Production, transmisson and distribution of electrical energy

Planning of electrical power system is a core theme of the research done by the Institute for Electrical Power systems. Long term grid expansion planning is covered as well as short term operational planning. With help of powerful grid analysis tools, load flow analysis, short circuit analysis, dynamic stability and reliability analysis is performed. An important aspect is the integration of generation (classical synchronous connection as well as inverter based generation) into transmission and distribution systems. Our studies cover normal operation and abnormal cases (faults, grid restoration, special switching configurations).

Research fields:
The increasing share of decentralised energy generation and storage systems in the distribution...
Hybrid Energy Systems

The trend of future energy systems is moving in the direction of converter coupled power systems...

The future energy supply grid in the low-voltage range (grid levels 6 and 7) will no longer operate...
Low-voltage grids in transition

The future energy supply grid in the low-voltage range (grid levels 6 and 7) will no longer operate ...
Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles

For the dimensioning of the electrical system, it is essential to know the magnitude of currents ...
Short circuit calculation

Events as the Italy blackout 2003 and the grid splitting 2006 triggered research and testing ...
Black Start and Grid Restoration

The structure of the energy system with a high share of renewable energy has changed...
Stability Analysis of Energy System with Grid-connected Converter

Grid Restoration                                                          
Load Flow Analysis                                                        
Contact Information

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Electrical Power Systems

Inffeldgasse 18/I
8010 Graz

+43 316 873-7551