The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a collaboratively curated online directory for Open Access journals founded at Lund University. The directory is run by an independent non-profit organization. Journals must meet various requirements to be included in the directory, such as
appropriate quality control procedures and immediate Open Access without an embargo period.
Text from the glossary under CC BY 4.0 license.
The library of TU Graz has been supporting the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) since 2016.
KOALA (Konsortiale Open-Access-Lösungen Aufbauen) is a German acronym translating to "Establishing Consortial Open Access Solutions".
The KOALA project aims to establish alternative and fair solutions to the APC (Article Processing Charge) model for Open Access publishing.
Funding is provided collectively by the academic community, research institutions, libraries, and associations.
This initiative enables selected journals to be published as Diamond Open Access. This means that there are no costs for either authors or readers.
Following the successful first phase of the project (2021–2023), six book series and journals from the fields of media and social sciences have been funded since 2023 by nearly 70 institutions within the KOALA consortium.
During the second phase of KOALA (2024–2026), the TU Graz Library is contributing to the funding of the KOALA "Mathematics/Informatics 2024" journal bundle.
As part of this bundle, the peer-reviewed journal J.UCS – Journal of Universal Computer Science, published by TU Graz, will continue as a Diamond Open Access journal in 2025.
TU Graz Journals Supported by KOALA:
J.UCS – Journal of Universal Computer Science
SciPost - TU Graz supports alternative Open Access publishing portal
As the first consortium worldwide, ten Austrian research institutions, including TU Graz and the FWF, support the publication portal SciPost. This Open Access platform for physics publications is financed through an international cost-sharing model.
SciPost is free of charge for both readers and authors. Articles can be submitted via the preprint server The reviews and replies from the Open Peer Review process are freely accessible on the SciPost platform.
Publications in SciPost Physics, SciPost Physics Proceedings and SciPost Physics Lecture Notes replace publication in traditional journals in all areas of physics.
On request, articles published on SciPost are also included in the TU Graz repository.
SCOAP³ - Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics
The University Library supports the global Open Access project SCOAP³ on behalf of TU Graz, within which the entire scientific output in the field of high energy physics (HEP) is to be made available on Open Access without additional costs to scientists. Therefore, since 2014, HEP content from publishers Elsevier, Hindawi, Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Oxford University Press, and Springer has been available worldwide on Open Access. From January 2018, the HEP content of the journals Physical Review C, Physical Review D, and Physical Review Letters of the American Physical Society will also be part of SCOAP3 and therefore be converted to Open Access.
During the pilot phase (May 2021-November 2022), 133 books were successfully transitioned to Open Access. This led to a 13% increase in book download figures. Since 2023, there has been an ongoing book program: SCOAP3 Books.
The so-called Subscribe to Open (S2O) model is a way to transform well-performing subscription journals into Open Access. Existing subscriptions will continue to be paid for. Publishers can use these revenues to publish new articles and therefore do not require APCs or similar publication costs. If enough customers continue their subscription payments, publishers make the corresponding journal volume available for open access to everyone.
If the critical number of continuing payments is not reached, access to the articles will again be granted only to subscribers, and there will be no option to publish open access.
EMS has managed to offer OA content for all 22 S2O journals offered in 2025. The archive is also made open access for these journal volumes. TU Graz supports S2O at EMS for the following journals:
Thanks to subscription payments, the following five journals from MSP will be open access in 2023: Geometry & Topology, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Algebra & Number Theory, Analysis & PDE, and Pacific Journal of Mathematics.
TU Graz supports Subscribe to Open at MSP for the Pacific Journal of Mathematics in 2023.