Winter Term 2020  | INFORMATION

Any questions regarding the course groups can be clarified on March 3, 2021 from 1pm - 2pm by joining via the Webex-link of the respective institute. The links can be found here.

© ITE, TU Graz

140 | Institute for Structural Design

Structures for the Unbuilt

Concept and Direction | Stefan Peters, Andreas Trummer, David Gierlinger

Compulsory Electives:
140.802 Material - Struktur - Form
143.809 AK Kulturwissenschaften

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© akk, TU Graz

143 | Institute of Architectural Theory, Art History and Cultural Studies

gut/achten. Grazer Architektur 1945-2000

Concept and Direction |
Anselm Wagner, Sophia Walk

Compulsory Electives:
143.813 Architekturkritik
141.802 Aktuelle Tendenzen Praktische Denkmalpflege

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© stdb, TU Graz

145 | Institute of Urbanism + 149 | Institut of Architecture Technology 

Transforming City Regions. IBA'27 Konversion Klinikumsareal Sindelfingen

Master Studio 1 | Concept and Direction |
Aglaée Degros, Anna Bagaric

In Cooperation with IATh |
Tom Kaden, Thomas Grassl

Compulsory Electives:
145.804 Verkehrsplanung für Architekten
145.803 AK Städtebau 2

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Link to institute website

© stdb, TU Graz

145 | Institute of Urbanism

Veränderung planen: Was gibt's Neues in Neuberg?

Master Studio 2 | Concept and Direction |
Aglaée Degros, Eva Schwab

Compulsory Electives:
145.811 Städtische Infrastruktur
157.811 Wohnexperimente als räumliche Praxis

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© IGL, TU Graz

147 | Institute of Design and Building Typology

Architektur Archiv Steiermark

Master Studio 1 | Concept and Direction |
Hans Gangoly, Sarah Posch

Compulsory Electives:
140.802 Material - Struktur - Form
(Group Holzinger)
147.813 Funktion & Typus im Architekturentwurf

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© IGL, TU Graz

147 | Institute of Design and Building Typology

Zentrale Peripherie

Master Studio 2 | Concept and Direction |
Andreas Lechner, Tobias Gruber

Compulsory Electives:
147.807 AK Gebäudelehre
147.811 Angewandte Methoden im architektonischen Entwerfen

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© IAT, TU Graz

149 | Institute of Architecture Technology


Master Studio 1 | Concept and Direction | Roger Riewe, Toni Levak

Compulsory Electives:
149.824 Typologie und Kontext
149.826 System Technologies, Gruppe 2_Matthias Raudaschl

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© IAT, TU Graz

149 | Institute of Architecture Technology


Master Studio 2 | Concept and Direction | Roger Riewe, Alice Minghel

Compulsory Electives:
149.801 Struktur und Fassade
149.804 Raumstruktur

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Link to institute website

© IATh, TU Graz

149 | Institute of Architecture Technology | Stiftungsprofessur Holzbau

Transforming City Regions

Master Studio 3 | Concept and Direction | Tom Kaden, Thomas Graßl

Compulsurary Courses:
149.825 Material und Technologie
140.802 Material - Struktur - Form

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Link to institute website

© irg, TU Graz

151 | Institute of Spatial Design


Concept and Direction | Alexander Lehnerer, Carlotta Bonura, Julian Brües, Büsra Köroglu

Compulsary Elective:
151.805 Raum Material Detail

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Link to institute website

© ia&l, TU Graz

153 | Institute of Architecture and Landscape

Dasein ist Co-Design

Concept and Direction | Klaus Loenhart, Christoph Solstreif-Pirker

Compulsory Electives:
153.804 LandLab: CASE

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Link to institute website

© ige, TU Graz

159 | Institute of Buildings and Energy

Hybrid High

Concept and Direction | Brian Cody, Christiane Wermke

Compulsory Electives:
159.805 Advanced facade technologies
159.806 Advanced building systems

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© i_w, TU Graz

157 | Institute of Housing

temporär wohnen_soziale dichte
neuberg an der mürz

Concept and Direction | Andreas Lichtblau, Thomas Kalcher

Compulsory Electives:
157.808 angewandte soziologie des wohnens
145.802 ak städtebau

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Link to institute website

© IAM, TU Graz

161 | Institute of Architecture and Media

Minecraft and other (more witchy) crafts

Concept and Direction | Urs Hirschberg,
Jose De Carvalho Paixao, Adam Sebestyen

Compulsory Electives:
161.804 Interdisziplinäre Medienprojekte
161.806 Architektur und Film

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