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Jasmin Grosinger and Alicja Malgorzata Michalowska-Forsyth
Passive Wireless Sensors in Radiation Environments
Wireless Identification and Sensing Systems for Harsh and Severe Environments
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Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Helmut Schreiber, Wolfgang Bösch, Helmut Paulitsch, Andreas Schlemmer, Matthias Schäfer and Marc Kraft
ESIT – a digital twin of air surveillance infrastructure
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Hira Khalid, Sheikh Muhammad Sajid, Muhammad Imran Cheema and Erich Leitgeb
Optical Signal Attenuation through Smog in Controlled Laboratory Conditions
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H. V. Baghdasaryan, T. M. Knyazyan, T. T. Hovhannisyan, G. R. Mardoyan, T. Baghdasaryan, E. Leitgeb and M. Marciniak
Transmissive and reflective type multi-nanolayer electro-optical modulators for chip-to-chip free space optical interconnection
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Richard Fischbacher, Jose Romero Lopera, David Pommerenke, Ralph Prestros, Bernhard Auinger, Wolfgang Bosch and Jasmin Grosinger
Communication and Power Transfer Analysis of Interfering Magnetically Resonant Coupled Systems
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Arash Arsanjani, Luke Robins, Chad Bartlett, Reinhard Teschl, Michael Hoft and Wolfgang Bösch
The Pixelated Metasurface: A Novel Component Design Approach
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Symmetric–Reciprocal–Match Method for Vector Network Analyzer Calibration
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Darshan Shetty, Christoph Steffan, Wolfgang Bösch and Jasmin Grosinger
Fully Passive RF Wake-Up Receiver Including a Small Loop Antenna with -30.7 dBm Sensitivity at 26 kbps Bitrate
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Muhammad Zahid, Muhammad Uzair Akbar, Nirman Bhowmike, Devi Prasanth Bolla, Asad Ullah Talib, Sultan Shoaib, Yasar Amin and Saleem Shahid
A Novel Ground Slot-Based Dual-Band Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Antenna for n47 and n48 Smartphone Applications
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Błażej Nowak, Maciej Sobieraj, Erich Leitgeb and Piotr Zwierzykowski
Simulation Studies of 3-Stage Clos Switching Network with Prioritization Mechanism Used in Flexible Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Network Nodes
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R Fischbacher, JR Lopera, D Pommerenke, R Prestros, B Auinger, W Bösch and J Grosinger
Communication Quality Analysis for WPT and NFC Systems via Broadband Equivalent Circuit Models
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Pasha Bekhrad, Erich Leitgeb and Hristo Ivanov
A Multifaceted Exploration of Atmospheric Turbulence and Its Impact on Optical Systems: Structure Constant Profiles and Astronomical Seeing
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Faisal Nazir, Nirman Bhowmike, Muhammad Zahid, Sultan Shoaib, Yasar Amin and Saleem Shahid
Effects of Hall Current and Thermal Radiation on the Time-Dependent Swirling Flow of Hybrid Nanofluids over a Disk Surface
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Richard Fischbacher, Jose Romero Lopera, David Pommerenke, Ralph Prestros, Bernhard Auinger, Wolfgang Bosch and Jasmin Grosinger
Communication Quality Analysis for WPT and NFC Systems via Broadband Equivalent Circuit Models
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Waseem Khan, Saleem Shahid, Ali Naeem Chaudhry and Ahsan Sarwar Rana
ANN-Assisted Beampattern Optimization of Semi-Coprime Array for Beam-Steering Applications
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Christian Fragner, Christian Krutzler, Andreas Peter Weiss and Erich Leitgeb
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Franz Teschl and Reinhard Teschl
A practical model to determine the radar cross section of randomly shaped rain drops based on selected size parameters
12th European conference on Radar in meteorology and hydrology (ERAD 2024)
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Christoph Maier, Daniel Kircher and Simon Profanter
Investigations on a Predictive Way to Define the Impedance of Conical Inductors - Part 1: Inductor Angle
21. EMV-Fachtagung 2024
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Ioannis Peppas, Marco Pitton, Mustazar Iqbal, Peter Singerl, Bhagath Talluri, Martin Mataln, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bosch
A 3.6GHz Highly Efficient Dual-Driver Doherty Power Amplifier
2024 IEEE Radio and Wireless Week, RWW 2024 - 2024 IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications, PAWR 2024
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Daniel Kircher, Simon Profanter and Christoph Maier
Investigations on a Predictive Way to Define the Impedance of Conical Inductors - Part 2: Winding Distance
21. EMV-Fachtagung 2024
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Simon Profanter, Christoph Maier and Daniel Kircher
Investigations on a Predictive Way to Define the Impedance of Conical Inductors - Part 3: Number of Windings
21. EMV-Fachtagung 2024
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Error-Box Calibration of Three-Sampler VNAs
102nd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference
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Gert Freiberger, Helmut Schreiber, Erich Leitgeb, Wolfgang Bosch and David Veit
Measurement of a Baby Dummy in a Car for Child Presence Detection
CoBCom 2024 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, co-located International Conference and Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2024
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Sara Javadi, Behrooz Rezaee, Vicente E.Boria Esbert, Santiago Cogollos Borras and Wolfgang Bosch
Modeling and Characterization of a Compact In-Line Filter with Transmission Zeros
CoBCom 2024 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, co-located International Conference and Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2024
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Hiroaki Takahashi, Hayato Kitagawa, Erich Schlaffer, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bosch
Uncertainty Quantification and Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Microstrip Line on IC-Substrate
CoBCom 2024 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, co-located International Conference and Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2024
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Andree Scambor and Christoph Maier
Investigations on Microstrip and Ground Plane Partial Inductance in Finite-Width Structures
2024 14th International Workshop on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits (EMC Compo)
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Klaus Kainrath, Philipp Ortner, Giancarlo Benincasa and Erich Leitgeb
Advancing Automotive Connectivity
CoBCom 2024 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, co-located International Conference and Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2024
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Hovik V. Baghdasaryan, Tamara M. Knyazyan, Tamara T. Hovhannisyan, Gurgen R. Mardoyan, Tigran Baghdasaryan, Erich Leitgeb and Marian Marciniak
Reflection-mode electro-optical plasmonic modulator
Proceedings - 2024 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2024
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Franziska Rasp, Burak Sahinbas, Thomas Reisinger, Susanne Hipp and Erich Leitgeb
From Ray Tracing to Channel Impulse Responses
CoBCom 2024 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, co-located International Conference and Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2024
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Franz Teschl and Reinhard Teschl
Small Range Site Diversity Considerations Based on Long-Term Data from a Very Dense Rain Gauge Network
2024 14th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2024
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Christoph Maier, Andree Scambor and David Prutej
A Differential-Mode and Common-Mode DC-Bias VNA Measurement Setup for Power 4-Port Devices
2024 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe
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Christoph Maier, Andree Scambor, David Prutej, Christoph Plattner, David Doblhofer and Mario Steiner
From Biased Measurement to Model: An EMI Simulation Journey
21. EMV-Fachtagung 2024
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Shozab Shafiq, Yijing He, Qasim Ali, Saleem Shahid, Syed Muzahir Abbas and Sun Houjun
An Ultra-Wideband 3D Printable Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Fed by a Hollow Waveguide
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and INC/USNCURSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/INC-USNC-URSI 2024 - Proceedings
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Behrooz Rezaee, Hossein Sarbandi Farahani and Wolfgang Bösch
A Novel Reconfigurable Planar Switched-Beam Filtenna with 360-Degree Beam Scanning
18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2024
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Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
Single Layer Cavity-Backed Filtenna with Ultra-Wide Out-of-Band Suppression
18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2024
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Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
Dual-Band Filtenna with High Selectivity for 5G Millimeter-Wave Applications
2024 54th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2024
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Gerzon Gomez-Bravo, Robert Guirado, Patrick Hödl, Reinhard Teschl, G. Perez-Palomino, Klaus Witrisal, Thomas Wilding, Eduardo Carrasco and Wolfgang Bösch
Utilization of Liquid Crystal Based Reflectarray Antennas for Multipath-Assisted Localization
2024 54th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2024
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Arash Arsanjani, Ziad Hatab, Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Modified Semi-Additive Manufacturing of PCBs for Enabling Accurate Device Measurements at Millimeter-Wave and Sub-Terahertz Frequencies
103rd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference
