Online Brake Particle Measurement Solution for Real Driving Emission (RDE)

The project Online Brake Particle Measurement Solution for Real Drive Emission (RDE) - OPAL includes research activities for the development of a real-time measurement system "Brake PEMS" (Portable Emission Measurement System), which is able to measure brake particle emissions with respect to their particle mass concentration (PM) and particle number concentration (PN) time-resolved on the vehicle. A modular aspect is pursued, which should make the use of the measuring system independent of vehicle, wheel or brake type. The main innovation, besides the new development of sensor technology and sampling system, is that the system is intended for real-time measurement in real driving conditions, which results in the following advantages:

  • Acquisition of brake emissions under real test conditions
  • Dynamic and realistic emission measurement (influence of topography, driving behavior, environment, etc.)
  • Comparison of defined measurements under laboratory conditions (4-roller test rig) versus real driving operation

Another advantage is the significantly improved detection of brake wear particles in the field of non-exhaust emissions. The system can be deployed and used in a wide variety of areas, on the one hand to check the plausibility of EU7 emission factors and on the other to answer scientific questions. The system can also be used to evaluate new systems for reducing brake wear during driving and/or to build up know-how for a potential extension of the required tests for real drive emission testing.

This project also covers the social aspect of creating a better environment through the improvement of air quality in urban as well as in rural areas. The issue of particulate matter emissions has a great social relevance as well as an environmental significance. The developed measurement technology should also be able to cover the possibility of stationary (roadside) emission measurements. These measurment can be used for the creation and evalution of sustainable traffic concepts for the improvment of air quality, especially in urban environments.

Contact Person
Additional Information

01.04.2024 - 31.03.2027

Funding Source

AVL List GmbH

Volkswagen AG
Technische Universität Graz