedings of CVWW 20121-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Axel Pinz, Thomas Pock, Horst Bischof and Franz LeberlPattern Recognition978-3-642-32717-9Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Bernhard Kainz, Bernhard Kerbl, Stefan Hauswiesner, Michael Kenzel and Dieter SchmalstiegSoftshell: Dynamic Scheduling on GPUsACM Transactions on Graphics31,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
J. Bender, Wolf-Dietrich Fellner, Arjan Kuijper and E. GuérinVRIPHYS 12: 9th Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical SimulationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Hartmut Seichter, Andreas Dünser, Patrick Baudisch and Dieter Schmalstieg360° Panoramic Overviews for Location-Based ServicesConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems2565-2568Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Michael Maurer and Horst BischofVisual Landmark–based Localization for MAVs using Incremental Feature Updates Second International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT), 2012278-285Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Axel Pinz, Thomas Pock, Horst Bischof and Franz LeberlJoint 34th DAGM and 36th OAGM SymposiumPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Arnold Irschara, Markus Rumpler, Philipp Meixner, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofEfficient and Globally Optimal Multi View Dense Matching for Aerial ImagesCongress / International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing227-232Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Christof Hoppe, Horst Bischof and Franz LeberlAutomatic Fusion of Partial Reconstructions ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences1-3,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Köstinger, Peter Roth and Horst BischofSynergy-Based Learning of Facial IdentityProceedings of Joint 34th DAGM and 36th OAGM Symposium195-204Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Kontschieder, Samuel Rota Bulò, Antonio Criminisi, Pushmeet Kohli, Marcello Pelillo and Horst BischofContext-Sensitive Decision Forests for Object DetectionAnnual Conference on Neural Information Processing SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Hauswiesner, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Markus Steinberger, Matthias Straka and Gerhard ReitmayrMulti-GPU Image-based Visual Hull RenderingProceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization119-128Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas PockOn paramter learning in variational modelsInternational Symposium on Mathematical ProgrammingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl and Gerhard ReitmayrRectangular Target Extraction for Mobile Augmented Reality ApplicationsProc. ICPR 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Partl, Alexander Lex, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegenRoute: Dynamic Path Extraction from Biological Pathway Maps for In-Depth Experimental Data AnalysisProceedings of BioVis 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hayko Riemenschneider, Ulrich Krispel, Wolfgang Thaller, Michael Donoser, Sven Havemann, W.-D. Fellner and Horst BischofIrregular lattices for complex shape grammar facade parsingConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1640-1647Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Murschitz, Thomas Mauthner, Peter Roth and Horst BischofReal-time Activity Repetition DetectionProceedings of CVWW 20121-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hayko Riemenschneider, Sabine Sternig, Michael Donoser, Peter Roth and Horst BischofHough Regions for Joining Instance Localization and SegmentationEuropean Conference on Computer Vision258-271Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Hirzer, Peter Roth and Horst BischofPerson Re-identification by Efficient Impostor-Based Metric LearningProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS)203-208Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arnold Irschara, Christopher Zach, Manfred Klopschitz and Horst BischofLarge-Scale, Dense City Reconstruction from User-Contributed PhotosComputer Vision and Image Understanding116,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jens Grubert, Ann Morrison, Gerhard Reitmayr and Helmut MunzPlaying it Real: Magic Lens and Static Peephole Interfaces for Games in a Public SpaceMobileHCI'12231–240Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Lenz, David Ferstl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofDepth Coded Shape from FocusProceedings of ICCP 20121-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michal Recky, Franz Leberl and Andrej FerkoMulti-View Random FieldsJournal of WSCG20,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Straka, Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofSimultaneous Shape and Pose Adaption of Articulated Models using Linear OptimizationEuropean Conference on Computer Vision724-737Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Gruber, Thomas Richter-Trummer and Dieter SchmalstiegReal-time Photometric Registration from Arbitrary GeometryInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Heber, Rene Ranftl and Thomas PockApproximate Envelope MinimizationComputer Vision Winter Workshop1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philip Voglreiter, Markus Steinberger, Dieter Schmalstieg and Bernhard KainzVolumetric Real-Time Particle-Based Representation of Large Unstructured Tetrahedral Polygon Meshes.LNCS 7599 Workshops proceedings, MeshMed159-168Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Weir, Christian Sandor, Matt Swoboda, Thanh Quoc Nguyen, Ulrich Eck, Gerhard Reitmayr and Arindam DeyBurnAR: Feel the HeatPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Yunjin Chen, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofLearning l1-based analysis and synthesis sparsity priors using bi-level optimizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser, Martin Urschler and Horst BischofLearning Edge-Specific Kernel Functions for Pairwise Graph MatchingProceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference17.1-17.12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Ferstl, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofReal-Time Hand Gesture Recognition in a Virtual 3D EnvironmentProceedings of DAGM/ÖAGM 20121-4Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kainz, Stefan Hauswiesner, Gerhard Reitmayr, Markus Steinberger, Raphael Grasset, Lukas Gruber, Eduardo Enrique Veas, Denis Kalkofen, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegOmniKinect: Real-Time Dense Volumetric Data Acquisition and Applications18th ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology25-32Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl, Wolfgang Walcher and Michael KröpflThe Microsoft Global Ortho Program ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences1-4,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Donner, Sebastian Haas, Andreas Burner, Markus Holzer, Horst Bischof and Georg LangsEvaluation of fast 2d and 3d medical image retrieval approaches based on image minitaturesroceedings of the Second MICCAI international conference on Medical Content-Based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support128-138Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Hofmann, Hartmut Seichter and Gerhard ReitmayrA GPGPU Accelerated Descriptor for Mobile DevicesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Mauthner, Peter Roth and Horst BischofLearn to Move: Activity Specific Motion Models for Tracking by DetectionProceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops and Demonstrations183-192Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Kontschieder, Samuel Rota Bulò, Michael Donoser, Marcello Pelillo and Horst BischofEvolutionary Hough Games for Coherent Object DetectionComputer Vision and Image Understanding116,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth, Alessandro Mulloni and Dieter SchmalstiegExploiting Sensors on Mobile Phones to Improve Wide-Area LocalizationInternational Conference on Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Christian Partl, Dieter Schmalstieg, Peter J. Park and Nils GehlenborgStratomeX: Visual Analysis of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Genomics Data for Cancer Subtype CharacterizationEurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on VisualizationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kerbl, Philip Voglreiter, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Dieter Schmalstieg, Philipp Stiegler, Rupert Horst Portugaller, Daniel Seider, Michael Moche and Bernhard KainzIntervention Planning of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Radio-Frequency AblationsWorkshop on Clinical Image-based Procedures: From Planning to InterventionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Langlotz, Mathäus Zingerle, Raphael Grasset, Hannes