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Hovik Baghdasaryan, Tamara Knyazyan, Tamara Hovhannisyan, Erich Leitgeb, Marian Marciniak and Tigran Baghdasaryan
Theory of Mirrorless Lasing and Backward Emission from an Amplifying Layer: Analysis based on Macroscopic Electromagnetism
2024 International Workshop on Fiber Optics in Access Networks (FOAN)
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Stefan Wögerbauer, Michael E. Gadringer, Helmut Paulitsch and Siegfried Krainer
Investigation and Modeling of Signal-Dispersion caused by Polymer Microwave Fibers (PMF) at sub-THz Frequencies
2024 54th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
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Behrooz Rezaee, Zahra Hamzavi Zarghani and Wolfgang Bösch
Design and Implementation of a Planar Lens Antenna Based on a Gradient-Index Metasurface
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and INC/USNCURSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/INC-USNC-URSI 2024 - Proceedings
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Arash Arsanjani, Arezoo Abdi, Ziad Hatab, Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Miniaturized Ka-Band Metasurface Filter With Wide Out-of-Band Rejection up to the 5th Harmonic
2024 54th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
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Arezoo Abdi, Arash Arsanjani, Ziad Hatab, Gregor Steinbauer, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Design of PCB Transitions with Low Return Loss to Interface with Suspended Stripline up to 100 GHz
2024 54th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
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Ehsan Shaghouli, Arezoo Abdi, Reza Asadi, Mohammad Javad Namazi, Reza Yazdani, Mehdi Taherkhani and Hadi Aliakbarian
A Broadband All-Metal Cross-Dipole Sub-Array for 2G/3G/LTE Base Station Applications
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and INC/USNCURSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/INC-USNC-URSI 2024 - Proceedings
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Sara Javadi, Behrooz Rezaee, Manfred Stadler, Michael Leitner and Wolfgang Bosch
A Comprehensive Approach to Extracting Coupling Matrix From Filtenna Measurements
2024 IEEE Radio and Wireless Week, RWW 2024 - 2024 IEEE 24th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, SiRF 2024
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Haris Ahmad, Saleem Shahid, Musab Hameed, Wolfgang Bosch and Syed Muzahir Abbas
Vitality Detection with FMCW Radar Based SAR Imaging Technique at 24GHz
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and INC/USNCURSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/INC-USNC-URSI 2024 - Proceedings
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Ayyaz Ali, Maryam Rasool, Falak Naz, Saleem Shahid and Syed Muzahir Abbas
A Dual Band Pole Shaped Planar Antenna for WLAN and WiFi 5G Applications
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and INC/USNCURSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/INC-USNC-URSI 2024 - Proceedings
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Technischer Bericht
Helmut Schreiber and Helmut Paulitsch
Studie über die Auswirkungen der geplanten Erweiterung des Windparks Trautmannsdorf auf das Wetterradar Rauchenwarth der Austro Control GmbH
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Erich Leitgeb, Sara Krak, Emrah Eljazovic, Aid Alic, Pasha Bekhrad, Raphael Steinhöfler and Selina Maria Reinstadler
Machbarkeitsstudie von Desinfektion / Reinigung von Raumluft (Wasserdampf und Aerosole) durch optische Strahlung (Licht)
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Erich Leitgeb
Zwischenbericht 1 zu WTZ "Terrestrial Vehicular Communications via Microwave and Optical Wireless" (Projekt Nr.: IN 11/2022)
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Helmut Paulitsch and Satyanarayana Tani
Plattform Hagelabwehr Steiermark, Projektbericht 2023
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Pasha Bekhrad, Erich Leitgeb and Stephanie Mühlbacher
Zwischenbericht (Annual Report 2023) zu IoT-ECO - IoT Green Transformation for Academic Society and Business Oriented Ecosystem in Western Balkans (ERASMUS+ Project, TU Graz part)
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Pasha Bekhrad, Erich Leitgeb and Andreas Johann Hörmer
Teacher Report für Workshop im Juni 2024 in Patras zu IoT-ECO - IoT Green Transformation for Academic Society and Business Oriented Ecosystem in Western Balkans (ERASMUS+ Project, Teacher part)
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Sonstiger Beitrag
Andree Scambor and Christoph Maier
Extraction of Microstrip Inductance and Capacitance for SPICE Conducted EMI Modelling
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R Fischbacher, JR Lopera, D Pommerenke, R Prestros, B Auinger, W Bösch and J Grosinger
Communication and Power Transfer Analysis of Interfering Magnetically Resonant Coupled Systems
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Erich Leitgeb
Optical Wireless Technologies as Upgrade and Extension to Traditional RF for Communications and Sensing (Invited)
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Franz Papst, Daniel Kraus, Martin Rechberger and Olga Saukh
Sensor-Guided Adaptive Machine Learning on Resource-Constrained Devices
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David Prutej
Full-wave simulation of a radial inductor in an EMI filter
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Martin Rechberger, Daniel Kraus, Peter Priller and Olga Saukh
Exploring Human and Artificial Attention Mechanisms in Driving Scenarios
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Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Mahmoud Wagih, Leonardo Balocchi, Francesca Benassi, Nuno B. Carvalho, Jung-Chih Chiao, Ricardo Correia, Alessandra Costanzo, Yepu Cui, Dimitra Georgiadou, Carolina Gouveia, Jasmin Grosinger, John S. Ho, Kexin Hu, Abiodun Komolafe, Sam Lemey, Caroline Loss, Gaetano Marrocco, Paul Mitcheson, Valentina Palazzi, Nicoletta Panunzio, Giacomo Paolini, Pedro Pinho, Josef Preishuber-Pflügl, Yasser Qaragoez, Hamed Rahmani, Hendrik Rogier, Jose Romero Lopera, Luca Roselli, Dominique Schreurs, Manos Tentzeris, Xi Tian, Russel Torah, Ricardo Torres, Patrick Van Torre, Dieff Vital and Steve Beeby
Microwave-Enabled Wearables: Underpinning Technologies, Integration Platforms, and Next-Generation Roadmap
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Hiroaki Takahashi, Ziad Hatab, Erich Schlaffer, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
Experimental analysis of grounded coplanar waveguide structures based on different PCB processes with uncertainty analysis
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Propagation of Linear Uncertainties through Multiline Thru-Reflect-Line Calibration
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Tobias Schöffl, Georg Nagl, Richard Koschuch, Helmut Schreiber, Johannes Hübl and Roland Kaitna
A Perspective of Surge Dynamics in Natural Debris Flows Through Pulse-Doppler Radar Observations
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bosch
Indirect Measurement of Switch Terms of a Vector Network Analyzer With Reciprocal Devices
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
A Thru-Free Multiline Calibration
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Luke Robins, Chad Bartlett, Arash Arsanjani, Reinhard Teschl, Wolfgang Bosch and Michael Hoft
A 3-D-Printed Dielectric Resonator for Triple-Mode Applications
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Jasmin Grosinger, Shirin Montazeri and Johana Yan
Joint Women in Microwaves and Young Professionals Panel at IMS2023 [Conference Report]
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Saleem Shahid, G. Guido Gentili, BERNASCONI GIANCARLO, Hamza Nawaz and Ahsan S. Rana
Multi-Layer Material Characterization at Ka-Band Using Bayesian Inversion Method
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Saleem Shahid, Hijab Zahra, Saad Bin Qaisar, Ijaz Haider Naqvi, Syed Muzahir Abbas and Subhas Mukhopadhyay
Radio Link Model for Node Deployment in Underground Mine Sensor Networks
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Ziad Hatab, Arezoo Abdi, Gregor Steinbauer, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Propagation Constant Measurement Based on a Single Transmission Line Standard Using a Two-Port VNA
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Jasmin Grosinger, Dan Jiao, Mona Jarrahi, Dominique Schreurs and Natalia Nikolova
Distinguished Microwave Lectures
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Jasmin Grosinger, Ke Wu, Oren Eliezer and Jung-Chih Chiao
The Inter-Society Technology Panels at IMS 2022 [MTT-S Society News]
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Ozan Turhan Gündüz, Erich Leitgeb and Cumali Sabah
Sub-Diffraction Photon Trapping
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Darshan Shetty, Christoph Steffan, Gerald Holweg, Wolfgang Bosch and Jasmin Grosinger
Ultra-Low-Power Sub-1 V 29 ppm/°C Voltage Reference and Shared-Resistive Current Reference
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Arash Arsanjani, Chad Bartlett, Luke Robins, Reinhard Teschl, Wolfgang Bösch and Michael Höft
Metasurfaces for Filter Miniaturization and Out-of-Band Rejection Improvement
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi and Wolfgang Bösch
Validation of the Reference Impedance in Multiline Calibration with Stepped Impedance Standards
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Jasmin Grosinger
Robustly Operating: Passive Near-Field Communication Systems in Metal Environments
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Hamed Rahmani, Darshan Shetty, Mahmoud Wagih, Yasaman Ghasempour, Valentina Palazzi, Nuno Carvalho, Ricardo Correia, Alessandra Costanzo, Dieff Vital, Federico Alimenti, Jeff Kettle, Diego Masotti, Paolo Mezzanotte, Luca Roselli and Jasmin Grosinger
Next-Generation IoT Devices: Sustainable Eco-Friendly Manufacturing, Energy Harvesting, and Wireless Connectivity
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Helmut Schreiber, Wolfgang Bösch, Helmut Paulitsch, Andreas Schlemmer, Andrea Bartl, Andreas Oberluggauer, Matthias Schäfer, Marc Kraft and Jerome Bodart
From TOpAs to ESIT: Estimating Transponder Load using Digital Twins of Surveillance Infrastructure
2023 24th International Radar Symposium (IRS)
