Sadegh Arefnezhad, Arno Eichberger and Ioana Victoria Koglbauer Effects of Automation and Fatigue on Drivers from Various Age Groups
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Darko Babic, Dario Babic, Mario Fiolic, Arno Eichberger and Zoltan Ferenc Magosi Impact of Road Marking Retroreflectivity on Machine Vision in Dry Conditions: On-Road Test
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Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner Robust shape-based matching control of robotic conductive charging systems for electric vehicles
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Sadegh Arefnezhad, James Hamet, Arno Eichberger, Matthias Frühwirth, Anja Ischebeck, Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Maximilian Moser and Ali Yousefi Driver Drowsiness Estimation Using EEG Signals with a Dynamical Encoder-Decoder Modeling Framework
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Xuan Fang, Hexuan Li, Tamás Tettamanti, Arno Eichberger and Martin Fellendorf Effects of automated vehicle models at the mixed traffic situation on a motorway scenario
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Alexander Kreis, Bernhard Walzel, Ute Schäfer and Mario Hirz Onsite Medical Implants Creation by Combination of Enhanced Design Methods and 3D Printing
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Hexuan Li, Tarik Kanuric and Arno Eichberger Automotive Radar Modeling for Virtual Simulation Based on Mixture Density Network
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Mario Hirz and Thu Trang Nguyen Life-Cycle CO2-Equivalent Emissions of Cars Driven by Conventional and Electric Propulsion Systems
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Sadegh Arefnezhad, Arno Eichberger, Matthias Frühwirth, Clemens Kaufmann, Maximilian Moser and Ioana Victoria Koglbauer Driver Monitoring of Automated Vehicles by Classification of Driver Drowsiness using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Trained by Scalograms of ECG Signals
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Cornelia Lex, Demin Nalic, Sajjad Samiee and Arno Eichberger Automated lane change featuring re-planning in dynamic environments and sensitivity analysis of main operational parameters
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Alexander Trattner, Manfred Klell and Fabian Radner Sustainable hydrogen society – Vision, findings and development of a hydrogen economy using the example of Austria
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Jurij Prezelj, Jure Murovec, Severin Huemer-Kals, Karl Häsler and Peter Fischer Identification of different manifestations of nonlinear stick–slip phenomena during creep groan braking noise by using the unsupervised learning algorithms k-means and self-organizing map
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Philipp Clement, Omar Veledar, Clemens Könczöl, Herbert Danzinger, Markus Posch, Arno Eichberger and Georg Macher Enhancing Acceptance and Trust in Automated Driving trough Virtual Experience on a Driving Simulator
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Demin Nalic, Tomislav Mihalj, Faris Orucevic, Martin Schabauer, Cornelia Lex, Wolfgang Sinz and Arno Eichberger Criticality Assessment Method for Automated Driving Systems by Introducing Fictive Vehicles and Variable Criticality Thresholds
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Ernst Tomasch and Heinz Hoschopf Bewertung der Verkehrssicherheit durch fahrdynamische Unfallsimulation unterschiedlicher Fahrzeuge bei RSA- und RSI-Untersuchungen
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Tomislav Mihalj, Hexuan Li, Dario Babic, Cornelia Lex, Mathieu Jeudy, Goran Zovak, Darko Babic and Arno Eichberger Road Infrastructure Challenges Faced by Automated Driving: A Review
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Jonas Kappauf, Martin Zacharczuk, Hartmut Hetzler, Karl Häsler and Peter Fischer Advancements on bifurcation behavior and operational deflection shapes of disk brake creep groan
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Mario Hirz, Helmut Brunner and Thu Trang Nguyen Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electric Cars - A Comprehensive Evaluation
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Arno Eichberger, Marianne Kraut and Ioana Victoria Koglbauer Improved Perception of Motorcycles by Simulator-based Driving Education
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Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Christoph Wellershaus, Viktor Tihanyi, Patrick Luley and Arno Eichberger Evaluation methodology for physical radar perception sensor models based on on-road measurements for testing and validation of automated driving
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Jakob Reckenzaun, Luca Csanady, Arno Eichberger, Alexendre Engelstein, Leander Hörmann, Tamas Kiss, Patrick Luley, Matthias Rüther, Stefan Schwarz, Thomas Strasser-Krauss, Selim Solmaz, Gábor Soós, Viktor Tihanyi, Attila Turoczi, Patrick Weißensteiner, Jinwei Zhou, Relindis Rott, Martin Kirchengast, David J. Ritter, Pamela Innerwinkler, Christoph Pilz, Markus Schratter, Tomislav Mihalj, Albert Pötsch, Stefan Ladstätter, Thomas Strasser-Krauss, Gabor Borocz, Edina Gyimesi, Thomas Schlömicher, Dániel Ficzere, Z Szalay and Attila Földi Transnational Testing, Operation and Certification of Automated Driving Systems: Perspective from testEPS and Central System EUREKA projects – Mid-term Results
ICCVE 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo
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Hexuan Li, Tarik Kanuric and Arno Eichberger Automotive Radar Modelling for Virtual Simulation Based on Mixture Density Network
IEEE Sensors Journal
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Martin Schabauer, Andreas Hackl, Christoph Scherndl, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Cornelia Lex Experimental Validation of a Semi-physical Modelling Approach of the Influence of Tyre Rotation on the Vertical Tyre Force Transmission and Tyre Kinematics
Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks II
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Máté Tóth, Jurij Prezelj, Jure Murovec, Martin Zacharczuk, Karl Häsler and Peter Fischer Bremsenknarzen im NVH-Entwicklungsprozess: Detektion, Klassifizierung und objektive Bewertung
XXXIX. Internationales μ-Symposium 2022 Bremsen-Fachtagung. IµSBC 2022.
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Zhuoren Li, Bo Leng, Chagen Luo, Liang Shao, Ruoling Yang, Chengen Tu, Arno Eichberger and Lu Xiong A Real-time Path Planner based on Improved Tentacle Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles
2022 3rd International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering, ICBAIE 2022
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Máté Tóth, Jurij Prezelj, Jure Murovec, Martin Zacharczuk, Karl Häsler and Peter Fischer Detection, Classification and Objective Rating of Creep Groan Phenomena in Brake NVH Development
XXXIX. Internationales μ-Symposium 2022 Bremsen-Fachtagung. IµSBC 2022.
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Liang Shao, Jiawei Xiang, Arno Eichberger and Cornelia Lex Experimental Validation Of Tire-road Friction Observer Based On Self-aligning Torque∗
2022 6th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence, CVCI 2022
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Jakob Reckenzaun, Luca Csanady, Arno Eichberger, Alexendre Engelstein, Leander Hörmann, Tamas Kiss, Patrick Luley, Matthias Rüther, Stefan Schwarz, Thomas Strasser-Krauss, Selim Solmaz, Gábor Soós, Viktor Tihanyi, Attila Turoczi, Patrick Weißensteiner, Jinwei Zhou, Relindis Rott, Martin Kirchengast, David J. Ritter, Pamela Innerwinkler, Christoph Pilz, Markus Schratter, Tomislav Mihalj, Albert Pötsch, Stefan Ladstätter, Thomas Strasser-Krauss, Gabor Borocz, Edina Gyimesi, Thomas Schlömicher, Dániel Ficzere, Z Szalay and Attila Földi Transnational Testing, Operation and Certification of Automated Driving Systems: Perspective from testEPS and Central System EUREKA projects
ICCVE 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo
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Michele Vignati, Edoardo Sabbioni, Tommaso Chemello and Cornelia Lex A fuzzy sensor fusion sideslip angle estimation algorithm combining inertial measurements with GPS data
Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks II - Proceedings of the 27th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2021
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Konstantin Huber, Albert Sorgdrager, Philipp Laaber, Dominik Lechleitner and Martin Hofstetter Multi-Objective System Optimization by Means of Evolutionary Algorithms for Electric Powertrain Development: Magna-OPED
43. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium
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Mario Hirz, Helmut Brunner and Thu Trang Nguyen Life-Cycle Assessment - Based Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Conventional, Hybrid and Electric Cars
APAC21 - SAE Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference
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Corina Klug, Rodney Rudd, Sonja Fitterer, Ernst Tomasch, Hinrich Johannes Blume, Matthew Craig and Philipp Wernicke Priorities in Far-side Protection - What can we learn from field data for the development of virtual testing protocols?
Conference Proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI
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Oliver Pils, Martin Fellendorf, Manuel Lienhart and Helmut Brunner E-Mobilität für alle: Urbane Elektromobilität
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Ernst Tomasch, Gregor Gstrein and Hermann Steffan COMPARE - Sicherheitstechnische Beurteilung von nicht kraftschlüssigen Anpralldämpfern zur Absicherung von Hindernissen
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Sadegh Arefnezhad, Arno Eichberger, Matthias Frühwirth, Ioana Victoria Koglbauer and Clemens Kaufmann Driver Drowsiness Detection using Deep Neural Networks
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Thu Trang Nguyen, Gerald Mahringer, Mario Hirz, Helmut Brunner and Christian Landschützer Potential pathways for carbon emission reduction in road passenger and freight transport
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Michael Peter Huber, Athanasios Mamakos, Michael Hofbauer, Peter Fischer, Andreas Klug and Gerald Steiner Real Driving Emissions Sampling System for Brake Wear Particle Measurement
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Christopher Kneissl, Peter Fischer, Johannes Schmid, Peter Stögmüller and Harald Bauhoffer Development of Shift Function for a Clutchless Unsynchronized E-Transmission for Commercial Vehicles
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Marko Domijanic and Mario Hirz FaRexEV - Zwischenbericht 3 - Einfluss des Fahrerverhaltens auf die wirkungsgradoptimale Regelung von xEV - Antriebssträngen
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Marko Domijanic and Mario Hirz Integration von Fahrbarkeits- und Fahrverhaltensaspekten in die virtuelle Fahrzeugentwicklung42. International Vienna Motor Symposium - Reports of the Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers
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Alexander Kreis, Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher CAD-Automation in Automotive Development – Potentials, Limits and Challenges
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Chenyu Hu, Christoph Datlinger, Zaimin Zhong and Mario Hirz Rotor Position Detection Based on Magnetically Coupled Resonant Principle and Its Implementation
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Marko Domijanic and Mario Hirz Simulation Model for Drivability Assessment and Optimization of Hybrid Drive Trains
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Federico Coren, Peter Fischer, Christian Ellersdorfer and Zoltan Major Dynamic failure and crash simulation of carbon fiber sheet moulding compound (CF‑SMC)
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Mario Hirz, Bernhard Walzel and Helmut Brunner Autonomous Charging of Electric Vehicles in Industrial Environment
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Darko Babic, Dario Babic, Mario Fiolic, Arno Eichberger and Zoltan Ferenc Magosi A Comparison of Lane Marking Detection Quality and View Range between Daytime and Night-Time Conditions by Machine Vision
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Mario Hirz Hintergründe und Auswirkungen des Wandels in der Automobilindustrie
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Didi Hubmann and Mario Hirz Autos ohne Lenkrad aber als wünsch-dir-was-Sendung
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Klaus Friesenbichler, Birgit Meyer and Mario Hirz Dekarbonisierung als ein Treiber des Wandels der österreichischen Kfz-Zulieferindustrie
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Hexuan Li, Tarik Kanuric, Sadegh Arefnezhad, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Christoph Wellershaus, Darko Babic, Dario Babic, Viktor Tihanyi, Arno Eichberger and Marcel Carsten Baunach Phenomenological Modelling of Camera Performance for Road Marking Detection
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Alexander Trattner Grüner Wasserstoff - Enegiemedium der Zukunft?
