Zentrum für Aktive Mobilität

Institute of Urbanism

© Martin Grabner

Climate change and other social challenges demand far-reaching changes to our mobility system. Against that backdrop, the University of Graz and TU Graz established in the late summer of 2023 an interuniversity Center of Active Mobility. Active mobility means employing physical energy to get from one place to another. That includes walking and cycling, as well as other forms of mobility based solely on muscle power, such as skateboarding and inline skating.

The center is intended to work out new scientific insights, principles for decision making, and solutions to active mobility in the overarching context between mobility, climate and environment, space, health, and the economy. The intensive interchange between the State of Styria and the City of Graz will permit practical research and ensure the results are quickly and widely put into practice. The people who lend a face to the center are Nina Hampl (Department of Environmental Systems Sciences, University of Graz), Aglaée Degros (head, Institute of Urbanism (stdb), TU Graz), Eva Schwab (deputy head, stdb, TU Graz), and Barbara Holler (university project assistant, stdb, TU Graz). The positions have been funded for five years by the State of Styria and the City of Graz.

Project duration: 2023–2028

Funding: Stadt Graz Land Steiermark

Project team: Aglaée Degros, Eva Schwab, Barbara Holler (Institut für Städtebau, TU Graz)

Project partners: Nina Hampl (Institut für Umweltsystemwissenschaften, Universität Graz)