Kaufmann and Gerhard ReitmayrAR Record&Replay: Situated Compositing of Video Content in Mobile Augmented RealityProceedings of OZCHI 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Ferstl, Martin Lenz, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofIntegral Shape from FocusComputer Vision Winter Workshop1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Plos, Christoph Erwin Dobraunig, Markus Hofinger, Alexander Oprisnik, Christoph Wiesmeier and Johannes WiesmeierCompact Hardware Implementations of the Block Ciphers mCrypton, NOEKEON, and SEA13th International Conference on Cryptology in India (INDOCRYPT 2012), Kolkata, India, December 9-12, 2012, Proceedings.364-383Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerald Kastberger, Frank Weihmann, Thomas Hoetzl, Sara E. Weiss, Michael Maurer and Ilse KrannerHow to Join a Wave: Decision-Making Processes in Shimmering Behavior of Giant Honeybees (Apis dorsata)PLoS ONE7,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Csaba Beleznai, Nabil Belbachir and Peter RothDensity-based rare event detection from streams of neuromorphic sensor data2012 Sixth International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marc Streit, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Alexander Lex, Dieter Schmalstieg and Heidrun SchumannModel-Driven Design for the Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous DataIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics18,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Hirzer, Csaba Beleznai, Martin Köstinger, Peter Roth and Horst BischofDense appearance modeling and efficient learning of camera transitions for person re-identificationProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)1617-1620Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefanie Zollmann and Gerhard ReitmayrDense Depth Maps from Sparse Models and Image Coherence for Augmented RealityProceedings of VRST 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Maurer, Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofAirborne Inspection using Single-Camera Interleaved ImageryComputer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Gervautz and Dieter SchmalstiegAnywhere Interfaces Using Handheld Augmented RealityComputer45,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefanie Zollmann, Denis Kalkofen, Christof Hoppe, Stefan Kluckner, Horst Bischof and Gerhard ReitmayrInteractive 4D Overview and Detail Visualization in Augmented RealityInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality167-176Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Hoppe, Manfred Klopschitz, Markus Rumpler, Andreas Wendel, Stefan Kluckner, Horst Bischof and Gerhard ReitmayrOnline Feedback for Structure-from-Motion Image AcquisitionBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Bischof, Peter Pinggera and Toby BreckonOn Cross-Spectral Stereo Matching using Dense Gradient FeaturesBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Köstinger, Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth and Horst BischofRobust face detection by simple meansProceedings of DAGM/ÖAGM 20121-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Max Stricker, Peter Roth and Horst BischofSlow feature analysis for autonomous learning object categories from videosComputer Vision Winter Workshop1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Schall, Stefanie Zollmann and Gerhard ReitmayrSmart Vidente: advances in mobile augmented reality for interactive visualization of underground infrastructurePersonal and Ubiquitous Computing
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Hauswiesner, Phillip Grasmug, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegFrame Cache Management for Multi-frame Rate SystemsProceedings of ISVC 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Reinbacher, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofRoNect: Hand Mounted Depth Sensing Using a Commodity Depth CameraInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition461-464Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Michael Kenzel, Bernhard Kainz and Dieter SchmalstiegScatterAlloc: Massively Parallel Dynamic Memory Allocation for the GPUProceedings of inPar 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Maurer, Markus Rumpler, Andreas Wendel, Christof Hoppe, Arnold Irschara and Horst BischofGeo-Referenced 3D Reconstruction: Fusing Public Geographic Data and Aerial ImageryProceedings of ICRA 20123557-3558Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegFull 6DOF Pose Estimation from Geo-Located ImagesProceedings of ACCV 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Andreas Bauder and Konrad SchindlerOptical Flow For Glacier Motion EstimationInternational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing CongressPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Manuela Waldner and Dieter SchmalstiegInteractive Self-Organizing WindowsProceedings of EG 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Bernhard Kainz, Stefan Hauswiesner, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegRay Prioritization Using Stylization and Visual SaliencyComputers & Graphics36,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Raphael Grasset, Tobias Langlotz, Denis Kalkofen, Markus Tatzgern and Dieter SchmalstiegImage-Driven View Management for Augmented Reality BrowsersProceedings of ISMAR 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Michael Maurer, Gottfried Graber, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofDense Reconstruction On-the-FlyProceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)1450-1457Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Holzhüter, Alexander Lex, Dieter Schmalstieg, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Heidrun Schuhmann and Marc StreitVisualizing Uncertainty in Biological Expression DataProceedings of VDA 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl, Philipp Meixner, Andreas Wendel and Arnold IrscharaAutomated Photogrammetry for 3D Models of Urban SpacesOptical Engineering51,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Jens Grubert, Hartmut Seichter, Tobias Langlotz, Raphael Grasset, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegExperiences with the Impact of Tracking Technology in Mobile Augmented Reality EvaluationsProceedings of Mobile HCI 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Unger, Manuel Werlberger, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofJoint motion estimation and segmentation of complex scenes with label costs and occlusion modelingConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1878-1885Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Hirzer, Peter Roth, Martin Köstinger and Horst BischofRelaxed Pairwise Learned Metric for Person Re-identificationProceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)780-793Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Bornik, Reinhard R. Beichel, Christian Bauer and Erich SorantinLiver segmentation in contrast enhanced CT data using graph cuts and interactive 3D segmentation refinement methodsMedical Physics39,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Hoppe, Andreas Wendel, Stefanie Zollmann, Katrin Pirker, Arnold Irschara and Horst BischofPhotogrammetric Camera Network Design for Micro Aerial VehiclesComputer Vision Winter Workshop1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Bornik, Wolfgang Knecht, Markus Hadwiger and Dieter SchmalstiegClustered Deep Shadow Maps for Integrated Polyhedral and Volume RenderingProceedings of ISVC 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Straka, Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofRapid Skin: Estimating the 3D Human Pose and Shape in Real-TimeProceedings of 3DimPVT 201241-48Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Wohlhart, Samuel Schulter, Martin Köstinger, Peter Roth and Horst BischofDiscriminative Hough Forests for Object DetectionBritish Machine Vision ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl, Michael Gruber, Martin Ponticelli and Alexander WiechertThe Utracam storyThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 39,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Oberhofer, Jens Grubert and Gerhard ReitmayrNatural Feature Tracking in JavaScriptProceedings of VR 2012113-114Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Fischer, Martin Urschler, S Kirchhoff, Thomas Ehammer and P HerzogSystematic approach to liver gas volume and distribution in post-mortem CT by computer aided density analysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Alexander Bornik, Kathrin Yen and Eva ScheurerComparison of a Generic 3D Reference Model with a Person-Dependent Whole-Body MRI Scan for Presentation of Clinical-Forensic DataPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Kluckner, Josef-Alois Birchbauer, Claudia Windisch, Christof Hoppe, Arnold Irschara, Andreas Wendel, Stefanie Zollmann, Gerhard Reitmayr and