Publishing Agreements

To financially and organizationally support the researchers of the Graz University of Technology, publication fees - Article Processing Charges (APCs) - for OA publications are covered under certain conditions.
The prerequisite for this is that TU Graz is the first affiliation and that the institutional email address is used during submission.

The open access articles supported by TU Graz are automatically deposited in the TU Graz Open Access Repository.


[Translate to Englisch:] acm Logo

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): With the extension of the ACM consortium, the OA publishing component has been added to the agreement, which will be funded for the next 3 years from the Austrian Transition to Open Access 2 project. This makes it possible to publish OA in all ACM journals, as well as in some proceeding series, without additional costs for corresponding authors from TU Graz. There is no numerical limit on the number of articles.

1.1.2022 - 31.12.2024; 1.1.2025 - 31.12.2027
Contract type:
Read and Publish
OA can be published without additional costs in these ACM journals/magazines and conference series. Downloadable PDF and Excel file
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Authors are identified based on their institutional email address. Authors must be affiliated with TU Graz at the time of acceptance to be eligible for funding.
Types of articles:
Not specified
Possible licenses:
CC BY (recommended, mandatory for FWF and EU projects) or CC BY-NC 4.0, CC BY-ND 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
The costs are fully covered for the authors.
Special provisions:
Costs are only covered for open access, but not for other fees such as color, figure, page (for excessively long articles), submission charges.
See the publisher's information.
Information from the publisher:
Information for authors see this link.
There is no obligation to publish OA.


[Translate to Englisch:] ACS Logo

American Chemical Society (ACS): The entire consortium is granted a quota of articles that can be published under the OA agreement. 


1.1.2020-31.12.2023; 1.1.2024-31.12.2026
Contract type:
Read and Publish
Subscription Journals:
Articles may be published in ACS Subscription Journals with OA options on this downloadable PDF or Excel list.
Article Types:
All article types are included in the agreement, except Additions, Corrections, Editorials, Expressions of Concern, Retraction, In This Issue, and Introducing our Authors.
CC BY 4.0 
Eligible Authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Identification of the author is based on their institutional email address and the name of the institution. Authors must be affiliated with TU Graz at the time of acceptance to be eligible for funding.
The costs are fully covered for the author until the pre-financed APCs are exhausted for all participating institutions, which will be allocated on an institutional level on a first-come, first-served basis.
After acceptance of the article in a hybrid journal of the publisher, authors select the OA option.
There is no obligation to publish in OA.


[Translate to Englisch:] AIP Publishing Logo

American Institute of Physics (AIP):   TU Graz receives an annual quota of articles that can be published under the OA agreement Open Access in six AIP journals under the agreement (2024: 12 articles; 2025: 13 articles; 2026: 14 articles). Reading rights exist for eight journals.

1.1.2021 - 31.12.2023; 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026
Contract type:
Read and Publish
Eligible journals:
In six AIP journals, Open Access can be published at no additional cost, and there are reading rights for eight journals (Excel file download).
CC BY 4.0
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Identification of the author is done through their institutional email address and the name of the institution. Authors must belong to TU Graz at the time of acceptance to be eligible for funding.
The costs are fully covered for the author until the annually pre-funded APCs are exhausted, which are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Annual publication quotas:
2024: 12 articles
2025: 13 articles
2026: 14 articles
See publisher's info.
There is no obligation to publish OA.


[Translate to Englisch:] APS logo

American Physical Society (APS): Since January 2025, TU Graz has had a Read and Publish agreement with APS.
Members of TU Graz can publish Open Access in the publisher's hybrid journals at no additional cost.

1.1.2025 - 31.12.2027
Contract type:
Read and Publish
The journals listed in this downloadable Excel and PDF list are part of the agreement.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Authors are identified based on their institutional email address and affiliation.
Article types:
"Primary Research Material", such as Regular Articles, Letters, Rapid Communications, Reviews, Perspectives, Short Papers.
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0
Special provisions:
Costs are only covered for open access, but not for other fees such as color, figure, page (for excessively long articles), submission charges.
Information for authors see this PDF.
Information from the publisher:
Information for authors see this link.
ATTENTION! A retrospective change of the corresponding author after the peer review is not permitted!

