Roman Lucrezi, Pedro Pires Ferreira, Markus Aichhorn and Christoph Heil Temperature and quantum anharmonic lattice effects on stability and superconductivity in lutetium trihydride
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Roman Lucrezi, Pedro Pires Ferreira, Samad Hajinazar, Hitoshi Mori, Hari Paudyal, Elena Roxana Margine and Christoph Heil Full-bandwidth anisotropic Migdal-Eliashberg theory and its application to superhydrides
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Kapildeb Dolui, Lewis J. Conway, Christoph Heil, Timothy A. Strobel, Rohit P. Prasankumar and Chris J. Pickard Feasible Route to High-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Hydride Superconductivity
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K. Panda, A. Bhattacharyya, P. N. Ferreira, Rajib Mondal, A. Thamizhavel, D. T. Adroja, C. Heil, L. T.F. Eleno and A. D. Hillier Probing the superconducting gap structure of ScRuSi via μSR and first-principles calculations
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Ethan P. Shapera, Dejan Krešimir Bučar, Rohit P. Prasankumar and Christoph Heil Machine learning assisted prediction of organic salt structure properties
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P. N. Ferreira, R. Lucrezi, I. Guilhon, M. Marques, L. K. Teles, C. Heil and L. T.F. Eleno Ab initio modeling of superconducting alloys
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D.M. Khodachenko, R. Lucrezi, P.N. Ferreira, M. Aichhorn and C. Heil Nevanlinna analytic continuation for Migdal–Eliashberg theory
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Mads F. Hansen, Lewis J. Conway, Kapildeb Dolui, Christoph Heil, Chris J. Pickard, Anna Pakhomova, Mohammed Mezouar, Martin Kunz, Rohit P. Prasankumar and Timothy A. Strobel Synthesis of Mg2IrH5
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Lucas Eduardo Corrêa, Pedro Pires Ferreira, Leandro Rodrigues de Faria, Vitor M. Fim, Mario S. da Luz, Milton S. Torikachvili, Christoph Heil, Luiz T. F. Eleno and Antonio J. S. Machado Superconductivity in Te-Deficient ZrTe2
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Pedro Pires Ferreira, Lewis J. Conway, Alessio Cucciari, Simone Di Cataldo, Federico Giannessi, Eva Kogler, Luiz Eleno, Chris Pickard, Christoph Heil and Lilia Boeri Search for ambient superconductivity in the Lu-N-H system
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Roman Lucrezi, Eva Kogler, Simone Di Cataldo, Markus Aichhorn, Lilia Boeri and Christoph Heil Quantum lattice dynamics and their importance in ternary superhydride clathrates
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Chao Sheng Lian, Christoph Heil, Xiaoyu Liu, Chen Si, Feliciano Giustino and Wenhui Duan Intrinsic and doping-enhanced superconductivity in monolayer 1H-TaS2
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Roman Lucrezi, Simone Di Cataldo, Wolfgang von der Linden, Lilia Boeri and Christoph Heil In-silico synthesis of lowest-pressure high-Tc ternary superhydrides
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Roman Lucrezi and Christoph Heil Superconductivity and strong anharmonicity in novel Nb-S phases
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Simone Di Cataldo, Christoph Heil, Wolfgang von der Linden and Lilia Boeri LaBH8
: Towards high-
low-pressure superconductivity in ternary superhydrides
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C. Trainer, M. Songvilay, N. Qureshi, A. Stunault, C. M. Yim, E. E. Rodriguez, C. Heil, V. Tsurkan, M. A. Green, A. Loidl, P. Wahl and C. Stock Magnetic surface reconstruction in the van der Waals antiferromagnet Fe1+xTe
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Carolina A. Marques, M. J. Neat, Chi M. Yim, M. D. Watson, Christoph Heil, K. S. Pervakov, V. A. Vlasenko, V. M. Pudalov, A. V. Muratov, T. K. Kim and Peter Wahl Electronic structure and superconductivity of the non-centrosymmetric Sn4As3
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Gyanu Prasad Kafle, Christoph Heil, Hari Paudyal and Elena R. Margine Electronic, vibrational, and electron-phonon coupling properties in SnSe2and SnS2under pressure
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Christoph Heil, Simone Di Cataldo, Giovanni B. Bachelet and Lilia Boeri Superconductivity in sodalite-like yttrium hydride clathrates
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Christopher Trainer, Chi M. Yim, Christoph Heil, Feliciano Giustino, Dorina Croitori, Vladimir Tsurkan, Alois Loidl, Efrain E. Rodriguez, Chris Stock and Peter Wahl Manipulating surface magnetic order in iron telluride
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Chao-Sheng Lian, Christoph Heil, Xiaoyu Liu, Chen Si, Feliciano Giustino and Wenhui Duan Coexistence of Superconductivity with Enhanced Charge Density Wave Order in the Two-Dimensional Limit of TaSe2
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Christoph Heil, Giovanni B. Bachelet and Lilia Boeri Absence of superconductivity in iron polyhydrides at high pressures
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Christoph Heil, Martin Schlipf and Feliciano Giustino Quasiparticle GW band structures and Fermi surfaces of bulk and monolayer NbS2
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Jose Flores-Livas, Maximilian Amsler, Christoph Heil, Antonio Sanna, Lilia Boeri, Gianni Profeta, Stefan Goedecker, Chris Wolverton and E.K.U. Gross Superconductivity in metastable phases of phosphorus-hydride compounds under high pressure
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Christian Kokail, Christoph Heil and Lilia Boeri Search for high- Tc conventional superconductivity at megabar pressures in the lithium-sulfur system
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Christoph Heil, Heinrich Sormann, Lilia Boeri, Markus Aichhorn and Wolfgang von der Linden Accurate bare susceptibilities from full-potential ab initio calculations
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Christoph Heil, Lilia Boeri, Heinrich Sormann, Wolfgang von der Linden and Markus Aichhorn Effect of the iron valence in the two types of layers in LiFeO2Fe2Se2
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Martin Nuss, Christoph Heil, Martin Ganahl, Michael Knap, Hans Gerd Evertz, Enrico Arrigoni and Wolfgang von der Linden Steady-state spectra, current, and stability diagram of a quantum dot: A nonequilibrium variational cluster approach
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Christoph Heil Strong coupling expansion for the Bose–Hubbard and Jaynes–Cummings lattice models
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