Foto: Maximilian Wührer

Gernot R. Müller-Putz,
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

Head of the Institute of Neural Engineering
Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces
Graz University of Technology
Stremayrgasse 16/IV
8010 Graz, Austria

tel: +43 316 873 30700
fax: +43 316 873 30702

Follow me on Twitter and on YouTube


June 2025
In June (2.-6.) the BCI Community meets in Banff at the 11th BCI Meeting.

May 2025
Co-organizing the NeuroIS Retreat in Vienna.

April 2025
I am a speaker in the Neural Interfacing Training Program at Carnegie Mellon University.

9.4.: I am speaking at the Inclusion Day at TU Graz.

January 2025
Had a keynote at STIM-ASSIST Forum in Utrecht.


Current Thesis Topics (Bachelor/Master)

If you are interested in working with EEG, neuroprosthetics, robotics, persons with spinal cord injury, persons with disorders of consciousness, and want to develp new BCI systems for communication and control: make an appointment and let us talk!
You would like to develop software/apps for mobile telephones in the BCI sector? Doing a thesis in the filed of Information Systems? make an appointment and let us talk! Interested in studying error potentials, motor related cortical potentials or work on decoding of movement?: make an appointment and let us talk! Join the BCI Racing Team Mirage91 and do your thesis / project with a group of enthusiastic students. Work on your thesis in an international research environment! Interested in going abroad to do the master thesis? make an appointment and let us talk!

Short Bio

Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller-Putz is head of the Institute of Neural Engineering and its associated Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces. He received his MSc in electrical and biomedical engineering in 2000, his PhD in electrical engineering in 2004 and his habilitation and “venia docendi” in medical informatics from Graz University of Technoloy in 2008. Since 2014 he is full professor for semantic data analysis.

He has gained extensive experience in the field of biosignal analysis, brain-computer interface research, EEG-based neuroprosthesis control, communication with BCI in patients with disorders of consciousness, hybrid BCI systems, the human somatosensory system, and BCIs in assistive technology over the past 18 years. He has also managed several national projects (State of Styria) and international projects (Wings for Life, EU Projects) and recently coordinated the EU Horizon 2020 project MoreGrasp. Furthermore, he organized and hosted seven international Brain-Computer Interface Conferences over the last 20 years in Graz, the last one (9th Conference) in Sept. 2024. He is Review Editor of Frontiers in Neuroscience, special section Neuroprosthetics, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering and Associate Editor of the Brain-Computer Interface Journal. In 2014/15 he was Guest editor in chief of a special issue of the Proceedings if the IEEE “The Plurality of Human Brain-Computer Interfacing”. Since August 2019 he is Speciality Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: Brain-Computer Interfaces. He has authored more than 210 peer reviewed publications and more than 200 contributions to conferences which were cited more than 27500 times (h-index 79). In 2015, he was awarded with an ERC Consolidator Grant “Feel your Reach” from the European Research Council. In May 2017 he received the Ludwig-Guttman Award from the German Medical Spinal Cord Injury Association (DMGP). In May 2018 he was elected into the Board of Directors of the International Brain-Computer Interface Society. In May 2019 he received a research award from the State of Styria "Digitalisierung in der Wissenschaft". He is founding member and scientific Co-Director of the NeuroIS Society. Since 2024 he is board member of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering. (February 2025)


Find all courses here and at TUG-Online.

Graduate students, in a PhD program:

Hannah Wimmer, Dipl.-Ing. (upcoming Defense March 27 2025)
Nitikorn Srisrisawang, MSc
Shayan Jalilpour, MSc
Michael Wimmer, MSc
Markus Crell, MSc
Johanna Egger, Dipl.-Ing.
Patrick Suwandjieff, Dipl.-Ing.
Markus Oberndorfer, Dipl.-Ing.
Lea Hehenberger, Dipl.-Ing.
Mathias Schmoigl, MSc

PhD finalized:
Joana Pereira, PhD (12/2021): PostDoc at University of Freiburg
Catarina Lopes-Dias, PhD (03/2021): PostDoc at Medical University of Graz
Andreas Schwarz, PhD (10/2020): currently at FFG Vienna
Reinmar Kobler, PhD (10/2020): PostDoc at RIKEN, Japan
Andreas Pinegger, PhD (12/2019): currently working by Magna, Austria.
Patrick Ofner, PhD (11/2019): currently PostDoc at University of Freiburg, Germany.
Steyrl David, PhD (11/2018): currently PostDoc at University of Vienna, Austria, Prof. F. Scharnowski.
Christian Breitwieser, PhD (09/2017), currently at Ranorex GmbH, Graz Austria.
Martin Seeber, PhD (03/2017), currently PostDoc at UCLA.
Christoph Pokorny, PhD (02/2017), currently PostDoc at EPFL, Blue Brain Project.
Petar Horki, PhD (04/2016), currently PostDoc at University of Freiburg, Inst. f. Medical Biometry and Statistics
Josef Faller, PhD (10/2015), currently PostDoc.
Alex Kreilinger, PhD (08/2015), currently at Brain Products GmbH, Germany.
Martin Billinger, PhD (01/2015), currently MED-EL, Innsbruck

My Publications

My Publications can be found here:
PURE TU Graz Online

YouTube Channel

My Projects

INTRECOM (EIC Pathfinder)
Feel Your Reach (ERC Consolidator)
MoreGrasp (EU Horizon 2020, RIA, Coordinator)
EEG@Wachkoma (Land Steiermark)
BNCI Horizoin 2020 (EU FP7, CSA, Coordinator)
BackHome (EU FP7, Strep, Partner)
BrainAble (EU FP7, Strep, Partner)
Better (EU FP7, Strep, Partner)
Decoder (EU FP7, Strep, Partner)
Tobi (EU FP7, IP, Partner)

Engagement in Societies

Founding Member and board member of the BCI Society

Founding Member and Co-Scientific Director of Society for NeuroInformation Systems (NeuroIS)

Board Member of the Styrian Brain Research Initiative (Inge ST)

Board Member of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering (ÖGBMT)

Foundin Member and Chair of Querschnittlä - Support Foundation for People with Spinal Cord Injury

Book published

Together with Prof.Dr. Rüdiger Rupp from Heidelberg University Hospital, Spinal Cord Injury Center, I have edited the following book:

We have 5 sections: Basics, Neuroprosthetics in Spinal Cord Injury, Clinical Brain–Computer Interfaces, Clinical Use Cases and Practice, Outlook.
Find more details follwing this link.

Past News
Find past news here.