Master’s theses to be assigned
The following Master's thesis topics are currently available:
HVAC/heat pump technology:
Experimental analysis of a decentralised system for preparation of hot and cold water
Evaluation of geothermal point heating using CO₂ probes
Integration, measurement and evaluation of a glass absorption heat pump demonstrator
Calibration of a "Digital Twin" of an experimental refrigeration system for a tram
Sustainable, clean and bioenergy systems:
Utilization of agro-residuals in a biomass fluidized bed gasifier
Energy-efficient Buildings:
Thermal energy systems and biomass use:
AI-supported combustion simulation - artificial neural networks for determining reaction kinetics
Modeling and simulation of thermal runaway in batteries
CFD simulation of staged H2 combustion
Energy model of a high-temperature liquid salt store
Completed master's theses of our students can be found here.
Dates for the final Master's examination can be found here.
Room: MB05 010 (5.OG)
Tel.: +43 316/873 7301
Inffeldgasse 25/B
A 8010 Graz