Published OA articles supported by TU Graz

On this page, all articles by corresponding authors from TU Graz, whose publication has been supported by TU Graz, are recorded.

The lists of supported published articles are provided on a quarterly basis. Note: The time reference relates to the initial appearance of the article, not its submission or the date of funding approval.

Published articles available as Excel, PDF, and CSV files:


Q3 2024:
Excel-Datei,  PDF-Dateicsv-Datei


Q2 2024:
Excel-Datei,  PDF-Dateicsv-Datei


Q1 2024:
Excel-file,  PDF-filecsv-file


Q4 2023:
Excel-file,  PDF-filecsv-file


Q3 2023:
Excel-file,  PDF-file,  csv-file


Q2 2023:
Excel-file,  PDF-filecsv-file


Q1 2023:
Excel-file,  PDF-filecsv-file