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Evaluation of induced and evoked changes in EEG during selective attention to verbal stimuli
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, in Begutachtung
- Horki, P., Bauernfeind, G., Klobassa, D.S., Pokorny, C., Pichler, G., Schippinger, W., Müller-Putz, G.R. (2014)
Detection of mental imagery and attempted movements in patients with disorders of consciousness using EEG
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:1009, DOI:
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Evaluation of Healthy EEG Responses for Spelling through Listener-Assisted Scanning IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health, 19(1):29-36; DOI:
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Improved concept and first results of an auditory single-switch BCI for the future use in disorders of consciousness patients
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’15), DOI:
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Improved Classification of Auditory Evoked Event-Related Potentials Proceedings of the 6th International BCI Conference Graz 2014, DOI:
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Eye-blink related changes in EEG during an auditory working-memory task performance Proceedings of the 6th International BCI Conference Graz 2014, DOI:
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Brain-computer interfaces based on induced and evoked changes in EEG
Technische Universität Graz
- Kurz, E.M. (2016)
Suitability of fNIRS for the assessment of residual cognitive activity in patients with DOC
Laufende Diplomarbeit an der Universität Graz in Kooperation mit der Technischen Universität Graz