The OMICRON CMC 256 is a high-precision test instrument with which various protective relays such as electromechanical, static or numerical can be checked. Due to its high accuracy, it can also be used as a calibrator.
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For example, the OMICRON CPC 100 and the associated OMICRON CP CU1 matching transformer can be used to measure the impedance of cables and overhead lines, earth impedances as well as on-site voltage and contact voltages.
For the implementation of grounding measurements, two different measuring systems are available at the Institute of Electrical Systems and Networks:
It can be used to measure earth resistivity, earth leakage resistance, earth resistance, and earth pole measurements on overhead power pylons.
The Institute of Electrical Power Systems of Graz University of Technology has measurements available for on-site measurements and, for training purposes, the following installation testers for testing protective devices in low-voltage systems:
In addition, the institute has the following measuring equipment for checking the electrical insulation:
For the metrological detection of field strengths (E and H field) our institution is u.a. the following measuring equipment available:
Furthermore, these measuring systems allow an evaluation according to the current standards, regulations and guidelines with regard to EMC.
For on-site analysis of voltage quality, including the acquisition of time-varying electrical quantities (such as current, voltage, power), the following devices are available to the institute:
Furthermore, an OMICRON CP AL1 and an OMICRON HGT1 are available for measuring step and touch voltages in different frequency ranges.
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With the mobile, multiple existing modular data acquisition systems from DEWETRON, up to 32 signals can be recorded with each device and evaluated on site. The system includes, among others:
With the help of this measuring system voltages can be recorded directly and currents via external peripheral devices such as current clamps or Rogowski coils. The assortment of existing current clamps ranges from a nominal current of 5 A to 1000 A. Measurements of up to 1 kA can be carried out with the Rogowski coils with an integrated measuring amplifier with arrangements whose circumference does not exceed 5 m.