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Christoph Sejkora, Lisa Kühberger, Fabian Radner, Alexander Trattner and Thomas Kienberger Exergy as Criteria for Efficient Energy Systems – Maximising Energy Efficiency from Resource to Energy Service, an Austrian Case Study
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Lukas Koller, Wolfgang Witteveen, Florian Pichler and Peter Fischer A general hyper-reduction strategy for finite element structures with nonlinear surface loads based on the calculus of variations and stress modes
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Demin Nalic, Aleksa Pandurevic, Arno Eichberger, Martin Fellendorf and Branko Rogic Software Framework for Testing of Automated Driving Systems in the Traffic Environment of Vissim
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Philipp Eder, Thomas Amhofer, Thomas Gerstorfer and Cornelia Lex Tire Deformation Modelling for High Speed Open-Wheel Aerodynamic Investigations
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Thomas Schwarzhuber, Lukas Wörle, Michael Graf and Arno Eichberger Replication of Near-Limit Lateral Vehicle Dynamics in a Four DOF Driving Simulator
Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2021
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Anže Železnik, Severin Huemer-Kals, Jure Murovec and Jurij Prezelj Creep Groan Noise Classification
The 9th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association – Conference Proceedings
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Pai Chuaychoo, Benjamas Panomruttanarug and Mario Hirz Implementation of 3D Shape Matching for EV Charging Connector
2021 60th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2021
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Andrey Chepiga, Valentina Podzorova, Alecksey Anuchin, Mario Hirz, Christoph Datlinger and Fedor Getmanenko Rotor Position Observer Utilizing a Sinc-filter for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
2021 28th International Workshop on Electric Drives
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Christoph Datlinger, Mario Hirz and Alecksey Anuchin Holistic Rotor Position Sensor System Characterization for Automotive Powertrains
2021 28th International Workshop on Electric Drives
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Alexander Kreis, Bernhard Walzel, Ute Schäfer and Mario Hirz Onsite Medical Implants Creation by Combination of Enhanced Design Methods and 3D Printing
Proceedings of CAD '21, Barcelona
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Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner Robust shape-based matching control of robotic conductive charging systems for electric vehicles
Proceedings of CAD '21, Barcelona
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Dominik Lechleitner, Martin Hofstetter, Mario Hirz, Christoph Gsenger and Konstantin Huber Parking Lock Integration for Electric Axle Drives by Multi-Objective Design Optimization
DRITEV – Drivetrain for Vehicles 2021
303 - 318
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Mario Hirz, Bernhard Walzel and Helmut Brunner Autonomous Charging of Electric Vehicles in Industrial Environment
MOTSP International Conference Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Jurij Prezelj, Máté Tóth, Dominik Angerer, Manuel Pürscher, Federico Coren and Martin Zacharczuk The Psychoacoustic Characteristics of Non-Linear Automotive Disk Brake Creep Groan: A Method Based On Accelerometer Data
Proceedings of EuroBrake 2021
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer Einflüsse von Achs- und Bremsdesign auf die Charakteristik des Bremsenknarzens
Berichte aus dem µ-Club 2020
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer Influences of Axle- and Brake Design on Creep Groan Charcteristics
Berichte aus dem µ-Club 2020
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Michael Peter Huber, Athanasios Mamakos, Peter Fischer, Andreas Klug and Gerald Steiner Brake-Wear Particle Emissions - An Emerging Challenge
Aachen Colloquium
857 - 890
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Thomas Schwarzhuber, Michael Graf and Arno Eichberger Investigations on Model Predictive Control Objectives for Motion Cueing Algorithms in Motorsport Driving Simulators
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2021
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Thu Trang Nguyen, Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz Towards a Holistic Sustainability Evaluation for Transport Alternatives
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Demin Nalic, Aleksa Pandurevic, Arno Eichberger and Branko Rogic Design and Implementation of a Co-Simulation Framework for Testing of Automated Driving Systems
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Clemens Kaufmann, Matthias Frühwirth, Dietmar Messerschmidt, Maximilian Moser, Arno Eichberger and Sadegh Arefnezhad Driving and tiredness: Results of the behaviour observation of a simulator study with special focus on automated driving
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Su Zhou, Zhengchun Xie and Mario Hirz Construction and Test of Wireless Remote Control System for Self-driving Car
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Christoph Datlinger and Mario Hirz Benchmark of Rotor Position Sensor Technologies for Application in Automotive Electric Drive Trains
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Lukas Koller, Wolfgang Witteveen, Florian Pichler and Peter Fischer Semihyper-Reduction for finite element structures with nonlinear surface loads on the basis of stress modes
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Demin Nalic, Hexuan Li, Arno Eichberger, Christoph Wellershaus, Aleksa Pandurevic and Branko Rogic Stress Testing Method for Scenario-Based Testing of Automated Driving Systems
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Sadegh Arefnezhad, Sajjad Samiee, Arno Eichberger, Matthias Frühwirth, Clemens Kaufmann and Emma Klotz Applying Deep Neural Networks for Multi-level Classification of Driver Drowsiness Using Vehicle-based Measures
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Alexander Kreis, Mario Hirz and Severin Stadler A Contribution to Optimized Data Exchange Supporting Automotive Bodywork Engineering
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Liang Shao, Chin Jin, Arno Eichberger and Cornelia Lex Grid Search based Tire-road Friction Estimation
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Alexander Kreis and Mario Hirz Optimized Data Exchange Process between Design and Production Engineering
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Peter Fischer, Manuel Pürscher, Severin Huemer-Kals and Jurij Prezelj Characterization of Brake Creep Groan Vibrations
SAE Technical Paper
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Alecksey Anuchin, Valentina Podzorova, Mario Hirz, Christoph Datlinger, Lassi Aarniovuori, Viktoriya Popova, Galina Demidova and Chen Hao Model Predictive Control with Reduced Integration Step Size of a Switched Reluctance Drive
2020 11th International Conference on Electrical Power Drive Systems, ICEPDS 2020 - Proceedings
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Martin Prenner, Alexander Kreis, Mario Hirz and Severin Stadler Tailored Data Exchange Processes in Automotive Bodywork Engineering
NAFEMS VMAP International Conference on CAE Interoperability 2020
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Mario Hirz Automotive Mechatronics Training Programme - an Inclusive Education Series for Car Manufacturer and Supplier Industry
Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 27th European Conference, EuroSPI 2020, Proceedings
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Manuel Pürscher, Severin Huemer-Kals and Peter Fischer Analysis of automobile brake creep groan vibrations
EURODYN 2020 - 11th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Proceedings
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Christoph Datlinger, Mario Hirz and Alecksey Anuchin Holistic Consideration and Optimization of Signal Processing on a Resolver-based Rotor Position Sensor Systems in Electric Drive Trains
2020 27th International Workshop on Electric Drives
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Martin Schabauer, Andreas Hackl, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Cornelia Lex Experimental Investigation and Semi-physical Modelling of the Influence of Rotational Speed on the Vertical Tyre Stiffness and Tyre Radii
Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks
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Christoph Feichtinger and Peter Fischer Stochastic Sensitivity of External Impact Factors on the Straight-Line Performance of a Generic Motorbike
Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks - Proceedings of the 26th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2019
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Thomas Schwarzhuber, Julian von Schleinitz, Hannes Geiser, Michael Graf and Arno Eichberger Drivers’ Controlled Stimuli in Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics Driving Simulation
Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2020
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Alexander Fragner, Alexander Kreis and Mario Hirz Virtual Tools to Support Design and Production Engineering
2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2020
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Alexander Kreis and Mario Hirz Tailored Data Exchange Process to Support Production Engineering
2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2020
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Alexander Kreis, Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher CAD-Automation in Automotive Development – Potentials, Limits and Challenges
Proceedings of CAD '20, Barcelona
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Marko Domijanic, Mario Hirz and Gregor Pucher Evaluation of Methods for Identification of Driving Styles and Simulation-Based Analysis of their Influence on Energy Consumption on the Example of a Hybrid Drive Train
SAE Technical Paper
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Thomas Schwarzhuber, Lukas Wörle, Michael Graf and Arno Eichberger Validity Quantification of Driver-In-The-Loop Simulation in Motorsport
Proceedings of the FISITA Web Congress 2020
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Manuel Pürscher, Anton Stefan Sternat and Peter Fischer Startup and Bifurcation Behavior of Non-Linear Stick-Slip Vibrations: Creep Groan Occurrence for Increasing and Decreasing Speeds
Proceedings of Eurobrake 2020
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Jurij Prezelj, Severin Huemer-Kals and Karl Häsler Objective and Subjective Classification of Creep Groan Noise
Proceedings of Eurobrake 2020
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Aleš Belšak, Jurij Prezelj, Severin Huemer-Kals and Karl Häsler Identification and Classification of Stick-Slip Nonlinear Phenomena on Complex Dynamic Systems
Proceedings of Eurobrake 2020
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Michael Höber, Demin Nalic, Arno Eichberger, Sajjad Samiee, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi and Christian Payerl Phenomenological Modelling of Lane Detection Sensors for Validating Performance of Lane Keeping Assist Systems
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Branko Rogic, Demin Nalic, Arno Eichberger and Stefan Bernsteiner A Novel Approach to Integrate Human-in-the-Loop Testing in the Development Chain of Automated Driving: The Example of Automated Lane Change
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Demin Nalic, Aleksa Pandurevic, Arno Eichberger and Branko Rogic Design and Implementation of a Co-Simulation Framework for Testing of Automated Driving Systems
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Sadegh Arefnezhad, Arno Eichberger, Matthias Frühwirth, Clemens Kaufmann and Maximilian Moser Driver Drowsiness Classification Using Data Fusion of Vehicle-based Measures and ECG Signals
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Demin Nalic, Tomislav Mihalj, Maximilian Bäumler, Matthias Lehmann, Arno Eichberger and Stefan Bernsteiner Scenario Based Testing of Automated Driving Systems: A Literature Survey
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Dominik Lechleitner, Martin Hofstetter and Mario Hirz Cost Reduction of Electric Powertrains by Platform-Based Design Optimization
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Marko Domijanic and Mario Hirz FaRexEV - Zwischenbericht 2 - Einfluss des Fahrerverhaltens auf die wirkungsgradoptimale Regelung von xEV - Antriebssträngen
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Marko Domijanic and Mario Hirz Simulationsmodelle für die Bewertung des Einflusses des Fahrerverhaltens auf die Regelung von xEV Antriebssträngen40. International Vienna Motor Symposium - Reports of the Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers
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Aleš Belšak and Mario Hirz Torsional vibration of multi-plate clutches analysed with hybrid methodDAAAM International Scientific Book 2019 175-190
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Peter Fischer and Stefan Neunteufel Grundlagen VerbrennungsmotorenGrundlagen Verbrennungsmotoren313 - 363
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Sadegh Arefnezhad, Sajjad Samiee, Arno Eichberger and Ali Nahvi Driver Drowsiness Detection Based on Steering Wheel Data Applying Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Feature Selection
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Arno Eichberger „Autopilot“ und Faktor Mensch
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Christoph Datlinger and Mario Hirz An extended approach for validation and optimization of position sensor signal processing in electric drive trains
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Mario Hirz, Martin Hofstetter and Dominik Lechleitner Electric Propulsion Systems Design Supported by Multi-Objective Optimization Strategies
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Peter Fischer Elektromobilität und Verbrennungsmotoren - Gegensatz oder sinnvolle Ergänzung?
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Manuel Pürscher, Severin Huemer-Kals and Peter Fischer Investigations on Creep Groan Concerning Static and Dynamic Axle Bushing Properties
Proceedings of Eurobrake 2019
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Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer ODS of Fixed Calliper Brake and Double Wishbone Axle During Creep Groan at Corner Test Rig
Proceedings of Eurobrake 2019
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Johannes Tiefnig, Mario Hirz and Wilhelm Dietrich Database Driven Ergonomic Vehicle Development via a Fully Parametric Seating Buck
Advances in Human Factors of Transportation
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Nikolay Petev Brayanov and Arno Eichberger Automation in Hardware-in-the-loop Units Development and Integration
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS 2019)
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Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer Analysis of Disk Brake Creep Groan Vibrations at Automobile Chassis Front Corner Level Using High-Speed Recordings and Digital Image Processing
Proceedings of ICOVP 2019
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Lukas Zachbauer, Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer Simulative Study on Effects of Numerical Solution and Contact Parameters of Direct Time Integration Methods towards Stick-Slip Related Disk Brake Vibrations
Proceedings of ICOVP 2019
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Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner Automatisiertes Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen mit konduktiven Ladestandards
40. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium
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Mario Hirz, Martin Hofstetter and Dominik Lechleitner Electric Propulsion Systems Design Supported by Multi-Objective Optimization Strategies
16th European Automotive Congress EAEC 2019
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Peter Fischer, Manuel Pürscher and Severin Huemer-Kals Brake Creep Groan Noise - Vibration Mechanism and Simulation
Proceedings of Aachen Colloquium Automobile and Engine Technology 2019
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Marko Domijanic and Mario Hirz Simulation Model for Drivability Assessment and Optimization of Hybrid Drive Trains
16th European Automotive Congress EAEC 2019
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Federico Coren, Philipp S. Stelzer, Zoltan Major and Peter Fischer C-SMC Crashworthiness for Automotive Battery Case Application
Proceedings of ISIE 2019, 10th International Symposium on Impact Engineering 2019
303 - 305
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Ernst Tomasch, Simon Franz Heindl, Anton Hinterkircher, Gregor Gstrein, Alexander Hödl, Hermann Steffan and Ulrich Schneckenreither BENCHMARK - Beurteilung der Effizienz derzeit eingesetzter Absicherungs- maßnahmen von Tunnelnischen und -portalen beim PKW- Anprall
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Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz, Helmut Brunner and Nico Kreutzer Robot-Based Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles
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Demin Nalic, Arno Eichberger, Martin Fellendorf, Georg Hanzl and Branko Rogic Development of a Co-Simulation Framework for Systematic Generation of Scenarios for Testing and Validation of Automated Driving Systems.
