Julia Karimi-Auer, Dieter Preiß, Udo Bachhiesl and Robert GauglEnergiebericht Steiermark 2023Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl, Sonja Wogrin and Asgeir TomasgardRamping up the hydrogen sector: An energy system modeling frameworkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Benjamin Stöckl, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Gerhild Scheiber, Alexandra Froschauer and Sonja WogrinWirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse von Batteriespeichern im 110-kV-NetzPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Cardona-Vasquez, John Garcia-Rendon and Adriana Arango-ManriqueEffect of the intermittency of non-conventional renewable energy sources on the volatility of the Colombian spot pricePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Claudia Kettner, Michael Böheim, Mark Sommer, Robert Gaugl, Udo Bachhiesl, Lia Gruber, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Sonja Wogrin and Kurt KratenaTransformation to a renewable electricity system in Austria: Insights from an integrated model analysisPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Cardona Vasquez, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Bettina Klinz and Sonja WogrinEnhancing time series aggregation for power system optimization models: Incorporating network and ramping constraintsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mauro González-Sierra and Sonja WogrinSelf-Unit Commitment of Combined-Cycle Units with Real Operational ConstraintsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Jean-Yves Beaudeau, Katharina Gruber, Stephan Österbauer, Christian Todem, Stefanie Schreiner, Valentin Wiedner and Sonja WogrinAnalyse des Kurz-, Mittel- und Langzeitspeicherbedarfs in Österreich für 2040Europas Energiezukunft - Sicher, leistbar, sauber!?Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Cardona Vasquez, Nejla Veljovic and Sonja WogrinOn the importance of accurate demand representation in large scale energy system models: hourly profiles and socioeconomic dynamicsOn the importance of accurate demand representation in large scale energy system models: hourly profiles and socioeconomic dynamicsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
David Cardona Vasquez, Bettina Klinz and Sonja WogrinImproving accuracy of energy system models for an efficient energy transition: basis-oriented aggregation and machine learning45TH IAEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 25 -28 JUNE, 2024 ISTANBUL BOĞAZİÇİ UNIVERSITY481-484Publikation in PURE anzeigen
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