
Taking democracy to the future (Z-T-G 005)

There is little doubt that democracy is a great cultural achievement, but we are often less aware that it changes with society and needs to be brought to life every day. What can and should democracy look like in the future? Which technologies will play a role in shaping democracy?

As part of the exhibition "Democratie, heast!", which can be visited at the Graz Museum from spring 2025, the Z-T-G is designing a workshop format in which citizens, pupils and students will reflect together on possible future developments in democratic decision-making after visiting the exhibition. The Futures Wheel method will be used for this.


Project partners

University of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change

  • Raphaela Maier (co-oordinator)
    BSc MSc PhD

TU Graz, Institute of Human-Centred Computation, STS--Science, Technology and Society Unit

  • Christian Dayé
    Mag. Dr. phil.

Graz Museum

  • Sybille Dienesch
  • Angela Fink
    Mag.a MA
  • Catalin Betz


Start: 01.10.2024
End: 31.07.2025





Raphaela Maier, Uni Graz

Christian Dayé, TU Graz

Angela Fink, Graz Museum


Project partner: