
Prof. Schürhuber

Prof. DDI Dr. Robert Schürhuber
Graz  University of Technology
Head of Institute of Electrical Power Systems

Major Areas of Expertise:
production, transfer and distribution of electrical energy
power quality and supply reliability
grounding and personal safety

Work History:

1998 - 1999:           Scientific assistant at the Institute of Telecommunications, Vienna University of Technology
1999 - 2003:                  Assistant Professor at the Institute of Fundamentals and Theory of Electrical Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
2003 - 2004:             Engineer at the HV and MV switchgear department and power system protection department, Siemens
2005 - 2008:                               Technical project management, dimensioning and comissioning of department for instrumentation and controls and electrical eystems for thermal power plants, Siemens
2008 - 2009:                     Technical Key-Account-Manager for Excitation Systems, SIMEA (Siemens Industrial Manufacturing Engineering and Applications)
2010 - 2017:               Senior Expert for Electrical Power Engineering with focus on hydro plants and grid connection, Andritz Hydro
2015 - 2017:             Lecturer at the Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives, Vienna University of Technology
seit 2017:               Head of Institute, Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Graz University of Technology

Master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Vienna University of Technology 1998
Dr.-Ing. degree from the Vienna University of Technology in 2003 on “Electromagnetic
  Theories from an Algebraic Topological Perspective”
Master’s degree in Technical Mathematics from the Vienna University of Technology 2011

Work in Committees, International Contacts:
• Member of several working groups of CIGRE, IEC, TSK, DKE, ETG

Selected References:
• Author and co-author of research papers in the field of power engineering
• Further Qualifications in e.g.: Communications, Project Management and Economics
• Special expertise: Short circuit calculation, grid connection, generator circuit breakers, mathematical methods in power engineering

ao. Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Herwig Renner

Prof. Herwig Renner
Graz, University of Technology
Assoc. Prof. at Institute of Electrical Power Systems

Major Areas of Expertise:
• power system analysis
• power system control and stability
• power quality

Work History:

1991 - 2003:                         Assistant professor at the Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Graz    University of Technology                                                                     
seit 2003:                              Associate professor at the Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Graz University of Technology                                                                
1999 - 2010:                   Co-founder and partner of “Elektrische Anlagen Consulting, Sakulin&Partner OEG”                                                  
 2007:                   Guest professor at Helsinki University of Technology                                              
 2011:           Secondment to the control center of National Grid (UK)   
 2013:         Secondment to the research center of ABB (CH)     

• Master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Graz University of Technology 1991
• Dr.-Ing. degree from the Graz University of Technology in 1995 on “Estimation of harmonic
   impedance and harmonic emission”
• Univ-Doz. degree from Graz University of Technology 2011, habilitation treatise: “Technical
   analysis and evaluation of power quality”

Work in Committees, International Contacts:
• Member of several working groups of CIGRE, member of CIRED TC session 2

Selected References:
• Author and co-author of research papers in the field of power engineering

Ass. Prof. DI Dr. Katrin Friedl

Ass.Prof. DI Dr. Katrin Friedl
Technische Universität Graz
Assistant Professor at Institute of Electrical Power Systems am

Work History:
• Electromagnetic fields
• Interference and compatibility of electrical power systems
• grounding and personal safety

Work History:

2005 - 2007:             Verbund Austrian Power Grid AG, Asset Management                                                                                   
2007 - 2012:             University assistant at Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Graz University of Techology
2012 - 2019:                    Austrian Power Grid AG, Asset Management, Expert for Electromagnetic Fields                                                             
2017 -2019:                 General manager of eletrical safety foundation Vienna (ESFvienna)                                                        
 seit 2019:                         Tenure track Professur at Institute of Elektrical PowerSystems, Graz University of Technolgy                                                   

• Master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Vienna University of Technology 2005
• Dr.-Ing. degree from the Graz University of Technology in 2012 on “WorstCase Calculations
  and Optimization of Electromagnetic Fields in Power Systems”

Work in Committees, International Contacts:
Member of several working groups of CIGRE, OVE, oesterreichsEnergie

Selected References:
Author and co-author of research papers in the field of power engineering
• Special expertise: electromagnetic fields calculation, measurement, optimization,
  earthing systems, interference

Contact Information

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Electrical Power Systems

Inffeldgasse 18/I
8010 Graz

+43 316 873-7551