Past and archived News

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June 25
Imagine24- Diverging Horizons - Converging Realities - Keynote at the Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Engergy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.

June 26
Keynote at the 3rd Austrian Conference on Orthopaedics and Traumatology Linz

May 31st
Inivited at the AI for Good Global Summit to speak at the Workshop "AI's next Frontier: The future of brain-computer interfaces for good"

January 2024
I gave a Talk at the IEEE V&T IoT Summit at RWW2024

November 2023
Gave a talk at the Paris Brain Institute.

November 2023
Gave a talk at Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering.

June 2023
I organize a Workshop on "Non-invasive Motor Control" at the 10th BCI Meeting in Brussels.

May 2023
I will give a talk at Istitutio di Biorobotica, Bioelectronics and BioEngineering Arae, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies. "Non-invasive BCIs for motor restoration in the upper extremity"

January 2023
I am now an Associate Editor for "IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering"

December 2022
- Invited talk at the Wyss Center, Geneva: Symposium - Brain-computer interfaces: New technology. More data. Improving lives.

October 2022
- Nominated as "Austrian of the Year 2022" in the category "Research" Top 3 (die Presse, AustriaGala22)

September 2022
- Talk at the Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering BMT2022.
- Talk at "Sprechen wir über die Wissenschaft" organized by BioTechMed Graz, "Wie können wir die Funktion unseres Gehirns verbessern?" Cafe Kaiserfeld, 12.9.2022

June 2022
- Organization of the NeuroIS Training Course and Retreat in Vienna June 14-16
- Organization of the Initiative Gehirnforschung Steiermark Netzwerktreffen, June 20

January 2022
- Talk at 3rd BCI Un-Conference Series: Continuous movement decoding from non-invasive EEG

September 2021
- I am Co-Chair of the ÖGBMT annual meeting happening in Graz in September. 50 years of biomedical engineering in Graz.
- I have an invited talk about "30 years of BCI research at TU Graz"

June 2021
- NeuroIS Retreat. The meeting of the NeuroIS Society.
- 8th Int. BCI Meeting: virtual Meeting. We present in Workshops, Talks and Posters!

May 2021
Neural Engineering Conference NER21. We present our latest research on Feel Your Reach.
Published my first book, together with PD Dr. R. Rupp: "Neuroprosthetics and Brain-Computer Interfaces in Spinal Cord Injury", see info-box.

February 2021
Beeing a guest in PhD Seminar on IT and Neuroscience at HEC Montreal.

January 2021
New Paper in Journal of Neural Engineering: "Online asynchronous detection of error-related potentials in participants with a spinal cord injury by adapting a pre-trained generic classifier", by Catarina Lopes Dias, Andreea Ioana Sburlea, Katharina Breitegger, Daniela Wyss, Harald Drescher, Renate Wildburger and Gernot R Müller-Putz

September 2020
We started a Joint PhD Program between Nanyang Technical University (NTU) Singapore and TU Graz in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces.

December 2021
Postponed!!! Talk at WYSS Center, Geneva.

August 2020
New paper in Journal of Neural Engineering: "Distance- and speed-informed kinematics decoding improves M/EEG based upper-limb movement decoder accuracy" by Kobler, Reinmar; Sburlea, Andreea Ioana; Mondini, Valeria; Hirata, Masayuki; Müller-Putz, Gernot
New paper in Journal of Neural Engineering: "Assessing the impact of vibrotactile kinaesthetic feedback on electroencephalographic signals in a center-out task" by Hehenberger, Lea; Sburlea, Andreea Ioana; Müller-Putz, Gernot

July 2020
New Paper in Journal of Neural Engineering: "Continuous low-frequency EEG decoding of arm movement for closed-loop, natural control of a robotic arm" by Mondini, Valeria; Kobler, Reinmar; Sburlea, Andreea Ioana; Müller-Putz, Gernot

June 2020
New Paper in NeuroImage: "Distinct cortical networks for hand movement initiation and directional processing: an EEG study" by Reinmar Josef Kobler; Elizaveta Kolesnichenko; Andreea I Sburlea, Gernot R. Müller-Putz
Talk at NeuroIS 2020 (virtual conference): On the modulation of perturbation-evoked potentials after motor reaction in a human-machine interaction setup

April 2020
New Paper in Journal of Neural Engineering: "Perturbation-evoked potentials can be classified from single-trial EEG" by Ditz, Jonas; Schwarz, Andreas; Müller-Putz, Gernot

October 2019
Meet us at Society for Neuroscience Conference in Chicago, Session Brain-Computer Interface: Extracranial
Making the paralyzed move, my TEDxTU Wien talk available on youtube.

