David Cardona Vasquez
M. Ing. Inf.
+43 316 873 - 7902

Researcher Profiles
Pure: david-cardona-vasquez
OrcID: 0000-0002-3924-2096
Google Scholar ID: xV572pUAAAAJ
LinkedIn: david-cardona-vásquez-9930322a

David Cardona Vasquez hat einen M.Eng. in Informatik und einen B.Sc. in Wirtschaft. Er hat mehrere Jahre bei Energieversorgern in seinem Heimatland gearbeitet und arbeitet derzeit als Universitätsassistent am Institut für Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Energieinnovation der TU Graz. Seine Forschungsinteressen sind: Energiesysteme, Maschinelles Lernen, Statistik und Mikroökonomie.

Statistikanwendungen für Stromversorgungssysteme, industrielle Organisation in Energiemärkten


Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
David Cardona Vasquez, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Bettina Klinz and Sonja Wogrin Enhancing time series aggregation for power system optimization models: Incorporating network and ramping constraints Electric Power Systems Research 230, 2024
David Cardona-Vasquez, John Garcia-Rendon and Adriana Arango-Manrique Effect of the intermittency of non-conventional renewable energy sources on the volatility of the Colombian spot price Renewable Energy 232, 2024
David Cardona-Vasquez, Davide DiTondo and Sonja Wogrin On the aggregation of input data for energy system models Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 139, 673-681, 2022
David Cardona Vasquez, Nejla Veljovic and Sonja Wogrin On the importance of accurate demand representation in large scale energy system models: hourly profiles and socioeconomic dynamicsOn the importance of accurate demand representation in large scale energy system models: hourly profiles and socioeconomic dynamics
David Cardona Vasquez, Bettina Klinz and Sonja Wogrin Improving accuracy of energy system models for an efficient energy transition: basis-oriented aggregation and machine learning45TH IAEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 25 -28 JUNE, 2024 ISTANBUL BOĞAZİÇİ UNIVERSITY481-484


One of the fundamental problems of using optimization models that represent complex systems – e.g. power systems on their path towards achieving net-zero emissions – is the trade-off between model accuracy and computational tractability. Many applied optimization models that use different time series as data input have become increasingly challenging to solve due to the large time horizons they span and the high complexity of technical constraints with short- and long-term time dynamics. To overcome computational intractability of these optimization models, the dimension of input data and model size is commonly reduced through time series aggregation (TSA) methods. However, applying TSA for optimization models that are governed by varying time dynamics simultaneously is quite challenging. TSA methods mostly focus on short-term dynamics, and rarely include long-term dynamics due to the inherent limitations of TSA. As a result, longer-term dynamics are not captured well by aggregated models, which is imperative for reliably modelling many complex systems. Moreover, traditional TSA methods are based on the common belief that the clusters that best approximate the input data also lead to the aggregated model that best approximates the full model, while the metric that really matters –the resulting output error in optimization results – is not well addressed. This belief is mainly based on the lack of theoretical underpinning relating inputs and output error, rendering existing methods trial-and-error heuristics at best. We plan to challenge this belief by discovering the currently unknown relation between input and output error, and to overcome existing TSA shortcomings by developing the novel theoretical TSA framework for optimization models with varying time dynamics, thereby tapping into unprecedented potential of computational efficiency and accuracy. If this project is successful, it would have untangled the Gordian knot of data aggregation in optimization.
  • European Commission - Europäische Kommission, EU
Beginn: 31.12.2023
Ende: 30.12.2028
The medium and long-term variability of renewable energies represents an unprecedented systemic challenge. The exploratory project MILES is investigating the demand assessment, system integration and technology-neutral evaluation of medium- and long-term storage technologies in the context of the EAG targets. For this purpose, regression models of relevant processes are created and evaluated on the basis of systemic investigations within the entire Austrian electricity system. The results serve as a basis for the derivation of concrete market models in order to find Austrian consortia for technology research and to develop technology-specific market models.
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
Beginn: 30.09.2022
Ende: 30.03.2024

Internationaler Austausch

Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid (Spanien) Mai - Jul 2024

Institut für Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Energieinnovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7901