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NXP Lab Opening

The NXP laboratory for wireless communications and sensing was opened together with NXP. Visit this link for the full article about the NXP Laboratory for Sensing, Localization and Communication, officialy opened on 13.11.2023. 

"UWB technology enables extremely precise localization as well as fast data transmissions over short distances. The new UWB measurement laboratory is intended to promote innovation and UWB application in areas such as communications, positioning and sensor technology. For example, testing localization algorithms. The funds are designated primarily for the financing of laboratory equipment to measure system performances, such as optical tracking systems." 


REINDEER kick-off

The H2020 project REINDEER was kicked off today, with the first meeting of the consortium consisting of partners from industry and academia. Find out more here! The project will run until the end of 2024, investigating the capabilities of flexible, distributed infrastructure consisting of large aperture antenna arrays.

REINDEER stands for REsilient INteractive applications through hyper Diversity in Energy Efficient RadioWeaves technology. As a joint work of academic and industry partners, the REINDEER project will develop a new smart connect-compute platform with a capacity that is scalable to quasi-infinite, and that offers perceived zero latency and interaction with an extremely high number of embedded devices. It will thereto develop “RadioWeaves” technology, a new wireless access infrastructure consisting of a fabric of distributed radio, computing, and storage resources which function as a massive, distributed antenna array.

We will develop protocols and algorithms to establish novel resilient interactive applications that require ‘real-time’ and ‘real-space’ cooperation, for future robotized industrial environments, immersive entertainment, and intuitive care. We will co-design focusing algorithms and protocols for enhanced interaction with many energy-neutral devices. REINDEER will provide experimental proof-of-concept in versatile testbeds. The project will reinforce the European technological leadership and the innovation will create new business opportunities.



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  • [New publication] Andreas Fuchs pulished his journal article "Wideband Cooperative Localization through Generalized Cross-Correlation" in IEEE Access. (07.01.2025)
  • [New publication] Jakob Möderl just published his journal article "Variational Inference of Structured Line Spectra Exploiting Group-Sparsity" in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. (07.11.2024)
  • [New publication] Mate Toth just published his journal article "Variational Signal Separation for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation" in the IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems. It is available as open access. (16.10.2024)
  • Gratulations to Jakob Möderl for successfully defending his PhD thesis. (05.09.2024)
  • The NXP Lab was opened with festivities at campus Inffeldgasse. (13.11.2023)