Master's theses

Master’s theses to be assigned

The following Master's thesis topics are currently available:

HVAC/heat pump technology:

Experimental analysis of a decentralised system for preparation of hot and cold water

Evaluation of geothermal point heating using CO₂ probes

Integration, measurement and evaluation of a glass absorption heat pump demonstrator

Calibration of a "Digital Twin" of an experimental refrigeration system for a tram

Sustainable, clean and bioenergy systems:

Numerical Simulation of NOx - Formation Mechanisms of a Biomass Combustion System Using the Reactor Network

Utilization of agro-residuals in a biomass fluidized bed gasifier

Energy-efficient Buildings:

Experimental Setup and Metrological Evaluation of Cooling Systems in Buildings of the Wilhelminian Period (COOL-KIT)

Energy-related and emission-related rating of urban districts using the example of the Inffeldgasse campus

Thermal energy systems and biomass use:

CFD simulation of laminar CH4/H2/NH3 flames at the McKenna burner and validation of reaction mechanisms

AI-supported combustion simulation - artificial neural networks for determining reaction kinetics

Modeling and simulation of thermal runaway in batteries

CFD simulation of staged H2 combustion

Energy model of a high-temperature liquid salt store

Simulation of a plasma torch and consideration of energy efficiency when used in high-temperature applications

Development of a CFD model of high-temperature electrolysis at the cell and stack level in ANSYS Fluent

Completed Master's Theses

Completed master's theses of our students can be found here.

Final Master's Examination

Dates for the final Master's examination can be found here.


Room: MB05 010 (5.OG)
Tel.: +43 316/873 7301

Inffeldgasse 25/B
A 8010 Graz