Horst BischofConstruction Site Monitoring from Highly-Overlapping MAV imagesProceedings of CVPR 2011531-532Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz LeberlEhrenpromotion von Wolfgang Förstner an der Technischen Universität GrazVGI - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation3,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegInstant Medical Pill Recognition on Mobile PhonesProceedings of IASTED 2011188-195Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Denis Kalkofen, Christian Sandor, Sean White and Dieter SchmalstiegVisualization Techniques for Augmented RealityHandbook of Augmented Reality65-99Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Kritzinger, Michael Donoser, Ulrich Hirn and Wolfgang BauerFiber cross section properties estimated with an automated serial sectioning techniqueFine Structure of Papermaking Fibers179-190Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Pirchheim and Gerhard ReitmayrHomography-Based Planar Mapping and Tracking for Mobile PhonesInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Jochen Steiner, Stefanie Zollmann and Gerhard ReitmayrIncremental Superpixels for Real-Time Video AnalysisProceedings for 16th Computer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Arnold Irschara, Christof Hoppe, Horst Bischof and Stefan KlucknerEfficient Structure form Motion with Weak Position and Orientation PriorsProceedings of CVPR 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Köstinger, Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth and Horst BischofLearning to Recognize Faces from Videos and Weakly Related Information Cues2011 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, AVSS 201123 - 28Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kainz, Markus Steinberger, Stefan Hauswiesner, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegUsing Perceptual Features to Prioritize Ray-based Image GenerationSymposium on Interactive 3D Graphics215-215Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Raphael Grasset, Alessandro Mulloni, Mark Billinghurst and Dieter SchmalstiegNavigation Techniques in Augmented and Mixed Reality: Crossing the Virtuality ContinuumHandbook of Augmented Reality Technologies and Applications379-408Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Unger, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofGlobal Relabeling for Continuous Optimization in Binary Image SegmentationProceedings of EMMCVPR 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Kontschieder, Samuel Rota Bulò, Michael Donoser, Marcello Pelillo and Horst BischofSemantic Image Labelling as a Label Puzzle GameBritish Machine Vision Conference111.1-111.12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysRS-SLAMIROS'11 - 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: Celebrating 50 Years of Robotics1655-1660Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Julian Stadon and Raphael GrassetSyncretic Post-Biological Digital Identity : Hybridizing Mixed Reality Data Transfer SystemsProceedings for DS-RT 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Straka, Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofA Free-Viewpoint Virtual Mirror with Marker-Less User InteractionProceedings for SCIA 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Davide Scaramuzza and Friedrich FraundorferTutorialIEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 18,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Eduardo Enrique Veas, Erick Mendez, Steven Feiner and Dieter SchmalstiegDirecting Attention and Influencing Memory with Visual Saliency ModulationProceedings of CHI 20111471-1480Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard KunnertDer vernetzte „elektronische“ PatientNothing to hide - nothing to fear? Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2011132-149Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Arnold Irschara and Horst BischofAutomatic Alignment of 3D Reconstructions using a Digital Surface ModelProceedings of CVPR 201129-36Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Pirker, Gerald Schweighofer, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofGPSlam: Marrying Sparse Geometric and Dense Probabilistic Visual MappingBritish Machine Vision Conference115.1-115.12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Lex, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Marc Streit, Christian Partl and Dieter SchmalstiegVisBricks: Multiform Visualization of Large, Inhomogeneous DataIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics17,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser, Martin Urschler, Hayko Riemenschneider and Horst BischofHighly Consistent Sequential SegmentationImage Analysis48-58Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Straka and Gerhard ReitmayrImage-Based Clothes TransferProceedings of ISMAR 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl, Philipp Meixner and M. Brédif3D Roof Details by 3D Aerial Vision2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops212-218Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas GruberAR Soccer: A Multi-player Augmented Reailty Demon on Mobile PhonesInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Nixon Lyndon, Jens Grubert and Gerhard ReitmayrSmartReality: Augmented Reality+Services+SemanticsProceedings of International Augmented Reality Standards Workshop '11Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Sabine Sternig and Martin GodecProceedings of the 16th Computer Vision Winter Workshop978-3-85125-129-6Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Inayatullah Khan, Peter Roth and Horst BischofLearning Object Detectors from Weakl-Labeled Internet ImagesProceedings for AAPR/OAGM 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Heber, Christian Reinbacher, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofVision-Based Quality Inspection in Robotic WeldingProceedings for AAPR/OAGM 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Backfried, Dorothea Aniola, Gerald Quirchmayr, Werner Winiwarter, Klaus Mak, H.C. Pilles, Christian Meurers, Martin Köstinger, Paul Wohlhart and Peter M. RothOpen Source Intelligence am Beispiel von KIRAS MDL: Multimedia Documentation LabProceedings of Sicherheitskonferenz Krems 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arnold Irschara, Christof Hoppe, Stefan Kluckner and Horst BischofEfficient Structure from Motion with Weak Position and Orientation PriorsProceedings of CVPR 201121-28Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Pötsch and Axel Pinz3D OBJECT CATEGORIZATION WITH PROBABILISTIC CONTOUR MODELS - Gaussian Mixture Models for 3D Shape RepresentationProceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications259-270Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Michael Maurer, Arnold Irschara and Horst Bischof3D Vision Applications for MAVs: Localization and ReconstructionProceedings of the International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gottfried Graber, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofOnline 3D reconstruciton using Convex OptimizationProceedings of ICCV 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner and Dieter SchmalstiegCollaborative Information Linking: Bridging Knowledge Gaps between Users by Linking across ApplicationsProceedings of PacificVis 2011115-122Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Straka, Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofSkeletal Graph Based Human Pose Estimation in Real-TimeProceedings of BMVC 201169.1-69.12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Kristian Bredies, Thomas Pock and Rudolf StollbergerSecond Order Total Generalized Variation (TGV) for MRIMagnetic Resonance in Medicine65,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegUser Experiences with Augmented Reality Aided Navigation on PHonesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegEnhancing Handheld Navigation Systems with Augmented RealityProceedings for MobileHCI 20117-10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth, Manfred Klopschitz, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegReal-Time Self-Localization from Panoramic Images on Mobile DevicesProceedings of ISMAR 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegChallenges of Large-Scale Augmented Reality on SmartphonesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Steinberger, Manuela Waldner, Marc Streit, Alexander Lex and Dieter SchmalstiegContext-Preserving Visual LinksIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics17,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen, Raphael Grasset and Dieter SchmalstiegEmbedded Virtual Views for Augmented Reality NavigationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Hirzer, Peter Roth, Csaba Beleznai and Horst BischofPerson Re-Identification by Descriptive and Discriminative ClassificationProceedings of the Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA)91-102Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Kunnert"Transparenz" versus "Datenschutz" - Annäherungen an eine komplexe Thematik am Fallbeispiel der europäischen AgrarsubventionsdatenJusIT