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Ioannis Peppas, Hiroaki Takahashi, Sebastian Sattler, Markus Kastelic, Erich Schlaffer, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
Bandwidth Extension of a Doherty Power Amplifier Through Reduction of Packaging-Related Parasitic Effects
2023 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2023
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Richard Fischbacher, Seyedmostafa Mousavi, Christian Manfred Riener, Sajjad Sadeghi, Mojtaba Fallahpour, Wolfgang Bösch and David Pommerenke
On the Difficulties to Determine the Intrinsic Material Parameters for MnZn Ferrites
2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe, EMC Europe 2023
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Hossein Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
High Gain Filtering Lens Antenna
2022 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP)
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J. Romero Lopera, M. Gadringer, E. Leitgeb, Helmut Paulitsch and W. Bösch
A 39.5 dBm GaN Doherty Amplifier MMIC with Phase Control for Ka-band Space Applications
2023 18th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2023
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Ziad Hatab, Hiroaki Takahashi, Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
A Quasi-TEM Approach for Designing Microvias for PCB Layer Transition with Minimal Return Loss
2023 53rd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2023
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Gerzon Gomez-Bravo, Robert Guirado, Reinhard Teschl, G. Perez-Palomino, Eduardo Carrasco and Wolfgang Bösch
Low-Cost Liquid Crystal Based Reflectarray Antenna for Indoor Wireless Localization Applications Operating in the Ka-Band
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2023 - Proceedings
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Gert Freiberger, Helmut Schreiber, Wolfgang Bösch, Erich Leitgeb and David Veit
Measurement of a Baby Dummy with a Channel Sounder in an Anechoic Chamber for Child Presence Detection
2023 24th International Radar Symposium (IRS)
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Sara Javadi, Behrooz Rezaee, Manfred Stadler, Michael Leitner, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Coupling Matrix Extraction From Lossy Filter Measurements
2023 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
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Hovik V. Baghdasaryan, Tamara M. Knyazyan, Tamara T. Hovhannisyan, Gurgen R. Mardoyan, Tigran Baghdasaryan, Erich Leitgeb and Marian Marciniak
Reflective Type Multi-Nanolayer Electro-Optical Modulator for Free Space Chip-to-Chip Optical Interconnection: Electromagnetic Modelling by the Method of Single Expression
2023 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2023
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Ko Odreitz, Christoph Maier, Felix Minichmair and Bernd Deutschmann
Impact of Supply Voltage and Operating Point in IC PDN Modeling
2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe, EMC Europe 2023
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Behrooz Rezaee, Hossein Sarbandi Farahani and Wolfgang Bosch
A Compact Reconfigurable Filtering PIN Diode Switch Based on Hybrid Resonator Topology
2023 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, RWS 2023
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Hossein Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
Filtering Metasurface Lens for Chip-to-Chip Communications in Multicore Multichip Systems
2023 International Workshop on Antenna Technology, iWAT 2023
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Jose Romero Lopera, Richard Bernd Fischbacher, Ralph Prestros, Bernhard Auinger, David Johannes Pommerenke, Wolfgang Bösch and Jasmin Grosinger
Real-Time Adaptive WPT System with Neural Network-Based Impedance Matching
2023 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS)
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Omar El Ouahabi, Christian Fragner, Andreas P. Weiss and Erich Leitgeb
Occupancy Determination by Backscattered Visible Light Sensing
2023 46th ICT and Electronics Convention, MIPRO 2023 - Proceedings
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Christian Fragner, Christian Krutzler, Andreas P. Weiss and Erich Leitgeb
Visual Light Sensing for IoT Sensor Networks: A Use Case for Monitoring Rotating Shaft Conditions in Industrial Applications
17th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2023
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Erich Leitgeb, Pasha Bekhrad and Kushal Madane
Using Regular Semiconductor Illumination Arrays (Connected via Power Line Communications) for Visible Light Sensing
2023 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2023
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Richard Fischbacher, Jose Romero Lopera, David Pommerenke, Ralph Prestros, Bernhard Auinger, Wolfgang Bosch and Jasmin Grosinger
WPT and NFC Interoperability for Wearables with Miniaturized Coils
2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications, RFID-TA 2023 - Proceedings
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Franz Teschl, Merhala Thurai, Sophie Steger, Michael Schönhuber and Reinhard Teschl
An ANN Approach to Determine the Radar Cross Section of Non-Rotationally Symmetric Rain Drops
17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2023
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Luke Robins, Arash Arsanjani, Hiroaki Takahashi, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang Bösch
Development of a Sealed 3D Printed Dielectric Filled Waveguide Filter with Embedded Lattices
2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
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J. Romero Lopera, R. Fischbacher, R. Pestros, D. Pommerenke, B. Auinger and J. Grosinger
Adaptive NFC WPT System Implementing Neural Network-Based Impedance Matching with Bypass Functionality
2023 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2023
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Technischer Bericht
Helmut Paulitsch and Satyanarayana Tani
Plattform Hagelabwehr Steiermark, Projektbericht 2022
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Erich Leitgeb, Dana Seyringer, Gerd Christian Krizek, Pirmin Pezzei, Karin Langer, Michael Wurzinger, Frank-Dieter Reil, Ulrich Trog, Alexandra Grabner and Pasha Bekhrad
ENDBERICHT zu PHORSCH! mit Projekttitel: Phorsch! - Photonik für Schulen!
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Andreas Weiss, Erich Leitgeb and Pirmin Pezzei
Endbericht zu Vilipa - Personen- und Gruppendetektion basierend auf "Visible Light Detection" Technologie in bestehenden Gebäuden
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Pasha Bekhrad, Erich Leitgeb, Stephanie Mühlbacher, Wilfried Gappmair, Reinhard Teschl and Franz Teschl
Teacher Report für Trainingsschool im November 2023 in Graz zu IoT-ECO - IoT Green Transformation for Academic Society and Business Oriented Ecosystem in Western Balkans (ERASMUS+ Project, Teacher part)
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Pasha Bekhrad, Erich Leitgeb, Stephanie Mühlbacher, Wilfried Gappmair, Reinhard Teschl, Franz Teschl and Franziska Anna Rasp (PhD Student TU Graz)
Students Report für Trainingsschool im November 2023 in Graz zu IoT-ECO - IoT Green Transformation for Academic Society and Business Oriented Ecosystem in Western Balkans (ERASMUS+ Project, Students part)
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Sonstiger Beitrag
Andree Scambor, Christoph Maier, David Prutej, Michael Fuchs and Matthias Kehrer
High Frequency Modelling of Low-Winding Common Mode Chokes for Conducted EMI Analysis
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Ko Odreitz, Felix Minichmair, Christoph Maier, Nikolaus Juch and Bernd Deutschmann
ICEM-CE Modeling at SPICE-Level
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To top
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Jasmin Grosinger and Alicja Michalowska-Forsyth
Space Tags
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Muaaz Abdul Hadi, Daniel Kraus, Amer Kajmakovic, Josef Suschnigg, Ouijdane Guiza, Milot Gashi, Georgios Sopidis, Matej Vukovic, Katarina Milenković, Michael Haslgruebler, Markus Brillinger and Konrad Diwold
Towards Flexible and Cognitive Production—Addressing the Production Challenges
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Michael Fuchs, Christoph Maier and David Johannes Pommerenke
A Bias Teee for Broadband Measurement of Power Electronic Components
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Adam T. Drobot, Mark A. Gouker, Jasmin Grosinger and Charlie Jackson
Sixth IEEE IoT Vertical and Topical Summit at RWW 2023: “Quantum Information Technologies for the IoT” [RWW 2023]
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Jasmin Grosinger
RWW 2023 Women in Microwaves Event: Distinguished Women in Microwaves [RWW 2023]
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Philipp Ortner, Raphael Steinhöfler, Erich Leitgeb and Holger Flühr
Augmented Air Traffic Control System—Artificial Intelligence as Digital Assistance System to Predict Air Traffic Conflicts
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Mariam K. A. Habib and Wolfgang Bösch
mm-Wave Complex Permittivity Extraction of LTCC Substrate Under the Influence of Surface Roughness
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Hristo Ivanov, Frank Marzano, Erich Leitgeb and Pasha Bekhrad
Testbed Emulator of Satellite-to-Ground FSO Downlink Affected by Atmospheric Seeing Including Scintillations and Clouds
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Daniel Kraus, Konrad Diwold, Jesús Pestana, Peter Priller and Erich Leitgeb
Towards a Recommender System for In-Vehicle Antenna Placement in Harsh Propagation Environments
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Maciej Sobieraj, Piotr Zwierzykowski and Erich Leitgeb
Simulation Studies of Elastic Optical Networks Nodes with Multicast Connections
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Jasmin Grosinger, Benjamin J.B. Deutschmann, Lukas Zoscher, Michael Gadringer and Franz Amtmann
HF RFID Tag Chip Impedance Measurements
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Luke Robins, Arash Arsanjani, Reinhard Teschl, Wolfgang Bösch, Chad Bartlett, Michael Michael Höft and Addulrahman Widaa
