The electrification of vehicles is a major contribution to achieving the current climate goals. Possible vehicle concepts are fully electric vehicles, various forms of hybrid topologies and fuel cell vehicles. For all concepts, the electric drive train consists of the same essential components: energy storage - inverter - electric motor.
The inverter has the task to convert the dc voltage of the energy storage in a frequency-variable rotating field for driving the motor. To achieve high efficiency inverters, high switching frequency PWM signals are used.
In the previous project "Magniscope", a high-voltage probe has already been developed to measure PWM signals. For MehAG, a new galvanically isolated probe has been developed. Furthermore, theoretical considerations regarding a reproducible calibration of the measurement hardware were made.


  • M. Grubmüller, B. Schweighofer, H. Wegleiter, „A digital isolated high voltage probe for measurements in power electronics“, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Cairns, June 2018 (in press)
Contact Person
Hannes Wegleiter
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
+43 316 873 - 30500, 30512
Project Data

Duration: 3 years

Status: Finished

Workgroup: Energy Aware Measurement Systems

  • AVL List GmbH