BioMed Central (BMC) / SpringerOpen

BioMed Central (BMC) / SpringerOpen logo

BioMed Central (BMC) /Springer Open: As a member of BioMed Central (BMC), the library of TU Graz has been enjoying reduced publication fees for gold open access articles in BioMed Central and Springer Open journals since 2005. For corresponding authors who belong to TU Graz, the APCs of up to 2,500 euros will be covered by the library and paid from the OA publication fund (maximum 3 article per corresponding author and year). 

Contract type:
Membership (20% discount on APC)
(Additional information on membership is available at this Link).)
Authors are allowed to publish in these BMC journals and Springer Open journals.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Corresponding authors identify themselves by using their institutional email domain or by IP recognition.
Article types:
Peer-reviewed articles.
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0 
Special provisions:
Costs are covered only for open access, but not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
When submitting the article within the IP range of TU Graz, the corresponding author will be asked if the APC discount as a member should be used. Otherwise, the discount must be explicitly requested. Further information can be found in the "Submission Guidelines for authors" on the BMC website.
There is no obligation to publish OA.

Electrochemical Society (ECS)

Electrochemical Society (ECS): The publication of the journals was taken over by IOP Science in 2020, and access is possible via the IOP Science platform.


2017 - 2024 (annually renewable)
Type of agreement:
Journal of The Electrochemical Society
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
ECS Advances
ECS Sensors Plus
Eligible authors:
Due to participation in ECS Plus, members of TU Graz are eligible to publish their articles in the ECS journals for free and without limitation on the number of articles in open access. This applies to both corresponding authors and co-authors.
Identification is done by the publisher.
Article types:
Peer-reviewed articles
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0
Special provisions:
Cost coverage exclusively for open access, but not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
Use the ECS online workflow to submit your article.
First, select the "Open Access" option, then click on "ECS Plus" and enter "Technische Universität Graz (TUG)" in the "Your University" field. Finally, select the Creative Commons license "CC BY".
This link leads to the instructions for the ECS online workflow.
Authors from institutions with ECS Plus membership must select "ECS Plus" in step 2 at the time of manuscript submission to receive an article credit.
Information on the publisher's homepage:
You can find information from the publisher under this link.
There is no obligation to publish OA except:
ECS Advances and
ECS Sensors plus
are Gold OA Journals.


[Translate to Englisch:] Elsevier Logo

Elsevier - Austrian Institutions Agreement Elsevier and TU Graz, along with other Austrian institutions, have signed an agreement to provide researchers with continuous reading access and open access publishing. Corresponding authors can publish open access in over 1,800 hybrid journals and over 700 gold journals (as of May 2024) without additional costs. 

1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023 (Gold OA journals)
1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023 (Hybrid OA journals)
1.1.2024 – 31.12.2026 (Hybrid + Gold)
Contract type:
Read and Publish
Subscription journals with OA option
Gold journals (incl. Cell Press Gold and The Lancet Gold)
Journals included in the agreement are listed in this downloadable PDF or Excel file (as of 2025).
Find a participating journal (Note: for hybrid Cell Press titles, only reading rights, but no publishing rights are included.)
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors (with the role of "submitting corresponding author") who are affiliated with TU Graz at the time of acceptance and designate it as their first affiliation.
Article types:
Hybrid OA: Full Length Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Data-in-Brief, Microarticles, Original Software Publications, Practice Guidelines, Protocols, Replication Studies, Short Communications, Short Surveys, and Video Articles
Gold OA: Full Length Articles (FLA) and Review Articles (REV)
possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0 (recommended, mandatory for FWF and EU projects; default), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 - CAUTION! For articles licensed under CC BY-NC-ND, Elsevier requires an exclusive transfer of the commercial exploitation rights of your article! Each author retains the right to re-use the article without permission from, or payment to, Elsevier. (See link to elsevier's copyright policies.)
Special provisions:
Costs are covered only for open access, but not for other fees such as color charges.
Information from the publisher:
Information about the Elsevier - Austrian Institutions Agreement.
Once your article has been accepted for publication in a relevant journal, you will be offered the option of open access publication. Your affiliation with TU Graz will be verified by the Library and Archive / Open Access team.
Eligible articles that are not recognized as such despite correct affiliation information can be made open access by the authors retrospectively. To do this, the Researcher Support contact form must be filled out; the situation must be described precisely and all relevant email addresses must be provided.


[Translate to Englisch:] Emerald Logo

Emerald (2023 bis 2025): As an extension of the consortium agreement since 2017, licensing of Emerald content is combined with the possibility for authors of participating institutions to publish Open Access in them at no extra cost.