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Christoph Datlinger and Mario Hirz An advanced electrical approach to gauge rotor position sensors for optimizing electric drive train systems
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Martin Hofstetter, Dominik Lechleitner and Mario Hirz System Cost Reduction by Electric Powertrain Design Optimization
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Helmut Brunner, Xuelei Zhi, Matthias Mietschnig, Stephen Jones, Su Zhou, Gerald Steinbauer and Mario Hirz Research on Autonomous Driving based on a Highly Flexible Prototype Vehicle
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Marko Domijanic and Mario Hirz FaRexEV - Zwischenbericht 1 - Einfluss des Fahrerverhaltens auf die wirkungsgradoptimale Regelung von xEV - Antriebssträngen
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Bernhard Walzel, Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz Autonomes Parken und Laden von E-FahrzeugenBerichte des des Österreichischen Vereins für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik (ÖVK)1-11
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Thomas Bauernfeind, Paul Baumgartner, Oszkar Biro, Andreas Hackl, Christian Magele, Werner Renhart and Riccardo Torchio Multi-Objective Synthesis of NFC-Transponder Systems Based on PEEC Method
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Alexander Kreis, Mario Hirz, Severin Stadler, Markus Salchner and Patrick Rossbacher Convenient Connection Technology Data Model Supporting Optimized Information Exchange between CAx-Systems
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Kurt Fallast Evaluation of various means of transport for urban areas
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Mario Hirz and Markus Ernst Development and manufacturing process optimization of mechatronics products by innovative key performance indicators
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Lulu Si, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner Big Data-Based Driving Pattern Clustering and Evaluation in Combination with Driving Circumstances
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Schmidt Christian, Mario Hirz, Laurent Allouchery and Stefan Lichtenegger System Design Model for Parallel Hybrid Powertrains using Design of Experiments
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Martin Hofstetter, Dominik Lechleitner, Mario Hirz, Martin Gintzel and Andreas Schmidhofer Multi-objective gearbox design optimization for xEV-axle drives under consideration of package restrictions
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Liang Shao, Chi Jin, Cornelia Lex and Arno Eichberger Robust road friction estimation during vehicle steering
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Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Jürgen Holzinger, Arno Eichberger and Cornelia Lex Autonomous emergency braking systems adapted to snowy road conditions improve drivers' perceived safety and trust
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Mario Hirz and Bernhard Walzel Sensor and object recognition technologies for self-driving cars
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Hussein M. A. Hussein and Mario Hirz New Concepts in Automotive Industry
3rd International Conference On Innovative Design, Analysis & Development Practices In Aerospace And Automotive Engineering
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Philip Dietl, Stefan Bernsteiner, Kurt Tschabuschnig, Fabian Alber and Christian Payerl Utilization of Test Regions Worldwide for ADAS Validation
20. VDA Technischer Kongress 2018
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Gerald Reiter, Carlo Miano, Kristof Polmans, Andreas Hackl and Cornelia Lex Suspension Influences on a Steer-by-Wire Torque Vectoring Vehicle
18. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium - Automobil- und Motorentechnik
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Andreas Hackl, Christoph Scherndl, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Cornelia Lex Experimental validation of different approaches for thermodynamic simulation of passenger car tyres
18th Stuttgart International Symposium
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Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher Integrated Approach Supporting Virtual Conception of Passenger Ergonomics in Automated Driving Cars
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
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Manuel Pürscher, Severin Huemer-Kals and Peter Fischer Experimental and Simulative Study of Creep Groan in Terms of MacPherson Axle Bushing Elasticities
Proceedings of Eurobrake 2018
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Manuel Pürscher, Severin Huemer-Kals and Peter Fischer Experimental Investigation of Low-Frequency Vibration Patterns in Automotive Disk Brake Systems: Utilization Study for Modal Simulation Methods
SAE Technical Paper
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Mario Hirz An approach supporting integrated modeling and design of complex mechatronics products by the example of automotive applications
22nd Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics WMSCI 2018
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Martin Hofstetter, Mario Hirz, Martin Gintzel and Andreas Schmidhofer Multi-Objective System Design Synthesis for Electric Powertrain Development
2018 IEEE Transportation and Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)
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Martin Hofstetter, Dominik Lechleitner, Mario Hirz, Martin Gintzel and Andreas Schmidhofer Multi-Objective Gearbox Design Optimization for xEV-Axle Drives under Consideration of Package Restrictions
International VDI Congress Dritev - Drivetrain for Vehicles
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Alexander Kreis, Mario Hirz and Severin Stadler Optimized Information Exchange Process between CAD and CAM
2018 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA)
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Manuel Pürscher, Stefan Schöpf and Peter Fischer NVH Signal Analysis via Pattern Recognition ANNs: Automotive Brake Creep Groan as Case Study
Proceedings of 8th Congress of the AAAA
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer Linearized Simulative Approach for the Investigation of a Friction-Induced Low-Frequency Brake Moan Oscillation Phenomenon Within Passenger Vehicle Front Axles
Proceedings of 8th Congress of the AAAA
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M. Hofstetter, D. Lechleitner, M. Hirz, M. Gintzel and A. Schmidhofer Multi-kriterielle Optimierung eines xEV-Getriebes unter Berücksichtigung von Bauraumeinschränkungen
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Jens Gachter, Mario Hirz and Roland Seebacher Impact of rotor position sensor errors on speed controlled permanent magnetized synchronous machines
2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS 2017
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Martin Holder, Philpp Rosenberger, Hermann Winner, Thomas D'hondt, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Franz Michael Maier, Helmut Schreiber, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Zora Slavik, Oliver Bringmann and Wolfgang Rosenstiel Measurements revealing Challenges in Radar Sensor Modeling for Virtual Validation of Autonomous Driving
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)
2616 - 2622
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Christoph Datlinger and Mario Hirz Investigations of Rotor Shaft Position Sensor Signal Processing in Electric Drive Train Systems
ITEC Asia-Pacific 2018 - 2018 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific
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Andreas Hackl, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex and Georg Rill Tyre Type Dependent Transient Force Behaviour by Means of a Maxwell Model
Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks
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Arno Eichberger, Branko Rogic, Philipp Quinz, Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Christian Payerl, Michael Haberl and Dusan Malic Evaluation of Human Acceptance and Comfort of Automated Highway Driving at Different Levels of Automation
7th Transport Research Arena (TRA 2018)
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Arno Eichberger, Susanne Wrighton, Harald Kraus, Martin Hofstetter, Martin Ackerl, Ricardo Tiefengruber, Georg Peneder, Michael Schadler, Norbert Hafner, Günter Kronawetter, Angelika Rauch and Rudolf Hubauer Mobile Multi-functional Urban Logistics-Platforms with Electric Drive Train
7th Transport Research Arena (TRA2018)
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Bernhard Hintermayer, Michael Haberl, Arno Eichberger, Martin Fellendorf, Robert Neuhold, Andreas Kerschbaumer, Martin Rudigier and Branko Rogic Effects of automated driving functions on the track availability of the Austrian motorway network
7th Transport Research Arena (TRA2018),
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Martin Hofstetter Multi-Objective System Design Synthesis for Electric Powertrain Development
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Arno Eichberger, Marianne Kraut, Volker Settgast, Klaus Haas, Tasio Cemborain, Lisa Wagner, Abdulvahit Koca, Dušan Malić and Ioana Victoria Koglbauer Verbesserung der Motorradsicherheit durch Training von Fahrschülern in einem PKW Fahrsimulator
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Bernhard Walzel and Mario Hirz Smart Parking - Zwischenbericht 2 - Neue Fahrzeugkonzepte und Technologien, welche die Parksituation verbessern
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Mario Hirz, Wilhelm Dietrich, Anton Gfrerrer and Johann Lang 车研发中的集成计算机辅助设计9787111568827
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Arno Eichberger, Branko Rogic and Stefan Bernsteiner Development Process for Systematic Test and Validation of Automated Driving Demonstrated by an Automated Lane ChangeProceedings of the 9th International Annual ISO 26262 Conference
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Cornelia Lex, Liang Shao, Andreas Hackl and Arno Eichberger Einfluss von Reifen- und Fahrbahneigenschaften auf die Funktionalität von FahrerassistenzsystemenMobility in a Globalised World 2016 251 - 266
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Paul Baumgartner, Werner Renhart, Oszkar Biro, Thomas Bauernfeind, Christian Magele, Andreas Hackl and Riccardo Torchio Multi-Objective Optimization of Yagi-Uda Antenna Applying Enhanced Firefly Algorithm With Adaptive Cost Function
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Andreas Hackl, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex and Christian Magele Parameterisation of a Maxwell model for transient tyre force by means of an extended firefly algorithm
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Florian Pichler, Wolfgang Witteveen and Peter Fischer A complete strategy for efficient and accurate multibody dynamics of flexible structures with large lap joints considering contact and friction
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Patrick Rossbacher and Mario Hirz Flexible parameterization strategies in automotive 3D vehicle layout
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Jana Gulanova, L Gulan, M Forrai and Mario Hirz Generative engineering design methodology used for the development of surface-based components
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Alice Senarclens de Grancy, Arno Eichberger and Ioana Victoria Koglbauer Frauen fahren anders, Männer auch
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Mario Hirz, Patrick Rossbacher and Jana Gulanova Future trends in CAD – from the perspective of automotive industry
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Gerald Trummer, L.E. Buckley-Johnstone, P. Voltr, Alexander Meierhofer, Roger Lewis and Klaus Six Wheel-rail creep force model for predicting water induced low adhesion phenomena
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Benjamin Pessl, Martin Leitner and Jürgen Fabian Grazer Autorenteam ausgezeichnet
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Arno Eichberger, Gerald Markovic, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Branko Rogic, Cornelia Lex and Sajjad Samiee A Car2X Sensor Model for Virtual Development of Automated Driving
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Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher Enhanced knowledge-based 3D-CAD methods supporting automotive body-in-white production engineering
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Andreas Wurzer Considering influences of sustainable production in early automotive engineering phases
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Martin Schabauer, Andreas Hackl and Cornelia Lex Ermittlung von Reifeneigenschaften für die Feststellung der Verkehrssicherheit im Rahmen der Hauptuntersuchung
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Michael Pitour and Arno Eichberger Autonomes Fahren: Mit der Zukunft lernen
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Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Jürgen Holzinger, Arno Eichberger and Cornelia Lex Drivers’ interaction with the Adaptive Cruise Control on Dry and Snowy Roads with Various Tire-Road Grip Potentials
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Florian Pichler, Wolfgang Witteveen and Peter Fischer Reduced order modeling of preloaded bolted structures in multibody systems by the use of trial vector derivatives
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Jana Gulanova, L Gulan, M Forrai and Mario Hirz Generative engineering design methodology used for the development of surface-based components
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Patrick Rossbacher and Mario Hirz Flexible parameterization strategies in automotive 3D vehicle layout
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Andreas Hackl, Michael Alb, Christian Magele and Werner Renhart Enhanced firefly algorithm for optimal design of a disk type magneto-rheologic fluid clutch
IEEE CEFC 2016 - 17th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation
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Thomas Bauernfeind, Paul Baumgartner, Andreas Hackl, Christian Magele, Alice Reinbacher-Köstinger and Werner Renhart Enhanced Firefly Algorithm for Solving Multi-Modal Optimization Problems
Proceedings of the XIX International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering
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Ioana Victoria Koglbauer and Nancy Leveson System-Theoretic Analysis of Air Vehicle Separation in Visual Flight
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the European Association for Aviation Psychology
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Chi Jin, Liang Shao, Cornelia Lex and Arno Eichberger Vehicle Side Slip Angle Observation with Road Friction Adaptation
20th IFAC World Congress
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Christoph Gradwohl, Aleš Belšak and Mario Hirz Dynamic simulation of multi-plate clutches for automotive applications
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Cornelia Lex, Martin Schabauer, Michael Semmer, Jürgen Holzinger, Thomas Schlömicher, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Arno Eichberger and Ioana Victoria Koglbauer Objektive Erfassung und subjektive Bewertung menschlicher Trajektorienwahl in einer Naturalistic Driving Study
Der Fahrer im 21. Jahrhundert
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Paul Karoshi, Markus Ager, Martin Schabauer and Cornelia Lex Robust and Numerically Efficient Estimation of Vehicle Mass and Road Grade
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2017
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Thomas Bauernfeind, Paul Baumgartner, Oszkar Biro, Andreas Hackl, Christian Magele, Werner Renhart and Riccardo Torchio Multi-Objective Synthesis of NFC-Transponder Systems based on PEEC Method
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields
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Jens Gächter, Mario Hirz and Roland Seebacher The Effect of Rotor Position Errors on the Dynamic Behavior of Field-Orientated Controlled PMSM
Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2017 IEEE International
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Cornelia Lex, Arno Eichberger and Ioana Victoria Koglbauer Road condition estimation for automated driving considering drivers' acceptance
2nd IAVSD Workshop on Dynamics of Road Vehicles
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Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer Strain Gauge Application at Pad Backing Plates to Investigate Friction Force and NVH Issues
Proceedings of Eurobrake 2017
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Marianne Kraut, Ioana Victoria Koglbauer and Arno Eichberger Innovative Verkehrssicherheitsuntersuchung unter Berücksichtigung fahrzeug- und streckenspezifischer Fahrdynamik und Human Factors
Unfallforschung 2017
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Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer Systematic Experimental Creep Groan Characterization Using a Suspension and Brake Test Rig
SAE Technical Paper
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Severin Huemer-Kals, Manuel Pürscher and Peter Fischer Application Limits of the Complex Eigenvalue Analysis for Low-Frequency Vibrations of Disk Brake Systems
SAE Technical Paper
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Andreas Hackl, Christoph Scherndl, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Cornelia Lex Experimental Validation of Various Temperature Models for Semi-Physical Tyre Model Approaches
Proceedings of CAR2017 Int. Congress of Automobile Transport and Engineering
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Helmut Brunner, Patrick Rossbacher and Mario Hirz Sustainable product development: provision of information in early automotive engineering phases
MOTSP 2017 - International Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production
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Mario Hirz and Markus Ernst Development and manufacturing process optimization of mechatronics products by innovative key performance indicators
MOTSP 2017 - International Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production
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Jens Gächter, Mario Hirz and Roland Seebacher Impact of Rotor Position Sensor Errors on Speed Controlled Permanent Magnetized Synchronous Machine
12th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IEEE PEDS 2017)
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Adam Schnellbach and Mario Hirz Optimization of fail-operational automotive system and hardware architectures
IQPC Conference ISO 26262
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Christoph Datlinger and Mario Hirz Evaluation of signal processing effects on rotor position sensor systems for electric traction motors
Conference EAEC 2017
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Paul Baumgartner, Werner Renhart, Oszkar Biro, Christian Magele, Thomas Bauernfeind, Andreas Hackl and Riccardo Torchio Multi-Objective Optimization of Yagi-Uda Antenna Applying Enhanced Firefly Algorithm With Adaptive Cost Function
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields
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Andreas Hackl, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex and Georg Rill Parameterization Process of the Maxwell Model to Describe the Transient Force Behavior of a Tire
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Justinas Miseikis, Matthias Rüther, Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner 3D Vision Guided Robotic Charging Station for Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
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Sajjad Samiee, Liang Shao, Branko Rogic, Arno Eichberger, Shahram Azadi and Reza Kazemi A Comprehensive Algorithm for Automatic Emergency Lane-change
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Michael Haberl, Martin Fellendorf, Robert Neuhold, Martin Rudigier, Andreas Kerschbaumer, Arno Eichberger and Branko Rogic Simulation assisted impact analyses of automated driving on motorways for different levels of automation and penetration
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Thomas Bauernfeind, Paul Baumgartner, Oszkar Biro, Andreas Hackl, Christian Magele, Werner Renhart and Riccardo Torchio Multi-Objective Synthesis of NFC-Transponder Systems based on PEEC Method
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Phillip Kollmeyer, Andreas Hackl and Ali Emadi Li-ion battery model performance for automotive drive cycles with current pulse and EIS parameterization
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Martin Schabauer, Paul Karoshi, Markus Ager and Cornelia Lex Fahrverhalten für automatisierte Fahrfunktionen - Müssen sich Algorithmen wie Fahrer anpassen?
