Open Diplom-/Masterthesis

Last Update: 17.07.2024

Working title
 Pay-ment Work-place Contact
Conception and construction of a modular component test bench for small heat pumps as soon as possible ca. 6 yes @IWT Rieberer
Numerical Simulation of NOx - Formation Mechanisms of Biomass Firing Using Reactor Network as soon as possible ca. 6 yes @IWT Scharler, Steiner
Evaluation of measurement methods for level measurement in refrigeration circuits as soon as possible ca. 5-6 yes @ IWT Rieberer, Pertiller
CFD simulation of staged H2 combustion as soon as possible ca. 5-6 yes @ IWT Hochenauer

R744-refrigeration system with R290-subcooler – field test

as soon as possible ca. 5-6 yes @ IWT Rieberer
Process simulation and energetic analysis of the glass production as soon as possible ca. 6 yes @ IWT HochenauerPrieler
Caliberation of a „Digital Twin“ of a experimental refigeration system for a tram as soon as possible ca. 5 yes @Virtual Vehicle (Inffeldgasse 21a) Rieberer
Simulation of a plasma torch and consideration of energy efficiency when used in high-temperature applications as soon as possible ca. 6 yes @ IWT HochenauerPrieler
Numerical simulation of powder flows as soon as possible ca. 6 yes @ IWT Scharler
CFD Investigation of the High-Temperature Fuel Cell Using Two Computational Approaches in ANSYS Fluent as soon as possible ca. 6 yes @ IWT Subotic, Prieler
Development of a CFD Model of High-Temperature Electrolysis at the Cell and Stack Level in ANSYS Fluent as soon as possible ca. 6 yes @ IWT Subotic, Prieler
Development of an absorption and desorption test rig for the investigation of alternative sorbents as soon as possible ca. 6 yes @ IWT Rieberer, Wernhart

Even if it's not listed here, there might be further open topics for master theses. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact a person responsible for the particular field of research.

All available dates for the final examination can be found here

Completed master thesis from our students

In TUGraz online a full list of completed diploma thesis and master thesis from our students is available.


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