Welcome to the Graz University of Technology's Open Access website

As a signatory of the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities" the Graz University of Technology supports the call for free and unrestricted access to scholarly information on the Internet. This is additionally underlined by an open access policy. On this website we want to inform you about the University's activities in the field of Open Access as well as support you with and advise you on your questions.

Funding for OA publishing

a stack of coins on colorful banknotes
Picture from Steve Buissine on Pixabay

Take advantage of our funding opportunities for open access publishing.

TU Graz Open Library - Making research accessible

schematic representation of flying digital data
Picture from Joshua Sortino on Unsplash


FWF Open Access Block Grant – 1.1.2024


As of January 1, 2024, the processing of FWF's Open Access funding will no longer be managed by the FWF but will be handled by the Open Access team at TU Graz.

New Read and Publish agreement with APS


Since January 2025, members of TU Graz have been able to publish Open Access in eligible APS hybrid journals at no additional cost.

Open Access: News and Developments - Event Invitation | December 4, 2024


Learn about the FWF's new Open Access policy, current publishing agreements, practical experience and tips on how to avoid dubious publishing practices in this event on 4 December (in English).


Library and Archive
Serials Management, Open
Access and Digitisation

Franz Pichler
Tel: +43 316 873 6677

Dipl.-Ing. Elisabeth Rosenberger
Tel: +43 316 873 6613