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Paul Baumgartner, Werner Renhart, Oszkar Biro, Andreas Hackl, Christian Magele, Thomas Bauernfeind and Riccardo Torchio Multi-Objective Optimization of Yagi–Uda Antenna Applying Enhanced Firefly Algorithm With Adaptive Cost Function
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Bernhard Walzel and Mario Hirz Smart Parking - Zwischenbericht 1 - Neue Fahrzeugkonzepte und Technologien welche die Parksituation verbessern.
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Lukas Hejny, Maximilian Oblasser and Jürgen Fabian Prototypenentwicklung für ein schlüsselloses Zutrittssystem
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Jürgen Fabian, Andre Achernig, Luca Hribernig and Maximilian Roschitz Benchmark sowie konzeptionelle Modifizierung eines ausgewählten Elektro-Scooters
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Dominik Mähr and Jürgen Fabian Development of a Testbed Control and Visualization Software for the Evaluation of Automotive Sensors
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Sajjad Samiee, Arno Eichberger, Shahram Azadi and Reza Kazemi A Novel Approach for a Collision Avoiding Lane Change System in a Dynamic Traffic EnvironmentThe Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks237-242
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Cornelia Lex Elektronik hebt Physik nicht auf
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Stefan Kepplinger, Mario Hirz and Arno Eichberger Autonomes Fahren – Fiktion oder Realität?
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Andreas Hackl, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex and Georg Rill Reifendynamik: Modellbildung und Parameteridentifizierung
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Jürgen Fabian and Robert Schmied Elektrisch durch den Großraum Graz
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Christian Flechl, Christoph Schöggler, Jürgen Fabian and Lothar Fickert Autos, die sich selbst laden
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Severin Stadler and Mario Hirz A knowledge-based framework for integration of computer aided styling and computer aided engineering
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Adam Schnellbach, Mario Hirz and Jürgen Fabian Comparison of fail-operational software architectures from the viewpoint of an automotive application
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Sophie Billicsich, Ernst Tomasch, Gerald Markovic, Arno Eichberger and Zoltan Ferenc Magosi Evaluation of the impact of C2X systems to the accident severity in motorcycle accidents
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Jürgen Fabian Variable Aufbaugeometrie für Nutzfahrzeuge
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Jürgen Fabian Variable body geometry for goods vehicles
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Sajjad Samiee, Shahram Azadi, Reza Kazemi and Arno Eichberger Towards a Decision Making Algorithm for Automatic Lane Change Maneuver Considering Traffic Dynamics
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Markus Salchner, Severin Stadler, Mario Hirz, Johannes Mayr and Jonathan Ameye Multi-CAD approach for knowledge-based design methods
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Thomas Bauernfeind, Paul Baumgartner, Oszkar Biro, Christian Magele, Kurt Preis, Andreas Hackl, Piergiorgio Alotto and Riccardo Torchio PEEC-Based Multi-Objective Synthesis of Non-Uniformly Spaced Linear Antenna Arrays
17th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation
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Mario Hirz, Helmut Brunner, Andreas Wurzer and Hans Peter Schnöll The Influence of Product Life Cycle Evaluation on Lightweight Design
FISITA World Automotive Congress 2016 - Congress Proceedings
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Bernhard Walzel Integration of New Urban Vehicles in Transport Systems and Mobility Concepts
FISITA World Automotive Congress - Conference Proceedings
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Peter Fischer CO2e-Emissionen verschiedener PKW-Technologien bei realen Nutzerverhalten im Produktlebenszyklus
Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 12 Nr. 799
429 - 446
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Andreas Wurzer Considering Influences of Sustainable Production in Early Automotive Engineering Phases
Management of Technology Step to Sustainable Production 2016 - Conference Proceedings
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Andreas Hackl, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex and Georg Rill Experimental validation of a non-linear first-order tyre dynamics approach
The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Pointner and Anne Deketele The FSI –an Example for Successful University –Industry Collaboration
INTED Conference 2016
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Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher Flexible Parameterization Strategies in Automotive 3D Vehicle Layout
CAD and A Conference 2016
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Mario Hirz, Patrick Rossbacher and Jana Gavacova Future trends in CAD – from the perspective of automotive industry
CAD and A Conference 2016
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Jana Gavacova, Ladislav Gulan, Michal Forrai and Mario Hirz Generative Engineering Design methodology used for the development of surface-based components
CAD and A Conference
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Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher Enhanced knowledge-based 3D-CAD methods supporting automotive body-in-white production engineering
Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production
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Jürgen Fabian, Martin Prenner, Ewald Kober, Severin Stadler and Mario Hirz Development of a novel variable semi-trailer body for air drag-, CO <sub>2</sub> -emissions-and costs-reduction
FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress - Proceedings
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Jürgen Fabian, Thomas Wieland, Markus Ernst, Ernst Schmautzer, Lothar Fickert, Walter Slupetzky and Robert Schmied Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen zur Begleitforschung der Modellregion Elektromobilität Großraum Graz
Energie für unser Europa
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Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno Eichberger Implementation of Reactive Human Behavior in a Numerical Human Body Model Using Controlled Beam Elements as Muscle Element Substitutes
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles
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Mozhgan Faramarzi, Sajjad Samiee, Shahram Azadi and Reza Kazemi The Design of Vehicle Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Macroscopic Traffic Behavior Applying Model Predective Control Strategy
FISITA World Automotive Congress 2016
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Liang Shao, Cornelia Lex, Andreas Hackl and Arno Eichberger Road Friction Estimation using Recursive Total Least Squares
IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium
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Liang Shao, Cornelia Lex, Andreas Hackl and Arno Eichberger Estimation of tire road friction during vehicle steering
Advanced Vehicle Control AVEC 16
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Liang Shao, Chi Jin, Cornelia Lex and Arno Eichberger Nonlinear Adaptive Observer for Side Slip Angle and Road Friction Estimation
55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2016)
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Benjamin Pessl, Martin Leitner and Jürgen Fabian 48 Volt Mild-Hybridization and its Impacts on CO2 Emissions
FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress - Proceedings
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Andreas Hackl, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex and Georg Rill Experimental Validation of the Maxwell Model for Description of Transient Tyre Forces
16. Internationales Stutgarter Symposium
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Jürgen Fabian, Stephan Reinhofer and Markus Ernst Technological Evaluation and Reliability Methods of Functional Operational and Functional Safe Automotive Mechatronic Systems
FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress - Proceedings
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Manfred Großmann, Mario Hirz and Jürgen Fabian Efficient application of multi-core processors as substitute of the E-Gas (Etc) monitoring concept
2016 SAI Computing Conference (SAI)
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Jürgen Fabian, Martin Prenner, Ewald Kober, Severin Stadler and Mario Hirz Development of a Novel Variable Semi-Trailer Body for Air Drag-, CO2-Emissions- and Costs-Reduction
FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress - Proceedings
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Jürgen Fabian, Christian Flechl and Christoph Schöggler Novel Approach for an Automatically Robotic Charging System for Battery-Electric Vehicles
FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress - Proceedings
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Birgit Kohla, Jürgen Fabian and Elena Just-Moczygemba Innovative transport concept through combined mobility based on multimodal nodes in the area of Graz
Smart and Green Transitions in Cities and Regions
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Andreas Wurzer Considering influences of sustainable production in early automotive engineering phases
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Christoph Schinko, Markus Peer, Daniel Hammer, Matthias Pirstinger, Cornelia Lex, Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Arno Eichberger, Jürgen Holzinger, Eva Eggeling, Wolf-Dietrich Fellner and Torsten Ullrich Building a Driving Simulator with Parallax Barrier Displays
VISIGRAPP 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
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Bernhard Walzel, Christopher Sturm, Jürgen Fabian and Mario Hirz Automated robot-based charging system for electric vehicles
16. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium.
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Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner New foldable Urban Car Concept
FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress - Proceedings
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Martin Hofstetter, Mario Hirz and Martin Ackerl System Design Optimization of xEV-Axle Drives with Package Restrictions
Proceedings of the FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress
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Florian Pichler, Wolfgang Witteveen and Peter Fischer Efficient and Accurate Consideration of Nonlinear Joint Contact Within Multibody Simulation
Nonlinear Dynamics
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Jens Gächter and Mario Hirz Evaluation of Rotor Position Sensor Characteristics and Impact on Control Quality of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSM)
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Harald Kraus Development of an Operation Strategy for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
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Cornelia Lex and Andreas Hackl Wirkungsweisen elektronischer Fahrerunterstützung
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Bernhard Walzel Integration of New Urban Vehicles in Transport Systems and Mobility Concepts
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Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz The Influence of Product Life Cycle on Lightweight Design
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Helmut Brunner, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Kurt Fallast and Mario Hirz Evaluation of Various Means of Transport in Urban Areas
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Peter Fischer CO2e-Emissions of different Technologies in Passenger Cars at real User Scenarios in the Product Life Cycle
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Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz Considering Influences of Sustainable Production in Early Automotive Engineering Phases
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Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz Creating Future Mobility
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Jürgen Fabian Modellregion Elektromobilität im Großraum Graz
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Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz Requirements on Technologies for Future Mobility
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Thomas Wieland, Markus Ernst and Jürgen Fabian Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen zur Begleitforschung der Modellregion Elektromobilität Großraum Graz
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Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz Sustainable Mobility in the Pilot-Region Graz
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Patrick Rossbacher and Mario Hirz Beitrag zur rechnergestützten PKW-Entwicklung in der frühen Konzeptphase
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Mario Hirz Zukunft der Mobilität – Auto der Zukunft
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Martin Prenner, Mario Hirz, Severin Stadler and Jürgen Fabian Potenzial einer variablen Dachkontur zur Senkung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs von Sattelzügen
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Michael Haindl, Jürgen Fabian and Martin Ackerl Modellierung einer permanenterregeten hybriden Synchronmaschine für die Verwendung an einem Prüfstand sowie als Traktionsmaschine
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Mario Hirz and Adam Schnellbach Redundancy in fail-operational systems
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Franz Hasewend and Jürgen Fabian Schlüssellose Zugangssysteme zum Fuhrpark
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Mario Hirz, Patrick Rossbacher and Jana Gavacova Future trends in CAD – from the perspective of automotive industry
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Bernhard Walzel Integration o f new urban vehicles in transport systems and mobility concepts
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Mario Hirz, Jürgen Fabian, Peter Fischer, Severin Stadler and Martin Prenner Fuel Consumption Reduction of Tractor-Trailers by Variable Body Geometries
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Mario Hirz Developments & trends in automotive industry
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Birgit Kohla, Jürgen Fabian, Martin Fellendorf and Elena Just-Moczygemba Systematic evaluation of new services at mobility hubs
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Markus Ernst, Mario Hirz and Jürgen Fabian The Potential of Key Process/Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Automotive Software Quality Management
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Markus Ernst The Potential of Key Process/Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Automotive Software Quality Management - Presentation
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Bernhard Walzel and Mario Hirz Anforderungen an die Tankstelle im Jahr 2025
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Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner New foldable Urban Car Concept
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Bernhard Walzel and Mario Hirz Automated robot-based charging system for electric vehicles
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Liang Shao, Cornelia Lex, Andreas Hackl and Arno Eichberger Road Friction Estimation using Recursive Total Least Squares
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Liang Shao, Chi Jin, Cornelia Lex and Arno Eichberger Nonlinear Adaptive Observer for Side Slip Angle and Road Friction Estimation
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Liang Shao, Cornelia Lex, Andreas Hackl and Arno Eichberger Estimation of tire road friction during vehicle steering
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Mario Hirz Aspects of Future Mobility & Trends in Automotive Industry
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Mario Hirz Energy for Mobility: Sources, Provision and Conversion
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Mario Hirz Green Mobility System Integration: Vehicle & Infrastructure
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Jürgen Fabian Alternative Antriebskonzepte - Technologien und Trends
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Andreas Hackl, Christian Magele and Werner Renhart Extended firefly algorithm for multimodal optimization
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Bernhard Walzel, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner Anforderungen an die Tankstelle im Jahr 2025
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Jürgen Fabian Novel Approach for an Automatically Robotic Charging System for Battery-Electric Vehicles
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Birgit Kohla, Jürgen Fabian and Elena Just-Moczygemba Innovative transport concept through combined mobility based on multimodal nodes in the area of Graz
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Jürgen Fabian Development of a Novel Variable Semi-Trailer Body for Air Drag-, CO2-Emissions- and Costs-Reduction
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Manfred Großmann, Mario Hirz and Jürgen Fabian Efficient Application of Multi-Core Processors within the 3-Level Monitoring Concept
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Jürgen Fabian Efficient Application of Multi-Core Processors within the 3-Level Monitoring Concept
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Jürgen Fabian Technological Evaluation and Reliability Methods of Functional Operational and Functional Safe Automotive Mechatronic Systems
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Michael Martin, Arno Eichberger and Eranda Dragoti-Cela Optimization Approach to Handle Global CO2 Fleet Emission Standards
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Martin Schabauer, Andreas Hackl, Cornelia Lex, Liang Shao and Paul Freimüller Parameterbestimmung - Limitierender Faktor für Fahrzeugregelsysteme der Zukunft?