September 2019
CYBATHLON BCI Series 2019 & 8th Graz BCI Conference 2019

June 2019
Accepted talk at NeuroIS 2019.
Workshop at RehabWeek 2019, Toronto.

May 2019
TEDxTUWien invited talk, May 4: Making the paralyzed move
Invited Talk at Neurotechnology meets Artificial Intelligence, May 8-10.

February 2019
Talk at Fondazione Santa Lucia in Rome: Towards hand and arm function in high spinal cord injury: a non-invasive BCI approach

November 2018
Foundation of the NeuroIS Society, together with Prof. René Riedl (Austria), Prof. Fred Davis (USA) and Prof. Pierre Majorique Léger (Canada)

Oktober 2018
Talk at INGE St. Symposium 2018: Denken und Lernen – Fakten und Mythen

August 2018
Keynote at International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society Converence 2018 IFESS

July 2018
Keynote at 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs

June 2018
4.6. Montagsakademie KF Uni Graz: Schnittstellen zwischen Gehirn und Computer: Realität und Vision

May 2018
I organized a Workshop "Noninvasive BCI-control of FES for grasp restoration in high spinal cord injured humans" at 7th International BCI Meeting in Asilomar, CA, USA.

March 2018
14.3. I had a talk at "10 Jahre Bewusstseinsforschung" in Albert Schweitzer Clinic in Graz

January 2018
Keynote at 6th BCI Winter Conference "Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interface for Hand/Arm-Control in Users with high Spinal Cord Injury"

November 2017
Poster presentations at Society for Neuroscience Conference, Washington DC.
MoreGrasp OpenHouse-Event in Heidelberg, see more here:

September 2017
7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference, conference chair!
My PhD student Christian Breitwieser is going to have his PhD defense, Sept. 5th.

July 2017
We have Talk and Poster at IFESS2017 at the RehabWeek in London. 

June 2017
I am invited at NeuroIS in Gmunden to talk about the Power of EEG.

May 2017
I received the Ludwig-Guttman-Preis from the German Medical Association for Spinal Cord Injury. The presentation was at the annual meeting of DGMP and I gave a talk there.

March 2017
Invited talk at the nextM conference in Vienna, March 23.

November 2016
Talk at the Styrian Meeting of the Austrian Neurscience Association on November 24.

I am (co-)organizing the 1st Field of Expertise Day of the TUG FoE Human&Biotechnology on November 3rd.

October 2016
New paper in JNE: "A Hybrid Three-Class Brain-Computer Interface System Utilizing SSSEPs and Transient ERPs" Keynote at the Austrian Computer Science Day in Linz.
Graz BCI Racing Team Mirage91 in Zurich, Kloten at the Cybathlon.
All 4 abstracts are accepted for the Cybathlon Symposion - also we have talk representing the BCI discipline:
"The MIRAGE91 Brain–Computer Interface", David Steyrl et al.
"First contact screening of a BCI Pilot", Maria Höller et al.
"Optimized individual mental tasks to control BCIs", Karina Statthaler et al.
"BCI adaptation for an end user – The GRAZ-BCI approach", Andreas Schwarz et al.
Keynote Lecture at the Swiss, Austrian 
and German Societies of Biomedical Engineering Conference in Basel.

September 2016
Habilitation committee Dr. Fabien Lotte and talk: "Towards Non-Invasive EEG-based Hand/Arm Control in Spinal Cord Injury"

J. Neuroscience:"EEG oscillations are modulated in different behavior-related networks during rhythmic finger movements" by Martin Seeber, Reinhold Scherer, and Gernot Müller-Putz

Front. Neurosci.-Neuroprosth.:"Evaluation of different EEG acquisition systems concerning their suitability for building a brain-computer interface: case studies”, by Andreas Pinegger, Selina Christin Wriessnegger, Josef Faller and Gernot Müller-Putz

August 2016
Flyer of the MoreGrasp project ready for download (or in German).
June 2016
I have an invited talk at the 50th Anniversary Symposium Spinal Cord Injury Center Heidelberg.