01/01/2023 – 12/31/2025
Contract type:
Read and Publish Agreement (Hybrid OA + Gold)
Members of TU Graz receive reading access and authorized authors have the opportunity to publish in the journals of the publisher OA. Journals included in the agreement are listed in this downloadable PDF or Excel file.
Information on the publisher's website: Emerald Publishing – Find a Journal
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Authors are identified by their institutional email address by the publisher. Article types:
All article types are covered by the agreement, except for "Editorial," "Guest Editorial," "Preface," or similar.
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0 (recommended, mandatory for FWF projects) or other licenses may be agreed upon between the author and publisher.
Special provisions:
Costs are covered only for Open Access, not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
Eligible authors are informed of the agreement by Emerald upon submission. After acceptance, authors are assigned a voucher and sent a License Agreement.
see Author guide (link)
There is no obligation to publish OA.


[Translate to Englisch:] frontiers logo

Frontiers:On December 20, 2017, a groundbreaking open access agreement was signed in Vienna between the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the University of Vienna, and the publisher Frontiers. Since January 1, 2018, Austrian researchers from these institutions have been able to publish their articles in Frontiers' open access journals through a simplified workflow and institutional cost management. The agreement allows participating Austrian institutions to benefit from national discounts and centralized billing, as well as transparent and comprehensive reporting on spending and research results at the institutional and national levels.

The national agreement is open to all Austrian academic research and research funding organizations. All new signatories benefit from the same conditions, regardless of the size of the institution and research performance. The agreement is publicly accessible via the following link.

The Technical University of Graz joined the agreement in February 2018.
Authors from TU Graz are relieved of administrative work through a centralized billing process (handled through TU Graz's Open Access Publication Fund) and can easily publish in the publisher's nearly 170 journals (as of August 2022). In addition, TU Graz benefits from the national discount for open access publication fees established in the agreement. The APCs of accepted articles from TU Graz authors are paid up to 2,500 euros from the publication fund, if possible. Billing is done directly with the library.

Since February 2018
Type of agreement:
Discount agreement for APCs in gold OA journals
See information from the publisher.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Authors are identified based on their institutional email address and/or affiliation.
Types of articles:
Original research
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0
By indicating their affiliation during submission (via this link), the publisher recognizes the author's affiliation. TU Graz's Open Access team verifies the applicability of the discount and the possibility of covering the APC through the publication fund.


[Translate to Englisch:] IEEE Logo

IEEE: As part of a consortium agreement with IEEE, publishing gold OA as well as hybrid publications in IEEE journals is ensured for corresponding authors of TU Graz without additional costs. Proceedings are excluded from this agreement. An ORCID ID is necessary for publication with IEEE. (You can generate one using this link.) Additionally, members of TU Graz have access to the IEEE Electronic Library (IEL).

30.11.2021 - 31.12.2024
Type of agreement:
Read and Publish
Publication is allowed in these journals with an OA option and gold OA journals (downloadable excel file and PDF file).
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Authors are identified by their institutional email address. The authors must be affiliated with TU Graz at the time of acceptance to be eligible for funding.
Types of articles:
Peer-reviewed articles
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0 (recommended, mandatory for FWF projects) or CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Special provisions:
Costs will be covered only for open access, but not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
Information regarding the number of included pages and the cost per page for excess length can be found in this PDF.
The costs will be fully covered for authors until the 378 APCs pre-financed for all participating institutions for 2021-2024 have been reached, which will be awarded on an institutional level according to the first come, first served principle.
See publisher's information and this information and guide by IEEE.
Information on the publisher's website:
Click here to publish with IEEE.
You can also view the participating journals at this link on the IEEE publisher's website.
Information about the agreement with IEEE is available on this page (link).
There is no obligation to publish in OA.


[Translate to Englisch:] IOP Logo

Institute of Physics  (since 2014): As an extension of the consortium agreement, all members of TU Graz have the opportunity to publish Open Access with IOP. Affiliation is verified by the publisher and confirmed by TU Graz.