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kainz, Markus Steinberger, Stefan Hauswiesner, Rostislav Khlebnikov and Dieter SchmalstiegStylization-based ray prioritization for guaranteed frame ratesProceedings of Non-photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'11)44-53Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner, Markus Steinberger, Raphael Grasset and Dieter SchmalstiegDisplay-Adaptive Window Management for Irregular SurfacesProceedings of ITS 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Pirker, Gerald Schweighofer, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofFast and Accurate Environment Modeling using Three-Dimensional Occupancy GridsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefanie Zollmann and Gerhard ReitmayrCombining sparse models and image coherence for supporting advanced visualization techniques in augmented realityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Wohlhart, Martin Köstinger, Peter Roth and Horst BischofMultiple Instance Boosting for Face Recognition in VideosProceedings of 33rd DAGMPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Yoon Hyoseok, Anton van den Hengel, Gerhard Reitmayr, Joshua Lifton, Lee Sung-Hee and Woo WoontackToward a Digital Ecosystem: International Symposium on Ubiquitious Virtual Reality 2010IEEE Pervasive Computing10,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Werlberger, Markus Unger, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofEfficient Minimization of the Non-Local Potts ModelProceedings of SSVM 2011314-325Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Schuster, Samuel Schulter, Georg Poier, Martin Hirzer, Josef Birchbauer, Peter Roth, Horst Bischof, Martin Winter and Peter SchallauerMulti-Cue Learning and Visualization of Unusual EventsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Ann Morrison, Alessandro Mulloni, Saija Lemmelae, Antti Oulasvirta, Giulio Jacucci, Peter Peltonen, Holger Regenbrecht and Dieter SchmalstiegCollaborative use of mobile augmented reality with paper mapsComputers & Graphics
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Rüther, Martin Lenz and Horst BischofμNect: On Using a Gaming RGBD Camera in Micro-Metrology ApplicationsProceedings for 8th IEEE Workshop on Projector-Camera SystemsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen, Raphael Grasset and Dieter SchmalstiegWorkshop on Visualization in Mixed Reality EnvironmentsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Huang Dong, Markus Storer, Fernando De la Torre and Horst BischofSupervised Local Subspace Learning for Continuous Heas Pose EstimationProceedings of CVPR 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Wohlhart, Martin Köstinger, Peter Roth and Horst BischofLearning Face Recognition in Videos from Associated Information SourcesWorkshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Kim Hyejin, Gerhard Reitmayr and Woo WoontackInteractive Annotation on Mobile Phones for Real and Virtual Space RegistrationInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Adrian Clark, Andreas Dünser and Raphael GrassetAn Interactive Augmented Reality Coloring BookPublikation in PURE anzeigen
T. Landesberger, Arjan Kuijper, Tobias Schreck, J. Kohlhammer, J. van Wijk, Wolf-Dietrich Fellner and J.-D. FeketeVisual Analysis of Large Graphs: State-of-the-Art and Future Research ChallengesComputer Graphics Forum30,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegMulti-perspective compact explosion diagramsComputers & Graphics35,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Lenz, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofMicroscopic Shape from Focus with Optimal IlluminationProceedings for 8th IEEE Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
R. Huff, T. Gierlinger, Arjan Kuijper, Andrè Stork and Wolf-Dietrich FellnerA Comparison of xPU Platforms Exemplified with Ray Tracing AlgorithmsXIII Symposium on Virtual Reality1-8Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Koestenbauer, Philipp Stiegler, Stadlbauer Vanessa, Ursula Mayrhauser, Bettina Leber, Daniella Blattl, Bernhard Kainz, Olaf Reich and Rupert PortugallerVisualization of Large-Scale SectionsJournal of surgical radiology2,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Keelin Murphy, B van Ginneken, J Reinhardt, S Kabus, K Ding, X Deng, K Cao, K Du, G Christensen, V Garcia, T Vercauteren, N Ayache, O Commonwick, G Malandain, B Glocker, N Paragios, N Navab, N Gorbunova, J Sporring, M de Bruijne, X Han, M Heinrich, J Schnabel, M Jenkinson, C Lorenz, M Modat, J McClelland, S Ourselin, S Muenzing, M Viergever, D DeNigris, D Collins, T Arbel, M Peroni, R Li, G Sharp, A Schmidt-Richberg, J Ehrhardt, R Werner, D Smeets, D Loeckx, G Song, N Tustison, B Avants, J Gee, M Staring, S Klein, B Stoel, Martin Urschler, Manuel Werlberger, J Vandemeulebroucke, S Rit, D Sarrut and J PluimEvaluation of Registration Methods on Thoracic CT: The EMPIRE10 ChallengeIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging30,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Hoppe, Katrin Pirker, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofLarge-Scale Robotic SLAM through Visual MappingProceedings for AAPR/OAGM 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner, Franz Leberl and M. BrédifInterpretation of 2D and 3D Building Details on Facades and RoofsThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 38,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Köstinger, Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth and Horst BischofAnnotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A Large-scale, Real-world Database for Facial Landmark LocalizationProceedings of BeFit 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Shekhovtsov and Vaclav HlavacOn Partial Opimality by Auxiliary Submodular ProblemsControl Systems and Computers
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hayko Riemenschneider, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofImage retrieval by shape-focused sketching of objectsComputer Vision Winter WorkshopPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Reinbacher, Markus Heber, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofCatadioptric Silhouette-Based Pose Estimation from Learned ModelsProceedings of the 17th Scandinavian Conference on Image AnalysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kainz, Rupert H. Portugaller, Daniel Seider, Michael Moche, Philipp Stiegler and Dieter SchmalstiegVolume visualization in the clinical practiceAugmented Environments for Computer Assisted Interventions (AE-CAI'11)74-84Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner, Markus Steinberger, Raphael Grasset and Dieter SchmalstiegImportance-driven compositing window managementProceedings of CHI 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Straka and Gerhard ReitmayrCoherent Image-Based Rendering of Real-World ObjectsProceedings for SIGGRAPH 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerald Kastberger, Michael Maurer, Frank Weihmann, Matthias Rüther, Thomas Hoetzl, Ilse Kranner and Horst BischofStereoscopic motion analysis in densely packed clusters: 3D analysis of the shimmering behaviour in Giant honey beesFrontiers in Zoology
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Leistner, Martin Godec, Samuel Schulter, Amir Saffari, Manuel Werlberger and Horst BischofImproving Classifiers with Unlabeled Weakly-Related VideosConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition2753-2760Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Hauswiesner, Matthias Straka and Gerhard ReitmayrFree Viewpoint Virtual Try-On With Commodity Depth CamerasProceedings of the 17th ACM SIGGRAPH 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Julian Stadon and Raphael GrassetA Syncretic Approach to Artistic Research in Mixed Reality Data Transfer2011 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Arts, Media, and Humanities2249-2258Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mario Wiltsche, Michael Donoser, Johannes Kritzinger and Wolfgang BauerAutomated serial sectioning applied to 3D paper structure analysisJournal of Microscopy242,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Rumpler, Arnold Irschara and Horst BischofMulti-View Stereo: Redundancy Benefits for 3D ReconstructionWorkshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegHandheld Augmented Reality Indoor Navigation with Activity-Based InstructionsProceedings for MobileHCI 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner, Franz Leberl and Mathieu BrédifPlanar Roof Segments from Aerial PhotogrammetryGIS '11: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems9-15Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Langlotz, Stefan Mooslechner, Stefanie