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Jens Gächter and Mario Hirz Evaluation and Modeling of Rotor Position Sensor Characteristics for Electric Traction Motors
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Markus Salchner, Mario Hirz, Severin Stadler and Jonathan Ameye A new approach of a global knowledge-based engineering infrastructure
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Markus Salchner, Mario Hirz, Severin Stadler and Jonathan Ameye A new approach of a global knowledge-based engineering infrastructure
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Wolfgang Hirschberg Vergleich von PKW- und Nutzfahrzeug-Reifen: Zielkriterien, Messung, Simulation
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Gerhard Stempfer, Martin Ackerl, Petra Grün, Bernhard Brunnsteiner, Andreas Braun, Matthias Deiml, Katrin Wand and Heimo Schreier Lösungsansätze für die Auslegung von HV-Komponenten in Nutzfahrzeugen
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Thomas Bauernfeind, Paul Baumgartner, Oszkar Biro, Christian Magele, Kurt Preis, Andreas Hackl, Piergiorgio Alotto and Riccardo Torchio PEEC-Based Multi-Objective Synthesis of Non-Uniformly Spaced Linear Antenna Arrays
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Mario Hirz and Su Zhou Co-operative Development of Environmentally Friendly Vehicles for Asian and European Markets
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Birgit Kohla, Jürgen Fabian and Ernst Rainer Kombinierte Mobilität in Graz
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Branko Rogic, Stefan Bernsteiner, Sajjad Samiee, Arno Eichberger and Christian Payerl Konzeptionelle virtuelle Absicherung von automatisierten Fahrfunktionen anhand eines SAE Level 3 Fahrstreifenwechselassistenten
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Peter Fischer Roadmap Elektromobilität: was wir aus Life-Cycle Betrachtungen und Nutzerverhalten lernen können
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Peter Fischer, Mario Hirz, Jürgen Fabian, Severin Stadler and Martin Prenner Fuel Consumption Reduction of Tractor-Trailers by Variable Body Geometries
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Peter Fischer Roboter-Ladesystem zum automatisierten Betanken von Elektrofahrzeugen
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Peter Fischer Von Fahrerassistenzsystemen zum automatisierten Fahren: Medienhype oder technische Realität?
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Peter Fischer Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung hochautomatisierter Fahrfunktionen
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Martin Hofstetter, Mario Hirz and Martin Ackerl Package and Architecture of xEV Axle Drives with Predictive Operating Strategies
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Martin Hofstetter System Design Optimization of xEV-Axle Drives with Package Restrictions
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Martin Hofstetter Sensor Range Sensitivity of Predictive Energy Management in Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles
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Arno Eichberger Gesellschaftliche und technische Herausforderungen des automatisierten Fahrens: Ein gelöstes Problem oder Utopie?
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Harald Kraus Development of an Operation Strategy for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
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Jürgen Fabian and Martin Prenner Endbericht Variable Aufbaugeometrie für Nutzfahrzeuge (TruckAero)
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Walter Passegger, Georg Warum, Martin Ackerl and Jürgen Fabian Technische, ökonomische und ökologische Bewertung von batteriebetriebenen Elektrofahrzeugen
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Christoph Gradwohl and Severin Stadler Semi-Automated Test Bench Assembly
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Milan Grahovac and Jürgen Fabian Entwicklung eines Geschäftsmodells im Rahmen des Total Fleet Management
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Markus Ernst, Mario Hirz, Jürgen Fabian, Felix Fehrer, Julian Wolf and Martin Steinkellner Key Process/Performance Indicators (KPIs) in der automotiven Softwareentwicklung
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Martin Prenner and Jürgen Fabian Projektsteckbrief Variable Aufbaugeometrie für Nutzfahrzeuge (TruckAero)
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Severin Stadler and Markus Ernst Virtuelle Untersuchung von Steinschlägen an Fahrzeugkarosserien
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Christopher Sturm and Jürgen Fabian Wieder- bzw. Weiterverwendung von Batterien sowie Batterierecycling
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Jürgen Fabian and Martin Prenner Kurzbericht Variable Aufbaugeometrie für Nutzfahrzeuge (TruckAero)
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Wolfgang Hirschberg Rechnerische Ermittlung des Auffahrmanövers für LKW‐Sattelzüge und Zentralachshängerzüge (Projekt ELANS)
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Jürgen Fabian Endbericht zur begleitenden Forschung/Monitoring Modellregion für Elektromobilität Großraum Graz
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Katharina Podlipnig and Severin Stadler Entwicklung von Prüfprofilen für die CAD-Datenprüfung in CATIA V5 unter Verwendung der Software Q-Checker
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Stephanie Prialé Olivares, Nikolaus Rebernik, Arno Eichberger and Ernst Stadlober Virtual Stochastic Testing of Advanced Driver Assistance SystemsAdvanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 201525-35
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Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Arno Eichberger, Cornelia Lex, Norbert Bliem, Anton Stefan Sternat, Jürgen Holzinger, Christoph Schinko and Mario Battel Bewertung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen von nicht professionellen Fahrerinnen und Fahrern im RealversuchHumanwissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Verkehrssicherheit und Ökologie des Verkehrs, MEHR SICHERES VERHALTEN IM STRASSENVERKEHR.86-102
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Sajjad Samiee, Shahram Azadi, Reza Kazemi, Arno Eichberger, Branko Rogic and Michael Semmer Performance Evaluation of a Novel Vehicle Collision Avoidance Lane Change AlgorithmAdvanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2015103-116
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Martin Walpot, Mario Hirz, Martin Prenner and Jürgen Fabian Bessere Aerodynamik für Lkw
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Mario Hirz Automotive Mechatronik
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Arno Eichberger Heuschreck am Steuer
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Markus Trostmann and Severin Stadler Der Laster soll anpassungsfähiger werden
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Barbara Kluger, Cornelia Lex and Arno Eichberger Abstandhalten ist Frauensache
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Christina Badelt, Mario Hirz, Helmut Brunner and Bernhard Walzel Faltbares Auto für die Mobilität der Zukunft
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Michael Martin, Robert Premstaller and Arno Eichberger Virtuelle Flottenverbrauchsoptimierung unter Kostenbetrachtung
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Jürgen Fabian 3. Kamingespräch der OVEyoungEngineers mit Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Schichler
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Jürgen Fabian OMV-Exkursion Fachgruppe Maschinenwesen
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Jürgen Fabian Elektromobilität. Quo vadis?
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Stefan Bernsteiner, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Daniel Lindvai-Soos and Arno Eichberger Radarsensormodell für den virtuellen Entwicklungsprozess
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Christoph Gradwohl, Severin Stadler, Mario Hirz and Helmut Martin Waser A CAD-based layout environment for a semi-automated test bench assembly
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Sajjad Samiee, Ali Nahvi, Shahram Azadi, Reza Kazemi, Alireza Hatamian Haghighi and Mohammad Reza Ashouri The effect of torque feedback exerted to driver's hands on vehicle handling - a hardware-in-the-loop approach
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Thomas Wieland, Michael Reiter, Ernst Schmautzer, Lothar Fickert, Jürgen Fabian and Robert Schmied Probabilistische Methode zur Modellierung des Ladeverhaltens von Elektroautos anhand gemessener Daten elektrischer Ladestationen – Auslastungsanalysen von Ladestationen unter Berücksichtigung des Standorts zur Planung von elektrischen Stromnetzen
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Markus Ernst, Patrick Dallinger, Jürgen Fabian, Mario Hirz and Adam Schnellbach Innovative Analysemethode in der Entwicklung mechatronischer Systeme am Beispiel elektrifizierter Antriebsstränge
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Adrian Werner Josef Sternjak, Gabriel Martin Lach and Jürgen Fabian Ein Schritt in eine „saubere“ Zukunft: Das Fahrzeugtechnik-Team der TU Graz ging bei der Elektrorallye „e-via 2014“ an den Start
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Martin Prenner, Mario Hirz and Jürgen Fabian TruckAero: bessere Aerodynamik und geringere Betriebskosten für LKW
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Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz Mobility: Looking for the Overall Effect
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Martin Hofstetter, Martin Ackerl, Mario Hirz, Harald Kraus, Paul Karoshi and Jürgen Fabian Sensor Range Sensitivity of Predictive Energy Management in Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles
2015 IEEE Conference on Control and Applications, CCA 2015 - Proceedings
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Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner ECO-Design in the Automotive Industry – Potentials and Challenges
Proceedings International Conference Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production
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Andreas Kerschbaumer, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Dusko Prezel Identification method of longitudinal tyre characteristics based on real road driving
24th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD)
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Markus Ernst, Stefan Erlachner, Mario Hirz, Jürgen Fabian and Franz Wotawa Analysis Methods in the Development Process of Mechatronic Drivetrain Systems with Special Focus on Automotive Software
Volume II
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Patrick Dallinger, Markus Ernst and Jürgen Fabian Development of a Data Model for an Innovative Analysis Method for Mechatronic Systems in the Field of Automotive Engineering
International Conference on Advances in Software, Control and Mechanical Engineering
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Arno Eichberger, Admir Zukancic and Peter Wimmer Erstellung generischer Unfallszenarien für die Effektivitätsbewertung aktiver Sicherheitssysteme am Beispiel Notbremsassistent
SafetyWeek Aschaffenburg
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H.M.A. Hussein, K. Farouk and Mario Hirz Framework of Knowledge Based Design in Minibus Skeleton Development
Industry Academia Collaboration
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Inmaculada Viana Alvarez, Severin Stadler, Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher The Potential of Relational Database Framework Supporting Knowledge-Based Design
TMT 2015
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Hans Peter Schnöll, Helmut Brunner, Michael Zottler, Mario Hirz and Christian Ramsauer CO2 Reduction Potential of CFRP-Bodywork Concepts Considering Production and In-Use Phase
Proceedings International Conference Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production
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Markus Ernst, Stefan Erlachner, Mario Hirz and Jürgen Fabian Optimisation of Automotive Software Quality Management by Use of Analysis Methods in the Development Process of Mechatronic Systems
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Stephan Reinhofer, Markus Ernst and Jürgen Fabian Strategies for the Development and Analysis of Functional Safe Automotive Mechatronic Systems
Volume I
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Harald Kraus A New Approach to an Adaptive and Predictive Operation Strategy for PHEVs
SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1222
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Hans Peter Schnöll, Helmut Brunner, Michael Zottler, Mario Hirz and Christian Ramsauer CO2 Reduction Potential of CFRP-Bodywork Concepts Considering Production and In-Use Phase
Book of Abstracts - International Conference Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable Production
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Andreas Hackl, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex and Georg Rill Tyre Dynamics: Model Validation and Parameter Identification
Proceedings of the European Automotive Congress EAEC-ESFA 2015
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Cornelia Lex, Arno Eichberger and Wolfgang Hirschberg On-board determination of the friction coefficient between tire and road using standard application vehicle dynamics sensors
The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks
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Sophie Billicsich, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Arno Eichberger, Gerald Markovic and Zoltan Ferenc Magosi Potentieller Einfluss von C2X auf die Vermeidung von Motorradunfällen bzw. Reduktion der Verletzungsschwere
10. VDI-Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit - Sicherheit 2.0
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Gabriel Martin Lach, Adrian Werner Josef Sternjak, Jürgen Fabian, Harald Kraus and Martin Ackerl Performance comparison of different battery-electric vehicles participating within an Electro-Rally in Middle-Europe
Volume II
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Stephan Reinhofer, Markus Ernst and Jürgen Fabian Analysis and Development of Fail Operational Automotive Mechatronic Systems
International Conference on Advances in Software, Control and Mechanical Engineering
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Jürgen Fabian, Thomas Wieland, Ernst Schmautzer, Lothar Fickert, Walter Slupetzky and Robert Schmied Forschungserkenntnisse zum technischen Monitoring und Mobilitätsverhalten anhand der Modellregion für Elektromobilität im Großraum Graz
Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien
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Arno Eichberger, Admir Zukancic and Peter Wimmer Erstellung generischer Unfallszenarien für die Effektivitätsbewertung aktiver Sicherheitssysteme am Beispiel Notbremsassistent
5. Jahrestagung der GMTTB (Gesellschaft für Medizinisch Technische Traumabiomechanik)
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Jürgen Fabian and Thomas Wieland Forschungserkenntnisse zum technischen Monitoring und Mobilitätsverhalten anhand der Modellregion für Elektromobilität im Großraum Graz
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Peter Wimmer, Arno Eichberger and Admir Zukancic Generic accident scenario generation for effectiveness assessment of active safety systems
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Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Arno Eichberger, Cornelia Lex, Jürgen Holzinger, Christoph Schinko and Torsten Ullrich A model for subjective evaluation of automated vehicle control
