Weitere Veranstaltungen des Instituts

Neben den drei 'Grazer' Holzbau Veranstaltungen und der Klagenfurter Holzbau-Fachtagung, organisiert und beteiligt sich das Institut auch an weiteren Konferenzen, Tagungen und Seminaren. Im Folgenden findet sich eine Zusammenstellung ausgewählter Beispiele.

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Instituts

2017 - COST Action FP1402 - International Conference on Connections in Timber Engineering

Das Institut für Holzbau und Holztechnologie hat am 13. September 2017 die Konferenz "International Conference on Connections in Timber Engineering From Research to Standards" im Rahmen der COST Action FP1402 veranstaltet.

Details zum Programm finden Sie hier.

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2016 - INTER Meeting

Das Institut war im August 2016 Gastgeber des INTER Meetings in Graz.
Detaillierte Informationen zum Meeting finden Sie hier.

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2013 - COST Action FP1004 - "European Conference on Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)"

The orthotropic properties of timber are well known – strong and stable along the grain, weak and susceptible to movement across the grain. By placing laminations across the grain, Cross Laminated Timber uses this anisotropy to advantage, enhancing the mechanical properties of wood, by using wood. This elegant solution has led to Cross Laminated Timber being the most significant recent innovation in timber engineering. It has opened the potential for new construction types, including tall timber buildings. Through their work at TU Graz, Professor Gerhard Schickhofer and his team continue to lead the world in research in the field.

COST Action FP1004, “Enhance mechanical properties of timber, engineered wood products and timber structures” provides a network for learning and development in a range of connected topics, which includes Cross Laminated Timber. This conference, with its proceedings, will record the State-of-the-Art of Cross Laminated Timber and its use. In working with TU Graz to host this Conference, the COST Action is able to bring researchers together, from around the world to learn about Cross Laminated Timber and its applications, as well as to take part in discussions about future research and development.

The structure of this conference is based around the material and its use. The topics move from manufacture, through design to application. What are the threats faced by CLT? What are the opportunities? The culture of COST Action FP1004 is to encourage involvement of delegates and the Day 1 programme includes time for debate and discussion between delegates and the expert speakers. The conference starts, where all engineering studies should start, with an analysis of the material. What is the State-of-the-Art in manufacturing this material? How can manufacture be applied to more species, to low-cost production from wood available local to its use? How are the engineering properties of the manufactured product predicted and assured?

The conference will then move on to design and construction. Presentations on the implementation of Ultimate Limit State, and Serviceability Limit State, methods for reinforcing against local high stresses with screws and the design of connections will provide the latest knowledge.

In seismic design, the use of Cross Laminated Timber produces enormous benefits. Obviously the use of a sustainable material is of great advantage but, in addition,  Cross Laminated Timber lays out new opportunities for building systems, which remain serviceable, whilst dissipating energy. Three presentations on seismic behaviour set down cutting-edge understanding for this topic.

TU Graz has led the world in the application of CLT to building systems. Their work in developing an understanding of environmental performance of building fabric, incorporating CLT has been fundamental to the success of the material. The use of Cross Laminated Timber to create the tallest modern timber structures in the world is opening opportunities that could not have been imagined ten years ago. The latest of these structures is under construction in Australia – something that could not have been contemplated five years ago and learning about this project from its designer. Together with learning about lower rise, more local but equally impressive buildings, this session will bring Day 1 and the formal part of the conference to a fitting conclusion. Day 2 will provide the opportunity to visit one of the Austrian Cross Laminated Timber manufacturing plants as well as seeing its use in construction.

The purpose of the COST programme is to strengthen Europe in scientific and technological research, for peaceful purposes, through the support of cooperation and interaction between European researchers. It is based on an inter-governmental agreement, which has proved to be a highly successful way to spread awareness and build networks between Europe's researchers. It helps researchers to share not only the results of their work but also their aims and methods. It is open to global cooperation in the mutual interest and builds bridges between research communities.

This conference adheres to these principles. It will be an extraordinary opportunity to hear presentations from highly specialist, invited speakers and to participate in debate. To ensure the opportunity for discussion, numbers are strictly limited and early application for a place is essential. For those unable to attend in person, the proceedings will record the State-of-the-Art.

Richard Harris
Chari of COST Action FP1004

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2011 - Seminar - Holz-Massivbauweise in Brettsperrholz

Am 13. und 14. Mai 2011 findet in Zeltweg das Seminar "Holz-Massivbauweise in Brettsperrholz" statt.

Seit nahezu 20 Jahren befasst sich der Fachbereich Holzbau und Holztechnologie der TU Graz mit dem Thema der “Holz-Massivbauweise in Brettsperrholz”. In diesem Zeitraum konnten zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten abgeschlossen, eine Vielzahl an Diplomarbeiten betreut, Fachveranstaltungen ausgerichtet, Fachvorträge gehalten und Zulassungen auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene erwirkt werden. Erwähnt seien noch die Kooperationen mit Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Dieser Hintergrund, verbunden mit den Transferaktivitäten, stellt die Basis für diese Veranstaltungen im Themenkomplex der “Holz-Massivbauweise in Brettsperrholz” dar.

Ziel ist es, die Holz-Massivbauweise in Brettsperrholz generell in Europa und besonders in jenen Regionen zu etablieren, wo das Thema “Erdbeben” ein Existenzielles ist. In diesem Zusammenhang wird es an der TU Graz weiterhin den Schwerpunkt ”shell_structures” mit Neuausrichtungen innerhalb des Themenfeldes geben. Neben weiterer grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierter Forschung wird an der Weiterentwicklung des CLTdesigners und des CLThandbooks sowie an innovativen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Systementwicklungen gearbeitet.

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2009 - Eurocode 5 Seminar – Bemessung und Konstruktion von Holzbauten nach EN 1995-1-1

Das Ende der Koexistenzperiode zwischen der bisher zur Berechnung und Ausführung von Tragwerken aus Holz gültigen ON B 4100-2 und der, auf europäischer Basis erarbeiteten, ON EN 1995-1-1 sowie die Fertigstellung der zugehörigen nationalen Dokumente, wie zum Beispiel die ON B 1995-1-1, bedeuten für den Holzbau in Österreich einschneidende Veränderungen. Ab Mitte 2009 wird die Berechnung und Ausführung von Holztragwerken ausschließlich gemäß den Bestimmungen des Eurocode 5 (EC 5) durchzuführen sein. Insbesondere wird mit dem Inkrafttreten dieses Normenpaketes für den Holzbau der Wechsel vom deterministischen zum semiprobabilistischen Sicherheitskonzept vollzogen. Diesen veränderten Rahmenbedingungen in der Bemessung und Konstruktion möchte das vorliegende Seminar Rechnung tragen. Den in der Praxis tätigen Planern und Konstrukteuren, vor allem aber den Holzbau-Ingenieuren und den Zimmermeistern, werden im Rahmen von 16 jeweils 45-minütigen Einheiten die wesentlichen Kapitel erläutert. Die Anwendung des neuen Bemessungskonzeptes wird anhand von Beispielen gezeigt.

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2007 - COST Action E55 - First Workshop and Opening Seminar

The main objective of COST Action E55 "Modelling of the Performance of Timber Structures" is to provide the basic framework and knowledge required for the efficient and sustainable use of timber as a structural and building material. This Action is a consortium of European experts in the fields of timber engineering and structural reliability. The duration of the action is schedueled from December 2006 - December 2010.

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Institut für Holzbau und Holztechnologie
Technische Universität Graz
Inffeldgasse 24
A-8010 Graz Tel.: +43 (0)316 873 - 4601
Fax: +43 (0)316 873 - 4619