01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
Contract type:
Read and Publish
Open Access publishing is possible for members of TU Graz in the subscription journals (hybrid) and the listed gold OA journals on this PDF or Excel file.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz at the time of acceptance and designate it as their first affiliation.
For Open Choice journals, authors identify themselves by the name of their institution and use of their institutional email. There can only be one corresponding author for a manuscript who is responsible for communication from submission to acceptance. A change is only possible with written permission from IOP. 
Article types:
All original research and review type content contributions (e.g. Paper, Special issue paper/article, Review, Letter, Note, Perspective, Short communication, Viewpoint, Topical review, Topical issue article, Comment, Corrigendum, Addendum) accepted during the contract period.
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0
Special provisions:
Cost coverage: All fees are covered, except for page charges (for excessively long articles) in the journals Japanese Journal of Applied Physics and Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, which are the responsibility of the author.  
During the peer review process, the publisher identifies eligible articles and informs the corresponding authors about the agreement no later than at acceptance. Authors then have 5 days to decide whether to opt for OA or not, or whether to accept the funding by the institution. The review by the respective library takes place at acceptance. If the article is rejected by the library or if the author opts out, authors can either seek other funding or postpone publication until subscription is available, unless the publication appears in a gold journal.
Yes, in writing within 5 days after being informed by the publisher about the Open Access provision via the agreement.
Information about the agreement is available on this link to the IOP website.  


IWA logo

IWA: Since January 1st, 2019, the Graz University of Technology has entered into a combined open access publication and subscription agreement with the International Water Association (IWA) (Read and Publish). This agreement enables members of the Graz University of Technology (scientists and students of Graz University of Technology) to access the journals published by IWA. In addition, all corresponding authors from Graz University of Technology have the opportunity to publish unlimited open access in IWA journals without incurring any costs.

1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
Contract type:
Read and Publish
15 peer-reviewed OA journals: downloadable PDF and Excel file
⇒ 10 former subscription journals (S2O) [Note: 4 journals published in cooperation with Elsevier are excluded]
⇒ 5 Gold OA journals [Note: The Gold OA journal Ingeniería del agua, published in cooperation with Polytechnic University of Valencia, is included in the agreement since 2023.]
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz at the time of submission and designate it as their first affiliation.
IWA identifies eligible authors based on the name of the institution in the Editorial Manager and manuscript.
Article types:
Peer-reviewed articles; otherwise no restrictions
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0 (recommended, mandatory for FWF and EU projects), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Default license: CC BY 4.0
Special provisions:
Costs are covered exclusively for open access, but not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
Instructions for Authors (Link)
Workflow tutorial (Link)
Information on the publisher's homepage:
Under this link you will find information from the publisher.
There is no obligation to publish open access - but the majority of the journals are already Gold OA.


[Translate to Englisch:] MDPI Logo

MDPI – Open Access Publishing: In 2019, TU Graz became an institutional member of the newly established consortium, which resulted in a 20% reduction in APCs. Since September 2022, it is again possible to claim additional discounts (e.g. author vouchers). If possible, APCs of accepted articles from TU Graz authors will be paid up to 2,500 euros from the publication fund. The settlement is done directly with the library. 

01.01.2019 – 31.12.2024
Type of agreement:
Agreement with a 20% discount on APC.
All MDPI journals according to the homepage.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz at the time of submission and list it as their first affiliation.
Authors are identified by their institutional email address and/or affiliation.
Article types:
Research articles, Article reviews, Case reports, Letters, Communications, Technical notes.
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0
By specifying your affiliation during submission (via this link), MDPI recognizes the affiliation with TU Graz. The Open Access team of TU Graz checks the applicability of the discount and the possible assumption of the APC by the publication fund.

Oxford University Press (OUP)

Oxford University Press Logo

Oxford University Press (OUP): Starting from 2023, TU Graz has signed a consortium agreement with other institutions. This includes access to journals dating back to 1996 and the possibility for members of TU Graz to publish with OUP Open Access at no additional cost. 

01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
Contract Type:
Read and Publish Agreement (Hybrid OA + Gold)
Members of Graz University of Technology receive read access to the journals of the publisher and authorized authors have the possibility to publish in the journals of the publisher OA. Hybrid and Gold OA Journals included in the agreement are listed in this downloadable Excel file and in this PDF file.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Authors are identified based on their institutional email address. Authors must belong to TU Graz at the time of acceptance to be eligible for funding.
Article Types:
Research article, review article, brief report, case report
Possible licenses:
CC-BY 4.0 (recommended, mandatory for FWF projects) or CC BY-NC 4.0
Special Provisions:
Costs are only covered for open access, not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
Authors must indicate their institution at the time of submission. If an article is accepted, the author will be invited via email to log in to SciPris. Eligible authors whose institution is identified via Ringgold will be directed to the Read and Publish workflow. Authors select an OA license and request approval as part of the R&P agreement. See Author guide (link).
There is no obligation to publish open access.
For further information:
See Oxford Academic homepage (link).