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Ioana Victoria Koglbauer and Reinhard Braunstingl Combined mental and flight simulator training
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Stefan Bernsteiner, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Christian Payerl and Arno Eichberger Integration von Fahrerassistenzsystemen
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Cornelia Lex, Daniel Hammer, Matthias Pirstinger, Markus Peer, Sajjad Samiee, Christoph Schinko, Torsten Ullrich, Mario Battel, Jürgen Holzinger, Ioana Victoria Koglbauer and Arno Eichberger Multidisciplinary Development of a Driving Simulator with Autostereoscopic Visualization for the Integrated Development of Driver Assistance Systems
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Cornelia Lex, Arno Eichberger and Wolfgang Hirschberg On-board determination of the friction coefficient between tire and road using standard application vehicle dynamics sensors
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Jürgen Fabian, Cornelia Lex, Harald Kraus and Martin Ackerl Review of Measuring Sensors and Measurement Systems in Battery-Electric and Hybrid Propulsion Systems
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Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Arno Eichberger, Cornelia Lex, Holzinger Juergen, Christoph Schinko and Torsten Ullrich Evaluation of driving maneuvers in reality and in an autostereoscopic 3D simulation with integrated eye-tracking
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Jürgen Fabian, Thomas Wieland, Ernst Schmautzer, Lothar Fickert, Walter Slupetzky and Robert Schmied Forschungserkenntnisse zum technischen Monitoring und Mobilitätsverhalten anhand der Modellregion für Elektromobilität im Großraum Graz
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Stefan Bernsteiner, Gabriel Stabentheiner, Jürgen Holzinger and Peter Fischer Autonomes Fahren: Visionen und Realität
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Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner ECODesign in der Fahrzeugtechnik - Forschungsschwerpunkte & Potenziale
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Martin Prenner and Jürgen Fabian Variable Aufbaugeometrie für Nutzfahrzeuge "TruckAero"
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Stephan Reinhofer and Jürgen Fabian Analysis and Development of Fail Operational Automotive Mechatronic Systems
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Sajjad Samiee, Shahram Azadi, Reza Kazemi, Arno Eichberger, Branko Rogic and Michael Semmer Performance Evaluation of a Novel Collision Avoidance Lane Change Algorithm
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Martin Prenner and Jürgen Fabian Kurzpräsentation des Projekts "TruckAero" im Programm Mobilität der Zukunft - Innovationsfeld Güterverkehr
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Martin Prenner and Jürgen Fabian Mobilität der Zukunft - Innovationsfeld Güterverkehr - Projekt TruckAero
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Markus Salchner and Severin Stadler Entwicklung und Implementierung einer Schnittstelle zwischen Matlab und Siemens NX
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Paul Karoshi Kräfteberechnung TC100
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Sajjad Samiee A Literature Review on Automatic Lane Change
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Jürgen Fabian, Martin Ackerl, Gabriel Martin Lach, Daniel Posch and Adrian Werner Josef Sternjak Endbericht zum Projekt Entwicklung von Konzepten für die Erfassung von Missbrauch bei Car-Sharing
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Adrian Werner Josef Sternjak, Gabriel Martin Lach and Jürgen Fabian Messtechnische Erfassung von Elektrofahrzeugdaten bei der Elektrorallye e-via 2014
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Paul Karoshi, Martin Ackerl and Harald Kraus Dokumentation Prädiktionsalgorithmus für Fahrzustände
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Katharina Podlipnig and Severin Stadler Startmodellumgebung für CATIA V5
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Markus Ernst and Mario Hirz Gesamtentwicklungsprozess mechatronischer Systeme im Fahrzeug; 1. Zwischenbericht zur Analyse und Prognosemodellierung mechatronischer Fahrzeugkomponenten in der Entwicklung und im Feld
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Admir Zukancic Update to “Development of an assessment method for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - Generating scenarios for Emergency Brake Assist tests and evaluations”
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Jürgen Fabian, Martin Ackerl, Harald Kraus and Mario Hirz Entwicklung von Konzepten für die Erfassung von Missbrauch bei Car-Sharing
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Katharina Podlipnig and Severin Stadler Rückführung gemorphter CAE-Netze in CAD-Geometriedaten
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Arno Eichberger and Cornelia Lex Forschungserfolge - Der Jahresbericht 2013 der Österreichischen Forschungsfördergesellschaft FFG
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Jens Gächter, Simon Walch and Jürgen Fabian Untersuchung des Störeinflusses eines DEMAG auf die Messgenauigkeit eines Resolvers innerhalb einer CISG-Applikation
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Simon Walch, Jürgen Fabian and Mario Hirz Wärmebedarfsberechnung einer Gleiskraftwagenkabine
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Jürgen Fabian, Jens Gächter and Mario Hirz Future Trends of Advanced Power Electronics and Control Systems for Electric VehiclesAdvanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2014287-296
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Jens Gächter Evaluation of Angular Sensor Systems for Rotor Position Sensing of Automotive Electric DrivesInternational Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications ; 2014277-286
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Beate Mosing and Severin Stadler Windschlüpfrig wie ein LKW
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Peter Fischer Das ganze Autoleben
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Daniel Nutz and Mario Hirz Das Auto von morgen
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Helmut Brunner Grazer erfindet Falt-Auto
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Sajjad Samiee, Shahram Azadi, Reza Kazemi, Ali Nahvi and Arno Eichberger Data Fusion to Develop a Driver Drowsiness Detection System with Robustness to Signal Loss
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Jürgen Fabian OIAV-Clubabend "Elektromobilität. Quo vadis?"
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Jürgen Fabian and Gabriel Lach TU Graz Team bei Elektrorallye am Start
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Harald Kraus Performance Analysis of Plug-In Hybrid Passenger Vehicles
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Wolfgang Hirschberg Trasmissioni a fluido o elettriche per uso automobilistico?
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Hasan Aydogan, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner The use and future of biofuels
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Markus Ernst, Patrick Dallinger, Mario Hirz, Jürgen Fabian and Adam Schnellbach Potentiale einer innovativen Analysemethodik
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Katharina Thum, Mario Hirz and Johannes Mayr An integrated approach supporting design, simulation and production engineering of connection techniques in automotive body-in-white development
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Arno Eichberger, Stefan Bernsteiner, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi and Daniel Lindvai-Soos Integration of a Phenomenological Radar Sensor Modell in IPG CarMaker for Simulation of ACC and AEB systems
Apply and Innovate
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Severin Stadler and Mario Hirz A novel approach of aerodynamic optimization on long-distance transportation trucks
FISITA 2014 World Congress
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Andreas Kerschbaumer, Martin Rudigier, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Dusko Prezel Simulation-based method to adapt MF-Tyre model parameters to real road conditions
5th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2014
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Harald Kraus, Martin Ackerl, Paul Karoshi, Jürgen Fabian and Martin Ringdorfer Ein innovativer Ansatz für eine adaptive und prädiktive Betriebsstrategie für Plug-In Hybridfahrzeuge
WKM Symposium 2014
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Arno Eichberger, Cornelia Lex, Norbert Bliem, Anton Stefan Sternat, Ioana Koglbauer, Christoph Schinko, Mario Battel and Jürgen Holzinger Bewertung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen von Normalfahrerinnen und Normalfahrern im Realversuch
4. Jahrestagung der GMTTB (Gesellschaft für Medizinisch Technische Traumabiomechanik)
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Hasan Aydogan, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner The use and future of biofuels
12th International Academic Conference, Prague
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Jens Gächter, Jürgen Fabian, Mario Hirz, Andreas Schmidhofer and Heinz Lanzenberger Evaluation of Angular Sensor Systems for Rotor Position Sensing of Automotive Electric Drives
Smart Systems for Safe, Clean and Automated Vehicles
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Jürgen Fabian, Jens Gächter and Mario Hirz Future Trends of Advanced Power Electronics and Control Systems for Electric Vehicles
Smart Systems for Safe, Clean and Automated Vehicles
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Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz The potential of new vehicle concepts for transport optimization and GHG emission reduction in urban areas
Sustainable Materials/Manufacturing
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Harald Kraus, Martin Ackerl and Paul Karoshi Performance Analysis of Plug-In Hybrid Passenger Vehicles
FISITA 2014 World Congress
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Jürgen Fabian, Hans Michael Muhr and Uwe Schichler Teilentladungserfassung an elektrischen Betriebsmitteln bei Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung
Öl/Papier- und gasisolierte Systeme in Komponenten der elektrischen Energieversorgung
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Markus Ernst, Jürgen Fabian and Mario Hirz Innovative Analysemethoden elektrifizierter Antriebsstränge zukünftiger Fahrzeuge
Symposium Energieinnovation
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz, Philipp Maurer and Jürgen Fabian Life Cycle Assessment of urban mobility
FISITA World Automotive Congress
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Jürgen Fabian, Mario Hirz and Klaus Krischan State of the Art and Future Trends of Electric Drives and Power Electronics for Automotive Engineering
SAE World Congress
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Hans-Ulrich Kobialka and Cornelia Lex Friction Estimation – Optimization of Sensor Configuration with respect to RMSE and Costs
5th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2014
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Jens Gächter, Jürgen Fabian, Mario Hirz, Andreas Schmidhofer and Heinz Lanzenberger Evaluation of Angular Sensor Systems for Rotor Position Sensing of Automotive Electric Drives
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2014
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Jürgen Fabian, Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz, Thomas Wieland, Ernst Schmautzer, Lothar Fickert, Hannes Wegleiter, Walter Slupetzky and Robert Schmied Aktuelle Forschungsthemen und innovative Trends der Elektromobilität in Österreich
Innehalten und Ausblick: Effektivität und Effizienz für die Energiewende
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Jürgen Fabian, Hans Michael Muhr and Uwe Schichler Partial Discharge Detection of Electrical Devices at DC Voltage Stress
Oil-Paper and Gas Insulated Systems in Components of Electrical Power Supply
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Jürgen Fabian, Cornelia Lex, Mario Hirz and Helmut Brunner Measurement Systems in Battery-Electric and Hybrid Cars
Intelligent transport to solve our future mobility, safety and environmental challenges
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Helmut Brunner, Mario Hirz and Jürgen Fabian Anforderungen an das Fahrzeug für die multimodale Mobilität der Zukunft
Grazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug
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Admir Zukancic and Arno Eichberger Development of an assessment method for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - Generating scenarios for Emergency Brake Assist tests and evaluations
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Admir Zukancic and Arno Eichberger Field effectiveness analysis of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems equipped cars in rear end car to car and car to pedestrian crashes
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Jürgen Fabian and Uwe Schichler Teilentladungserfassung an elektrischen Betriebsmitteln bei Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung
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Helmut Brunner and Jürgen Fabian Darstellung der eingesparten Menge an CO2 und Schadstoffen durch die Nutzung von E-Fahrzeugen
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Jürgen Fabian and Severin Stadler Variable Aufbaugeometrie für Nutzfahrzeuge (TruckAero)
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Jürgen Fabian and Gabriel Martin Lach FTG at Rallye e-via 2014
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Jürgen Fabian and Gabriel Martin Lach e-via-Elektrorallye
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Jürgen Fabian and Gabriel Martin Lach Europäische Mobilitätswoche: TU Graz-Team startet bei Elektrorallye e-via 2014
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Mario Hirz and Severin Stadler Variable trailer design drastically cuts aerodynamic drag
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Harald Kraus, Martin Ackerl and Paul Karoshi Performance Analysis of Plug-In Hybrid Passenger Vehicles
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Jürgen Fabian and Bernhard Walzel Smart Mobility Applications (SMAP)
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Jens Gächter, Jürgen Fabian, Mario Hirz, Andreas Schmidhofer and Heinz Lanzenberger Evaluation of Angular Sensor Systems for Rotor Position Sensing of Automotive Electric Drives
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Arno Eichberger, Ioana Victoria Koglbauer, Cornelia Lex, Norbert Bliem, Anton Stefan Sternat, Christoph Schinko, Mario Battel and Jürgen Holzinger Bewertung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen von nicht professionellen Fahrerinnen- und fahrern im Realversuch
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Jürgen Fabian, Jens Gächter and Mario Hirz Future Trends of Advanced Power Electronics and Control Systems for Electric Vehicles
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Paul Karoshi, U. Rühringer, A. E. Rojas and A. Eichberger Co-Simulation zur Optimierung von MKS
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Günter Pilch, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Haymo Niederkofler, Johann Willberger, Mario Hirz, Martin Ackerl and Arno Eichberger Die Zukunft fährt elektrisch
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Peter Fischer Einfluss unterschiedlicher Strassenzustände auf die Lebensdauer eines Fahrzeug-transporters
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Arno Eichberger and Harald Schluder Unfallvermeidung ganzheitlich betrachtet
