Fußverkehrsstrategie Steiermark 2030+

Institute of Urbanism

© stdb, TU Graz

“Just a stroll away” that is the general motto of the new pedestrian traffic strategy of the State of Styria, which was developed together with TU Graz in a process lasting several months. In addition to approaches from the social sciences, spatial planning approaches, and analyses formed the basis for a profound engagement with walking as a form of locomotion. Essential approaches to impression public spaces in the town centers of Styria were derived from research and studies. Making town centers more attractive in this way increases vitality and encourages active movement and social cohesion. In addition to creating pedestrian- friendly structures in compact places with diversity of use, connections to public transportation, integration of residents into planning concepts, and climate-just infrastructure, another focus was on a starting point for the process of accompanying and supporting them through institutions. The goal is to motivate municipalities to pay attention to new and existing footpaths and to design green spaces and recreation zones to be gendersensitive and inclusive. National and international examples show different possibilities for infrastructural improvements. Bringing together urbanist and planning aspects with the diverse needs of people of different ages and in different phases of life permits a broad, transdisciplinary perspective that will now serve the responsible department of the State of Styria as an assessment tool and the implementing communities as a guideline and inspiration.

Project duration: 2022–2023

Funding: Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, Abteilung 16 | Office of the Styrian Government, Department 16

Project team: Institut für Städtebau | Institute of Urbanism: Prof. Aglaee Degros, Anna Bagaric, Sabine Bauer, Philipp Flachhuber, Carola Hilgert, Carina Mazelle, Markus Monsberger

Project partners: STS-Unit, Günter Getzinger, Franziska Häller, Katharina Mikula