The Royal Society

[Translate to Englisch:] The Royal Society Logo

The Royal Society: TU Graz has signed a membership agreement with The Royal Society, which grants all TU Graz authors a 25% discount on the publication fees of open access articles. If applicable, the publication costs can be covered by the OA publication fund of TU Graz.

An ORCID ID is required for a publication with The Royal Society. (One can be generated here.)

If the article is suitable, the OA publication will be automatically deposited in PubMed by The Royal Society.

01.05.2022 - 30.05.2025
Type of agreement:
OA membership (25% discount on APCs)
Publications in all hybrid open access and gold open access journals of the Royal Society are included in the contract.

Hybrid OA journals:

Gold Open Access Journals:

The publication fund of TU Graz cannot be used for Proceedings articles!

Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Authors are identified using their institutional email address. Authors must be affiliated with TU Graz at the time of acceptance to be eligible for funding.
Article types:
Open access articles
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0 (recommended, mandatory for FWF projects)
A CC BY license must be provided for all attached materials, otherwise The Royal Society will be the copyright holder.
Special provisions:
The discount is only granted for open access publications.
See the author guidelines of the publisher..
There is no obligation to publish OA.

Royal Society of Chemistry

[Translate to Englisch:] Royal Society of Chemistry Logo

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC): In 2017, the TU Graz joined the Austrian RSC Consortium, thus enabling the publication of accepted articles in subscription journals on the publisher platform Open Access. The identification is done directly by the publisher. When submitting, the e-mail address of the TU Graz should be used. If there are any problems, please send an e-mail to the TU Graz Open Access team:

01.01.2017 – 31.12.2025
Contract type:
Read and Publish Contract (Hybrid and Gold OA)
As of January 2025, all journals are included in the agreement as listed in the  attached list.
Eligible authors:
Eligible authors are corresponding authors who are affiliated with the TU Graz at the time of article acceptance and list it as their first affiliation.
For Open Choice Journals, authors identify themselves by the name of the institution, by using their institutional e-mail domain, by IP recognition or persistent identifier such as Ringold, ORCID.
Article types::
Analysis, Application, Chemistry Frontiers, Communication, Concise Article, Critical Review, Edge Article, Emerging Area, Feature Article, Focus, Forum, Frontier, Highlight, Letter, Method, Mini-review, New Product Update, Opinion, Paper, Perspective, Research Article, Review Article, Synopsis, Technical Innovation, Technical Note, Tutorial Account, Tutorial Review, Viewpoint.
Possible Licenses:
CC BY 4.0
Special Provisions
Coverage of costs is only for Open Access, not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
Upon article acceptance, the corresponding author is asked to identify themselves as associated with the participating institution and to agree to the Open Access terms. This information is verified by the Open Access team.
There is no obligation to publish Open Access.
Eligible articles published during the term of the agreement may be made Open Access retrospectively at the request of the author/s.


[Translate to Englisch:] SPIE logo

International Society for Optics and Photonics: TU Graz has had a Read and Publish agreement with SPIE since August 2024. This agreement enables members of TU Graz to access the electronic versions of 16 journals and proceedings, and to publish Open Access in 15 journals without any additional cost.

1.8.2024 - 31.12.2025
Contract type: 
Read and Publish Contract (Hybrid OA)
The journals and proceedings listed in this downloadable excel and pdf list can be accessed, and Open Access publishing in the journals on this attached excel and pdf list is possible at no additional cost.
Eligible authors
Eligible authors are corresponding authors who are affiliated with the TU Graz at the time of article acceptance and list it as their first affiliation.
For hybrid journals, authors identify themselves through the the institutional email domain or by the IP recognition.
Possible licenses: 
see the publisher's guidelines for authors, which can be downloaded here.
Information on the publisher's homepage:
Under this link, you will find information from the publisher.
There is no obligation to publish open access.
Eligible articles published during the term of the agreement may be made Open Access retrospectively at the request of the author*s.

Springer Compact

[Translate to Englisch:] Springer Logo

Springer compact: 41 scientific institutions, including TU Graz, together with FWF and Springer, signed the Springer Compact contract for 2019-2021. This was extended until 2023. With just one contract, access to electronic Springer journals is granted, and open access publishing in the publisher's Open Choice journals is enabled.