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich and Patrick Rossbacher Advanced 3D-CAD Design Methods in Education and Research
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Daniel Wallner, Arno Eichberger and Wolfgang Hirschberg A Novel Control Algorithm for Integration of Active and Passive Vehicle Safety Systems in Frontal Collisions
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Alexander Harrich, Johannes Mayr, Mario Hirz, Patrick Rossbacher, Johann Lang, Anton Gfrerrer and Alexander Haselwanter CAD – based synthesis of a window lifter mechanism
SAE World Congress
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David Ferenc Böhm and Mario Hirz Integrated design and simulation methods in conceptual suspension development
FISITA World Congress 2010
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Andreas Kerschbaumer, Christian Prettenthaler, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex, Gerhard Schagerl and Dusko Prezel Reconstruction of Tyre Characteristics Based on Vehicle Dynamics Measurements with a Race Car
Book of Abstracts: FISITA World Automotive Congress 2010
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Martin Ackerl Energiemanagement und Fahrbarkeit - Zielkonflikte im parallel-hybriden Nutzfahrzeugantriebsstrang
Wissenschaftssymposium Automobiltechnik
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Martin Ackerl, Josef Hager, Klaus Prenninger and Martin Winter Energy Management and Thermal Simulation of Hybrid Commercial Vehicles
Hybrid Vehicles, Electric Vehicles and Energy Management
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Daniel Wallner, Stefan Bernsteiner, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Alexander Rabofsky Numerical and Experimental Parameter Studies on Brake Squeal
SAE Annual Brake Colloquium & Engineering Display
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Andreas Kerschbaumer, Daniel Kollreider, Christian Prettenthaler, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Gerhard Schagerl and Michael Peinsitt About the Identification of Tyre Characteristics Based on Vehicle Dynamics Measurements
Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium Automobil- und Motorentechnik
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Walter Rosinger, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Daniel Heyes and Walter Schwertberger Integrated Lateral Assistance for Heavy Duty Vehicles
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Johann Willberger and Mario Hirz Energy Efficient Operation of In-Wheel Motors for 4 Wheel Driven Passenger Cars
Alternative Driveline
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Johann Willberger Comfort and safety enhancement of passenger vehicles with in-wheel motors
Steering and Suspension Technology Symposium (AC300)
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Arno Eichberger and Bernd Fachbach Introduction of a Peer-review Process to an Interdisciplinary Symposium on Virtual Vehicle Development
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Peer Reviewing (ISPR 2010)
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich, Johannes Mayr and Alexander Haselwanter The potential of parametric design methods in automotive door development
Fisita World Congress
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Johann Willberger, Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas and Haymo Niederkofler Motor Selection Criteria and Potentials of Electrified All Wheel Drive Concepts for Passenger Cars by Add-on Wheel Hub Motors on the Rear Axle
Transmission and Driveline: Hybrid
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Walter Rosinger and Daniel Lindvai-Soos Functional development process of the Magna electric roll-stabiliser eARS
Vehicle Dynamics Expo 2010
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Arno Eichberger, Ernst Tomasch, Rüdiger Rohm, Hermann Steffan and Wolfgang Hirschberg Detailed analysis of the benefit of different traffic safety systems in fatal accidents
Proceedings of the annual EVU meeting
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Wilhelm Dietrich, Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher Integration von geometrischen und funktionalen Aspekten in die parametrisch assoziative Modellgestaltung in der konzeptionellen Automobilentwicklung
3. Grazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug (GSVF)
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Patrick Rossbacher, Mario Hirz and Wilhelm Dietrich 3D CAD parametric design strategies with interlinked CAE reference object creation for the overall vehicle layout optimization in the early automotive concept phase
Fisita World Congress
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Martin Ackerl, Gerald Steinwender, Josef Hager and Klaus Prenninger Simulation des thermischen Verhaltens für Hybridfahrzeuge sowie Energienutzung aus dem Abgas mittels TEG
Wärmemanagement des Kraftfahrzeuges VII
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Alexander Harrich, Wolfgang Sinz, Mario Hirz and Mario Lorenzer CAD-basiertes Werkzeug zur Vorauslegung der Crashstruktur eines Frontendmoduls
Kongress SIMVEC Berechnung und Simulation im Fahrzeugbau
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Haymo Niederkofler and Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas Toward eCorner: Energy Efficient Design of Mechatronic Suspension Systems
Proceedings of FISITA World Automotive Congress
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Klaus Prenninger, Martin Ackerl, Josef Hager, Martin Winter and Heimo Nakesch Simulation and Energy Management of Hybrid Commercial Vehicles with Attention to the Thermal System Behaviour
Book of Abstracts
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Martin Ackerl, Gerald Pichler and Gregor Breuer Battery Thermal Simulation and Energy Management of Hybrid Commercial Vehicles
Battery Technology Expo
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Walter Rosinger and Daniel Lindvai-Soos Vehicle Dynamics Control - An integrated approach
Steering Systems 2010
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Johann Willberger Mechanical Design of In-Wheel Motor Driven Vehicles
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Wolfgang Hirschberg and Georg Rill Tyre Model TMeasy
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich, Johannes Mayr and Alexander Haselwanter The potential of parametric design methods in automotive door development
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas and Johann Willberger Der Radnabenantrieb: Eine mechatronische Herausforderung
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich, Johannes Mayr and Alexander Haselwanter The potential of parametric design methods in automotive door development
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Patrick Rossbacher and Mario Hirz Parametrisierte Konzeptauslegung „ParamKa“
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Severin Stadler, Katharina Thum and Mario Hirz ConceptCar - Layout
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Martin Prenner, Severin Stadler and Mario Hirz Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der Seitenscheibenverschmutzung eines schweren Nutzfahrzeugs
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Stefan Bernsteiner and Daniel Lindvai-Soos Funktionales Lastenheft Lane Keep Assist System
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Helmut Brunner and Mario Hirz Neugestaltung der Automobile, Zwischenbericht 1: Urbaner Personenverkehr – Rahmenbedingungen für neue Fahrzeugkonzepte
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Severin Stadler and Mario Hirz Parametrische Sitzentwicklung
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas Passenger Vehicles with In-Wheel Motors: Fundamentals, Potentials and Limitations (Projektteil M)
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Haymo Niederkofler Elektrisch betätigter Radantriebs- und Radaufhängungsmodul (E-Corner Module)
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Jürgen Fabian Technischer Bericht Elektrische Leitfähigkeit und Teilentladungsverhalten des Öl-Board-Isoliersystems unter Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung - 3. Zwischenbericht
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Jürgen Fabian Technischer Bericht Elektrische Leitfähigkeit und Teilentladungsverhalten des Öl-Board-Isoliersystems unter Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung - Endbericht
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Jürgen Fabian Dielektrische Kennwerte von Isolierstoffen bei Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung978-3-85133-072-4
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Katharina Thum, Patrick Rossbacher, Severin Stadler, Mario Hirz and Alexander Harrich Evaluierung von CATIA V6
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Reinhard Holl, Martin Mellberg, Stefan Bernsteiner and Daniel Lindvai-Soos Funktionales Lastenheft Adaptive Cruise Control
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Jürgen Fabian Technischer Bericht Elektrische Leitfähigkeit und Teilentladungsverhalten des Öl-Board-Isoliersystems unter Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung - 4. Zwischenbericht
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Johann Willberger AC Motor Design and Evaluation for Automotive Traction Applications
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Mario Hirz and Alexander Harrich Neues vom Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik für die Automobilentwicklung
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Arno Eichberger Räder als Schutzschilde
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Gernot Frener, Katharina Thum, Mario Hirz and Alexander Harrich An application of enhanced 3D-CAD methods with integrated geometry creation algorithms for PVC-seams in automotive body in white design
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Severin Stadler, Mario Hirz, Katharina Thum and Patrick Rossbacher Conceptual Full-Vehicle Development supported by Integrated Computer-Aided Design Methods
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Hussein M. A. Hussein and Alexander Harrich Computer Aided Bus Skeleton Design (BUS-CAD)
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Nicolas Geiger, Stefan Litter, Marcus Schittenhelm, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Alexander Lion Simulationsprozess für Festigkeit und Komfort von Nutzfahrzeugen
5. Grazer Nutzfahrzeug Workshop
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Andreas Hillebrand, Mario Hirz and Wilhelm Dietrich ConceptCar: A tool for early development phases supporting conceptual vehicle design and evaluation
Grazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug
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Daniel Wallner and Markus Meister Elaborate Measuring System for Sensitivity Analyses and In-Depth Investigations of a Squealing Brake System
International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress
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Wolfgang Hirschberg On the competition between fluid and electric automotive drives
Proc. 8th International Fluid Power Conference Dresden
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Johannes Mayr, Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher Ein integrierter Ansatz zur ganzheitlichen Systembetrachtung am Beispiel der konzeptionellen Karosserieentwicklung
Karosseriebautage Hamburg
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Ehsan Zamani Shandiz and Daniel Wallner Modelling and Simulation of Brake System Based on Matlab/SimMechanics
EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference
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Severin Stadler, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Mario Hirz Potenzial der Aerodynamik zur Steigerung der Transporteffizienz von schweren Nutzfahrzeugen
5. Grazer Nutzfahrzeug Workshop
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Severin Stadler, Mario Hirz, Katharina Thum and Patrick Rossbacher Conceptual Full-Vehicle Development supported by Integrated Computer-Aided Design Methods
CAD and Applications Conference 2012
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Eurobrake 2012
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Mario Hirz, Martin Prenner and Severin Stadler Integration of aerodynamic simulation and design in conceptual automotive development
NordDesign Conference
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Peter Fischer, B. Reichl, R. Klawatsch, W. Michel and A. Paster Berechnung und Erprobung zur Fahrwerks- und Chassisentwicklung des Oberaigner 6x6
16. Kongress SIMVEC: Berechnung, Simulation und Erprobung im Fahrzeugbau 2012
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Johannes Mayr and Mario Hirz Ein integrierter Ansatz zur ganzheitlichen Systembetrachtung am Beispiel der konzeptionellen Karosserieentwicklung
Tagungsdokumentation - Karosseriebautage Hamburg
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Mario Hirz, Severin Stadler, Martin Prenner and Johannes Mayr Aerodynamic investigations in conceptual vehicle development supported by integrated design and simulation methods
FISITA World Congress 2012
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Rainer Fischer, Torsten Butz, Martin Ehmann and Mario Vockenhuber A driver model for virtual control system development
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Mario Hirz An Approach of Multi Disciplinary Collaboration in Conceptual Automotive Development
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Mario Hirz, Patrick Rossbacher, Alexander Harrich and Hannes Hintringer A Layoutframework for Conceptual Automotive Seat Development
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Johann Willberger Riding on in-wheel motors
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Arno Eichberger, Ernst Tomasch, Rüdiger Rohm, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Hermann Steffan Bewertung der Potentiale von Fahrerassistenzsysteme zur Vermeidung tödlicher Verletzungen bei Verkehrsunfällen
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Anton Gfrerrer, Johann Lang, Alexander Harrich, Mario Hirz and Johannes Mayr Car side window kinematics
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich and Patrick Rossbacher Advanced computer aided design methods for integrated virtual product development processes
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Cornelia Lex, Arno Eichberger and Wolfgang Hirschberg Systematische Bewertung von Methoden zur Ermittlung des Kraftschlussbeiwerts zwischen Reifen und Fahrbahn und deren Anwendungspotentiale in Fahrerassistenzsystemen
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Jorge Enrique Wilson Aponte Synthesis of Suspension Systems for Passenger Vehicles with In-Wheel Motors
13th EAEC European Automotive Congress
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler, Josef Dürnberger and Xavier Bas Ferrer Modular Modelling of Vehicles with Innovative Powertrain Systems
13th EAEC European Automotive Congress
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Daniel Wallner and Stefan Bernsteiner Measuring System Approach to Analyze Brake Squeal Triggering Mechanism
SAE Annual Brake Colloquium & Engineering Display
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Daniel Wallner and Stefan Bernsteiner Brake Squeal – Investigation of Different Brake Pad Materials
13th EAEC European Automotive Congress
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Martin Ackerl Layout and Energy Management of a Hybrid Commercial Vehicle
All-Wheel drive and more
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Peter Wimmer, Andreas Rieser, Arno Eichberger, Christian Domsch and Christian-Michael Gruber Entwicklung einer Simulationstoolkette zur Effektivitätsbewertung integraler Sicherheitssysteme