Zollmann, Claus Degendorfer and Dieter SchmalstiegSketching up the world: In-situ authoring for mobile Augmented RealityPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Kontschieder, Hayko Riemenschneider, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofDiscriminative Learning of Contour Fragments for Object DetectionBritish Machine Vision Conference4.1-4.12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christoph Vogel, Stefan Roth and Konrad Schindler3D Scene Flow Estimation with a Rigid Motion PriorInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Hartmut Seichter and Dieter SchmalstiegAR Indoor Naviagtion using World-In-MinitureInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Schall, Stefanie Zollmann and Gerhard ReitmayrBridging the gap between Planning and Surveying with Augmented Reality User InterfacesProceedings of Mobile HCI 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Y. Jung, Arjan Kuijper, Wolf-Dietrich Fellner, M. Kipp, J. Miksatko, J. Gratch and D. ThalmannBelievable Virtual Characters in Human-Computer DialogsBelievable Virtual Characters in Human-Computer Dialogs75-100Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kainz, Markus Steinberger, Stefan Hauswiesner, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegUsing Perceptual Features to Prioritize Ray-based Image GenerationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Kerstin Pötsch and Axel Pinz3D Geometric Shape Medling by '3D Contour Cloud' Reconstruction from Stereo VideosProceedings of Computer Vision Winter Workshop 201199-106Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kathrin Ogris, Martin Urschler, Andreas Petrovic, Kathrin Yen and Eva ScheurerArtificial hematomas in subcutaneous fatty tissue: volume estimation by using different MR sequences and manual segmentation of pork belly phantoms(Kopie von) (Kopie von)2581-2581Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Geymayer, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit and Dieter SchmalstiegVisualizing the Effects of Logically Combined FiltersProceedings of the IV 201147-52Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Werlberger, Thomas Pock, Markus Unger and Horst BischofOptical Flow Guided TV-L1 Video Interpolation and RestorationProceedings of EMMCVPR 2011273-286Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz Leberl3-Dimensional Building Details from Aerial Photography for Internet MapsRemote Sensing 3,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Godec, Peter Roth and Horst BischofHough-based On-line Tracking of non-rigid ObjectsProceedings for ICCV 201181-88Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Lukas Gruber, Clemens Arth, Stefan Hauswiesner and Dieter SchmalstiegRapid Reconstruction of Small Objects on Mobile PhonesProceedings of CVPR 201120-27Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Langlotz, Claus Degendorfer, Alessandro Mulloni, Gerhard Schall, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegRobust detection and tracking of annotations for outdoor augmented reality browsingComputers & Graphics5,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Arnold Irschara and Horst BischofNatural Landmark-based Monocular Localization for MAVsProceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation5792-5799Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Kontschieder, Samuel Rota Bulò, Marcello Pelillo and Horst BischofStructured Class-Labels in Random Forests for Semantic Image LabelingInternational Conference on Computer VisionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michal Récky, Andreas Wendel and Franz LeberlFacade Segmentation in a Multi-View Scenario 2011 International C011 International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmissiononference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission358-365Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rostislav Khlebnikov, Bernhard Kainz, Bernhard Roth, Judith Mühl and Dieter SchmalstiegGPU Based On-the-fly Light Emission-absorption Approximation for Direct Multi-volume RenderingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Roth, Volker Settgast, P. Widhalm, Marcel Lancelle, J. Brändle, Sven Havemann and Horst BischofNext-Generation 3D Visualization for Visual Surveillance8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillancei (AVSS)1-6Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rostislav Khlebnikov, Bernhard Kainz, Judith Mühl and Dieter SchmalstiegCrepuscular Rays for Tumor Accessibility PlanningIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics17,
2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz LeberlDetecting Occlusions in Facade Interpretation from Vertical Aerial ImagesAmerican Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference 2011 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Pirker, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofCD Slam - Continuous Localization and Mapping in a Dynamic WorldProceedings for ICRA 20113990-3997Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Torsten Ullrich, Thomas Schiffer, Christoph Schinko and Wolf-Dietrich FellnerVariance Analysis and Comparison in Computer-Aided DesignProceedings of the 4th ISPRS International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Kainz, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Bernhard Roth, Judith Mühl and Dieter SchmalstiegGPU based on-the-fly light emission-absorption approximation for direct multi-volume rendering.Poster Proceedings EuroGraphics, Vol. 30, Issue 211-12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Pock and Antonin ChambolleDiagonal preconditioning for first order primal-dual algorithms in convex optimizationProceedings of ICCV 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Hoppe, Katrin Pirker, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofKeyframe-Based Visual SLAM in Large-Scale EnvironmentsProceedings of 24th Austrian Robotics Workshop 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Samuel Schulter, Christian Leistner, Peter Roth, Horst Bischof and Luc Van GoolOn-line Hough ForestsProceedings of BMVC 2011Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Qi Pan, Clemens Arth, Gerhard Reitmayr, Edward Rosten and Tom DrummondRapid Scene Reconstruction on Mobile Phones from Panoramic ImagesInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser, Peter Kontschieder and Horst BischofRobust Planar Target Tracking and Pose Estimation from a Single ConcavityInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Kunnert„Einbrecherjagd“ mittels „ASFINAG-Kameras“ – politisches Wunschdenken versus (grund)rechtliche RealitätDatenschutzrecht und E-Government. Jahrbuch 201093-177Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Isabelle Guyon, Amir Saffari, Gideon Dror and Gavin CrawleyModel Selection: Beyond the Bayesian/Frequentist Divide Journal of Machine Learning Research11,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Grabner and Markus SteinbergerWavelet-based Multiresolution Isosurface RenderingProceedings of IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics (2010)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ernst Pieter Christiaan Kruijff, Erick Mendez, Eduardo Veas, T. Grünewald, S. Simoni, V. Luyet, O. Salminen, A. Nurminen and V. LehtinenHydrosys: on-site monitoring and management of environmental processes using handheld devicesGeoHydroinformatics : Integrating GIS and Water EngineeringPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerald Buchgraber, Florian Knoll, Manuel Freiberger, Christian Clason, Markus Grabner and Rudolf StollbergerFast Regridding Using LSQR on Graphics Hardware2010 Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med.4959-4959Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz LeberlInterpreting Building Façades from Vertical Aerial Images Using the Third DimensionThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 38,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tuomas Alhonnoro, Mika Pollari, Mikko Lilja, Ronan Flanagan, Bernhard Kainz, Ursula Mayrhauser, Horst Portugaller, Philipp Stiegler and Karlheinz TscheliessniggVessel Segmentation for Ablation Treatment Planning and SimulationMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 201045-52Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser, Hayko Riemenschneider and Horst BischofLinked Edges as Stable Region BoundariesProceedings of Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 20101665-1672Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz LeberlFramework to automatically characterize real property using high resolution aerial imagesProceedings of the 2010 Annual Convention of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote SensingDVD-DVDPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl and Michael Gruber3D-MODELS OF THE HUMAN HABITAT FOR THE INTERNETProceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and ApplicationsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl, Horst Bischof, Thomas Pock, Arnold Irschara and Stefan KlucknerAerial Computer Vision for a 3D Virtual HabitatComputer43,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elisabeth Lex, Inayatullah Khan, Horst Bischof and Michael GranitzerAssessing the Quality of Web ContentProceedings of the ECML/PKDD Discovery Challenge 20100-0Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Faller, Gernot Müller-Putz, Dieter Schmalstieg and Gert PfurtschellerAn application framework for controlling an avatar in a desktop based virtual environment via a software SSVEP brain-computer interfacePresence19,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl and Michael GruberUltraCam: Digital Large Format Aerial Frame Camera SystemDigital Airborne Camera: Introduction and Technology313-332Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Sternig, Peter Roth and Horst BischofInverse mulitple instance learning for classifier gridsInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition770-773Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz LeberlNeo-Geodäsie und ein immersives Exabyte Weltmodell im InternetVGI - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation98,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Leistner, Amirreza Safariazaralamdari and Horst BischofMiforests: Multiple-instance learning with randomized treesProceedings of ECCV 201029-42Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Kontschieder, Michael Donoser, Horst Bischof, Johannes Kritzinger and Wolfgang BauerDetecting paper fibre cross sections in microtomy imagesProceedings for ICPR 2010316-319Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Unger, Thomas Pock, Manuel Werlberger and Horst BischofA Convex Approach for Variational Super-ResolutionProceedings of DAGM 2010313-322Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Reinbacher, Thomas Pock, Christian Bauer and Horst BischofVariational Segmentation of Elongated Volumetric StructuresIEEE Proceedings of Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2010)3177-3184Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Storer, Peter Roth, Martin Urschler, Horst Bischof and Josef Alois BirchbauerEfficient Robust Active Appearance Model FittingComputer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics. Theory and Applications229-241Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manfred Klopschitz, Arnold Irschara, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegRobust Incremental Structure from MotionProceedings for 3DPVT 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rostislav KhlebnikovAdjacency information reconstruction for isosurfaces extracted with marching-cubes.Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Schall, Sebastian Junghanns and Dieter SchmalstiegVidente-3D Visualization of Underground Infrastructure using Handheld Augmented RealityGeohydroinformatics : Integrating GIS and Water EngineeringPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Hauswiesner, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegMulti-Frame Rate Volume RenderingProceedings of EG Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV'10)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser, Stefan Kluckner and Horst BischofObject Tracking by Structure Tensor AnalysisProceedings of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 20102600-2603Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Birchbauer, Martin Köstinger, Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth, Horst Bischof and Claudia WindischVideo detection of dangerous good vehicles in road tunnelsProceedings for Tunnel Safety and Ventilation 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Pablo Lamata, Wajid Ali, Alicia Cano, Jordi Cornella, Jerome Declerck, Ole J. Elle, Adinda Freudenthal, Hugo Furtado, Denis Kalkofen, Edvard Naerum, Eigil Samset, Patricia Sánchez-Gonzalez, Francisco M. Sánchez-Margallo, Dieter Schmalstieg, Mauro Sette, Thomas Stüdeli, Jos Vander Sloten and Enrique J. GómezAugmented Reality for Minimally Invasive SurgeryAugmented Reality73-98Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Ernst Pieter Christiaan Kruijff and Dieter SchmalstiegCaleydo: Design and Evaluation of a Visual Analysis Framework for Gene Expression Data in its Biological ContextProceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization SymposiumPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner, Christian Pirchheim, Ernst Pieter Christiaan Kruijff and Dieter SchmalstiegAutomatic configuration of spatially consistent mouse pointer navigation in multi-display environmentsProceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Pirker, Matthias Rüther, Gerald Schweighofer, Horst Bischof and Heinz MayerAn Omnidirectional Time-of-Flight Camera and its Application to Indoor SLAMProceedings for ICARCV 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Kluckner and Horst BischofImage-based Building Classification and 3D Modelling with Super-PixelsProceedings of Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image AnalysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Kontschieder, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofMSER Templates for 3D Pose TrackingProceedings for OeAGM 201055-62Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Kristian Bredies, Thomas Pock and Rudolf StollbergerTotal Generalized Variation (TGV) for MRI2010 Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med.4855-4855Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Reinbacher, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofPose Estimation of known Objects by Efficient Silhouette MatchingProceedings of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 20101080-1083Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard ZeislOn-line semi-supervised multiple-instance boostingProceedings for CVPR 20101879-1879Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Arnold Irschara, Viktor Kaufmann, Manfred Klopschitz, Horst Bischof and Franz LeberlTowards Fully Automatic Photogrammetric Reconstruction Using Digital Images Taken From UAVsThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 38,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel Wagner, Alessandro Mulloni, Tobias Langlotz and Dieter SchmalstiegReal-time Panoramic Mapping and Tracking on Mobile PhonesProceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Erick Mendez, Dieter Schmalstieg and Feiner StevenFocus and Context in Mixed Reality by Modulating First Order Salient FeaturesProceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Smart Graphics 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Urschler, Manuel Werlberger, Eva Scheurer and Horst BischofRobust Optical Flow Based Deformable Registration of Thoracic CT ImagesProceedings MICCAI Workshop Medical Image Analysis in the Clinic: A Grand Challenge195-204Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michal Récky and Franz LeberlWindow detection in complex facades2010 2nd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing163-168Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Gruber, Stefanie Zollmann, Daniel Wagner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Tobias HöllererOptimization of Target Objects for Natural Feature TrackingProceedings International Association for Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner and Dieter SchmalstiegExperience with Mouse Control with Multi-Display EnvironmentsProceedings of PPD'10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
I. Echizen, J.-S. Pan, Wolf-Dietrich Fellner, A. Nouak, Arjan Kuijper and L. JainSixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. Proceedings978-0-7695-4222-5Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Mauthner, Stefan Kluckner, Peter Roth and Horst BischofEfficient Object Detection Using Orthogonal NMF Descriptor HierarchiesProceedings for DAGM 2010212-221Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Pierce, Werner Trobin, Josè Raya, Siegfried Trattnig, Horst Bischof, Christian Glaser and Gerhard HolzapfelDT-MRI based computation of collagen fiber deformation in human articular cartilageAnnals of Biomedical Engineering38,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl and Bela MarkusÉpületek háromdimenziós modellezése az internetenGeodézia és kartográfia62,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thuy Thi Nguyen, Stefan Kluckner, Horst Bischof and Franz LeberlAerial Photo Building Classification by Stacking Appearance and Elevation MeasurementsThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 38,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Faller, Robert Leeb, Brendan Zachary Allison, Dieter Schmalstieg and Gert PfurtschellerSSVEP-based navigation using stimuli that are tightly integrated within a virtual feedback scenarioPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Reitmayr, Tobias Langlotz, Daniel Wagner, Alessandro Mulloni, Gerhard