2016-2018; 2019-2021; 2022-2023; 2024-2026
Contract type:
Read and Publish contract (Hybrid OA)
Scientists have access to over 2000 Springer journals and the opportunity to publish in over 2000 hybrid journals.
The current list of eligible journals is available under Publishing Open Access in a Hybrid Journal.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz at the time of acceptance and designate it as their first affiliation.
For Open Choice (Hybrid) journals, authors identify themselves using the name of their institution, the use of their institutional email domain, or through IP recognition.
Article types:
Original paper, Review paper, Brief communication, Continuing Education
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0 (recommended, mandatory for FWF projects) or CC BY-NC 4.0
Special provisions:
Cost coverage is exclusively for open access, but not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
Upon acceptance of the article, the corresponding author is asked to identify themselves as belonging to a participating institution and to agree to the open access terms. This information is verified by the Open Access team.
See publisher's information.
There is no obligation to publish open access.


Taylor & Francis

Taylor and Francis logo

Taylor & Francis: As a member of the Taylor & Francis Offsetting Consortium, corresponding authors from TU Graz can publish in hybrid and gold OA journals in Open Access. 
The publisher's recognition is based on the institutional email address and is confirmed by TU Graz.

1.1.2025 – 31.12.2027
Contract type:
Read and Publish
All hybrid journals included in this PDF file and Excel file are covered by the agreement.
Publication opportunities are now also available with Routledge, Dove Medical Press, and on the F1000Research publishing platform. 
The most up-to-date list of eligible journals can be found in the "Open Cost Finder" on the Taylor & Francis publisher's homepage: for a correct result, the OA status “OA not available” must be DISABLED.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
Gold (Open Journals): affiliated with TU Graz at manuscript submission
Hybrid (Open Select Journals): affiliated with TU Graz at article acceptance 
Authors identify themselves through the name of the institution and the institutional email domain.
Types of articles:
Taylor & Francis: Peer-reviewed articles
F1000 Research, RoutledgeOpen Research and MedEdPublish: Data Notes, Correspondence, Genome Notes, Case Studies
Possible licenses:
CC BY 4.0
Special provisions:
Costs are only covered for Open Access, but not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
When the article is accepted, eligible authors will choose the Open Access option. If the funding has not been confirmed in advance by the library, the affiliation to TU Graz must be specified, and a CC license must be chosen. (The CC BY-NC 4.0 license is pre-selected, but TU Graz recommends CC BY 4.0.)
Information on the publisher's homepage:
Under this link, you will find information from the publisher.
There is no obligation to publish open access.


[Translate to Englisch:] Wiley-Logo

Wiley: With the conclusion of a consortium agreement with Wiley, corresponding authors affiliated with TU Graz can publish open access articles in hybrid journals without additional costs. This is clearly indicated during the submission process.

2018 – 2020
2021 – 2023
2024 – 2026
Contract type:
Read and Publish Agreement (Hybrid and Gold)
All hybrid and gold Open Access journals of Wiley listed in this PDF and Excel file are included in the agreement.
Eligible authors:
Eligible are corresponding authors who are affiliated with TU Graz and list it as their first affiliation.
For hybrid journals, the affiliation must exist at the time of article acceptance; 
for gold journals, authors must be affiliated with TU Graz at the time of manuscript submission.
Authors are identified by the name of the institution, the use of their institutional email domain, or through IP recognition.
Article types:
Case Study, Commentary, Data Article, Education, Lecture, Method and Protocol, Perspective, Practice and Policy, Rapid Publication, Research Article, Review Article, Short Communication and Technical Note.
Possible licenses:
CC BY (recommended, mandatory for FWF projects), CC BY-NC, CC BY-ND, CC BY-NC-ND
Special provisions:
Cost coverage exclusively for open access, but not for other fees such as color or page charges (for excessively long articles).
Hybrid Journals:
When submitting the manuscript, you must select your institution from the standardized lists provided in the system. Then, you will be given the option to publish Open Access. The publisher provides sufficient information about Open Access publishing under this agreement, such as the waiver of the APC.
Flyer on hybrid Open Access contributions (download link)

Gold Journals:
When submitting the manuscript, you must select your institution from the standardized lists provided in the system. For some gold journals, there is also a question regarding the publication fee that needs to be answered to request that the article falls under this agreement.
Flyer on Full Open Access contributions (download link)
There is no obligation to publish open access.
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