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Stadtraum im digitalen Wandel. Räumliche Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien auf Umwelt und MobilitätRadostina Radulova-Stahmer
Band 7 der JOVIS reasearch Reihe
Berlin: jovis Verlag, 2023
German, 140 pages, paperback
ISBN: 978-3-86859-771-4
EUR 35.00
Link to the book

In today’s world, large cities are faced with unparalleled challenges like climate change, environmental pollution, and a scarcity of resources. How do they respond? This dissertation takes a detailed look at the changes playing out in our cities through the implementation of new technologies like artificial intelligence, information and communication technology, real-time information, and big data. All over the world, new technologies are being employed in cities under the auspices of digital transformation, with an aim to meet the current challenges. This use of artificial intelligence, information and communication technology (ICT), real-time information, and big data has a significant influence on the form of urban space. The publication sheds light on the specific and critical spatial dimension of digitalization processes on a district or neighborhood level. Citing three case studies from German-speaking countries, the author illustrates the importance of an urban development directed toward the common good in the context of digital transformation.