The Participatory Systems Mapping Approach is a method designed to connect various elements of a system across domains such as policy, society, economics, and technology. This approach results in the creation of a system map that encompasses all the elements of the system, along with indicating the direction and strength of impact between these elements. The map is collaboratively constructed with the involvement of experts, ensuring that it incorporates diverse perspectives and expertise. By analyzing the system map, central elements can be identified based on their closeness and degree to other elements. Notably, these identified elements can serve as sensitive intervention points, indicating that a small intervention within this element can have a significant impact on the entire system. In addition, this system map allows for the illustration of potential interactions between elements and the identification of future pathways within the system.
See the following book for a description of the method:
This method is used in the project Z-T-G 002 and Z-T-G 003 to develop future pathways for hydrogen and carbon management, respectively.