Energy Aware Measurement Systems Group

The Energy Aware Measurement Systems research group investigates and develops measurement systems for demanding technological challenges, some of which have not been solved to date. The main areas of application are in the field of energy technology, heavy industry and the automotive industry.

Examples can be found in the development of measurement systems for electric vehicles, condition monitoring of transport processes in steel production and processing, condition monitoring in machine elements and machine systems, and measurement tasks on high-voltage lines or in underground mining.

Many of these applications are characterized by harsh environmental conditions and have a strictly resource-limited character. These limitations and requirements include, for example:

  • the power available to operate sensors, circuits or systems
  • the available installation space and the prevailing environmental conditions (climatic conditions, ambient pressure, contamination, etc.)
  • the limited computing power for signal processing

As a consequence, these characteristics directly influence the design of the measurement system. The research focus of the group lies in the holistic optimization of the measurement chain and the measurement system. This includes the complete development process starting with a thorough problem analysis all the way to validation of the developed technologies in the form of prototypes and experiments on test rigs.

The huge variety and versatility of applications and their individual requirements are also expressed in the expertise and technical diversity of our employees. Their activities include modeling and simulation of multi-physical systems and sensors, analog power-saving circuit technology including measurement signal processing and the design, build-up and operation of special test benches to simulate a wide variety of operating conditions. The modeling of the measurement system is a central part of our work as it allows a systemic approach and optimization by efficient parameter variation. In this context, we also deal with aspects of reliability and system safety, which are becoming increasingly important in distributed measurement systems.

Selected Research Activities

Electrical Capacitance Tomography

Flow measurement for pneumatic conveyinge


Research Centre for Low Carbon Special Powertrain


Sensor System for Multivariate Condition Monitoring of High Voltage Overhead Power Lines


Nexus of Electricity and Water Supply for Urban Needs


Flywheel Energy Storage for EV Fast Charging and Grid Integration


Development and characterization of sensors for highly accurate power measurements in modern automotive inverter systems.


Economic COgeneration by Efficiently COncentrated SUNlight


Distributed Passive Sensor for Moisture Sensing


Investigation of thermal properties of high speed bearings in vacuum

Hannes Wegleiter
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
+43 316 873 - 30500, 30512