3D-Printed Dielectric Resonators for Quasi-TE112 Mode Singlets, Doublets and Dual-Mode Filters
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Ali-Reza Moznebi, Kambiz Afrooz and Arash Arsanjani
Broadband bandpass filter and filtering power divider with enhanced slow-wave effect, compact size, and wide stopband based on butterfly-shaped spoof SPPs
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Jasmin Grosinger, Mona M. Hella and Jeffrey A. Jargon
IMS2022 Panel Sessions
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Philipp Ortner, Raphael Steinhöfler, Erich Leitgeb and Holger Fluhr
Air Traffic Simulation and Modeling Framework
2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, CoBCom 2022
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Dana Seyringer, Paul Schreivogl, Karin Langer, Gerd Christian Krizek, Erich Leitgeb and Arno Grabher-Meyer
Educational Activities with Photonics Explorer
2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, CoBCom 2022
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Hristo Ivanov, Pasha Bekhrad and Erich Leitgeb
Power Line Communication for Building Automation Using Visible Light Sensing Systems
2022 29th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2022
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Ziad Hatab, Hiroaki Takahashi, Michael Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
OFDM Symbol-timing and Carrier-frequency Offset Estimation Based on Singular Value Decomposition
2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, CoBCom 2022
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Gert Freiberger and Helmut Schreiber
Modelling Child Life Presence Detection with Ultra-Wideband Radars for an Automotive Environment
2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications (CoBCom)
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Awais Abbas, Saadullah Farooq Abbasi, Muhammad Zulfiqar Ali, Saleem Shahid and Wei Chen
A Single Channel EEG-Based Algorithm for Neonatal Sleep-Wake Classification
Advances on Intelligent Computing and Data Science
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Hiroaki Takahashi, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Siegfried Krainer, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
Numerical Investigation of D- band Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides and their Bending Effects
2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
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Ziad Hatab, Ahmad Alterkawi, Hiroaki Takahashi, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Low-return Loss Design of PCB Probe-to-Microstrip Transition for Frequencies up to 150 GHz
2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
208 - 210
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Pasha Bekhrad, Kushal Gorakhnath Madane, Hristo Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb and Yingjie Liu
Assessment of Powerline Technology based on integrated evaluation kit
2022 29th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2022
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Michael E. Gadringer, Michael Vorderderfler, Helmut Schreiber and Wolfgang Bösch
Scattering Properties of Antennas used For Stimulating Radar Sensors
2021 18th European Radar Conference (EuRAD)
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H. Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
A Novel Frequency Selective Antenna for mm-Wave Phased Arrays
2022 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)
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H. Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
A Miniaturized and Hybrid SIW Resonator Solution for Filtering Power Divider and Antenna Array
2021 51st European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2022
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
A Simple Design Pattern for T4R Calibration Method
Proceedings of the 21st Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, MMS 2021
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Saman Zahiri-Rad, Andreas P. Weiss, Andreas Kröpfl and Erich Leitgeb
Visible Light based Positioning by Continuous Frequency-Modulated LEDs in Combination with Fingerprinting
2022 45th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE)
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Saman Zahiri-Rad, Andreas P. Weiss, Franz P. Wenzl, Felix Lichtenegger, Claude Leiner, Christian Sommer and Erich Leitgeb
Combining Optical and Electronic simulation models for the assessment of Visible Light Positioning Systems
2021 Joint Conference - 11th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting & 17th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Lighting (EEDAL/LS:17)
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Richard Bernd Fischbacher, David Johannes Pommerenke, Ralph Prestros, Jose Romero Lopera, Wolfgang Bösch and Jasmin Grosinger
Broadband EC Models of Coil Antennas for Inductively Coupled Systems
2022 Wireless Power Week (WPW)
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Saman Zahiri Rad, Felix Lichtenegger, Andreas P. Weiss, Claude Leiner, Christian Sommer and Erich Leitgeb
A combined optical-electronic simulation approach for a comprehensive discussion of the performance of visible light positioning under tunable lighting conditions
Optical Sensing and Detection VII
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Yingjie Liu, Ziad Hatab, Erich Leitgeb and Peiyuan Wang
Experimental Coupling Loss Analysis of Free Space Optical Link under Different Weather Conditions
2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, CoBCom 2022
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Darshan Shetty, Christoph Steffan, Wolfgang Bosch and Jasmin Grosinger
Sub-GHz RF Energy Harvester including a Small Loop Antenna
2022 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, A-SSCC 2022 - Proceedings
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Darshan Shetty, Christoph Steffan, Wolfgang Bösch and Jasmin Grosinger
Ultra-Low-Power IoT 30nW 474mV 19 ppm/<sup>°</sup>C Voltage Reference and 2 nA 470 ppm/<sup>°</sup>C Current Reference
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2022
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Hovik Baghdasaryan, Tamara Knyazyan, Tamara Hovhannisyan, Gurgen Mardoyan, Tigran Baghdasaryan, Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Pasha Bekhrad, Marian Marciniak and Erich Leitgeb
Transmission Type Nano-Layered Electro-Optical Modulator for Chip-to-Chip Optical Interconnection
2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, CoBCom 2022
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H. Takahashi, S. W. Sattler, E. Schlaffer, B. Reitmaier, H. Sarbandifarahani, H. Paulitsch and W. Bösch
Air-filled cavity-backed 28 GHz Antenna array implemented by 2.5D PCB process and Network Analysis
2021 51st European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
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Ioannis Peppas, Hiroaki Takahashi, Jim Yip, Erich Schlaffer, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
Embedding of High Power RF Transistor Dies in PCB Laminate
2022 52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
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Ioannis Peppas, Hiroaki Takahashi, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
A Symmetric Wideband Doherty Power Amplifier for the n78 - 5G NR Frequency Band
2022 18th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
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Hiroaki Takahashi, Ioannis Peppas, Erich Schlaffer, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
Determination of Quasi-Coaxial Via Capacitance using Conformal Mapping Technique
2022 14th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC)
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Gerzon Gomez-Bravo, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang Bösch
Circularly Polarized Ultra-Wideband Antenna for Dependable Wireless Localization Systems
2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, CoBCom 2022
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Hiroaki Takahashi, Ziad Hatab, Erich Schlaffer, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
Experimental Characterization of Microvias Using TRL Calibration with Uncertainty Analysis
2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
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Hossein Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee, Oscar Quevedo-Teruel and Wolfgang Bosch
Waveguide Filter Miniaturization with Metallic Metasurfaces
2022 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2022
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Hristo Ivanov and Erich Leitgeb
Artificial Generation of Mie Scattering Conditions for FSO Fog Chambers
2022 13th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2022
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H. Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
A Miniaturized HF/UHF Dual-Band RFID Tag Antenna
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, APS/URSI 2021 - Proceedings
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Improving The Reliability of The Multiline TRL Calibration Algorithm
98th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference
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Hossein Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
A Ka-band Multilayer Filtering Array Antenna with Distributed Coupled-resonator Topology
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings
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Behrooz Rezaee, H. Sarbandi Farahani and Wolfgang Bösch
Compact Cavity-backed Magneto-Electric Dipole Array Filtenna Using Hybrid Coupled-resonators
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, APS/URSI 2021 - Proceedings
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Ozan Turhan Gündüz, Cumali Sabah and Erich Leitgeb
Graphene-Based Tunable Metasurface Screen with Fresnel Zone Resonators (FZRs)
2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, CoBCom 2022
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Technischer Bericht
Erich Leitgeb, Dana Seyringer, Gerd Christian Krizek, Pirmin Pezzei, Karin Langer, Michael Wurzinger, Frank-Dieter Reil, Ulrich Trog and Alexandra Grabner
Zwischenbericht 2 zu PHORSCH! mit Projekttitel: Phorsch! - Photonik für Schulen!