Schall, Dieter Schmalstieg and Qi PanSimultaneous Localization and Mapping for Augmented RealityProceedings of International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Roth, Martin Köstinger, Paul Wohlhart, Horst Bischof and Josef BirchbauerAutomatic detection and reading of dangerous goods platesProceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, AVSS 2010580 - 585Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefanie Zollmann, Denis Kalkofen, Erick Mendez and Gerhard ReitmayrImage-based Ghostings for Single Layer Occlusions in Augmented RealityProceedings of International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Pirker, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofHistogram of Oriented Cameras - a New Descriptor for Visal SLAM in Dynamic EnvironmentsProceedings of British Machine Vision Conference76.1-76.12Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuel Werlberger, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofMotion Estimation with Non-Local Total Variation RegularizationProceedings of Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 20102464-2471Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Tatzgern, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegCompact Explosion DiagramsProceedings of 8th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2010 (NPAR '10)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michal Récky and Franz LeberlMulti-View Image Interpretation for Street-Side-ScenesProceedings of the 11th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging48-54Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Christian Partl, Karl Kashofer and Dieter SchmalstiegComparative Analysis of Multidimensional, Quantitative DataIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics16,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Faller, Brendan Zachary Allison, Clemens Brunner, Dieter Schmalstieg and Gert PfurtschellerA software SSVEP BCI integrating stimuli within motivating and immersive virtual and augmented reality environmentsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Teodoro Solis Escalante, Dieter Schmalstieg, Alexander Bornik, Gernot Müller-Putz and Gert PfurtschellerGaze-Directed Ubiquitous Interaction Using a Brain-Computer InterfacePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Gruber, Stefen Gauglitz, Jonathan Ventura, Stefanie Zollmann, Manuel Huber, Michael Schlegel, Gudrun Klinker, Dieter Schmalstieg and Tobias HöllererThe City of Sights: Design, Construction, and Measurement of an Augmented Reality Stage SetProceedings of International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz LeberlDescribing Buildings by 3-Dimensional Details Found in Aerial PhotographyThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 38,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofUnsupervised Facade Segmentation using Repetitive PatternsProceedings for DAGM 201051-60Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Langlotz, Daniel Wagner, Alessandro Mulloni and Dieter SchmalstiegOnline Creation of Panoramic Augmented Reality Annotations on Mobile PhonesProceedings of IEEE Pervasive Computing 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Heber, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofCatadioptric Multiview Pose Estimation for Robotic Pick and PlaceVISAPP 2010 Proceedings423-426Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz LeberlCharacterizing Building Façades from Vertical Aerial ImagesThe International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 38,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Amirreza Safariazaralamdari, Christian Leistner, Martin Godec and Horst BischofRobust Multi-View Boosting with PriorsProceedings of ECCV 2010776-789Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Kristian Bredies, Thomas Pock and Rudolf StollbergerSecond Order Total Generalized Variation (TGV) for MRIPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Mauthner, Peter Roth and Horst BischofTemporal feature weighting for prototype-based action recognitionProceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision1115-1129Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Surinder Ram, Horst Bischof and Josef Alois BirchbauerModelling fingerprint ridge orientation using Legendre polynomialsPattern Recognition43,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz LeberlAugmented internet maps with property information from aerial imageryGIS' 10, Proceedings of th 18th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographical Information Systems406-409Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofNovel Multi View Structure Estimation Based on Barycentric CoordinatesProceedings of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2010193-196Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Roth, Christian Leistner and Horst BischofMultiple Instance Learning from Multiple CamerasProceedings for CVPR 201017-24Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Kluckner, Markus Unger, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofLarge-Scale Semantic Classification and Ortho-Image FusionProceedings of BMVA Meeting Aerial Image Recognition and Classification 2010110-114Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Binotto, C. Daniel, D. Weber, Arjan Kuijper, A. Stork, C. Pareira, E. Carlos and Wolf-Dietrich FellnerIterative SLE Solvers over a CPU-GPU Platform2010 12th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC)305-313Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Amir Saffari, Martin Godec, Thomas Pock, Christian Leistner and Horst BischofOnline Multi-Class LPBoostProceedings for CVPR 20103570-3577Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner and Dieter SchmalstiegExperiences with Mouse Control in Multi-Display EnvironmentsProceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Rostislav Khlebnikov and Judith MühlEffects of Needle Placement Inaccuracies in Hepatic Radiofrequency Tumor AblationIEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Annual Conference716-721Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hayko Riemenschneider, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofUsing Partial Edge Contour Matches for Efficient Object Category Localization11th European Conference on Computer Vision29-42Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Eduardo Veas, Alessandro Mulloni, Ernst Kruijff, Holger Regenbrecht and Dieter SchmalstiegTechniques for view transition in multi-camera outdoor environmentsProceedings of Graphics Interface 2010193-200Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jakob Santner, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofInteractive Multi-Label SegmentationAsian Conference on Computer Vision392-405Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alessandro Mulloni, Andreas Dünser and Dieter SchmalstiegZooming Interfaces for Augmented Reality BrowsersProceedings of Mobile HCIPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz LeberlHuman Habitat Data in 3d for the InternetComputer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications 3-17Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Tobias Langlotz, Stefan Mooslechner, Stefanie Zollmann, Claus Degendorfer, Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter SchmalstiegSketching up the world: In-situ authoring for mobile Augmented RealityProceedings for Smartphone 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manfred Klopschitz, Gerhard Schall, Dieter Schmalstieg and Gerhard ReitmayrVisual Tracking for Augmented RealityProceedings of IPIN 2010 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor NavigationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Hartmut SeichterEvaluation of Tangible User Interfaces for Desktop AR2010 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR)36-39Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Kluckner, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofSuper-Pixel Class Segmentation in Large-Scale Aerial ImageryProceedings of the Annual Workshop of the Austrian Asociation for Pattern Recognition131-138Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Wendel and Horst BischofFacade Segmentation from Streetside ImagesProceedings of Computer Vision Winter Workshop 201052-59Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Shekhovtsov and Vaclav HlavacJoint Image GMM and Shading MAP EstimationInternational Conference on Pattern RecognitionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Knoll, Markus Unger, Clemens Diwoky, Christian Clason, Thomas Pock and Rudolf StollbergerFast reduction of undersampling artifacts in radial MR angiography with 3D total variation on graphics hardwareMagnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine23,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Gruber, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter SchmalstiegColor Harmonization for Augmented RealityMixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2010227-228Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Berger, Peter Roth, Christian Leistner and Horst BischofCentralized information fusion for learning object detectors in multi-camera networksProceedings for OeAGM 201023-30Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Sternig, Peter Roth and Horst BischofLearning of Scene-Specific Object Detector by Classifier GridsProceedings for AVSS 2010408-413Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Leistner, Martin Godec, Amirreza Safariazaralamdari and Horst BischofOn-line Multi-View Forests for TrackingProceedings of DAGM 2010493-502Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jakob Santner, Manuel Werlberger, Thomas Mauthner, Paier Wolfgang and Horst BischofFlowGamesProceedings of 1st Int. Workshop on Computer Vision for Computer Games (CVCG) in conjunction with IEEE CVPR 201025-31Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marc Streit, Alexander Lex, Helmut Doleisch and Dieter SchmalstiegDoes software engineering pay off for research? Lessons learned from the Caleydo project.Proceedings for VCBM 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz LeberlFrom Aerial Images to a Description of Real Properties: A FrameworkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Rüther, Martin Lenz and Horst BischofThe Narcissistic Robot: Robot Calibration using a MirrorProceedings for ICARCV 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Philipp Meixner and Franz LeberlVertical- or Oblique Imagery for Semantic Building InterpretationVorträge Dreiländertagung OVG, DGPF und SGPF247-256Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Leberl, Arnold Irschara, Thomas Pock, Philipp Meixner, Michael Gruber, S. Scholz and A. WiechertPoint Clouds: Lidar versus 3D VisionPhotogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing76,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner, Werner Puff, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit and Dieter SchmalstiegVisual Links across ApplicationsProceedings of the Graphics Interface (GI) 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Kluckner, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofExploiting Redundancy for Aerial Image Fusion using Convex OptimizationProceedings for DAGM 2010303-312Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Maurer, Matthias Rüther and Horst BischofStereoscopic Motion Analysis of Giant HoneybeesProceedings of Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior (VAIB' 10)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Kluckner and Horst BischofLarge-Scale Aerial Image Interpretation using a redundant Semantic ClassificationProceedings of PCV 2010233-239Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Sternig, Hayko Riemenschneider, Peter Roth, Michael Donoser and Horst BischofRobust Object Detection by Classifier Cubes and Local VerificationProceedings of the 34th Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition71-78Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Storer, Martin Urschler and Horst BischofIntensity-Based Congealing for Unsupervised Joint Image Alignment20th International IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)1473-1476Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Godec, Sabine Sternig, Peter Roth and Horst BischofContext-driven Clustering by Multi-Class Classification in an Adaptive Learning FrameworkProceedings for CVPR 201019-24Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Langlotz and Mark BillinghurstAugmented Reality 2.0Seminar Proceedings Virtual Realitys DagstuhlPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser, Hayko Riemenschneider and Horst BischofShape guided maximally stable extremal region (mser) trackingProceedings for ICPR 20101800-1803Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Paul Wohlhart, Peter Roth and Horst Bischof3D Camera Tracking in Unknown Environments by On-line Keypoint LearningProceedings of the Computer Vision Winterworkshop7-14Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michal Récky and Franz LeberlWindows Detection using K-Means in CIE-LAB Color Space2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition356-360Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Bischof, Martin Godec, Christian Leistner, Marcus Hennecke, Arnold Maier, Jürgen Wolf, Rinner Bernhard and Andreas StarzacherAutonomous Multi-Sensor Vehicle Classification for Traffic MonitoringProceedings for Lakeside Conference 2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Holzer and Axel PinzUsing Outliers in Structure and Motion Analysis to Reconstruct Foreground MotionProceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop 201099-106Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sabine Sternig, Martin Godec, Peter Roth and Horst BischofTransientBoost: Online Boosting with Transient DataProceedings for CVPR 201022-27Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Clemens Arth and Dieter SchmalstiegInstant Segmentation and Feature Extraction for Recognition of Simple Objects on Mobile PhonesProceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vision (IWMV)Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerhard Schall, Alessandro Mulloni and Gerhard ReitmayrNorth-centred Orientation Tracking on Mobile PhonesProceedings of International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Straka, Martin Urschler, Markus Storer, Horst Bischof and Josef Alois BirchbauerPerson independent head pose estimation by non-linear regression and manifold embeddingProceedings of the 34th Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (ÖAGM/AAPR)63-70Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst Bischof, Martin Godec, Christian Leistner, Bernhard Rinner and Andreas StarzacherAutonomous Audio-Supported Learning of Visual Classifiers for Traffic MonitoringIEEE Intelligent Systems25,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Storer, Martin Urschler and Horst BischofOcclusion Detection for ICAO Compliant Facial PhotographsIEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW 2010)122-129Publikation in PURE anzeigen
M Gall, R Kourist, M Schmidt and U T BornscheuerThe role of the GGGX motif in determining the activity and enantioselectivity of pig liver esterase towards tertiary alcoholsBiocatalysis and Biotransformation28,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jakob Santner, Christian Leistner, Amir Saffari, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofPROST: Parallel Robust Online Simple TrackingProceedings of Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2010723-730Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Godec, Christian Leistner, Amir Saffari and Horst BischofOn-line Random Naive Bayes for TrackingProceedings for ICPR 20103545-3548Publikation in PURE anzeigen
R Kourist, H Jochens, S Bartsch, R Kuipers, S K Padhi, M Gall, D Böttcher, H J Joosten and U T BornscheuerThe alpha/beta-hydrolase fold 3DM database (ABHDB) as a tool for protein engineeringChemBioChem11,
2010Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christopher Zach, Manfred Klopschitz and Marc PollefeysDisambiguating Visual Relations Using Loop ConstraintsProceedings for CVPR 20101426-1433Publikation in PURE anzeigen
A. Binotto, B. Pedras, M. Götz, Arjan Kuijper, C. E. Pereira and Wolf-Dietrich FellnerEffective Dynamic Scheduling on Heterogeneous Multi/Manycore Desktop PlatformsInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing37-42Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Donoser, Hayko Riemenschneider and Horst BischofShape prototype signatures for action recognitionInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition1796-1799Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manuela Waldner, Ernst Kruijff and Dieter SchmalstiegBridging Gaps with Pointer Warping in Multi-Display EnvironmentsProceedings of Nordic Conference on Human-Computer InteractionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martin Godec, Christian Leistner, Horst Bischof, Andreas Starzacher and Bernhard RinnerAudio-Visual Co-Training for Vehicle ClassificationProceedings Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance586-592Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sasa Grbic, Martin Urschler, Thomas Pock and Horst BischofOptical flow based deformable volume registration using a novel second-order regularization priorProc. SPIE 7623, Medical Imaging 2010: Image ProcessingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Kathrin Yen, Martin Urschler, Alexander Bornik and Eva ScheurerInteraktive Aufbereitung Klinisch-Forensischer 3D DatenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Höller, Martin Urschler, Eva Scheurer and Kathrin YenIntuitive Präsentation Klinisch-Forensischer Daten mittels eines Referenz-ModellsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
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