• Researchers at the IKS are working in two research areas, "Wireless Communications and Sensing" and "Satellite Communications and Space Technology". The former is known for its contributions to the field of indoor positioning, where it hosts the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Location-aware Electronic Systems. The latter designed, lauched, and operated three successful satellite missions within the past few years.  

  • The Christian Doppler Laboratory for Location-Aware Electronic Systems investigates fundamental limitations of location-aware electronic systems - in particular radio-based, short-range indoor positioning systems - and creates and validates key algorithms and hardware designs for it. Within three industry collaborations, we investigate robust localization systems for retail scenarios, automotive use cases, and pharmaceutical production. 

  • PRETTY is the third satellite designed, built, and operated by the IKS. It was successfully launched in Sept. 2023. PRETTY stands for Passive REflectometry and DosimetrY and represents a 3U CubeSat hosting two scientific payloads. The main payload is a passive reflectometer, which uses already available GPS/GALILEO signals to perform Earth observing tasks. The secondary payload is a dosimeter and detects radiation levels on board the spacecraft to allow insights and gain information on the sun activity and space weather.

  • The Horizon 2020 Project REINDEER investigates a wireless network technology called "RadioWeaves", which combines large, distributed antena arrays with edge computing and local storage capabilities. This leads to a capacity that is scalable to quasi-infinite, offers perceived zero latency, unprecedented reliability for communication and localization, and even wireless power transfer to battery-less devices. RadioWeaves brings a large number of antennas and intelligence close to devices, offering consistently excellent service at minimal transmit power, making very efficient usage of network bandwidth and energy. 

Research Highlight: Delay-Doppler-based Direct Positioning in D-MIMO

In this work we exploit the delay-Doppler characteristics of the channel state infromation to track a moving device. Together with a group of colleagues, we worked with realistic measurement data collected in an industrial scenario consisting of a trajectory going through various types of channel characteristics, ranging from clear line-of-sight (LOS), over obstructed LOS to non line-of-sight (NLOS) for the various anchors.

Watch the video below and listen to the explanation of Benjamin Deutschmann, describing how the developed algorithm deals with this difficult scenario. Head over to IEEEXplore to read the final paper or check out the pre-print on arXiv.

Institute of Communication Networks and Satellite Communications

Researchers at the Institute of Communication Networks and Satellite Communications "IKS" are working in two research areas, "Wireless Communications and Sensing" and "Satellite Communications and Space Technology".

Within the former area, we have been focusing on aspects of phsical layer signal processing, for example algorithm development for localization and sensing, as well as multipath propagation channel modeling. Experimental validation of theoretical work and models is of great importance in this. Outstanding recent activities include:

  • The Christian Doppler Laboratory for Location-Aware Electronic Systems
  • The H2020 project REINDEER
  • The Horizon Europe project AMBIENT-6G

Within the latter, our research interest spans from satellite communications, remote sensing and wave propagation, to the design, assembly, testing, and operations of cube-sat missions. Clear highlight in this area are the three satellites that have been built in recent years:

  • [New project] Participation in AMBIENT-6G Horizon Europe, a new European research project addressing  the IoT's e-waste problem. (27.02.2025)
  • IKS lab members contributed to an ESA field campaign to test satellite-to-drone communication as part of the UAV-3S project. Read more here. (27.01.2025)
  • [New publication] Benjamin Deutschmann, Thomas Wilding, Klaus Witrisal and Erik Leitinger contributed to the publication of the journal article "Joint Localization, Synchronization, and Mapping via Phase-Coherent Distributed Arrays," in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. (23.01.2025)
  • [New publication] Andreas Fuchs pulished his journal article "Wideband Cooperative Localization through Generalized Cross-Correlation" in IEEE Access. (07.01.2025)
  • [New publication] Jakob Möderl just published his journal article "Variational Inference of Structured Line Spectra Exploiting Group-Sparsity" in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. (07.11.2024)
  • [New publication] Mate Toth just published his journal article "Variational Signal Separation for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation" in the IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems. It is available as open access. (16.10.2024)
  • Gratulations to Jakob Möderl for successfully defending his PhD thesis. (05.09.2024)
  • The NXP Lab was opened with festivities at campus Inffeldgasse. (13.11.2023)

Institute of Communication Networks and Satellite Communications

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