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Helmut Paulitsch and Satyanarayana Tani
Plattform Hagelabwehr Steiermark, Projektbericht 2021
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Sonstiger Beitrag
Christoph Maier and Michael Fuchs
A Bias Tee for Broadband Measurement of Power Electronic Components
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Andree Scambor, Michael Fuchs and Christoph Maier
Three Ways to Model Inductors for Conducted EMI Simulation
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Ziad Hatab, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Complex Permittivity Measurement of Dielectric Substrates at Millimeter-wave Frequencies
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Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
sundus zehra, Rehan Qureshi, Kapal Dev, Saleem Shahid and Naveed Anwar Bhatti
Comparative Analysis of Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
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Peiyuan Wang, Michael A. Steindorfer, Franz Koidl, Georg Kirchner and Erich Leitgeb
Megahertz repetition rate satellite laser ranging demonstration at Graz observatory
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Farhat Iqbal, G. Kirchner, F. Koidl and Erich Leitgeb
Laser back scatter
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Nikolaos A. Androutsos, Hector E. Nistazakis, Harilaos G. Sandalidis, Erich Leitgeb and George S. Tombras
Α dual-hop equivalent structure of a generalised multi-hop free-space optics network
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Peter Mandl, Pirmin Pezzei and Erich Leitgeb
Comparison of Everyday Exposure Situations to RF Radiation regarding different Sources including Mobile Communications with Respect to 5G
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Kushal Madane, Andreas Peter Weiss, Stefan Schantl, Erich Leitgeb and Franz Peter Wenzl
Machine Learning Assisted Visible Light Sensing of the Rotation of a Robotic Arm
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Xinran Huang, Liuming Zhang, Weisheng Hu, J. P. Turkiewicz, Erich Leitgeb and Xuelin Yang
Secure OFDM-PON Using Chaotic Constellation Mapping and Probabilistic Shaping
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Maciej Sobieraj, Piotr Zwierzykowski and Erich Leitgeb
Determination of traffic characteristics of elastic optical networks nodes with reservation mechanisms
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Maciej Sobieraj, Piotr Zwierzykowski and Erich Leitgeb
Modelling and optimization of multi-service optical switching networks with threshold management mechanisms
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Georg Saxl, Lukas Goertschacher, Thomas Ussmueller and Jasmin Grosinger
Software-Defined RFID Readers
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Jasmin Grosinger
Distinguished Women in Microwaves [Women in Microwaves]
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Darshan Shetty, Christoph Steffan, Gerald Holweg, Wolfgang Bosch and Jasmin Grosinger
Submicrowatt CMOS Rectifier for a Fully Passive Wake-Up Receiver
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Ilya Kalesnikau, Michał Pióro, Jacek Rak, Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Emma Fitzgerald and Erich Leitgeb
Enhancing Resilience of FSO Networks to Adverse Weather Conditions
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Adam T. Drobot, Jasmin Grosinger and Charlie Jackson
IEEE IoT Vertical and Topical Summit at RWW 2022 [RWW 2022]
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Giancarlo Benincasa, Erich Leitgeb, Klaus Kainrath and Hristo Danchov Ivanov
Using Feedforward Neural Networks for Parameter Modeling of a 4G Link for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
2021 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM)
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Andreas Peter Weiss, Kushal Madane, Franz Peter Wenzl and Erich Leitgeb
Random forest based classification of retroreflective foils for visible light sensing of an indoor moving object
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2021
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Nikolaos A. Androutsos, Hector E. Nistazakis, George K. Varotsos, Evgenia Roditi and Erich Leitgeb
Influence of Pointing Errors at the Block Error Rate Performance of Strong Turbulent SIMO FSO Links
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2021
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Philipp Ortner, Raphael Steinhöfler, Patrick Christoph Hödl, Erich Leitgeb and Holger Flühr
Geospatial Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles around no-fly-zones by Global Positioning System Spoofing
2021 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)
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Klaus Kainrath, Mario Gruber, Andreas Hinze, Holger Flühr and Erich Leitgeb
Modification of a Commercial Fixed-Wing-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Mobile Radio for beyond Visual Line of Sight Operability
2021 - 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology, MIPRO 2021 - Proceedings
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Saman Zahiri Rad, Andreas Peter Weiss, Franz Peter Wenzl and Erich Leitgeb
Simulation aided design of a human wrist rotation recognition system combining IMU sensor data with Visible Light Communication
2021 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD 2021
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Liuming Zhang, Xinran Huang, Erich Leitgeb and Xuelin Yang
Gb/s physical-layer secure key generation and distribution in fiber communications
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2021
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Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi, Sebastian Sattler, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang Bösch
A reconfigurable dual-mode Filter in Embedded Suspended Stripline Substrate Technology (ESSS)
2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Filter Workshop (IMFW)
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Arash Arsanjani, Luke Robins, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang Bösch
Implementation of K-band Mushroom meta-material filter for satellite applications
2020 50th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2020
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Hossein Sarbandifarahani, Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
A Novel Planar Coupled-resonator Cavity-backed Slot Array Filtenna
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, IEEECONF 2020 - Proceedings
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Hossein Sarbandifarahani, Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
Ka-band Coupled-resonator Filtering Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna
2020 50th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
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Richard Fischbacher, Lukas Gortschacher, Erich Merlin, Ulrich Muhlmann, Franz Amtmann, Peter Priller, Wolfgang Bosch and Jasmin Grosinger
EC Model for WPT and NFC Systems Interoperability Analysis
2021 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS)
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Jose Romero Lopera, Jim Mayock, Qing Sun, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Wolfgang Bösch and Erich Leitgeb
A 3.5GHz High Power GaN Hybrid Doherty Power Amplifier with Dynamic Input Power Splitting for Enhanced Power Added Efficiency at Backoff
2021 IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications, PAWR 2021
44 - 47
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Hossein Sarbandifarahani, Behrooz Rezaee, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Lukas Zöscher, Franz Amtmann and Wolfgang Bösch
An Accurate De-embedding and Characterization Methodology for Dual-Band HF/UHF RFID Chips and Antennas
15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2021
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Michael Ernst Gadringer
S- and Z-Parameters in Frequency and Time Domain: In accordance with expectations?
I2MTC 2021 - IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Proceedings
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Behrooz Rezaee, H. Sarbandi Farahani and Wolfgang Bösch
An Integrated Frequency Selective Power Divider with Double-Slot Antenna Radiation and Wide Stopband for Sub-6 GHz 5G
Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Ziad Hatab and Erich Leitgeb
Channel Emulation of Satellite-to-Ground APD-based FSO Link in the Presence of Atmospheric Turbulence Fading
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2021
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Ziad Hatab, Frank Marzano and Erich Leitgeb
Hardware emulation of satellite-to-ground APD-based FSO downlink affected by atmospheric turbulence-induced fading
Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans X
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Michael Vorderderfler, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Helmut Schreiber, Wolfgang Bösch and Herman Jalli Ng
Generating synthetic radar targets using azimuthal distributed scatterer for automotive applications
2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Automotive, MetroAutomotive 2021 - Proceedings
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Yingjie Liu, Ziad Hatab, Erich Leitgeb, Peiyuan Wang and Pirmin Pezzei
Preliminary Results of an Optical Wireless Communications Prototype Developed at TU Graz
16th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL)
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Benjamin J.B. Deutschmann, Michael Gadringer, Richard Fischbacher, Lukas Görtschacher, Franz Amtmann, Erich Merlin, Ulrich Muehlmann and Jasmin Grosinger
Calibration Method for an RF I-V Based HF RFID Impedance Measurement System
97th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Pirmin Pezzei and Erich Leitgeb
Estimation of Cloud-induced Optical Attenuation over Near-Earth and Deep-space FSO Communication Systems
2021 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM)
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Ziad Hatab, Erich Leitgeb and Michael E. Gadringer
Broadband Characterization of Co-planar GSG Wirebonds for RF Heterogeneous 2.5D Integration
97th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference
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Michael E. Gadringer
Robust mTRL implementation for probing standards manufactured on PCBs
97th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference
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Luke Robins, Arash Arsanjani, Chad Bartlett, Reinhard Teschl, Wolfgang Bösch and Michael Michael Höft
Additive Manufacturing of Non-homogenous Dielectric Waveguide Structures and Filters
2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Filter Workshop, IMFW 2021
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Jose Romero Lopera, Jim Mayock, Michael E. Gadringer, Erich Leitgeb and Wolfgang Bösch
An Asymmetrical Single-stage GaN MMIC DPA at 25 GHz Implementing Dynamic Input Power Division for Enhanced PAE at 7.6 dB OBO
2021 29th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2021 - Proceedings
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Arash Arsanjani, Hossein Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang Bösch
A Compact Slow-Wave Filter with Double-sided Selectivity and Wide Out-of-Band Rejection
2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2021
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Arash Arsanjani, Luke Robins, Benjamin Meier, Jelena Petrusa, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang Bösch
Additive manufacturing of a 4th-order K-band semi-planar slow-wave filter
2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Filter Workshop, IMFW 2021
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H. Sarbandi Farahani, Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
Compact Filtering Power Divider with Distributed Combline Coupled-Resonators
2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Filter Workshop (IMFW)
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Technischer Bericht
Helmut Paulitsch and Satyanarayana Tani
Plattform Hagelabwehr Steiermark, Projektbericht 2020
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Erich Leitgeb, Dana Seyringer, Gerd Christian Krizek, Pirmin Pezzei, Karin Langer, Michael Wurzinger, Frank-Dieter Reil, Ulrich Trog, Alexandra Grabner and Thomas Plank
Zwischenbericht 1 zu PHORSCH! mit Projekttitel: Phorsch! - Photonik für Schulen!
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Sonstiger Beitrag
Satyanarayana Tani and Helmut Paulitsch
An investigation of severe hailstorm characteristics over the present decade in the province of Styria, Austria
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Daniel Kraus, Konrad Diwold and Erich Leitgeb
Rssi-based antenna evaluation for robust ble communication in in-car environments
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Michael Fuchs, Christoph Maier and David Johannes Pommerenke
A Bias Tee for Broadband Measurement of Power Electronic Components
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Gerzon Gomez Bravo, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang Bösch
Microwave Frontends for Dependable Wireless Communication and Localization Systems
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To top
Jasmin Grosinger, Lukas Zöscher, Lukas Johann Görtschacher and Wolfgang Bösch
Backscatter RFID Systems
Compendium on Electromagnetic Analysis
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Jasmin Grosinger
Backscatter RFID Sensor System for Remote Health Monitoring
Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb, Daniel Kraus, Frank Marzano, Antonio Jurado-Navas, Sander Dorenbos, Rafael Perez-Jimenez and Gert Freiberger
Free Space Optics System Reliability in the Presence of Weather-Induced Disruptions
Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks
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Rasa Bruzgiene, Lina Narbutaite, Tomas Adomkus, Peter Pocta, Peter Brida, Juraj Machaj, Erich Leitgeb, Pirmin Pezzei, Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Nadezhda Kunicina, Anatolijs Zabasta, Jelena Caiko and Antons Patlins
Quality-Driven Schemes Enhancing Resilience of Wireless Networks under Weather Disruptions
Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks
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Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Mariusz Głąbowski, Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb, Maciej Sobieraj and Maciej Stasiak
Simulation studies of elastic optical networks based on 3-stage Clos switching fabric
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Rui Xu, Steven Gao, Benito Sanz-Izquierdo, Chao Gu, Patrick Reynaert, Alexander Standaert, Gregory Gibbons, Wolfgang Bösch, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Dong Li
A Review of Broadband Low-Cost and High-Gain Low-Terahertz Antennas for Wireless Communications Applications
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Lukas Johann Görtschacher, Franz Amtmann, Ulrich Mühlmann, Erich Merlin, Peter Priller and Jasmin Grosinger
Passive HF RFID Repeater for Communicating with Tags in Metal Housings
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Chao Gu, Steven Gao, Vincent Fusco , Gregory Gibbons, Benito Sanz-Izquierdo, Alexander Standaert, Patrick Reynaert, Wolfgang Bösch, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Rui Xu and Xuexia Yang
A D-Band 3D-Printed Antenna
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Mariusz Głąbowski, Erich Leitgeb, Maciej Sobieraj and Maciej Stasiak
Analytical Modeling of Switching Fabrics of Elastic Optical Networks
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George D. Roumelas, Hector E. Nistazakis, Erich Leitgeb, Argyrios N. Stassinakis and George S. Tombras
On the performance of optical wireless communication links impaired by time jitter, M-turbulence and pointing errors
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George D. Roumelas, Hector E. Nistazakis, Erich Leitgeb, Hristo Danchov Ivanov, C.K. Volos and George S. Tombras
Serially DF relayed hybrid FSO/MMW links with Weibull fading, M-turbulence and pointing errors
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David Veit, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Erich Leitgeb
On different load configurations for mixed-mode load-pull measurements, hybrid imperfections, and tuning ranges
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Mohammad Mehrabi, Arash Arsanjani, Kambiz Afrooz and Majid Tayarani
Compact reconfigurable triple‐mode triple‐band substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter
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Mohammad Biabanifard, Arash Arsanjani, Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian and Derek Abbott
Tunable Terahertz Graphene-Based Absorber Design Method Based on a Circuit Model Approach
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Martin W Jury, Thomas Mendlik, Satyanarayana Tani, Heimo Truhetz, Douglas Maraun, Walter W Immerzeel and Lutz Arthur F
Climate projections for glacier change modelling over the Himalayas
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Holger Maune, Jasmin Grosinger and Markus Gardill
MTT-sat challenge launches first projects [MTT-S Society News]
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R. Fischbacher, L. Gortschacher, F. Amtmann, P. Priller, W. Bosch and J. Grosinger
Localization of UHF RFID Magnetic Field Sensor Tags
2020 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS)
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Franz Teschl, Reinhard Teschl and Valentin Eder
Calibrating Ka Band Satellite Down-Link Modem Measurements for Rainfall Monitoring
14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2020
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Jose Romero Lopera, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Erich Leitgeb and Wolfgang Bösch
A Broadband 2.1 GHz LDMOS Power Amplifier with 700 MHz Bandwidth Implementing Band-pass Filter-Based Matching Networks
CoBCom 2020 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications - Proceedings
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David Veit, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Erich Leitgeb
Impact of UWB Antennas on Ranging Accuracy
14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2020
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Rui Xu, Steven Gao, Benito Sanz Izquierdo, Chao Gu, Patrick Reynaert, Alexander Standaert, Gregory Gibbons, Isakov Dmitry, Wolfgang Bösch and Michael Ernst Gadringer
140 GHz Additive Manufacturing Low-Cost and High-Gain Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna
2020 International Workshop on Antenna Technology, iWAT 2020
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Klaus Kainrath, Holger Flühr, Wolfgang Stocksreiter, Roland Findenig, Erich Leitgeb and Mario Gruber
Evaluation of Commercial Off-The-Shelf LTE Antennas for Use on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology, MIPRO 2020 - Proceedings
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Pasha Bekhrad and Erich Leitgeb
Different models of the refractive index structure constant calculation
3rd West Asian Symposium on Optical and Millimeter-wave Wireless Communication (WASOWC 2020)
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov and Erich Leitgeb
Characteristics of Ultra-Long Deep Space FSO Downlinks Using Special Detector Technologies Like SNSPD
2020 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2020
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Nikolaos A. Androutsos, Hector E. Nistazakis, K.N. Manganaris, George S. Tombras, Erich Leitgeb and C.K. Volos
Outage Probability Estimation for a Multi-hop Terrestrial FSO Link Simplified to a Dual-hop Scheme
2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020
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Jan Köhler, Wolfgang Bösch, Erich Leitgeb and Reinhard Teschl
Field Bending Omega-Type Metamaterial Lens For Ku Band
2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2020
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Klaus Kainrath, Martin Fruhmann, Klaus Gebeshuber, Erich Leitgeb and Mario Gruber
Evaluation of Cyber Security in Digital Avionic Systems
2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2020 - Proceedings
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Amin Hazrati Marangalou, Santiago Sondon, Ajinkya Kale, Johannes Sturm, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
An On-Chip Analog Spectrum Analyzer Based on Miller Frequency Divider
Proceedings - 2020 Austrochip Workshop on Microelectronics, Austrochip 2020
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Jan Köhler, Wolfgang Bösch, Erich Leitgeb, Reinhard Teschl and David Johannes Pommerenke
Manipulating Iron Filament with Permanent Magnets for FDM Printing for X-Band
CoBCom 2020 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications - Proceedings
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Jasmin Grosinger
RF Design for Ultra-Low Power Wireless Communication Systems
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Christopher Lamprecht
Realisation of an optical ethernet transceiver modem for 1550nm earth-space FSO transmission
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Technischer Bericht
Helmut Paulitsch and Satyanarayana Tani
Plattform Hagelabwehr Steiermark, Projektbericht 2019
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Sonstiger Beitrag
Satyanarayana Tani and Helmut Paulitsch
A case study on severe hailstorm on 27 July 2019 in the province of Styria, Austria
Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christopher Lamprecht, Pasha Bekhrad, Hristo Danchov Ivanov and Erich Leitgeb
Modelling the Refractive Index Structure Parameter: A ResNet Approach
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Jan Köhler, Wolfgang Bösch, Erich Leitgeb, Reinhard Teschl and David Johannes Pommerenke
Mixing of commercially available 3D printing filaments for novel RF components
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Klaus Kainrath, Jakob Feiner, Wilhelm Zugaj, Erich Leitgeb, Holger Flühr and Mario Gruber
Evaluation of data sets for mobile radio signal coverage up to 150 meters above ground
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Daniel Kraus, Konrad Diwold and Erich Leitgeb
Getting on Track – Simulation-aided Design of Wireless IoT Sensor Systems
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Peter Mandl, Pirmin Pezzei and Erich Leitgeb
Comparison of Radiation Exposure between DVBT2, WLAN, 5G and other Sources with Respect to Law and Regulation Issues
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Peter Mandl, Pirmin Pezzei and Erich Leitgeb
Comparison of Different Exposure Situations to RF Radiation regarding Mobile Communications with Respect to 5G
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Michael Vorderderfler, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Wolfgang Bösch and Erich Leitgeb
Absorber Characterisation for Over-the-Air Radar Target Stimulation on Automotive Test Rigs
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Pasha Bekhrad and Erich Leitgeb
Evaluation of the refractive index structure constant profile
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David Veit, Michael Vorderderfler, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Erich Leitgeb
Consistent Scaling for the Inverse Chirp Z Transformation
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David Veit, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Erich Leitgeb
On UWB Pulse Distortion Caused by Amplifiers and Mismatched Antennas
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Rui Xu, Steven Gao, Benito Sanz-Izquierdo, Patrick Reynaert, Alexander Standaert, Gregory Gibbons, Wolfgang Bösch and Michael Ernst Gadringer
3D-Printed 140 GHz Beam-Scanning Antenna Using Partially Reflecting Surface
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Hossein Sarbandifarahani, Behrooz Rezaee, Wolfgang Bösch and Helmut Paulitsch
Ka-Band Slotted SIW Phased Array Antenna
