Institut für Gebäudelehre. Jahrbuch 22/23
Hans Gangoly (ed.)
Publishing Company of Graz University of Technology, 2024
German, 412 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-3-85125-998-8
ISBN 978-3-85125-999-5 (E-Book)
EUR 35.00

As the fifth and last edition in the series, the Yearbook 22/23 takes a look back at the design theory from the past ten years in the Institute of Design and Building Typology. In the introductory interview, Hans Gangoly speaks with Christian Inderbitzin from EMI Architekten in Zurich—who in 2012 was the institute’s first visiting professor under Gangoly—about the challenges and the future topics in design theory. Then, the visiting professors from subsequent years are introduced chronologically, each discussing their own experiences in Graz. Once again, as in previous yearbooks, the focus is placed on the students’ current work. Presented here, in addition to a content-related overview and selected results from the bachelor’s and master’s courses, are outstanding and award-winning master’s theses. The themes of the designs deal with the local Graz context and cover a variety of topics, such as: redensification considerations in the “2nd row” of a neighborhood with single-family homes; new and newly interpreted typologies like a bicycle salon and an urban villa; scenarios of continued use for buildings like shopping centers or a historical coach house; and a conversion of an existing building with combined housing and workspace for sculptors.