As of January 1, 2024, the processing of FWF's Open Access funding will no longer be managed by the FWF but will be handled by the Open Access team at TU Graz.
The AT2OA2 subproject 5, "Visibility of Open Access Publications," presents the visual outcome of its study in the form of this comic. It formulates a series of recommendations for researchers on how to increase the visibility of scientific achievements.
Learn about the FWF's new Open Access policy, current publishing agreements, practical experience and tips on how to avoid dubious publishing practices in this event on 4 December (in English).
Since August, members of TU Graz have had access to SPIE journals and proceedings, and can publish Open Access in these journals without any additional costs.
Correctly booking OA costs can sometimes be a bit challenging.
To make the assignment of publication costs easier, you will find an informational folder, a video, and relevant SAP material groups here.
The event "Open Access - how to publish open" will take place on 9.11. from 11 am to 1 pm in the Magna Steyr lecture hall (Infeldgasse 11).
It is intended to support researchers in publishing their work openly (Open Access).
The Open Access Team of TU Graz will present important information and…
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