REINDEER stands for REsilient INteractive applications through hyper Diversity in Energy Efficient RadioWeaves technology.
As a joint work of academic and industry partners, the REINDEER project will develop a new smart connect-compute platform with a capacity that is scalable to quasi-infinite, and that offers perceived zero latency and interaction with an extremely high number of embedded devices. It will thereto develop “RadioWeaves” technology, a new wireless access infrastructure consisting of a fabric of distributed radio, computing, and storage resources which function as a massive, distributed antenna array.
We will develop protocols and algorithms to establish novel resilient interactive applications that require ‘real-time’ and ‘real-space’ cooperation, for future robotized industrial environments, immersive entertainment, and intuitive care. We will co-design focusing algorithms and protocols for enhanced interaction with many energy-neutral devices. REINDEER will provide experimental proof-of-concept in versatile testbeds. The project will reinforce the European technological leadership and the innovation will create new business opportunities.
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