Fahrzeugsicherheit - Fokus Elektromobilität
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Peter Wimmer, Arno Eichberger, Andreas Rieser and Daniel Watzenig Validation of Integrated Vehicle Safety via an Independent Co-simulation Plattform
Vehicle property validation 2011
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Martin Ackerl and Andreas Eglseer Development of a Control Strategy for Commercial Vehicles
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich, Patrick Rossbacher, Johannes Mayr and Katharina Thum Integration of Problem-Oriented Analysis Methods into 3D-CAD Processes in Automotive Development
NAFEMS World Congress
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Peter Wimmer, Arno Eichberger, Andreas Rieser and Daniel Watzenig Simulation of Integrated Safety Systems with an Independent Co-Simulation Environment
Proceedings of the IKT Academy 2011
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Jorge Enrique Wilson Aponte Co-simulation for the synthesis of suspension systems for passenger vehicles with in-wheel motors based on genetic algorithms plus - 2nd International Munich Chassis Symposium
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Josef Dürnberger Analyse der Fahrsicherheit von Fahrzeugen mit Radnabenmotoren auf unebener Fahrbahn
2. Automobiltechnisches Kolloquium
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Mario Hirz, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Severin Stadler Environmental impact of aerodynamic optimizations at heavy duty commercial vehicles
13th EAEC European Automotive Congress
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Haymo Niederkofler, Josef Dürnberger and Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas Electrical single wheel steering for future suspension systems
EAEC 2011
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Nicolas Geiger, Stefan Litter, Thomas Ille, Marcus Schittenhelm, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Alexander Lion New methods for chassis modeling of commercial vehicles and application for dynamics and durability simulation plus 2011 - 2nd International Munich Chassis Symposium
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Klaus Prenninger, Martin Ackerl and Andreas Eglseer Development and Build-Up of a Hybrid Commercial Vehicle
13th EAEC European Automotive Congress
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Walter Rosinger and Uwe Pichler-Necek Elektromechanische Fahrwerksaktuatoren unter dem Aspekt von CO2 Reduktion, Fahrdynamikverbesserung und Einbindung in Fahrassistenzsysteme
KfZ-Seminar 2011
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich and Patrick Rossbacher Advanced computer aided design methods for integrated virtual product development processes
CAD Conference 2011
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Arno Eichberger, Rüdiger Rohm, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Ernst Tomasch and Hermann Steffan RCS-TUG Study: Benefit Potential Investigation of Traffic Safety Systems with Respect to Different Vehicle Categories
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Wolfgang Hirschberg Mechanical Design of In-Wheel Motor Driven Vehicles with Torque-Vectoring
SAE-Brasil Congresso 2011
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Daniel Wallner Bremsenquietschen als Messtechnische Herausforderung
1. VDI-Fachkonferenz Innovative Bremstechnik
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Gabor Müller, Nicolas Geiger, Stefan Waser, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Thomas Ille and Roland Zander A New Massless Leaf Spring Model and Its Application in the Simulation of Heavy Commercial Vehicles
IAVSD - 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Track
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Daniel Wallner and Stefan Bernsteiner Experimental Research on Brake Squeal
Springer Proceedings in Physics
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Johann Willberger Electrification of All-Wheel-Drive Components - Energy Efficiency, Control and Thermal Study of Different Motor Types in Driving Cycles
Hybrid & Elektro
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Cornelia Lex, Arno Eichberger and Wolfgang Hirschberg Comprehensive Evaluation of Different Approaches to Estimate the Tire-Road Grip Potential and their Application in Driver Assistance Systems plus 2011
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Stefan Bernsteiner and Daniel Wallner Friction Force Measurement at Brake Discs
SAE 2011 Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition
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Klaus Prenninger Objective Handling Evaluation of Heavy Commercial Vehicles
13th EAEC European Automotive Congress
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Christoph Buksnowitz and Wolfgang Hirschberg Reasonability of the drive power of passenger cars available in Europe in 2010
13th EAEC European Automotive Congress
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Haymo Niederkofler, Cornelia Lex, Arno Eichberger and Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas Potentialanalyse von aktiven Fahrwerks- und Antriebssystemen fur die Anwendung in Fahrerassistenzsystemen in kritischen Fahrsituationen
Reifen, Fahrwerk, Fahrbahn im Fokus auf Umwelt, Sicherheit und Komfort
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Haymo Niederkofler, Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas and Josef Dürnberger Development of a single wheel steer-by-wire system: Implementation aspects and failure handling
Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Jorge Enrique Wilson Aponte Optimización de la cinemática de suspensiones para vehículos con motores eléctricos en las ruedas
V Congreso Internacinoal de Ingeniería Mecánica y III de Ingeniería Mecatrónica
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Wolfgang Tengg, Heinz Weinfurter, Christian Prettenthaler, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Joachim Haas and Christoph Danner About the influence of the truck on a driver's performance
13th EAEC European Automotive Congress
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Gabor Müller, Nicolas Geiger, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Thomas Ille and Roland Zander Leaf Spring Modeling in SIMPACK: A New Approach to Model-Diversity
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Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno Eichberger Anwendungsorientierte Modellierungsansätze zur Implementierung relativen Insassenverhaltens in ein numerisches Menschmodell
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Gernot Frener, Mario Hirz and Alexander Harrich Development of calculation methods for conceptual layout of automotive front and rear end crash systems
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Haymo Niederkofler, Cornelia Lex, Arno Eichberger and Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas Potentialanalyse von aktiven Systemen für die Anwendung in Fahrerassistenzsystemen
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Gabor Müller, Nicolas Geiger, Stefan Waser, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Thomas Ille and Roland Zander A New Massless Leaf Spring Model and Its Application in the Simulation of Heavy Commercial Vehicles
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Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno Eichberger Anwendungsorientierte Modellierungsansätze zur Implementierung reaktiven Insassenverhaltens in ein numerisches Menschmodell
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Christoph Buksnowitz, Christoph Brunner and Wolfgang Hirschberg Electromobility – A means to close the gap between sustainable alternative fuels and the energy demand in the EU 2030?
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Gabor Müller, Nicolas Geiger, Stefan Waser, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Thomas Ille and Roland Zander A New Massless Leaf Spring Model and Its Application in the Simulation of Heavy Commercial Vehicles
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Johann Willberger Mechanical Design of In-Wheel Motor Driven Vehicles
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Pavel Kintler, Frantisek Palcak, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Georg Rill Semi-physical Tyre Modeling in Vehicle Dynamics
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Günter Pilch, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Haymo Niederkofler, Johann Willberger, Mario Hirz, Martin Ackerl and Arno Eichberger Die Zukunft fährt elektrisch
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Peter Fischer Einfluss unterschiedlicher Strassenzustände auf die Lebensdauer eines Fahrzeug-transporters
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Arno Eichberger and Harald Schluder Unfallvermeidung ganzheitlich betrachtet
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich and Patrick Rossbacher Advanced 3D-CAD Design Methods in Education and Research
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Daniel Wallner, Arno Eichberger and Wolfgang Hirschberg A Novel Control Algorithm for Integration of Active and Passive Vehicle Safety Systems in Frontal Collisions
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Alexander Harrich, Johannes Mayr, Mario Hirz, Patrick Rossbacher, Johann Lang, Anton Gfrerrer and Alexander Haselwanter CAD – based synthesis of a window lifter mechanism
SAE World Congress
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David Ferenc Böhm and Mario Hirz Integrated design and simulation methods in conceptual suspension development
FISITA World Congress 2010
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Andreas Kerschbaumer, Christian Prettenthaler, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Cornelia Lex, Gerhard Schagerl and Dusko Prezel Reconstruction of Tyre Characteristics Based on Vehicle Dynamics Measurements with a Race Car
Book of Abstracts: FISITA World Automotive Congress 2010
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Martin Ackerl Energiemanagement und Fahrbarkeit - Zielkonflikte im parallel-hybriden Nutzfahrzeugantriebsstrang
Wissenschaftssymposium Automobiltechnik
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Martin Ackerl, Josef Hager, Klaus Prenninger and Martin Winter Energy Management and Thermal Simulation of Hybrid Commercial Vehicles
Hybrid Vehicles, Electric Vehicles and Energy Management
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Daniel Wallner, Stefan Bernsteiner, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Alexander Rabofsky Numerical and Experimental Parameter Studies on Brake Squeal
SAE Annual Brake Colloquium & Engineering Display
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Andreas Kerschbaumer, Daniel Kollreider, Christian Prettenthaler, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Gerhard Schagerl and Michael Peinsitt About the Identification of Tyre Characteristics Based on Vehicle Dynamics Measurements
Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium Automobil- und Motorentechnik
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Walter Rosinger, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Daniel Heyes and Walter Schwertberger Integrated Lateral Assistance for Heavy Duty Vehicles
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Johann Willberger and Mario Hirz Energy Efficient Operation of In-Wheel Motors for 4 Wheel Driven Passenger Cars
Alternative Driveline
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Johann Willberger Comfort and safety enhancement of passenger vehicles with in-wheel motors
Steering and Suspension Technology Symposium (AC300)
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Arno Eichberger and Bernd Fachbach Introduction of a Peer-review Process to an Interdisciplinary Symposium on Virtual Vehicle Development
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Peer Reviewing (ISPR 2010)
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich, Johannes Mayr and Alexander Haselwanter The potential of parametric design methods in automotive door development
Fisita World Congress
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Johann Willberger, Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas and Haymo Niederkofler Motor Selection Criteria and Potentials of Electrified All Wheel Drive Concepts for Passenger Cars by Add-on Wheel Hub Motors on the Rear Axle
Transmission and Driveline: Hybrid
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Walter Rosinger and Daniel Lindvai-Soos Functional development process of the Magna electric roll-stabiliser eARS
Vehicle Dynamics Expo 2010
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Arno Eichberger, Ernst Tomasch, Rüdiger Rohm, Hermann Steffan and Wolfgang Hirschberg Detailed analysis of the benefit of different traffic safety systems in fatal accidents
Proceedings of the annual EVU meeting
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Wilhelm Dietrich, Mario Hirz and Patrick Rossbacher Integration von geometrischen und funktionalen Aspekten in die parametrisch assoziative Modellgestaltung in der konzeptionellen Automobilentwicklung
3. Grazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug (GSVF)
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Patrick Rossbacher, Mario Hirz and Wilhelm Dietrich 3D CAD parametric design strategies with interlinked CAE reference object creation for the overall vehicle layout optimization in the early automotive concept phase
Fisita World Congress
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Martin Ackerl, Gerald Steinwender, Josef Hager and Klaus Prenninger Simulation des thermischen Verhaltens für Hybridfahrzeuge sowie Energienutzung aus dem Abgas mittels TEG
Wärmemanagement des Kraftfahrzeuges VII
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Alexander Harrich, Wolfgang Sinz, Mario Hirz and Mario Lorenzer CAD-basiertes Werkzeug zur Vorauslegung der Crashstruktur eines Frontendmoduls
Kongress SIMVEC Berechnung und Simulation im Fahrzeugbau
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Haymo Niederkofler and Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas Toward eCorner: Energy Efficient Design of Mechatronic Suspension Systems
Proceedings of FISITA World Automotive Congress
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Klaus Prenninger, Martin Ackerl, Josef Hager, Martin Winter and Heimo Nakesch Simulation and Energy Management of Hybrid Commercial Vehicles with Attention to the Thermal System Behaviour
Book of Abstracts
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Martin Ackerl, Gerald Pichler and Gregor Breuer Battery Thermal Simulation and Energy Management of Hybrid Commercial Vehicles
Battery Technology Expo
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Walter Rosinger and Daniel Lindvai-Soos Vehicle Dynamics Control - An integrated approach
Steering Systems 2010
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas, Haymo Niederkofler and Johann Willberger Mechanical Design of In-Wheel Motor Driven Vehicles
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Wolfgang Hirschberg and Georg Rill Tyre Model TMeasy
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich, Johannes Mayr and Alexander Haselwanter The potential of parametric design methods in automotive door development
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Andrés Eduardo Rojas Rojas and Johann Willberger Der Radnabenantrieb: Eine mechatronische Herausforderung
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Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich, Johannes Mayr and Alexander Haselwanter The potential of parametric design methods in automotive door development
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