New methods of cryptography and artificial intelligence enable the analytical evaluation of sensitive data sets without revealing information about individuals. In this project, we conduct a participatory and forward-looking technology assessment aimed at discussing the potential of privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) and evaluating their use in the context of policy advice. The study sets out how relevant stakeholders assess the added value of cryptographically protected data analysis and where they see particular challenges in the use of artificial intelligence technologies.
The protection of personal information is regulated throughout the EU by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At the same time, such data is often of public interest. This is the case, for example, when it provides a relevant knowledge base for political decisions. Knowing exact infection figures during the Covid-19 pandemic is an example of the problem that is being discussed with the proposed technology assessment. How can sensitive data be used as a basis for decision-making while ensuring maximum privacy?
The potential of using PETs to provide an expanded knowledge base for public decision-making processes will be explored and evaluated in a first step by means of an expert survey. Based on this, an experimental setting will be developed in a second step, which will make it possible to assess which factors promote social acceptance of cryptographic AI and which measures are suitable to accompany its application in the context of policy advice.
Project team
TU Graz, Institute of Human-Centred Computation, STS--Science, Technology and Society Unit
- Christian Dayé
Mag. Dr. phil.
- Andreas Trügler
Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat.
- Lea Demelius
- Roman Prunč
- Bernhard Wieser
Assoc.Prof. Mag.phil. Dr.phil.
Scientific board
Funding agency
Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, Abteilung Wirtschaft, Tourismus, Wissenschaft und Forschung
Start: 01.02.2024
Completion: 31.01.2025