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Hossein Sarbandifarahani, Behrooz Rezaee and Wolfgang Bösch
Stack-layered Coupled-resonator Filtering Antenna
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To top
Harald Schlemmer, Balázs Ferenczi, Ivana Stamenic, Johannes Widmer, Erich Leitgeb, Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Nathalie Metzger-Fragnol, Joakim Johansson and Michael Schönhuber
System Study of Optical Communications with a Hybridised Optical/RF Payload Data Transmitter - Final Report
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Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Philipp Greiner, Carlo Alberto Boano, Klaus Witrisal, Fabrizio Gentili, Jasmin Grosinger, Wolfgang Bösch and Kay Uwe Römer
Dependable Wireless Communication and Localization in the Internet of Things
Mission-Oriented Sensor Networks and Systems: Art and Science
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Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Piotr Zwierzykowski, Mariusz Głąbowski, Erich Leitgeb and Vassilios Vassilakis
Preface of SI
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Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Josef Kulmer, Ian Hunter, Raed Abd-Alhameed, Klaus Witrisal, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer and Wolfgang Bösch
Compact broadband frequency selective microstrip antenna and its application to indoor positioning systems for wireless networks
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Lukas Johann Görtschacher and Jasmin Grosinger
UHF RFID Sensor System Using Tag Signal Patterns: Prototype System
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Lukas Johann Görtschacher and Jasmin Grosinger
Localization of Signal Pattern Based UHF RFID Sensor Tags
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Ali-Reza Moznebi, Arash Arsanjani, Kambiz Afrooz and Pedram Mousavi
Low‐loss and broadband coaxial line to air‐filled substrate integrated waveguide transition
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Hristo Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb, Pirmin Pezzei and Gert Freiberger
Experimental characterization of SNSPD receiver technology for deep space FSO under laboratory testbed conditions
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Arash Arsanjani, Mohammad Biabanifard and Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian
A novel analytical method for designing a multi-band, polarization-insensitive and wide angle graphene-based THz absorber
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Satyanarayana Tani and Andreas Gobiet
Quantile mapping for improving precipitation extremes from regional climate models
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb, Thomas Plank and Daniel Kraus
Evaluation of FSO-technology as a Candidate for Reliable Long-distance Communication Links for Deep Space Applications
2019 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS-Spring)
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Peter Pocta, Frank Marzano, Erich Leitgeb and Gert Freiberger
Resilience of Deep Space FSO Communication Scenario Involving SNSPD Receiver to Atmospheric Turbulence
2019 14th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS)
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Benjamin Deutschmann, Lukas Johann Görtschacher and Jasmin Grosinger
Efficient Assessment of the Impact of Metallic Obstacles on the Wireless Power Transfer in Loosely Coupled Links
Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference 2019
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Daniel Kraus, Hristo Danchov Ivanov and Erich Leitgeb
Approach for an Optical Network Design for Autonomous Vehicles
2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON)
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Daniel Kraus, Konrad Diwold, Erich Leitgeb and Peter Priller
Achieving Robust and Reliable Wireless Communications in Hostile In-Car Environments
IoT 2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things 2019
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Daniel Kraus, Hristo Danchov Ivanov and Erich Leitgeb
Novel Optical Network Design for Automotive Applications using ROADMs
2019 15th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL)
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Sebastian Sattler, Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi, Fabrizio Gentili, Reinhard Teschl, Erich Schlaffer, Bernhard Reitmaier and Wolfgang Bösch
Embedded Suspended Stripline Substrate Technology (ESSS) as a Catalyst for Low-loss PCB Structures in the Ka-Band
2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP)
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H. S. Farahani and W. Bosch
A novel compact high-gain filtenna using gap waveguide technology
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2019 - Proceedings
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Hossein Sarbandi Farahani and Wolfgang Bosch
Ku-band gap waveguide filter with negative coupling structure
Proceedings of European Microwave Conference in Central Europe, EuMCE 2019
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Malte Coers and Wolfgang Bösch
Analysis of tilting load-lines in AlGaN/GaN broadband uniform distributed amplifiers
8th German Microwave Conference, GeMiC 2014
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David Veit, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Erich Leitgeb
A Simulation Environment for UWB Hardware Development and Protocol Design
2019 15th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL)
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Daniel Kraus
Approach for a novel optical network design for future automotive applications
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Technischer Bericht
Helmut Paulitsch, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger, Satyanarayana Tani and Reinhard Teschl
Plattform Hagelabwehr Steiermark
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb, Gert Freiberger, Thomas Plank, Pirmin Pezzei and Pasha Bekhrad
Technischer Report zum Endbericht (inkl. WP400) zu ESA Projekt "HybridPDT - System Study of Optical Communications with a Hybridised Optical/RF Payload Data Transmitter" (TU Graz Anteil - Optischer Teil)
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Helmut Schreiber
MLAT Impact Analysis / Part 2 - Simulation of Swiss Scenarios
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Helmut Schreiber
MLAT Impact Analysis / Part 1 - Introduction and Simplified Assessment
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Sonstiger Beitrag
Prasetiyono Hari Mukti, Hossein Sarbandifarahani, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bosch
Mutual Coupling Reduction of Aperture-Coupled Antenna Array Using UC-EBG Superstrate
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Lukas Johann Görtschacher, Peter Priller, Herwig Zeiner, Wolfgang Bösch and Jasmin Grosinger
Dependable, secure, and time-aware sensor networks
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David Veit, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Erich Leitgeb
About Different Load Configurations for Mixed-Mode Load-Pull Measurements
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Satyanarayana Tani and Helmut Paulitsch
An exploratory analysis of radar-derived thunderstorm characteristics over the province of Styria, Austria
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Erich Leitgeb, Holger Flühr and Philipp Ortner
Cyber Security and Information Exchange Analysis of Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast
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Misha Ghauri, Sajid Sheikh Muhammad and Erich Leitgeb
Analysis of Continental Fog Micro-physical Parameters: Effect of PSA on Optical Attenuation
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb and Gert Freiberger
Modelling of a Deep Space FSO-Link with a SNSPD Receiver Unit Under Turbulence-Induced Fading Conditions
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Erich Leitgeb
Optical Wireless Communications and Hybrid Networks as Necessary Supplement and Important Extension of Future 5G Technology (Keynote Talk)
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To top
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Umar Ibrahim Minhas, Ijaz Haider Naqvi, Saad Qaisar, Kamran Ali, Saleem Shahid and Muhammad Awais Aslam
A WSN for Monitoring and Event Reporting in Underground Mine Environments
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Michael Ernst Gadringer, Helmut Schreiber, Andreas Gruber, Michael Vorderderfler, Dominik Amschl, Wolfgang Bösch, Steffen Metzner, Horst Pflügl and Michael Paulweber
Virtual reality for automotive radars
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Jasmin Grosinger, Walther Pachler and Wolfgang Bösch
Tag Size Matters
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Michael Vorderderfler, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Helmut Schreiber, Andreas Gruber, Wolfgang Bösch, Steffen Metzner, Horst Pflügl and Michael Paulweber
Frequency dividers in radar target stimulator applications
Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Michael Ernst Gadringer, Franz Michael Maier, Helmut Schreiber, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Andreas Gruber, Michael Vorderderfler, Dominik Amschl, Steffen Metzner, Horst Pflügl, Wolfgang Bösch, Martin Horn and Michael Paulweber
Radar target stimulation for automotive applications
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Thomas Plank, Daniel Kraus and Erich Leitgeb
Die aktuelle Breitbandsituation in Österreich am Beispiel Steiermark im internationalen Vergleich
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Michalis P. Ninos, Hector E. Nistazakis, Erich Leitgeb and George S. Tombras
Spatial diversity for QAM OFDM RoFSO links with nonzero boresight pointing errors over atmospheric turbulence channels
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P. Barcik, O. Wilfert, A. Dobesch, Z. Kolka, L. Hudcova, M. Novak and E. Leitgeb
Experimental measurement of the atmospheric turbulence effects and their influence on performance of fully photonic wireless communication receiver
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Ajinkya Kale, Graciele Batistell, Suchendranath Popuri, Vijaya Sankara Rao Pasupureddi, Wolfgang Bösch and Johannes Sturm
Integrationskonzepte für konfigurierbare Multi-Standard-Drahtlos-Transceiver
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Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Ian Hunter and Wolfgang Bösch
Miniature Triple-Mode Dielectric Resonator Filters
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Tawfik Ismail, Erich Leitgeb, Zabihollah Ghassemlooy and Mohamed Al-Nahhal
Performance Improvement of FSO System using Multi-Pulse PPM and SIMO under Atmospheric Turbulence Conditions and with Pointing Errors
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Erich Leitgeb
Combination of Optical- and RFWave Propagation for Wireless Communications, Sensing and Detection Technologies for Increasing Safety and Reliability in Autonomous Driving Scenarios (Keynote Talk)
2018 28th International Conference Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA)
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Barbara Süsser-Rechberger and Wilfried Gappmair
New Results on Symbol Rate Estimation in Digital Satellite Receivers
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing
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Sebastian Sattler, Fabrizio Gentili, Reinhard Teschl, Carlos Carceller and Wolfgang Bösch
Making Additive Manufactured Ceramic Microwave Filters Ready for 5G
2018 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications
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Jan Köhler, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Wolfgang Bösch
Emerging Technologies and Concepts for 5G Applications
International Symposium on VSLI Technology, Systems and Applications
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Barbara Süsser-Rechberger and Wilfried Gappmair
Joint Synchronization of Carrier Frequency, Symbol Timing and Sampling Rate in Digital Satellite Receivers
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Broadband Communications
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Pasha Bekhrad, Erich Leitgeb and Hristo Danchov Ivanov
Benefits of visible light communication in car-to-car communication
Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb and Gert Freiberger
Characterization of Poisson Channel for Deep Space FSO Based on SNSPD Technology by Experimental Demonstration
2018 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Sander Dorenbos, Erich Leitgeb, Gert Freiberger and Pasha Bekhrad
Design of an evaluation breadboard with SNSPD for testing various deep space optical communication applications
Quantum Technologies 2018
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Thomas Plank, Luka Mustafa, Eva Cerncic and Erich Leitgeb
Estimation of Mie scattering influence for the FSO channel under artificially simulated fog conditions
Environmental Effects on Light Propagation and Adaptive Systems
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Lukas Görtschacher, Wolfgang Bösch and Jasmin Grosinger
UHF RFID sensor tag antenna concept for stable and distance independent remote monitoring
IMBioc 2018 - 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference
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J. Häussler, M. Stein, D. Seebacher, H. Janetzko, T. Schreck and D. Keim
Visual Analysis of Urban Traffic Data based on High-Resolution and High-Dimensional Environmental Sensor Data
Proc. EuroVis Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences
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Manuel Stein, T. Breitkreutz, J. Häussler, D. Seebacher, C. Niederberger, T. Schreck, M. Grossniklaus, D. Keim and H. Janetzko
Revealing the Invisible: Visual Analytics and Explanatory Storytelling for Advanced Team Sport analysis
Proc. 4th Int. Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics
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A. Diehl, M. Hundt, J. Häussler, D. Seebacher, S. Chen, N. Cilasun, Daniel A. Keim and T. Schreck
SocialOcean: Visual Analysis and Characterization of Social Media Bubbles
Proc. 4th Int. Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics
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Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Josef Kulmer, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Carlo Alberto Boano, Klaus Witrisal and Kay Uwe Römer
Dataset: Single-Anchor Indoor Localization with Decawave DW1000 and Directional Antennas
Dataset: Single-Anchor Indoor Localization with Decawave DW1000 and Directional Antennas
Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Josef Kulmer, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Carlo Alberto Boano, Klaus Witrisal and Kay Uwe Römer
SALMA: UWB-based Single-Anchor Localization System Using Multipath Assistance
SALMA: UWB-based Single-Anchor Localization System using Multipath Assistance
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Martin Holder, Philpp Rosenberger, Hermann Winner, Thomas D'hondt, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Franz Michael Maier, Helmut Schreiber, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Zora Slavik, Oliver Bringmann and Wolfgang Rosenstiel
Measurements revealing Challenges in Radar Sensor Modeling for Virtual Validation of Autonomous Driving
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)
2616 - 2622
Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sebastian W. Sattler, Fabrizio Gentili, Reinhard Teschl, Carlos Carceller and Wolfgang Bösch
Emerging technologies and concepts for 5G applications - A. making additive manufactured ceramic microwave filters ready for 5G
2018 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application, VLSI-TSA 2018
Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi, Mustafa S. Bakr, Reinhard Teschl, Wolfgang Bösch and Maurizio Bozzi
A compact half-mode substrate integrated waveguide filter based on a circular resonator
GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference
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Mustafa S. Bakr, Ian C. Hunter and Wolfgang Bosch
Miniature Triple-Mode Dielectric Resonator Filters
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, IMS 2018
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Mustafa S. Bakr, Ian C. Hunter and Wolfgang Bosch
Broadband Dual-Mode Dielectric Resonator Filters
2018 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2018 - Proceedings
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Pasha Bekhrad, Hristo Ivanov and Erich Leitgeb
Car to X Communication with Optical Wireless as Support and Alternative to RF-Technologies for Roads and Future Transportation
2018 26th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2018
Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Abdelhamed Eldeeb, Graciele Batistell, Wolfgang Bosch and Johannes Sturm
SCPA Transformer Based Matching Network Design Flow and SiP Implementation
Proceedings - 26th Austrian Workshop on Microelectronics, Austrochip 2018
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Graciele Batistell, Ajinkya Kale, Johannes Sturm and Wolfgang Bösch
SCPA non-linearity Modelling and Analysis
International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Circuits, INMMIC 2018 - Proceedings
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Barbara Suesser-Rechberger
New Results on Symbol Rate Estimation in Digital Satellite Receivers
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Technischer Bericht
Helmut Paulitsch, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger, Satyanarayana Tani and Reinhard Teschl
Plattform Hagelabwehr Steiermark
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Hristo Danchov Ivanov, Erich Leitgeb, Gert Freiberger, Thomas Plank and Pirmin Pezzei
Technischer Report zum Zwischenbericht (WP300) zu ESA Projekt "HybridPDT - System Study of Optical Communications with a Hybridised Optical/RF Payload Data Transmitter" 2018, (TU Graz Anteil - Optischer Teil)
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Thomas Plank, Daniel Kraus and Erich Leitgeb
Evaluierung der Daten aus dem Breitbandatlas des BMVIT für das Festnetz in den steirischen NUTS-III Regionen
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Lucas Speckbacher and Erich Leitgeb
Einsatz von Optical Wireless Systemen zur Detektion und Ortung von optischen Abhöreinrichtungen (Studie)
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Sonstiger Beitrag
Sebastian Sattler, Fabrizio Gentili, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang Bösch
Direct Metal Printed 4th order Stepped Impedance Filter in the C/X Band
Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Klaus Kainrath, Mario Gruber, Holger Flühr, Erich Leitgeb, Wolfgang Dautermann and Andreas Hinze
Evaluation of Mobile Radio Links as Command-and-Control Links for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
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Peter Mandl, Pirmin Pezzei and Erich Leitgeb
Selected Health and Law Issues Regarding Mobile Communications with Respect to 5G
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Hovik Baghdasaryan, Tamara M. Knyazyan, Tamara Hovhannisyan, Erich Leitgeb, Marian Marciniak, Slawomir Sujecki and Stefano Taccheo
Single-Mode Light Generation in DFB Fiber Laser: Wavelength-Scale Electromagnetic Modelling by the Method of Single Expression
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David Veit, Michael Ernst Gadringer and Erich Leitgeb
A Compact Ultra-Wideband Load-Pull Measurement System
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Stephan Bernhart and Erich Leitgeb
Evaluations of Low-Cost Decoding Methods for 1090 MHz SSR Signals
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Peiyuan Wang, Georg Kirchner, Franz Koidl, Michael A. Steindorfer, Egon Döberl, Martin Ploner, Philipp Keller, Miroslav Taubenberger and Erich Leitgeb
Upgrade of an Astronomical Telescope for Satellite Laser Ranging Up to Geostationary Targets
Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hovik Baghdasaryan, Tamara M. Knyazyan, Tamara Hovhannisyan, Erich Leitgeb, Slawomir Sujecki, Stefano Taccheo and Trevor Benson
Single- And Double-Mode Light Generation in DFB Fiber Laser: Wavelength-Scale Electromagnetic Modelling by the Method of Single Expression
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Erich Leitgeb, Thomas Plank, Pirmin Pezzei, Hristo Danchov Ivanov and Rafael Perez-Jimenez
Optical Wireless Communications and Optical Sensing and Detection Technologies for Increasing the Reliability and Safety in Autonomous Driving Scenarios
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Stephan Bernhart, Gerhard Hofbauer, Ulrich Feichter and Erich Leitgeb
TOA Estimation Algorithms evaluated according ED-117 Minimum Operational Performance Specifications for Mode S Multilateration Systems
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Hovik Baghdasaryan, Tamara M. Knyazyan, Tamara Hovhannisyan, Marian Marciniak, Erich Leitgeb, Slawomir Sujecki, Stefano Taccheo, Trevor Benson and Francesco Prudenzano
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Franz Teschl, Manuela Wenger, Andreas Dielacher and Reinhard Teschl
Antenna and propagation aspects of a future GNSS-reflectometry mission
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Prasetiyono Hari Mukti, Helmut Schreiber, Andreas Gruber, Helmut Paulitsch and Wolfgang Bösch
Numerical Analysis of Meandered Line Based Uniform Antenna Array
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Ali I. Hammoodi, Mustafa S. Bakr, Haider Khaleel and Mariofanna Milanova
Isolation enhancement between two closely spaced rectangular patches for MIMO applications
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Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger and Reinhard Teschl
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Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger and Reinhard Teschl
Hagelerkennung mittels Wetterradar
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Andreas Rechberger, Andreas Steinkellner, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger, Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch and Reinhard Teschl
HeDi - Hagelereignis Dateninterface
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Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger and Reinhard Teschl
Hail event analysis and damage assessment based on multi-data approach
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Callum T. Geldard, John Thompson, Erich Leitgeb and Wasiu Popoola
Optical Wireless Underwater Channel Modelling in the Presence of Turbulence
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Erich Leitgeb
Optical Wave Propagation in Modern Wireless Communications, Sensing and Detection Technologies for Future Applications (Keynote Talk)
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Erich Leitgeb
Combinations Scenarios of Optical and RF-Communication Networks for Different High Data Rate Multimedia Applications and Innovations in Autonomous Driving (Keynote Talk)
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