The village of Dangkhar is situated in Himachal Pradesh, a state in Northern India. Dangkhar is home to a monastery, a handful of associated temples, and a fort. It is in fact one of the five major monastic centres in Spiti, the others being Tabo, Ghungri, Gomic and Key. A Gelug-pa institution since the 1450s, Dangkhar is also known to have been Nyingma-pa, Sakya-pa and Kagyud-pa before that, depending on the religious allegiance of the Nono’s family (royal family).
The main purpose of this project is to generate an accurate and detailed record of the old monastic complex and to take its many aspects of architecture and design into equal consideration. Having worked on an accurate analysis and elaboration of the plans during the course of field research, the foundations were laid for an enhanced insight into the history and basic structure of the buildings, which was indispensible for the final analysis and structured elaboration of necessary preservation measures to guarantee the future existence of this unique cultural monument.
Project duration:
Project management:
Carmen Auer, Institute of Architectural Theory, History of Art and Cultural Studies, TU Graz
Project partnerships:
Univ.-Prof. B.A. M.Sc. Ph.D. Daniel Scott Kieffer,
Institute of Applied Geosciences, TU Graz
Univ.-Prof. Mag. art. Dr. phil. Gabriela Krist,
Institute of Conservation, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Markus Weisskopf, Basel
The Ancient Monastic Complex of DangkharThe Three Storied Temple of Wanla